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43.43% My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite) / Chapter 96: Ecruteak City Gym

Capítulo 96: Ecruteak City Gym

Next day Ashlyn was getting her Pokémon checked for her gym battle against Morty.

"Thank you Nurse Joy." Ashlyn smiled as she took her three Pokéballs from the tray.

"You're welcome and good luck Ashlyn." Nurse Joy said.

Ashlyn nodded and headed back to the gang. The gang exited out of the Ecruteak City Pokémon Centre and headed towards the Ecruteak Gym.

"So Ashlyn have you decided what Pokémon to use apart from Poseidon?" Misty asked.

"Yep." Ashlyn replied.

"Who'd you pick?" Misty questioned, curious.

Ashlyn smiled wistfully, "You'll see."

"Well you better watch it in the gym battle against Morty, Ashlyn." Volkner warned.

"Yeah, since Morty uses Ghost-type Pokémon, this battle will turn out to be difficult." Brock added.

"You're right Volkner, Brock," Ashlyn agreed, "After all Ghost Pokémon are tricky. But my Pokémon know Psychic-type and Dark-type moves, and I've been training them for this. So everything will be all right."

Misty smiled nervously. "Trust you to be confident, Ashlyn." She said.


When the gang arrived at the front of the Ecruteak Gym and they saw a man at the front.

"Greetings." The man bowed towards the gang, "Mr. Matsuba is expecting you. I'll take you to him."

Ashlyn nodded, "Thank you."

The gang followed the man.


As they entered the gym, they noticed that there were some children were inside the gym as well as Morty.

"Excuse sir." The man interrupted Morty.

"Huh?" Morty looked towards the entrance door.

"The trainer has arrived to challenge you." The man told the Gym Leader.

"Hello Morty." Ashlyn greeted.

"Hello everyone." Morty greeted. "And yes, I've been expecting you Ashlyn."

"Are we interrupting something?" Ashlyn asked, curiously as she looked at the kids.

"It looks like it." Volkner said.

"Gastly..." The Gastly's floated around the Ecruteak Gym Leader and his Gengar.

"Oh, I was lecturing my students about Ghost-type Pokémon." Morty answered, "Teaching is another part of a Gym Leader job. Thanks for helping out guys, I think that all for now." He told the Gastly's.

"Gastly..." All the gas Pokémon's disappeared.

Morty turned towards his Pokémon, "Gengar you should take a little break too." He held out his Pokéball.

"Gengar." The shadow Pokémon nodded, before returning back to its Pokéball.

Morty walked towards Ashlyn, "Class, this is Ashlyn Ketchum from Pallet Town and she'll be challenging our Gym today."

Ashlyn blinked.

"I would like them to observe our battles today Ashlyn, it's only one in a life time experience for them to see him."

The students stood up and all gave Ashlyn a bow, "Please Miss Ketchum." They said.

"Well Ashlyn?" The Ecruteak Gym Leader questioned.

Ashlyn gave a smile, "Sure my Pokémon and I don't mind." She said.

"Raichu!" Tesla nodded.


Morty and Ashlyn got ready for their battle on the gym battle arena. Volkner, Misty and Brock stood behind Ashlyn, against the wall, while Morty's students stood on the side. against the wall to watch.

"This is an official Ecruteak City Gym Match, the Challenger is battling for a Fog Badge." The referee announced, "The Gym Leader and the Challenger will use three Pokémon each and the match ends when all three Pokémon of either opponents are unable to continue battling. The Challenger will attack first, the Challenger will be permitted to make substitutions during the match, the Gym Leader will not."

"Are you ready Ashlyn?" Morty asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Ashlyn replied.

"Let the match begin!" The referee declared.

"Gastly!" Morty sent out the gas Pokémon.

"Gastly!" The gas Pokémon appeared.

"Noctowl I choose you!" Ashlyn released her Owl Pokémon.

"Brr~" Noctowl appeared, ready to fight.

"Noctowl, use Confusion!" Noctowl's eyes glowed blue and beamed at Gastly.

Gastly soon became confused and looked all around itself.

"Now Agility Shade!" Noctowl disappeared and then reappeared in front of Gastly. Then Noctowl's glowed red and fired two black beams outlined in dark red from them. It hit Gastly and sent it straight to the ground.

"Gastly! Are you okay?" Morty called.

Gastly shook its head and floated back up. Then it nodded.

"Alright then. Gastly, use Dark Pulse!" Gastly formed a dark purple orb of energy in its mouth. It then fired a beam of dark purple circles from the orb.

"Dodge and use Future Sight!" Noctowl quickly dodged the attack and his eyes shimmered blue for a second.

"Moonblast!" Noctowl raised both his wings into the air and a light pink orb was forming between them, growing larger and larger, he spun and tossed the sparkling orb towards the gas Pokémon.

"Gastly dodge!" Gastly quickly dodged the attack, "Now Tackle!"

Gastly headed straight towards Noctowl.

"Protect and then Tackle!" Noctowl formed a green colored barrier in front of himself and Gastly banged right into it and bounced back. Then Noctowl flew towards Gastly and rammed it into the air. As predicted Future Sight hit Gastly.

"Gast Gastly!" Gastly cried out and it fell to the ground with a thud.

"Gastly!" Morty called out.

"Gast-Gastly." Gastly said, unconscious with swirling eyes.

"Gastly is unable to battle. Noctowl wins this round." The referee announced.

"Brr~" Noctowl landed on Ashlyn's shoulder.

"Thanks, Noctowl. You did a great job." Ashlyn smiled as she scratched his wings, "Take a rest. Poseidon can handle the next one." She returned her Owl Pokémon.


"She already defeated Morty's first Pokémon." Misty commented.

"Now she has two more to go." Brock pointed out.

"Don't worry. I know she'll be fine." Volkner assured them.


"I choose you... Haunter!" Morty sent out his second Pokémon.

"Haunter..." The gas Pokémon appeared.

"Poseidon, I choose you!" Ashlyn let out her diving Pokémon.

"Auuu~" Poseidon appeared.


"No way!" The students gasped, "It's a Lugia!"

They had only seen pictures of a Johto Legendary Pokémon in books.


"Haunter disappear and use Shadow Ball!" Morty ordered.

"Dodge it and force it out with Icy Wind." Poseidon flew into the air, avoiding the Shadow Ball and then released a blast of ice cold wind all around the field.


"It's freezing now!" Misty wailed.

"C-Co-Cold!" Brock shivered, trying time warm himself up as he rubbed his arms.

"Just deal with it for now." Volkner spoke up, trying to ignore the cold in the air.

"Rairai..." Tesla stood, strongly but she's cold herself.


Morty was impressed again as he felt the power of the Icy Wind, "Even young. It's dangerous."

"Haunter!" Haunter was forced to reappear.

"Future Sight and Zen Headbutt!" Ashlyn called out quickly.

"Auuuu!" The diving Pokémon used Future Sight and then charged towards the Gas Pokémon with his headbutt, he smashed Haunter in the head.

"HAUNTERRRR!" The Gas Pokémon cried out in pain, as it felt the Zen Headbutt attack and it maintained its balance in the air.

"Haunter use Thunderbolt!"

"Poseidon use Thunderbolt as well!"

Both Haunter and Poseidon fires a Thunder attack, both attacks collided with each other creating a explosion.

"Ice Punch!"

"Iron Tail!"

Both Pokémon hits each other with their Ice Punch by the Gas Pokémon and Iron Tail by the diving Pokémon.

"Thunderbolt Haunter!" Morty ordered.

"Haunter!" Haunter's fist changed from Ice Punch and fired a Thunderbolt.

"Take it!" Ashlyn countered.

"Auuu!" Poseidon's tail remained in Iron Tail and he lifted it up, absorbing the Thunderbolt attack.

"Now Thunder Tail!"

"Aauuuuu!" Poseidon flew towards the gas Pokémon with his tail cracking in electricity and he did a back flip, slamming the Thunder Tail onto its stomach, sending it into the air.

"HAUNTERRR!" The gas Pokémon cried out in pain, as it is flying into the air.

"Haunter!" Morty called out.

The air changed and the Future Sight struck Haunter.

"HAUNTERRRRRR!" The gas Pokémon cried out even more as the Future Sight hits it.

"Haunter!" Morty called out to his Pokémon once again.

Haunter fall to the ground with a loud 'THUD' and dust clouds around it, "Haunt-ter... Haunt... Haun-ter..." It said, unconsciously with swirling eyes.

"Haunter is unable to battle. Lugia wins the round." The referee declared.

Poseidon landed down next to Ashlyn and she petted his head earning a few coos of affection.

"Well done for your second battle, Poseidon. I'm very proud of you." Ashlyn smiled.

Poseidon cooed and nuzzled against her and she continued to pet him. Then she returned him to his Pokéball and Morty returned his Haunter into its Pokéball.


"Wow, Poseidon sure has gotten stronger." Misty commented.

"Definitely," Brock agreed, "But I'm wondering who's the third Pokémon Ashlyn will be battling Gengar with."

"Something tells me that it will be interesting." Volkner spoke up.


"I choose you, Gengar!" Morty sent out his third and final Pokémon.

"Gengar!" The shadow Pokémon appeared with a grin.

Ashlyn smiled, "This will become quite the battle. Marshadow!" She called out.

Ashlyn's shadow suddenly lengthened onto the battlefield. A Pokémon rose from the shadows; Marshadow, the mythical Gloomdweller Pokémon.

"(Let's do this!)" Marshadow appeared, ready to fight.

"Marshadow?!" Morty exclaimed with wide eyes, shocked.

The referee and Morty's students were also shocked at seeing the mythical Pokémon. Even Gengar was surprised.


"Who is that?!" Brock and Misty exclaimed.

"Marshadow." Volkner stated calmly.

"Marshadow?" Misty asked.

"From what I know is that he's known a mythical Pokémon. He's rarely seen by humans because he sticks to the shadows. So its natural for people to think he's a myth." Volkner answered.

"But how did Ashlyn manage to capture him?" Brock questioned.

"I have a feeling he joined her team willingly." Volkner commented, already knew that Marshadow had been with her since the Orange Islands.


"Marshadow, Shadow Punch!" Ashlyn ordered.

Marshadow changed into Zenith Marshadow and then he raised one of his arms and purple sparks travel up it and appeared around his fist. Then he charged towards Gengar and punched it in the face.

"GENGAR!" Gengar cried out in pain as it was sent flying.

"Gengar!" Morty called out.

Gengar winced as it slowly got to its feet.

"Gengar, are you okay?" Morty asked.

Gengar nodded.

"Alright then, use Shadow Ball!" Morty ordered.

"Marshadow, use Shadow Ball!" Ashlyn countered.

Both Shadow Ball attacks collided, causing smoke to spread out. Ashlyn decided to take advantage of that.

"Agility and then Sucker Punch!" Ashlyn commanded.

Marshadow disappeared from his spot and rammed into Gengar again which sent Gengar flying across the field.

"Now Disable!"

Marshadow's eyes glowed blue and then a blue light outlined Gengar, causing Gengar to freeze.

"Drain Punch!"

Marshadow's right arm became surrounded by yellow streaks that spiral around his arm and glowed green. He rushed forward and punched the shadow Pokémon in the face and sent it crashing into the ground with a loud 'THUD' and dust.

As the dust began to disappear, it reveal the gas Pokémon unconscious with swirling eyes.

"Gengar is unable to continue. Marshadow wins the round." The referee declared, raising his left arm in the air, "The match goes to the Challenger, Ashlyn Ketchum."

Ashlyn ran over to Zenith Marshadow as he changed back to Marshadow and stroked his head.

"Well done Marshadow, I'm proud of you." Ashlyn said, happily.

"(Thank you, Ashlyn. This was a very thrilling battle for me.)" Marshadow bowed.

"You're welcome, Marshadow. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Ashlyn smiled.

Volkner, Misty and Brock walked over to Ashlyn.

"That was amazing, Ashlyn." Misty complimented.

"You and your Pokémon were great out there." Brock added.

"I had no idea that Marshadow was a powerful Pokémon." Volkner added.

"Raichu! (Great job, Marshadow!)" Tesla cheered.

Marshadow's cheek slightly turned pink and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

Ashlyn smiled, "Thank you, everyone."

Morty returns back his Gengar, "You put up a great fight Gengar." He looked at the gang, "But I have to admit, they put up a better one."


The gang, Morty and his students were all outside the Ecruteak City Gym.

"Ashlyn, you have given me the greatest battle that I have ever had. Thank you for allowing me to battle against Lugia and Marshadow." Morty told her his gratitude.

"You're welcome, Morty." Ashlyn smiled.

"I have to admit that I was surprised that you had Marshadow on your team."

"I figure you say that. But could you not tell anyone about Marshadow being on my team?" Ashlyn requested, "The less people who know about him, the better."

"I will. But I have a friend who would like to hear about him." Morty accepted.

"Alright." Ashlyn said.

"Congratulations, here is the Fog Badge. It's yours my friend." The Ecruteak Gym Leader held out the gym badge.

The Fog Badge was purple and in the shape of a wispy ghost.

"Thank you very much Morty." Ashlyn gave a small bow, before taking the badge from the Gym Leader.

The students gave Ashlyn a congratulations.

"Ashlyn, I wish you the best of luck on your journey and if you run into anymore Legendary Pokémon or capture any." Morty said.

'Don't jinx it.' Volkner, Misty, and Brock thought.

"Make sure you tell me about it, next time you come here."

Ashlyn couldn't help but have a mental sweat dropped, "Will do Morty." She said.


"Bye!" The gang said and they began to walk off.

"Good luck!" Morty waved back.


And so with Ashlyn's fourth Johto League Badge in her hands, her journey is far from over but her goal has gotten a little bit closer. So the gang left the Ecruteak Gym to continue their journey.


Pokémon on hand: Raichu (Tesla)(F), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Togetic (F), Misdreavus (F), Shiny Frogadier (Genji)(M), Shiny Quilladin (Cybele)(F), Shiny Charizard (Natsu)(M), Lucario (M), Marshadow (M), Shiny Articuno (Yukina)(F)

Pokémon Caught: Heracross (M), Furret (F), Stantler (F), Bayleef (F), Quilava (M), Togetic (F), Croconaw (M), Steelix (M), Flaffy (F), Girafarig (F), Misdreavus (F), Drizzile (M), Thwackey (M), Shiny Frogadier (Genji)(M), Shiny Quilladin (Cybele)(F), Hakamo-o (M), Sliggoo (F), Meowstic (Orin)(M), Meowstic (Bella)(F), Thievul (F), Gothorita (F), Rapidash (F), Houndour (M), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Pikachu (Nariko)(F), Marshadow (M)

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