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77.77% Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+ / Chapter 98: Roberts arrival

Capítulo 98: Roberts arrival

(AN: Yosh .....I'm out of my depression. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. my loyal readers , I'm really greatfull. I think I'll continue the story..)

AC 8th month (MCs POV)(This is continuation of chapter 87 So don't get confused.)

Approximately at 9am someone had decided to start banging a large bass drum just in-between my ears as my eye opened slowly on the room i was in.

I'm sure first thing that I'm going to do in the morning is to kill that bastard that disturbing my sleep.

ohh.... maybe not because it's probably my favorite and dedicated subordinate Ser Claw Harklight. Because I forgot that he's the only one have courage to do this.

Maybe there is something very important that he wants to inform me , or else former Stormlander squire of mine wouldn't bang my door with no tomorrow.

The good news was, I was in a bed, the bad news was I couldn't remember getting into said bed, it's not like I don't remember anything... I do, it's the same King sized bed I grown to love past two months.

But I just can't really recall much anything else from the night before after I bought the bottle of hard drink off one of the castle staff. The drink had a bite to it( maybe from Aegon 4th era), and burnt like the hob of hell going down, but it had done the job and from what I couldn't remember, it meant that at least for a few hours I had gotten My collective thoughts, doubts and fears to piss off.

it's not my fear but my guilt for killing so many fanatic civilians/ innocent civilians as well. So i used the drink to remove them from my head.

'Of course' I thought as I slowly and carefully managed to pry himself from his bed 'that doesn't exactly mean they are gone now does it?' No they are not. I still remember the dismembered bodies of men woman and children alike. They were disposed and burned like trash. To be honest I'm currently ashamed of myself for the massacre of so many unarmed Smallfolks.

The fanatics I put to sword were also going to cause trouble in the future and will recruit more normal people to their cause. It'll be a hell for us deal with them, when they grow more powerful.

in the dance of the dragon , Even the dragons were killed by the fanatic peasants if they have enough of them.

Then in the OTL( original time lino), the main villain Cercei Lannister faced the same consequences by supporting them. and walked the shame.

And also the city is going through a food shortage issues. Because of war the trading and transportation is stopped by half. And we already took a lot of food from market to support our and the Lannister troops.

So it's seems in another way I've done a better job by removing thousands of hungry mouths. I understand when a man is hungry, he is much more willing do some crazy shits then a less hungry men.

And we also needed a retaliation because threatening the lives of two Lord paramounts was a grave mistake even if it was unintentional.

And now a little bit fear into the Smallfolks heart was needed to maintain peace for a long run. And policing the city is also going to be much easier for us now. Because we only killed the problem creators, not the ones that contributing to the society. They're a lot of positive things came out of the peasant slaughter.

But the guilt is still weight on me like The titanic.

And thankfully to my immediate rescue from depression is the decade old drinks left behind by the former Targaryen king's.

And the womans that I fucked regularly. Yes the ones that I collected throughout various part of this City.... Honestly it's the only comforting thing I have in this internet less world.

The smell of sex entered my nose. And i looked all around me, And it's littered with naked bodies of my sex slaves.. Ahm.. I mean my personal maids that I collected throughout the city.

I moved my head slowly, each bit of motion making the drum between my ears beat louder, as I carefully looked around the room and saw what I was looking for, a basin of water. By God.... the door banging is getting on my nerves. .... damnit..!!!

" Stopp.... banging the fucking door..Claw....!!! you'll wake the entire castle!!!"

oh..thank God Claw stopped.

Being hungover was bad, being hungover and still trying to fuck all night will put me six ways to Sunday because myself is an idiot was much worse. I would have loved to clean out the taste of bile in my mouth with it, I knew better than to assume that all water was safe for drinking. Dunking my head in though to help wake me up and tackle ten Woman in single night...!!! but the hangover though?

That was a different matter, and so I carefully stood up and removed dozens of hands that grabbed on to my body, after that I moved towards the the basin and he also made sure not to wake them up. But how fuck they are still sleeping happily with that much noise is a miracle. Then I Placed my head into the basin and let the cool feeling of the water completely embrace my head. I held my head there for what felt like an eternity, and only came up, gasping, when my lungs were all but burning from a lack of air.

'Alright' I thought as felt myself slowly slumping to the floor and leaning against the table that held the basin 'I need to go and pretend to be a-o'fucking-k again. Maybe get some more that stuff.' It does helps me a lot.

I'm kinda understanding a bit about why the people in westeros drinks so much.

Then I opened the door, and saw my remaining subordinates Colt, Hale, Morty, and Claw standing there and waiting.

" What happened to you guys ? What the fuck is Soo... important that needed to wake me us so early ?" I was angry is an understatement but Three of my subordinates ignored my anger and started playing Rock paper scissors. Why fuck they aren't looking at me?

I looked towerds Claw for the explanation...

He cleared his voice and started speaking," Ser today is the day Lord Baratheon and Lord Stark and rest of the Lords and their army is coming."

" What? I was informed that they will be arriving tomorrow."

" Yes... My Lord you have informed correctly. But the information we received was a false one. And thus the calculation was wrong. or maybe Lord Baratheon wanted surprise us with sudden arrival. This also put The Castle into a panic as well as you like to call it."

Well, I can understand that part.. it's exactly the situation for a panic. And knowing Robert that's exactly what he'll do...agh damnit!!!

"And don't call me Lord Claw. I'm not a Lord yet."

Hmm..So that's why all of you dressed up.

What surprised me is that they are all equipped with their new polished armour. Hmm.. Tobb did a nice job with the details.

I wish I had all of my subordinates with me at a time like this. I need more man power, but I can't blindly recruit more people either. Who knows what their main allegiance are ?

Alfy is currently is traveling with Alban and I send Rick to Bravos.

I wonder when Rick will return, or if he even managed to get there? But I still hope he will return with my remaining subordinates and family. I truly miss them, Alaric, Rolf, Mrs Miranda, Jane, Alice, Darla, Ava , old man Durran. I haven't seen them almost 2 and half years. I also want to see my kids.

"Ser.... please put some clothes on.....!!! other Lords are currently waiting at the city gate."

oh yeah ...I need get ready as well.

Wait what...? now that I looked at myself I'm naked as the day I was born. damn it man could you not say that earlier...!!!










Well, My maids did a hell of a job in preparing me. I'm all washed up and dressed in my gear with help from at least five of them. They were all a bit injured in their lower region from the last night's F....ahm I mean ..Yoga lessons.

Then I meet lord Arryn at the Castle's gate and other Lords , And they gave me a disappointed look for being late. I told them that a black cat crossed my path so I had to come from the other way. Nobody believed my kakashi hatake tactics for being late. Then Lord Arryn told me to go with the rest of the knights and receive Robert and Ned at the City gate. and escort them here to the Redkeeps. And few thousand knights will also accompany me.

I nodded and with the assembled escort troops we rode for the main city gate or the dragon gate it's been called. The important Lords will be waiting at the Castle's gate because of their higher status. fuck them and their higher status cause I'm sure I'll be receiving them as well.

Robert is arriving at the capital with Ned stark and the rest of the Lords. The people in the Kingslanding seems to be in a good mood. Why wouldn't they be ? Because they think they are probably being saved by the Targaryen tyranny and madness. Or replaced by another one.

but anyway .

I was the one who given in charge of receiving Robert and Eddard and the rest of the lord. This honor was actually belongs to the lord commender of the Kingsguards. Because the other people's like Lord paramounts are too proud to receive him at the city gate or the culture dictates it. So John Arryn, Hoster Tully, Tywin Lannister will be waiting at Redkeep to welcome him.

So me and the lower ranked people are in charge of receiving Robert. And technically Robert Baratheon is the one that is my original Boss. Not John Arryn or Hoster Tully. So it's kinda my duty as well.

The main army set their tents outside of the city. Only the important Lords and knights were given the access to enter the city.

I was waiting at main gate/ dragon gate for nearly half hour and finally I spot the soon to be king of seven kingdoms and protector of realm. at the head of the marching band of horses.

As came close I could closely observed his face. it's looks kinda different and hard to read.

Robert Baratheon seems to be a fully different person than before. Maybe the near death experience made him so composed like that or he's just acting. But He seems fully healed.

There were no kneeling ceremony for him though, because Robert is not coronated as king yet.

One by one he greeted everyone, When the time came for me he casually gave me a Bear hug as our armors collide with a bang. It was a very awkward thing for me, because of the attentions turned towards us.

This kind of greetings only sheared by family members or someone very close , Maybe we are that close, that I haven't realized it yet.

" Ah.. Winters... Gods it's been months since last time I've seen you." The Baratheon boomed. Nope his not changed at all.

"The feeling is mutual sire." I replied smirkingly.

" Hah .....And it's seems you've added few more title to your names as well, oh and what are they calling you now eh, The Saviour of kingslanding or The Skull crusher and the newly made butcher at the Sept? let's call Sept butcher .... hahaha" Robert boomed in giant laughter.

" Well, what can I say your Grace, it's seems the titles are very attracted to me for some reason. " It's seems like Robert started to like people calling him his Grace now.

"I bet they do, more than me." He responded and pat my solder.

Then his face looked very serious for the moment.

"Alan, I thank you for taking care of John . You know that he the closest thing like a father I have."

"I know that Robert you don't have to thank me. all I have done is what I was paid to. Thanking me isn't nesessary. but I think I've done much more than what I was paid." I replied and sounded like a mercenary. rather than a knight. Wich amused him more for some reason.

"And I'll keep my promise as well,you don't need to wait for Long, I'll make sure to reward you for all your hard work. Lord Alan Winters sounds like a fitting title for a friend like you." Robert Baratheon made the statement in front everyone and also made a few people envious or jealous at the closeness. It's seems like he has his priorities straight. good.

I could not hold my smirk forming in my face

" I look forward to it then,Well, Kingslanding is yours." I announced.

" Aye, I'm sure it is, Let us hit the brothels after all shits and ceremonies are over. I fucked enough River gals. I need to try something different. "...he groaned with annoyence.

" Sure...I also want to try a summer islander myself." I replied.

" Hahaha.... you understand me more than Ned. Just look at him, after he got married he become so pious and faithful that spoiled all the fun. Everytime I asked him to have someone to warm his bed he refuses like others will take his souls or worse his wife."Then he laughed in his own jokes. I believe Ned reminded you that you have a fiance that is his sister. So you shouldn't fuck around.

I looked at Eddard and gave him sympathized nod. And Ned seems somehow understood that and nodded back.

Robert boomed in another laughter and looked at the Lannister group. And went for them. And started to insult them with his humors because they joined after he killed Raegar Targaryen. Which none of them laughed back, because he told them that the Fray's are have much more balls then the Westerlanders. And joined the Rebellion earlier then them.

Robert laughed but they did not laughed back which is put him an awkward position, and pissed him of. So he's gone to greet other knights from the Vale.

I've known Robert Baratheon for nearly three years, and one thing I learned that when he laughs you should laugh. Roberts is very easy to get angry.

He's kinda like

Joseph Stalin.

It's seems Robert won't be appreciating the Westerlanders much. Because they didn't do much contribution to the rebellion in this timeline, And joined in dead last.


Then I greeted Eddard Stark and all the other Lords and knights that I've known and fought with.

" Lord Stark it's nice see you again. And it's seems like you had your share of trouble?"

"It's nice to see you too Ser Alan," he greeted back. But I can see that he's not all too happy about it.

" You seems distressed my Lord. is there something wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me with confusion

"No Ser , everything fine. why are you asking?"

"It's a happy occasion Lord Stark, The war is almost over. The men you've brought can soon return to their home with riches and glory. Our King is enjoying his victory why are you not?"

"The war is not over. And until it's over I do not see the reason to celebrate." Ned simply stated.

" But it's the only different outcome , The Tyrells and Martells have no reason prolong the war. We already hold all the cards. War is the last option for them right now." I replied.

He hummed in response and agreed. But still i

Honestly I don't want to see him having a sad face all the time. It's happy occasion for everyone, and one man is just ruining mood for everyone. The soldiers will get rewarded and soon enough they will return to their family and harvest.

"Well, have you got any information from Ser Barristan about your sister's location?"

He nodded

" Aye, Even he did not fully knows about where she's being kept. All he confessed was that she is in Dorne".

"oh. That's good. Now at least we know where to look for. But where is Ser Barristan?"

"Ser Barristan still with us few days ago I believe, But when we learned that Queen Rehalle surrendered and sent his son to the Nightswatch. He's gone to the wall as well."

hoo... that's another news.

"oh, I think he's gone to serve Viserys Targaryen rest of his days as a brother of black rather than Brother of white sword." (AN: The members of Nightswatch is known as black brothers and kingsguards are known as white brothers because they wear white cloaks) it's amusing how my presence changed so many things.

"Well, he could at least Thank me for spearing his life before departing to The Wall. Though I'm not disappointed." I told the Stark

"Actually, he did Ser. In our talks he admired your fighting prowess. He told us that never in his life he faced such foe."

Well that's high praise...

" Well, lets continue our small conversation at the coronation."

I told him and he nodded back.

Roberts also finished greeting the knights that came to escort him. And rode towards the Redkeeps everyone at his back ,For a moment I think Robert taking He's King business seriously.








The same day Robert got coronated and Three weeks later a Reven arrived from Stormland stating that the Lords from the Reach is willing to bend the knee. And the lords will coming with the surrendered Targaryen fleet and the Redwyne fleet. The bulk of their army will be returning to the Reach.

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