Bjorn's great hammer sang as it swung through the air. Aiming to smash Randa's body to a pulp. However, Randa lightly stepped back. Allowing the hammer to pass inches from his face! Bjorn grunted to slow his momentum as Randa moved in for the kill. His blade lunged forward, aiming for a gap in Bjorn's armour. A slight grin appeared on his face as he felt his blade slide through the softer material.
But his blade came to a sudden halt! Confusion flashed across his face as Bjorn stepped forward and head-butted him. Stunning Randa momentarily as he brought his hammer back for another swing. Randa barely recovered in time to avoid another fatal blow, a deep frown settled on his brow as he studied the tip of his blade. Only the slightest bit of blood could be seen on it.
Hey guys, with my return to Webnovel and Pantheon Online continuing I've released another novel for this year's Spirity Awards! The Dreamwalker! I hope to see you all over there, and please show it some support. Thank you all very much, and I hope you enjoy it as much as this one.