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100% Werewolf among the liars / Chapter 7: homecoming dance

Capítulo 7: homecoming dance

Toby is waiting for Emily at her locker.

"Hey. Do you have something planned tonight?" Toby asks her when she arrives.

"Uh yeah, my friends and I are going to the dance." Emily answers.

"That's too bad, I was hoping you'd go with me." Toby says smiling coyly.

"To the dance? I didn't think you'd want to go to that." Emily says.

"Why? Because I listen to music in my room?" He asks amused.

"I just thought you find homecoming lame." Emily says.

"I do, but you're not." He answers, holding out his second ticket again.

"I'll pick you up at 9?" He suggests.

"The dance starts at 8." She replies, accepting the ticket with a smile.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria many students are preparing decorations for the dance. Among them Spencer who gets a visit from her date, asking her what she'll be wearing.

Scott however is also in the room, working on some tables for the dance.

"Can you point me out to Scott McCall?" He hears a familiar voice behind him while he's drilling into the wooden table.

"You found him." Scott says amused.

"I'd have thought my scent would give me away." He says, putting away the drill and turns around to Jenna.

"Maybe I'm not used enough to it yet. But we could change that. Would you like be my date to the dance tonight?" She asks, grabbing his arm with one hand to feel where he is.

"I don't know... what did Toby say to this idea?" Scott asks.

"He doesn't know I'm asking you." Jenna replies.

"Then let's inform him." Scott tells her, grabbing her hand and leads her through the school until seeing the tall boy he's looking for.

"Oh, Jenna I'm sorry I'm late." Toby says, having just invited Emily to the dance.

"Actually, I was looking for you. Are you cool with me taking your sister to the dance?" Scott asks.

"I don't have a problem with it, but I'd advise you not to the two of you just don't really make sense together." Toby says.

"Great, Toby's on board, pick me up at 7.30?" Jenna asks Scott.

"Sure. I'll see you later." Scott says.

"You better make sure my date gets home save Tobes." Scott tells Toby with a smirk, patting the teens back.

"Yeah yeah." Toby says shaking his head amused, leading Jenna outside.

"What are you doing with him?" Toby asks Jenna once they are outside.

"Nothing. Scott just has been a real gentleman ever since I came back." Jenna says.

"He's like that to everyone." Toby tells her.

"Well lucky for me that no one else has snatched him up yet." Jenna says smirking.

|later that day|

"Hi Toby. I have to say, not a suit but it works on you." Scott greets the teen he considers his best friend, wearing a dress shirt, jacket and black jeans.

"Thanks. I hope Emily will agree with you on that." Toby replies.

"You're going with Em? Well then, I have to warn you about the others. I don't know about Spencer, but Hanna and Aria think the two of us have it out for them for some reason." Scott says.

"Well they won't be the first to think badly of me." Toby says.

"I guess. I mean I wasn't much better back then. I let my mom talk me out of visiting you in juvie every time I thought about visiting you." Scott admits guiltily.

"Hey, it's OK. I got your letters man. Too bad you didn't send smokes or I would've been the king of that place." Toby jokes, patting Scott's shoulder.

"So, is Jenna ready for our date?" Scott asks.

"Not yet. Sorry give me a minute." Jenna says from her room, having overheard their conversation.

"So, I see you still have the bike." Scott says, stepping outside with Toby and they sit down on the stairs.

"Of course. I wouldn't throw away Emma." Toby says.

"Yeah, not the best name we gave it." Scott chuckles.

"Better than Emcer." Toby chuckles.

"Got a point. Well at least one of us is going to the dance with his childhood crush." Scott chuckles.

"Yeah." Toby agrees smiling.

"Sorry I kept you waiting." Jenna says, stepping out of the door in a form fitting sleeveless blue dress, reaching to her knees.

"Wow. You are a sight for sore eyes Jenna." Scott says, getting off the stairs with Toby.

"Thank you." She replies, reaching for his hand but grabs Toby by accident.

"That's Toby." Scott says gently, stepping on the other side and grabs her other hand gently putting it around his arm.

"Careful, stairs." Scott says when she reaches the stairs.

"Scott. I may not be able to see but I think I can remember where my porch ends." She says touched by his concern.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't have much experience with blind people." Scott says a bit embarrassed.

"Then allow me to teach you a bit." She says, patting his hand.

"That would be helpful." He admits and leads her to the car he arrived in.

"Here, this is our ride." Scott says, opening the car door and lets her enter with her tracing her fingers over the inside of the car door to judge the distance.

Once she's inside Scott slowly closes the door and gives Toby a quick wave before walking around the car and getting in.

"So, as you probably have noticed this isn't exactly a luxury car." Scott says, starting the engine.

"How would I notice?" she asks, feeling for the buckle and buckles herself in.

"Well, if the duct tape here and there isn't a giveaway I don't know what would be." Scott says with a grin.

"I don't mind. It's not like I can see the car anyways and the seats are comfortable." Jenna tells him, sliding one hand up his arm as he's starting to drive to school.

"You don't have to be shy you know. I don't get offended easily and I imagine you have a lot of questions." Jenna tells him, taking off her sunglasses.

"That obvious huh?" He says embarrassed.

"Fine. How are you able to put on makeup so perfectly if you're blind? Scott asks.

"I have someone do it for me. This time it was Toby, so if I look like a clown please tell me." Jenna says joking.

"No. You look amazing. And I have to say you have beautiful eyes, it's a shame you hide them behind those glasses of yours." Scott compliments.

"You should focus on the road not my eyes." She says, putting her glasses back on.

"Did I say something wrong?" Scott asks after a bit of silence.

"My eyes are just a sore subject. It's touching that you like them even though it makes me look weird and out of place." Jenna says a bit shaky.

"So... why did you ask me out? I mean back in the days you never showed any interest in me at all." Scott asks.

"Do you know how many people were sincerely nice to me and not only around because of pity since we moved back here?" Jemma asks.

"I don't know, half?" Scott asks.

"Try three. You, that new English teacher and my driver." Jenna says.

"What about Toby?" Scott asks surprised.

"He is very helpful, but he's mostly helping me out of a sense of duty. Not because he wants to like you." Jenna explains.

"Sorry. That must be hard always feeling like people have an agenda." Scott says.

"It is. Why I am so glad to have you taking me to this dance. I guess I should be happy that Spencer is still as dense about your feelings as always huh?" Jenna says.

"Well... if you told me what you confessed just now, I would have tried to take you both if she were even remotely interested in me." He tells her, squeezing her hand once.

"Thank you." She says, a tear rolling down her eye.

"I'm sorry, did I bring up bad memories? You're crying." Scott asks worried, while pulling into the school parking lot.

"No. I'm just happy that I asked you." She says with a smile, wiping away the tear with a tissue.

"Do I still look OK?" She asks, not knowing if her makeup is smeared.

"You look beautiful." He tells her, shutting off the car.

"We're here." He says and gets out of the car, rounding it and opens the door for her, helping her outside.

"Wait a second, let me just lock the car." He says, squeezing her hand while she's standing in front of the car, holding her hand in place at her side, waiting for him to grab it again.

"You know what's funny if you think about it?" Scott asks while leading her to the school.

"What?" She asks.

"I bet that you still dance better than me even without seeing where you're stepping." He chuckles, putting his hand on her back, leading her into the building.

"You're that bad?" She asks with a grin.

"The worst." He whispers, leaning close to her ear.

"Well you don't have to be embarrassed about it as long as you promise not to leave me alone on the dancefloor it's fine. I can't see you embarrassing yourself afterall." Jenna whispers back.

"Good. Then we will enjoy ourselves today." He tells her.

The two then arrive at the entrance to the dancefloor.

"Stairs." Scott says.

"Thanks." Jenna replies, still lead by his hand on her back.

"So, what does it look like?" She asks him once they are on the floor.

"Well kind of like a fancy carnival to be honest." Scott chuckles.

"There is beanbag tossing, ring tossing, and a seer's booth." He explains.

"I would like to have my fate foretold." Jenna says.

"Sounds like a plan. Do you want something to drink first?" Scott asks.

"Sure. A water please." Jenna says.

"Alright. Just wait right here." He says, rubbing her back once before going to the drinks and gets a water bottle and two cups.

"Scott, what are you doing with Jenna?" Aria asks with Hanna and Spencer behind her.

"She asked me to the dance." Scott says, continuing to walk back to his date.

"She can't be trusted." Spencer says.

"Neither can I right? I'm only someone to use, so what's the fuss? Get yourselves a new guy to boss around. Sorry, I need to go." Scott replies bitter about them not trusting him and for what happened with Spencer and her father.

He spots Jenna talking to a girl who asked him out a while back and hurries over to his date.

"He's only going with you out of pity." Scott hears the girl say, before walking past Jenna, bumping into her intentionally, making Jenna stumble a bit in her heels but she feels strong arms wrap around her, easily lifting her into a bridal carry.

"Sorry it took so long babe." Scott says, letting her down gently.

"What was that about?" Jenna whispers, leaning close into him.

"I want those annoying girls to know I chose to go out with you and not out of pity." Scott replies quietly.

"Then let's make it clear to everyone watching." She tells him, leaning in even closer, her hands drifting over his face before capturing him in a kiss.

"You certainly didn't sell that." Jenna smirks, Scott not having responded to the kiss.

"Then let me make up for that." Scott says, capturing her in a kiss this time, Jenna wrapping her arms around his neck with him holding her by her waist with one hand.

"So, what happened to my water?" Jenna asks him once they break the kiss.

"It's right here, come let's sit." Scott says, pulling the girl over to a bench.

"Did you see that? Is Scott falling into her trap?" Hanna asks staring at Scott and Jenna with Spencer and Emily, all of their dates getting them drinks.

"I thought he already is A?" Emily says disappointed in her friend and heads over to Toby.

"She has a point Hanna you can't say he's getting caught in a trap if he's already against us." Spencer says.

"Either way, he's way to comfortable with Jenna." Hanna says.

"So? What can we do about that?" Spencer asks shrugging her shoulders.

"You could always ask him out." Hanna says.

"Are you crazy? First off I have a date and secondly he won't be interested in me." Spencer says, walking away to her date.

"You need to get that file now Han." Spencer tells her.

"But..." Hanna scoffs, having looked forward to spending some time with Sean.

"Now Hanna." Aria agrees, convincing the blonde to leave and get the file.

"So, do you want to dance?" Scott asks Jenna.

"Let's get that reading first." She says, patting his hand.

"Alright." Scott says, pulling her up after himself and leads her through the crowded room to the card reading stall.

"Welcome. Let me read your cards." The woman in the stall says, accepting the ticket Scott hands her while he and Jenna sit down across from her.

"This card tells of a tragedy it doesn't say yet if it's in the past or future." The woman says.

"Past." Jenna says decisively.

"The next card tells of a promise kept." The woman tells them.

"This card talks of a plan or desire." The woman says, flipping another card.

"Then there is the lover, but it's on its side, meaning it's an unsuspected love." She explains.

"And this card tells of a decision ending in either happiness or sadness. It's lying directly over the lover card meaning that the romance is the decision that will decide the outcome." The woman says.

"Does it say which decision leads to what outcome?" Scott asks curious.

"No, I'm afraid it doesn't." The woman tells them.

"I'm sorry the cards don't say any more than this." She tells them and Scott leaves with Jenna.

"Card reading is only trickery anyways." Jenna says, thinking how everything said seems to fit her right on.

"Well, I don't know. I have seen some stuff that's hard to explain by normal standarts." Scott says, thinking about his existence as a werewolf.

"Anyways. I believe I was promised a dance, was I not?" Jenna asks, hearing the music change to a slow song.

"I never promised anything, but I wouldn't dream of rejecting my lovely date's request." Scott says, taking her hand and leads her to the dancefloor to a more spacious area.

"Just grab my hips and sway with me OK?" She says, putting her arms around his neck.

"I think I can manage that." Scott says and sways side to side with her.

"Are you staring at my boobs or nervous about your feet?" She whispers in his ear teasingly after feeling his head dip down a few times.

"The latter." He says.

"How about this?" Jenna asks, gently stepping onto his feet.

"Thanks. I don't have to worry about hurting you now. Now I could dare shoot a glance at your cleavage." Scott says chuckling with Jenna laughing in reply.

"Are you that kind of guy? Are you really going to take advantage of a blind, helpless girl?" Jenna asks, intentionally pressing her breasts against his chest while hugging herself closer to him.

"Nope." He replies, kissing her cheek.

She smiles at this and steps off his feet, leading him away when the music stops, but Scott quickly wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him before walking out of the crowded dancefloor without crashing into people.

"Let's go somewhere more private." Jenna tells him.

"Losing your men left and right huh Spence?" Melissa asks her sister deviously while the girl is watching Toby and Emily closely.

"What do you mean? What did you say to Sam?" Spencer asks.

"I didn't have to say much. You sent him running all on your own." Melissa says, having told Sam about Spencer only dating him to piss off their father and what Spencer is fooling around with anyone she can, like her fiancée and Scott.

"Just leave me alone." Spencer says annoyed, already pissed that Sam broke up with her.

"Look at them. You're focused on the wrong Cavanaugh. Looks like Jenna stole your plaything huh?" Melissa says, looking over to where Scott and Jenna are closely pushing through the crowd with Jenna leaning into him.

Spencer focuses on this unconsciously and when she gets her head back on straight Emily and Toby are nowhere in sight.

A while later Jenna and Scott are in the mirror maze when shortly after they entered Aria, Spencer and Hanna enter.

"Wha..." Scott is about to ask them if they are following him, bur Jenna quickly catches him in a kiss to silence him, grabbing one of his hands and putting it on her ass during the lip lock.

"Do you have Jenna's file?" Spencer asks Hanna.

"No. Turns out Jenna came to discuss something about Toby." Hanna says and shows them the file.

"Seriously, this says that Toby and Jenna were sleeping together and that Ali blackmailed him with it. It makes sense now. 901 free at last. It's when Ali disappeared and his secret got buried." Spencer says.

"Emily, we need to find Emily now and warn her." Aria says and the three leave the mirror maze.

"Sorry. I..." Jenna says frightened what Scott's reaction will be with tears dripping down her cheeks.

"Is that why Toby is so weird around you?" Scott asks and Jenna nods her head.

"Yeah. But you have to realize we're only half-siblings." Jenna says desperately.

"I know. And sure it's weird. But it's long over, right?" Scott asks, listening to her pulse with his werewolf senses.

"Yes." Jenna says honestly.

"OK." Scott says.

"OK, what?" Jenna questions nervously.

"OK, I will try to not mind your past dalliance. I mean Toby said it's OK for us to go out, so he won't get jealous or something." Scott says.

"Thank you. You don't know how relieved I am." Jenna says hugging herself to Scott's chest and cries into it with him holding her in his arms.

"You are really one of a kind." Jenna says after a minute or two of calming down and caresses his cheek.

"Can you take me home?" She then requests.

"Sure, it'd be my pleasure." He says, wrapping her arm around his, before leaving the school and then drives her home, the two mostly staying silent with Jenna clinging to his arm while he's driving.

"Here we are." Scott says, stopping the car in front of her house.

He helps her outside and locks his car before leading her to her door.

"There should be a key under the mat." Jenna says and Scott unlocks the door before placing it back under the mat.

"Well, I admit it was an eventful and certainly not the most uncomplicat3d evening, but I still enjoyed it." Scott says, while Jenna enters her home, standing in the door.

"Don't you want to come in?" Jenna asks.

"I don't know if I should." Scott says.

"Please, come in." She says.

"Alright just for a bit though." Scott accepts and enters the house.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." Jenna says, moving confidentially around the house.

Scott looks around a bit before he hears Jenna ask, "can you come in here and unzip me."

"Uhm, I guess." Scott says pondering over it for a moment.

"Thank you." She says, feeling his hands on the skin of her back before he unzips her dress.

Jenna lets the dress drop to the floor unembarrassed and bends down picking it up, only wearing panties now, with Scott turning his back in her direction.

"Like what you... see? Haha, truly a gentleman." Jenna asks seductively, her hand sliding over what she assumed would be the front of his pants but turns out to be the back of his pants.

"Why are you doing this? Are you scared I will leave because of your past with your brother?" Scott ssks.

"Wouldn't you be? I mean if you were to go out with one of the few people who matter to you and expose the most horrifying secret about you in front of her." She replies.

"I'm not judging. I just don't want to do something out of a sense of fear or shame." He says before she turns him around, dressed in jeans and a backless top.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have rushed this." Jenna apologizes, gingerly playing with one of his hands.

"It's fine." Scott says, leaning close and kisses her.

"I have one favor before you leave though." Jenna says, grabbing his hand tightly.

"Let me feel you." She says.

"We're holding hands aren't we?" Scott says.

"No, I mean feel all of you. So I can imagine what you look like. With girls fawning after you like they are I must be missing quite an eye candy." Jenna requests.

"OK." Scott agrees.

"Thank you." She says, pecking his cheek before sliding her hands up his arms one by one, squeezing his muscles under his dress shirt curiously.

Once done with his arms she moves behind him and roams over his wide back with one hand, the other reaching to his front and starting to unbutton his shirt from the top.

"You have really soft hair. It's a nice contrast to your hard muscles." She whispers in his ear.

She then steps back to his front and explores his face with her hands.

"Certainly not the puppy from two years ago anymore." Jenna remarks, biting her lip seductively before running her hands down his front, teasingly dragging her fingernails across his abs.

"Do you get such a detailed image with everyone you meet?" Scott asks.

"Would it bother you if I did?" Jenna asks.

"Yes. It would." Scott admits, feeling her hands slide over the sides of his stomach.

"I get why the girls are after you. You're quite the catch." Jenna says, before cupping his cheeks and kissing him.

"And I underestimated you. Even blind you are more courageous than I gave you credit for." Scott compliments her.

"Thank you." Jenna says with a grin.

"Can I ask you out again?" She then asks.

"Definitely." He replies, surprising her when he kisses her and his hands move down her back to just above her ass.

"You could be a bit more courageous you know? I wouldn't mind." Jenna chuckles with Scott stepping out of their close contact and fixing his clothes back in place.

"Good night Jenna. I'll see you soon." Scott chuckles bidding her farewell, kissing her cheek before leaving her alone.

"Hmm maybe the cards were right and I have to decide between revenge and Scott." Jenna mumbles to herself, feeling genuine affection for the teen.

Meanwhile Toby drives Emily to the hospital after she ran away from him freaking out and hit her head falling down.

Fearing that Emily's friends are gonna pin her getting hurt on him Toby leaves, getting into an accident while leaving town.

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