Chu Jia could not believe what she was seeing. Manager Wang did not have a good impression of her either. He said, "The two of you, this shop is temporarily closed for the time being and the staff will be re-employed for training. The goods you need can be purchased normally. Do you still need them?"
In order to compete with Shi Jin for a piece of clothing, Chu Jia had shut down the shop.
Although the slap had only landed on the salesperson's face, it made Shi Xuexin feel extremely uncomfortable.
One had to look at the owner before hitting a dog. Now that the sales assistant was fired, it was a slap to her face too! She had no choice but to brace herself and say, "Let's settle the bill."
She had no choice but to buy all the clothes she had seen.
Their family business had become problematic, and it hadn't changed much after their last meal with Chairman Zhang. So now that she had to spend so much money, Shi Xuexin's expression turned ugly.
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