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100% Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic) / Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Capítulo 62: Chapter 62

Waking up somewhere else always feels like the most confusing experience. It's like waking up in a completely different universe after passing out drunk on the floor with a goat. I'm not sure what time it is, but the fact I'm awake must mean it's somewhere close to seven already. With a yawn, I try to clear the sleep from my eyes, noting absently that someone is snuggled into my side and that their temperature is a bit lower than what's normal. Staring at the green ceiling and the plant hanging in the corner, I recall talking about frogs with Tsuyu. I guess I fell asleep at some point so here I am with Tsu attached to my side. She's very small and soft, so it's not unpleasant. I guess she clung to me because of the higher body temperature.

Lucky we don't have classes until later today so I don't have to wake her up. With nothing better to do, I'm left to lie and stare at the ceiling and wonder about what's to be done today. I'm sure the teachers will have a conversation with the student regarding the whole USJ incident and perhaps they'll announce the sports festival today as well. The last two sports festivals weren't broadcasted on live tv, much unlike the one before two that ended with some serious trouble. It's a logical thing not to broadcast the names and faces of the future heroes for all to see.

Oh and then there's Aoyama. I don't know what to do to make him feel better and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. This whole situation must be kept between the few who already know, so no one in our class can know. I don't imagine it'll be easy to go back to acting normal now things have taken such a drastic turn.

Eventually, Tsuyu stirs into wakefulness but does not get up from her place at my side. I don't imagine she's still very cold, considering she's wrapped in her lily pad blanket and snuggled against me, so I suppose she just doesn't want to move.

"You fell asleep here" she informs me. "You were tired so I didn't want to wake you"

Very kind of her.

"And you're very warm, so I took advantage of that"

Opportunistic as well.

Having explained her nefarious reasons for having me spend the night, she finally gets up and shuffles across her room to the bathroom, wrapped in her blanket all the while.

I guess it's time for me to go then. I gotta shower and eat and get to work on our room assignments. Luckily Tsuyu is on the top floor so she won't have to move to another room. The top floor is the best for her because it's not as cold at night.

"I'm leaving!"

I get a ribbit in reply, which is as good as a formal goodbye.

Lucky for me, my room is just on the floor below this so it doesn't take long for me to be at my door. There's another fox sticker on the door today. I'm not sure who keeps putting these stickers on my door, but the first time I took them off they just came back.

I'm barely two steps into my room and my feet are attacked by claws and sharp teeth that barely graze my skin. Kurama darts around the floor as quickly as he had appeared, sliding out of sight behind my bed with a loud yip. The room is filled with the pitter patter of his paws on the carpeted floor.

"How painful"

Petty creature that he is, he darts out from his hiding spot and swipes at me, this time the attack is a noticeable sting. He disappears quickly after that, darting somewhere in my closet in an orange blur.

Compared to Kurama, Orochi is much tamer. Which is to be expected from the small snake. She's hidden somewhere in her habitat, but I did catch a glimpse of her slithering by. She hasn't been breaking out of her house lately, which is good. Can't have her roaming the halls and scaring everyone.

When I attempt to get into the shower, Kurama is there at my feet being a pesky little dog. He does this now, but the second a single drop of water touches his shining fur, he starts crying like a kit.

"Quit it, or I'll trap you in here with me" see how he likes a bath today.

He gets the message after his fourth warning and dashes out of the bathroom when I turn on the shower. I don't know his issue with water as he always puts up a fight when it's time for his monthly bath.

I'm in the process of washing my hair when I notice another bottle standing so companionably next to my shampoo. I ran out of conditioner some days ago and Mina thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me and was outraged when I showed no concern over the matter. Apparently, she wouldn't stand for something so blasphemous.

"Kurama quit it" I warn, nudging him away when I'm out of the bathroom and trying to dry my hair. "I'll take you out soon, have patience"

He does, in fact, not have patience.

In the time it takes me to dry my hair, dry myself, get dressed, and then do my hair, Kurama has attacked me more times than I can count. I offered him some cookies for him to settle down, but once he had gobbled them up he came right back. When I "kicked" him away, he screamed as if I had stabbed him in the heart.

There's no reason for him to be so dramatic.

He darts out the door when I open it and he's at the end of the hall by the time I fully step through the door. He has way too much energy.

I have to run to keep up with this thing as he happily flies down the stairs to the third floor. He runs past a startled Koda, who surely did not expect to see a fox running down the halls this early morning.

"Morning Koda"

I'm sure I get a greeting in return even if I don't hear it.


Chasing after Kurama could be considered a sport. Running from the fourth floor to the first is a good morning workout, all things considered. I let him run wild in the common room while I make myself something to eat. Momo had already been down here and when I finally stumbled down the last set of stairs, she had been feeding Kurama some bacon. As the minutes passed, more and more people started appearing in the common room in all states of being. Kaminari is trudging around in his pajamas, Kirishima has already fully woken up and is doing some push-ups in a corner, Izuku focuses on making himself a cup of cocoa, Jiro's lucky enough to be offered food by Momo, and Uraraka is very happy with the sandwich I had made her. Nitsu gets some toast with coconut water, something he's incredibly grateful for and Tokoyami coyly accepts the pancakes I slid his way. Dark shadow wasn't as shy as my mutant friend and had taken a good bite off my waffle. Now I know she can eat, I'll have to serve Tokoyami food for two next time.

"Want another?" I ask once Uraraka has finished her single sandwich.

"If it's no problem"

She's still so bashful about accepting food, but she's always so happy when I make her something.

"How much food did you make?" Jiro wonders, leaning against the counter to look over all the food I've made so far.

It started with two sandwiches for me to eat, then I made some classic bacon and eggs for Kirishima, then I had toast and coconut water prepared for Nitsu, and eventually, I made more and more. Now there are plates of everything a person could want for breakfast and everyone seems happy.

"Enough" is my answer. "Does Yaomomo want more food?" because she has quite the appetite. It makes perfect sense when you consider her quirk.

"Yeah" Jiro nods, gathering two plates of food. "Me too, I'm super hungry"

"I wonder where all that food goes"

"I've been blessed or cursed with a fast metabolism"

"Is that a fox!?" I hear Kaminari exclaim in either shock or excitement. "It's a fox!"

Now that Kaminari has made everyone aware of my animal companion, everyone suddenly seems to realize that a fox is lying at Momo's feet.

"Is it your fox?" Comes Shinso's familiar voice. The boy himself shuffles over to me, appearing as tired as ever. His hair isn't as messy as I'm used to, however, and he doesn't look half dead.

He snorts when I smile at him, not at all surprised that I'm the one with a pet fox. He gets himself a single slice of toast as he climbs onto a stool at the counter. He nods his head in thanks when I slide a cup of coffee his way.

Soon enough the explosive blond himself joins everyone down here. He takes one look at all the food and scoffs. Despite his disgruntled expression he approaches the kitchen, glaring when I offer him a smile. I don't blame him. When I smile at him it's not anything kind. I just enjoy patronizing him.

"Good morning Bakugo" I greet pleasantly, something he does not appreciate.

Still, he has manners and he hasn't been so terrible towards me as of late. So he returns the pleasantries; "good morning"

He looks around again, eyeing the food with a judging eye, "which extra made the food?"

"You're looking at her" I reply with a shrug. "Feel free to dig in, there's hot sauce in the fridge"

He grumbles something again as he goes off to get himself some food. Apparently, I'm a good enough cook to earn his respect. He admitted this in his gruff way, but I got the message. I wonder if he would have eaten anything had someone else made the food.

Tsuyu comes down and joins Uraraka with a bowl of cereal. Alissa joins them some minutes later with three sandwiches on her plate and whatever gadget she had been working on. As she eats, she's eyeing Izuku like he's the most valuable thing on this planet. Eventually, Izuku notices her staring and chances her a curious glance.

I bet she wants a sample of his blood. She had expressed her desire to research to understand what further differentiates the quirkless from those with quirks and Izuku is the first and only quirkless person she knows. He's also very likely to give her what she wants in the name of research since he's very interested in these things as well.

I'm enjoying another waffle when Mina finally joins us. She beams when she sees me and makes a beeline for the kitchen.

"Zen, I thought you died," she says laughing. "You didn't come back yesterday"

She's as eager as always to hug me, and doesn't let go of me once she's decided she's quite comfortable behind me. I won't be getting rid of her anytime soon.

"Oh yeah, how'd it go yesterday?" Uraraka asks, curious.

I don't get to answer because someone finally turned on the TV and the first thing we all hear is the breaking news. The TV was loud enough for almost everyone to hear and the topic had them all gathering in the living room with varying degrees of interest.

Grabbing another piece of waffle and being urged by Mina, I move to the living room as well.

"The two villains that were being held at the station had made their getaway in the confusion," the reporter says, standing in front of the ruined police station.

"They escaped!?"

"How did no one see a literal giant coming?"

"Oh no they escaped!" Mineta is a pathetic thing of purple running around in panic. "They'll come for us. It's over, we're all dead!"

The report goes on as they pan a shot of yesterday. Even from up in the air Gigantomachia is a sight to behold. He wasn't even as big as I know he can be, yet his size is still noteworthy.

"I feel as if this is far more serious than we had initially thought," says Momo, voicing her concern,

"I think I already know what sort of conversation to expect in class today" Izuku mumbles

The report goes on for the better half of an hour before the topic is switched to something less dire, perhaps an attempt to soothe the panic the news likely caused.

"Welp" I shrug. "Sucks to see that again"


"Yeah, I was there," I say and ignore the sudden looks of interest. "Got there too late though"

"Why were you there?"

"Villains weren't talking, I can read minds...." I trail off and watch them piece it together themselves. It's not that hard to understand.

"I guess that makes sense"


We don't have classes today. Not like we normally would. Instead, we were told to meet in Mr. Mitamura's classroom at a certain hour and now we're all seated and waiting for Aizawa and Vlad King to arrive. There's a low buzz of conversation over the room and I somehow keep up with each topic. I haven't been participating in any of them.

Yuga sits in the front of the class in a corner. He's by himself and quiet today. I haven't seen him until just now and I didn't get the chance to talk to him. Kendo had waved me over towards her and now I find myself listening to whatever it is she talks about with Yoroi, Monoma, and Mina. Eijiro is nearby as well. I can hear his very loud and exciting conversation with Tetsu-Tetsu and Gin.

"They'll be announcing the sports festival," Monoma says flatly, eyes cast on the empty blackboard in the room. "Despite everything that happened, I doubt they'll cancel the festival"

He's completely right.

"It would make more sense on our part to continue, so I agree," says Nitsu from his place behind me. "It's a show of strength, so to speak"

"And the festival is an exclusive event that only pro heroes and our parents are allowed to attend" Yoroi adds, nursing a cup of iced tea. "It's a safe event"

Monoma hums his agreement, now resting his head in his palm - his expression that of a bored child.

"You're all missing the most important part" Mina interjects in that cheerful manner. "The school festival is likely an attempt to make us all feel better and move on from the villain incident. They can't have their students stressed and anxious and scared, after all"

"Good point," says Kendo, agreeing, "hopefully it's a fun event"


Eventually, Aizawa does show his face, albeit a bit reluctantly as he's being dragged into the room by our "Hero Law and Insurance" teacher, Mr. Mitamura.

"Good day class" he greets, smiling that lazy smile we always see on his face, "I'm sorry for dragging your homeroom teacher like this, but I'm sure you all know how lazy this man is"

Yeah, he doesn't even need to tell us. Aizawa on his part barely cares about the snickers Mitamura gets out of the students and simply sits on the desk, his hair a mess, but composed for the most part.

"You lot did good yesterday," Aizawa starts by saying. Earning praise from this man is very rare so the few times he does express his pride is almost like a drug to most of us. Hell, even I'm not unaffected by this rarity, "no one directly interfered, so no one was hurt. You even contributed to the capture of the leaders, so you're not completely useless"

Ah, he just had to insult us in some way or form.

"Is he for real?" Monoma wonders.

"Yes, he's always like this" Nitsu replies, "it's a miracle he's even praising us now"

"In the face of everything that has happened I am here to tell you that the sports festival has not been canceled"

"Huh, we were right"

"It is necessary to demonstrate that UA crisis management protocols are sound" the way Aizawa speaks makes it quite obvious that he's not fully concerned with what he has been sent to tell us, "compared to past years there will be five times the police presence. Anyhow, our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get. It's not an event that can be canceled because of a few villains"

There's a pause in Aizawa's speech and Mineta takes the time to express his doubts, "are you sure about that?"

"Have you never seen UA's sports festival?" Gin asks, the silver-haired boy watching Mineta like he grew another head, "how can you ask that?"

"Bold of you to assume he watches anything other than porn" Izuku comments dryly, "we can't expect the pervert to keep up with us mere mortals"

That right there was very much unexpected, but not unappreciated if the laughter that erupts is anything to go by.


"You had it coming grape boy"

"Our sports festival is or was one of Japan's biggest events" Aizawa continues, breezing past the interruption, "it's comparable to the Olympics. Everyone in Japan would gather to watch UA's sports festival"

"But the sports festival hasn't been broadcasted in the last year," someone says.

"Yes and that will not change," Aizawa replies, "showcasing the next generation of heroes and announcing their names and identities to the public isn't the brightest idea. For some reason, people only realized that after our students were targeted and hunted down"

That's just how most things go. People only realize how stupid it is when things spiral out of control.

"The event is a private thing and the only ones invited are your guardians and the nation's top heroes"

"The top heroes?" Mineta slumps in his seat, face pale with the realization.

"They'll be there as scouts" Momo explains.

"The better you do, the more heroes will want to mentor you" Mina continues, "and if more heroes want to mentor you, you have far more options"

"On the other hand, if you flop during this event, people won't see the potential in you and you'll have fewer options or none at all" I add, "so in the end you just have to do your best and hope for the best"

"That's an understatement!"

I shrug, "how else do you want me to phrase it? This is an opportunity for us all. If you do good you might be lucky enough to be picked up by some big-shot hero which will open many doors for your future. Everything in this world is connections, even the hero business"

"You sound like such a manager" Gin drawls, resting against his hand.

"That's my business pal"

Aizawa sighs, "Nogitsune is correct. You'll gain valuable experience and popularity if you're picked up by a big-name hero," he says and I must ignore the fact that he called me a demon again, "your time is limited, however. So, as Nogitsune has said, show the pros what you're made of here and you'll make futures for yourselves. This happens once a year so you have three chances. If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss"

And so, with that announcement, nervous excitement settles over the classroom as everyone mulls over this information for themselves. It truly is an opportunity and it is something I may have been looking forward to. My goal for this festival is to get as many applications as I can.

"You have two weeks to prepare" Mr. Mitamura informs us, smiling, "in those two weeks you are free to look for training and advice from all of your teachers. Even someone like myself or Hoji"

Not many would think to go to those two of all people. Mitamura teaches Law and Insurance - overall one wouldn't paint him as much of a hero. I'm not sure he even is a hero, in all honesty. I'm certain he must be involved with the business in some manner and as such he likely has some useful skills up his sleeve.

As for Hoji. Well, from the complaints I've heard from Katsuki, I'm assuming he's something like a therapist for the students of UA. Apparently, Mr. Mitamura had advised Katsuki to talk to Hoji and bluntly stated that his mental state is quite concerning.

"And so, two weeks of training begins" Kendo announces to our little group, smiling brightly at the prospect, "I will be noticed at the festival"

Monoma glances at her, expression blank. He's quite unexpressive for some reason but very friendly with classmates. It's fun to have this side of Monoma and not the annoying one I'm familiar with. I suppose with A and B not treated as separate classes, whatever hatred he may have for us never developed.

"Don't drag me into your training sessions" he tells her. "Yoroi and Kitsune are always up for training, I don't see why you make me come along"

"Because you need to train, Monoma. Kuma already told you that you need to improve your combat skills"

"Doesn't mean I have to improve it with you" he replies, "I can't keep up with you guys and Yoroi has no mercy"

"You're very punchable," Yoroi says honestly, "I'm sorry"

"That doesn't make me feel any better"


"This has got me freaking pumped!"

"If we show our stuff here, that's one big step to going pro!"

Tokoyami stands out like a goat in an office between Sato, Eijiro, and Sero. He looks gloomy, but I'm sure he shares their sentiment in some way.

"Everyone's so excited" Izuku snickers, likely laughing at Tokoyami amongst those boys. He does not fit the vibe they're giving.

"This is our chance to add our names to the ranks of heroes!" suddenly full of exuberance, Iida starts into a short speech, "of course we're in high spirit"

"You look constipated" comments a passing Alissa who disappears around the corner with Mei in toe.

Leave it to Alissa to shake Iida out of his excitement. He stands straight and fixes his glasses upon his face, making no further comment.

Then there's Uraraka whose personality has just taken a one-eighty since the announcement. Her expression is fierce as she encourages everyone to do their best and it's hard not to find her funny.

"She's acting different" Mina notes.


Mina smiles, "oh Uraraka" she sings songs and practically skips over to the pumped-up Ochako who can barely contain herself. Her entire demeanor changes as Mina approaches and her friendly smile finds itself back onto her chubby face. It's nice to watch her face light up like that, so happy to see Mina, only to be teased by the girl. Mina squeezes her cheeks and expresses how adorable Uraraka is, even when she's so fierce about something like the sports festival.

"Ashido..." the poor girl can't even attempt to get away from Mina, who simply refuses to release her.

To be fair, Uraraka isn't putting up much of a fight.

"You have such fluffy cheeks" Mina gushes, "so cute"

Uraraka's face becomes as pink as her cheeks at the compliments and I can't bring myself to try and help her. She'll be fine.

I should probably get back to the dorms an-

"Young Fox, I have found you!"

That loud and boisterous voice has me turning in time to see a fully buffed All Might approaching me, trademark smile in place and everything. Whatever could this man want from me at a time like this? We don't have any other classes today, so I would like to be anywhere but in the school building at the moment. His boisterous mannerisms gather the attention of everyone heading for the cafeteria and people gaze upon him with awe and admiration.

He draws so much attention.

"Why is All Might looking for you?" Izuku asks me, watching the man almost warily.

"No clue"

Izuku doesn't look very convinced, but he doesn't voice his doubts. He merely spares All Might a last glance before taking his leave.

All Might approaches me.

"Wanna..." he trails and pauses, holding up a lunch bag, "eat lunch with me?"

The silence that settles over us is what you would expect after a question like that comes from a man like this.

He looks so hopeful too.

I look at him, smiling, "no, not really"

The flat rejection seems to have hit him hard as he nearly visibly reacts to my answer. As for everyone around me, they are beyond confused.

"Did you just turn down lunch with All Might!?" Kaminari shouts, baffled.

"Young Fox," All Might starts.

"Hmm?" I smile at him, knowing full well that he must have something important to say to me to have sought me out.

He sighs, "please just come with me"


All Might leads me to the break room where we sit in silence for minutes. He set his lunch down on the coffee table and hasn't touched it since, while I'm simply enjoying the cookies Mina randomly made me. She's getting better and better at baking things these days. I should tell her, I'm sure she'll be happy to know I enjoy her treats. Though my positive thoughts are a clear contrast to the hulking man sitting before me. He maintains his buff form and I wonder if he doesn't have the same limit he normally had. So far I haven't seen any issues and have heard nothing of a successor. It's clearly not Izuku, considering his status as captain powerless.

"You know about my injury" is what he opens with, his voice grave, "do you know the full extent?"

"Severely damaged organs" I shrug, "sounds horrible"

He sighs, "yes, no amount of medical help could fully restore me to my past self and the injury has had a serious effect on me to this day. In the past I could barely hold this form for more than an hour or two, it got worse as the years went and this year I could barely make it a full hour"

Yeah, that matches up with what I'm familiar with

"Luckily, there's a student at the school with a remarkable healing quirk" he reveals, "he has done what I thought would be an impossibility. My organs were damaged beyond repair, but this boy's quirk managed to undo even that to a great extent. I'm still not what I was in the past, but I'm not as useless as before either"

Huh, well that's news to me, "who's this kid?"

"He goes by Kai," he says.

"Kai?" From my recollection, Kai's a girl. I'm pretty sure I saw a girl yesterday in the infirmary. Either they were cross-dressing, there's another Kai, or I'm missing something.

"Yes, Kai, that's his name"

Okay. I'll look into this at a later date.

"Is there a reason you're telling me all about your quirk?" I was not expecting this info dump today.

"You don't know?" he seems confused, something that morphs into something more bashful once I gesture to the devices on my ear, "oh"


He laughs a bit, mirthless, "there's a reason I became a teacher at this school"


Oh no.

I know what comes after those words.

"Wait, you want me to be your successor?"

He pauses, surprised, "yes"


There is silence between us once more.

"I have a quirk" I point out, "in fact, I have two"

"And you must know that One For All enhances the abilities the user already has"

"You're point?" does he think I want stronger abilities? I'm content with what I already have and I don't need another quirk on my list. Especially not one that's bound to be out of control and put me through pain, "and why me of all people?"

"You seem to be the best option currently"

I doubt it.

"What about Mirio?"

I'm not sure what's going on there because he opens his mouth to speak, only to remain silent, no words leaving him.

"You said Kai helped you. You're better. There is no rush to find a successor. You can fight All For One yourself" I tell him, "by passing on this quirk you make the next user a target for that awful man and you know it. All For One will find out eventually and I'm not trying to fall onto his radar just yet. It's never good to have such attention on oneself, so you can't be surprised when I say no"

For some reason, it seems hard for him to comprehend that I've shot him down. He slumps in his seat, head resting on the back of the sofa with a sigh.

"You're the second one I've asked," he says, sounding defeated, "and you turn me down too"

"I don't know what else you expected. I'm not in desperate need of a quirk and I don't have weak quirks. I truly have no need or desire for another ability, nor do I desire to be directly involved with you" I truly don't want to be associated with him more than I need to, "on top of that, you want me to accept a quirk that will ultimately kill me"

This man has no right to appear as surprised as he is when I reveal what I know. I bet he didn't think I knew that and he would normally be right to assume I didn't.


"You should consider revealing the most crucial factor about something like this before asking someone to inherit your ability. All the users before you died very young"

"But I'm still here" He defends, "we can't be sure that One For All is what lead to their death"

"Yes we can, because you know" I point out, "don't try to lie to yourself. And the only reason you're still alive is because you were quirkless. It's quite obvious. The other users already had quirks so adding another on top of that was bound to be fatal. One For Al.l slowly killed them and it will do the same to me, or Mirio, or any other potential successor with a quirk. The best person for this is one without a quirk, like yourself, and I have a feeling that person is the one who already said no"

From the way Izuku acts around this man, it makes sense. I don't know what happened between them, but it led to a quirkless Izuku in UA and a suffering All Might desperately searching for a successor.

"You know so much"

"You have a very one-track mind. The only thing on your mind is One For All and All For One, and I'm not talking three musketeers. It's too easy to learn things from you"

The poor guy. It must suck to have to worry about the things he worries about.

Oh well, that's not my problem.

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