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85.36% Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction) / Chapter 69: CHAPTER 66(The Worst Water Level)

Capítulo 69: CHAPTER 66(The Worst Water Level)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)


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If anyone were around to see it, they'd likely die of shock. The absurdity of the jutsu was beyond the comprehension of some of the most powerful Jounin.

A massive droplet of water, miles wide and hundreds of feet high as it towers above the forest trees.

Opening his eyes up after being thrown around by the wave, Jin focuses his senses while making sure to hold his breath.

'I can feel everyone, damn it Hinata and Shino got knocked out, Kiba is moving but Akamaru is out, Kakashi's somewhere below me, fuck... what kind of Jutus is this' he thinks while moving toward the nearest chakra source, Shino.

Using chakra enhancement to swim around quickly, he feels the water draining his chakra little by little.

'FUCK, Kisame really is a problem, should have brought Guy with us...' he laments while grabbing Shino and moving to Hinata.

Feeling something rapidly approaching him, Jin spins around in time to barely knock Kisame away.

'WHAT THE FUCK!' his thoughts cry out as he sees a fully merged Kisame, a human shark hybrid with gills, fins, and even a tail.

"So strong even under here, the kid was right about you..." Kisame's muffled voiced carries through the water.

'Kid. Sasuke warned him about me?'

Kisame immediately charges once more with his jaws wide open.

'Sorry Shino'


Tossing Shino away to position himself between Kisame and his friend, Jin pushes the water as well as both Shinobi away with a massive wave of force, Kisame is completely surprised by this, this Rinnegan ability doesn't expel chakra, it internalizes it to control force and gravity via and deva path, no way for Kisame to stop it.

As Kisame gets ragdolled through to water, Jin turns around and follows Shino's chakra, only to see a trail of blood, Shino was bleeding from the forehead because of his attack.

'Shit Shit Shit,' he immediately grabs Shino and tries to swim to Sakura, he needs to rescue the medic and hopefully, he can dump Shino on her.

Swiming to Sakura he quickly grabs her with his free hand and begins racing to the edge of the massive water Jutsu.

Feeling Kisame approaching, he drops both his teammates and turns around in time to strike out.

Enhanced by his Asura path, this time Kisame avoids the hit, sinking his teeth into Jin's shoulder while pushing him down toward Shino and Sakura.

"Can't get rid of me without killing your friends too," Kisame growls out in Jin's ear while sinking his teeth in further.

Drawing a kunai jin immediately stabs Kisame, only for the blade to shatter. Drawing another one he coats it with wind chakra, but the closer you are to Kisame the faster chakra is absorbed, the coating disappears before the kunai breaks against the sharkskin once more.

'FUCK IT, ASURA!' he commands his body, pouring chakra into his Rinnegan he grabs onto Kisame and transforms his hands into the cybernetic limbs. Two sword-like blades protrude from his palms as he swipes his arms, Kisame cries out, and finally, he lets go as he loses both his arms and gets slashed through his torso.

In the sudden cloud of blood, he kicks Jin away and retreats.

'What the fuck is he, this is too much...' Jin immediately dives down and grabs Shino and Sakura,' once more he makes a mad sprint for the edge of the dome.

As he approaches the outer wall of the jutsu, he finally sees the empty space on the other side, air, freedom, life.

As he approached the edge, he feels Kisame approaching behind him, far away but he can feel the shark tracking him.

The trees suddenly begin to get pulled into the bubble, no, the bubble is moving, Kisame is controlling the jutsu, he's pushing the wall further away from Jin, he can't get them out.

'No no no no no no no!' his inner voice panics a bit, he's almost out of air, and his chakra can't last forever, it definitely can't outlast Kisame who absorbs chakra, and his chakra absorption barrier only works on a small area around himself, he'd just make a vacuum of nothingness and achieve nothing if he used it. Up, he needs to go up, Kisame is a shark, sharks can't fly.

His course immediately changes to a mad vertical race.

300ft left, Kisame is suddenly right on his tail.

'Where the fuck is Kakashi anyway?'

He throws Sakura and Shino upward once more.

'Almighty Push!'

The wave of force hits his allies and Kisame, knocking them all away.

His eyes open wide as he sees Kisame's limbs are all back and his wounds are nowhere to be found.

'And he can regenerate, that's bullshit, how's anyone supposed to fight him...' Jin thinks for a second as he turns back to his friends.

'Can't use big attacks or big amounts of chakra, can't use my summon because it'll kill everyone...this water jutsu is too much man, god damn shark man...'

Arriving at the top of the jutsu, he breaks the surface.

"GAAH!" he takes a deep breath while pulling Shino and Sakura to the surface.

Immediately draping Shino over his back he holds Sakura in his arms and starts chest compressions.

"C'mon fangirl be useful for once!" he cries out before taking her mouth and breathing into her deeply.

Two more repetitions of this and Sakura finally stirs awake.

"Argh!" she vomits out all the water in her lungs before throwing up her breakfast right onto Jin's chest.

"Hey fangirl get your shit together, you need to fix Shino... FUCK!" he feels Kisame closing in on Kakashi and Kiba.

Reflexively Sakura begins healing her shattered ribs so she can breathe properly before looking around. As she moves to stand on the water Jin stops her by pulling her close.

"NO, it eats chakra, you don't have as much as me so just heal him like this."

"Uh, okay!" she pulls Shino off his shoulder and begins giving him CPR, the water leaves his lungs but he isn't moving, the damage from the pushes and the water slamming into him was too much.

"He won't wake up anytime soon, what's going on?" Sakura asks as Jin holds both of them in his arms.

"I'll explain later, use chakra and SLIDE down the side of this bubble, stay outside and keep an eye on it, it moves, I need to find the others before they drown," his voice was commanding, she knew better than to speak. Taking Shino in her arms she begins making her way to the edge of the bubble.

"If I joined the cloud life would have been so much easier than this bullshit..." Jin mutters before taking a deep breath and diving into the bubble once more.

Internalizing more chakra than before he pushes himself further toward Kakashi, Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata, and Naruto.

As he approaches the fight deep down in the bubble, he sees Kakashi using a giant Shuriken to keep Kisame from killing them with Naruto's help, Hinata and Akamaru float behind them as Kiba is on the other side fighting...a giant sword, Zabuza's sword.

'FUCKING SUIGETSU!' Jin finally figured out who warned Kisame about him, Sasuke isn't the kind of person to warn Kisame, but Suigetsu respects Kisame, and he likely knew that alone they couldn't win, a smart move.

Seeing Kakashi get bitter on the leg, Naruto tackles Kisame and grabs onto him.

Two clones instantly appear to help keep Kisame still, they instantly pop and are absorbed by the water.

Two more appear, they instantly pop.

This happens almost 6 times before Naruto forms his Rasengan.

Creating it inside Kisame's jutsu should be impossible, but Naruto overpowered the chakra absorption with sheer volume, he's the most tenacious ninja for a damn reason.

As the Rasengan impacts a small half-inch hole appears on Kisame before the jutsu is absorbed by his skin.

'Jesus Christ, how much chakra...shit' Jin looks at Naruto, he looks tired, that was a last-ditch effort.

Speeding up even more he tackles Kisame, placing his palms on the man's back both swords extend from his palms once more.

Anyone else and he'd just force senjutsu into them to turn them into a toad statue, but Kisame is a freak, Jin likely didn't have that much senjutsu chakra anymore... he had to just use force.

Pushing more power into his legs he kicks with all his might, the pain barely makes Kisame's jaw loosen, Kakashi loses a chunk of his thigh before they both rocket off away from the other leaf ninja.

As he and Kisame reach further and further away, Kakashi turns around to see Naruto passed out and Kiba still fighting the greatsword that's just floating around by itself.

'Why can't Akatsuki just be normal for once,' Kakashi internally groans as he moves to grab Naruto and Hinata.

As Jin leaves his teammates behind he tries to figure out how to end this.

'I don't know how good his regen is, it probably uses chakra, a lot too, he's drained me to less than half by now, I need to get them out of the water before I try to deal with him, I can't try to kill him with them inside because if I fail everyone dies, SHIT, and I can't push him far enough because this thing is so huge...shit' he wrecks his brain trying to think of a way out of it as Kisame sinks his jaw into Jin's shoulder once more.

Jin keeps pushing Kisame away from his allies as he loses all feeling in his shoulder.

"WHAT ARE YOU, SO MUCH CHAKRA!" Kisame gurgles out without even removing his jaws from Jin's flesh, "AMAZING CHAKRA, PURE CHAKRA! I LIKE IT!"

Jin almost rolls his eyes. This guy wants to talk about 'So much chakra!'

'How hypocritical can you be damn it!'

As Kisame moves to tighten his hold, Jin feels his allies almost forced to the edge of the water prison. His body is getting weaker, almost at a quarter of his chakra, he needs to just go all out and hope for the best.


Two mechanical arms reach up from his chest and wrap around Kisame like tentacles.

"WHAT!" Kisame visibly panics as his eyes go wide.

'Shhh...' Jin grins as he creates two more arms from his back and one from each shoulder.

The hands-on his back create swords and pierce into Kisame's head, he doesn't die, the hand on his free shoulder joins his real hands and impales Kisame in the side, he tightens his grip still. They're surrounded in a massive cloud of bloody water now, the final mechanical hand forms on the shoulder inside Kisame's mouth, reaching down his throat and extending blades outward.

'C'mon C'mon C'mon, fucking die already you asshole,' Jin rages as he desperately struggles, his chakra almost done as he hopes to god Kisame dies before he does.

With one last-ditch effort, as Kisame's chakra begins to finally run out from constantly regenerating his brain, skull, and internal organs for almost a full minute, he swipes at Jin as he finally lets go.

His razor-sharp claws hitting Jin's neck, cutting his throat.

Instinctively Jin releases his hold with one of his hands and grabs his own throat.

As Kisame separates from Samehada he still finds himself skewered from all directions by Jin's mechanical limbs. With one final command, Jin beheads the man before splitting him down the middle.

As blood and chunks float about, a moment later all the water of the jutsu they float in begins to come apart.

Falling to the forest below, Jin sees Samehada beside Kisame's head, the sword aches and cries for its dead master.

'Mmm, asshole,' Jin looks at the severed head as he still holds his throat together.

Walking forward, he tries to grab the sword, 'Just need some chakra, I don't have enough to summon it, just a bit more, please,' as he grabs the sword, spikes form on the handle and pierce his left hand, his right hand still holding the cut on his throat together.

"urgh," his pained cry comes out with the sound of bubbles of blood, he tries to focus his breathing and feels his throat burning and flooding.

'I don't have enough chakra to summon the king of hell, and I can't use your chakra... Sakura,' his thoughts become desperate.

Releasing Samehada he pulls out a storage scroll and seals it away while it mourns, too distracted to attack him.

With the scroll in his bloody left hand and holding his throat in his right, he uses the last of his chakra to race off toward Sakura's chakra signature. The fangirl that annoys him so often being his last hope to survive.

Arriving at Sakura's position, Jin sees her desperately trying to flush the water from Hinata's lungs.

All but Sakura, Kiba, and Kakashi are completely unconscious aside from the doctor herself.

"MMMM!" Jin groans to get their attention, they all look up at him, Kakashi still slowly bleeding out from his massive leg injury.

"OH GOD!" Sakura sees his condition and the panic in her eyes goes well past 100.

With blood leaking down one hand holding a scroll and his other hand holding his throat together, Jin just stands there leaning against a tree completely unable to even speak.

Seconds later Hinata empties her lungs before rolling over to her side, still completely unconscious.

Sakura ignores everyone and rushes over to Jin. She's instantly on him placing her hands on his throat.

As he feels the wound closing up, her sleepy eyes lifelessly stare into his visor as she breaths heavily.

'She's almost out of chakra...shit.'

As she finishes healing him, her eyes close and she falls against his chest. His still bloody hand as well as his free hand reaches up and stops her from falling.

"AGH!" he coughs out all the blood from his throat, the burning sensation still painful within.

Sliding down against the tree behind him still holding her, Jin looks around at the team.

Naruto-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, completely unresponsive.

Hinata-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, completely unresponsive.

Akamaru-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, completely unresponsive.

Shino-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, completely unresponsive.

Kiba-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, barely awake.

Kakashi-Chakra Exhaustion and Fatigue, barely awake and bleeding out.

Kakashi meets his eyes as they both come to a silent agreement and nod.

"Mission failure," they both say in one voice.


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