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43.89% My New Life As A Pokémon Trainer (Rewrite) / Chapter 97: Moving Pictures

Capítulo 97: Moving Pictures

After Ashlyn got the Fog Badge, the gang were now on the way to Olivine City, where Ashlyn could get her next badge. Right now the gang were walking through the meadow.

Brock notice that the clouds were beginning to darken, "The sky is getting dark, it's probably going to rain soon." He commented.

"We should hurry and find shelter." Volkner said.

"A-choo!" Ashlyn sneezed, "And let's hope that it would have a nice warm fire." She said.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Coming from the bushes on the other side.


"What was that?" Misty asked.

When the gang looked over the bushes, to see the source of the clicking sound, they found out it was from an old friend.

Todd Snap, a Professional Pokémon Photographer.

"Hey Todd!" Ashlyn called out.

Todd stopped taking pictures with his camera when he heard someone familiar called out his name, he turned around and saw Ashlyn, Volkner, Misty and Brock.

"Rairai!" Tesla smiled.

"Hey everyone, it's good to see you guys again." Todd told them.

"Its good to see you again too Todd." Ashlyn said.

Brock nodded, "Yeah, it's been awhile." He said.

"So I take it you're here in Johto to take pictures of Johto Region Pokémon?" Volkner questioned.

Todd nodded, "Yes I am. What I really want is to take picture of an Articuno." He told them.

"An Articuno?!" Brock and Misty exclaimed.

"An Articuno huh? Where did you hear about that?" Ashlyn asked.

"Well, there is a rumor that one has been sighted high up in the snowy mountains and that's where I'm headed now." Todd explained.

"Sounds interesting." Volkner said.

"It's sounds amazing and I would love to see one in the wild for myself." Brock said.

"I remember when we saw one and Moltres and Zapdos in the Orange Islands." Ashlyn said.

"I remember seeing them too." Misty said.

"So do I." Volkner said.

"What!?" Todd gasped, "You mean you guys had seen all three of the legendary birds?"

"Yes, Volkner, Misty and I met them in the Orange Islands. Brock didn't see them because he wasn't with us when we saw them." Ashlyn explained.

"Wow, what was it like seeing all three legendary bird Pokémon?" Todd asked.

"Well it was cool seeing them, but it was also pretty dangerous too." Ashlyn replied.

"Ashlyn's right." Misty agreed.

"The three birds were fighting each other like crazy, and they nearly killed each other too." Volkner explained.

"Wow." Todd said.

"Hey do you mind if we join you?" Ashlyn asked.

"Sure and it would be unpredictable to travel with you guys again." Todd grinned, which is true, travelling with the gang is always a unpredictable event going to happen.

"Hey." Ashlyn twitched.

Todd chuckled.

"Rairai!" Tesla pointed at the sky.

Everyone looked to where she was pointing. They saw something shooting across the sky.

"What is that?" Ashlyn asked.

"Maybe it's a meteorite." Brock guessed.

"And its coming right this way!" Ashlyn yelped.

Everyone but Todd moved out of the way.

"Hey, maybe its that Articuno," Todd aimed his camera, "I gotta get a shot of this!"

The object was getting closer and closer to them. Volkner quickly pulled Todd out of the way as the object crashed into the ground, causing dust to come out.

"Wow, that was a close call." Brock spoke up.

"Maybe that thing really was a meteor." Misty said.

"Well it definitely wasn't an Articuno." Todd confirmed.

The dust cleared and revealed what the object really was: A frozen Sunkern!

"A Sunkern!" Ashlyn quickly went down in the hole and picked up the frozen Sunkern. Volkner helped her get out of the hole.

"We gotta help this Sunkern." Volkner said.

"I just passed a lodge. We can take it there." Todd suggested.

"Great, let's go!" Brock said.

Todd and the gang quickly ran towards the lodge.


The gang soon arrived at the lodge where they met an old woman swiping outside. Ashlyn recalled that her name is Sophia and she's the owner of the Sunflora lodge. She was able to help the frozen Sunkern by placing it in a basin filled with hot water. A few seconds later, Sunkern was fully melted from the ice which was a relief to everyone.

Ashlyn took out her phone and scanned the Pokémon:

[Sunkern, the Seed Pokémon. Sunkern drinks the dew that collects beneath the leaves. It is believed that it neither eats or drinks anything else.]

The group introduced themselves and Sophia introduced herself.

"I'm very happy that I was able to help this Sunkern. Especially since everyone knows that this place is the Sunflora lodge." Sophia said.

"I guess we came to the right place." Misty spoke up.

"Yeah. Sunkern are the pre-evolved form of Sunflora, right?" Brock asked.

"That's right and the reason we call this the Sunflora Lodge is...Oh well, that's a very long, complicated story." Sophia went over to the bookshelf and took out a few albums, "and I'm sure you young people wouldn't be interested in listening to an old lady reminisce."

A few minutes later, she had tea and snack all laid out for them.

"Of course it is rather interesting and I could tell you if you insist." Sophia smiled.

Todd and the gang sweat dropped at this.

'I'm betting that everyone is not so thrilled about wanting to hear Sophia's story.' Ashlyn thought.

Sophia told them that fifty years ago, her lover, Marcello, went to work in another town. Months passed and she learned Marcello got into a terrible accident and was in the hospital. She waited and received a letter. Marcello wished happiness if she was married, but if she was not and wanted him, she needed to put a Sunflora in front of the lodge and he'd know. Sophia asked for trainers if they had Sunflora. She managed to get them and Marcello saw her. Soon they married, but he also passed away too soon.

Soon enough, Todd, Misty, and Brock had anime tears streaming down their cheeks while Ashlyn, Tesla, and Volkner had tears in the corner of their eyes.

"It's so sad but I'm so happy I heard it." Misty cried.

Sophia took out a photograph, "Someone took a picture of us on that first day with the Sunflora. That was what we looked like, exactly fifty years ago today." She showed them a picture of a young Sophia and her husband Marcello surrounded with the wild Sunflora.

"I'm glad you told us your story." Misty thanked Sophia, tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah. But please don't tell it to us again." Brock pleaded with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I guess you must really miss your husband very much." Todd stated.

At that moment, they heard a male chuckling nearby. They turned to the voice and saw a rocking chair facing away from them. It was obvious that someone was sitting there.

"Not as much as you might expect, sonny. Not nearly as much," The man turned to them from his seat, "But she sure can tell well of a tale, can she?"

Ashlyn recognized the man as Marcello, Sophia's husband. Everyone but Ashlyn blinked in confusion at the man.

"I hate to disappoint you all, but my name is Marcello." 'Marcello' introduced himself.

The gang, besides Ashlyn, gasped in shock.

"I guess I should apologize for my wife. Sophia loves romance stories and she just loves to put herself and me in them." Marcello explained.

"What did you think of today's story, Marcello?" Sophia asked.

"It had me tearing up." Marcello replied, smiling.

Sophia and Marcello laughed.

"Can't believe we fell for that." Misty muttered.

"Yeah." Volkner agreed.

Ashlyn chuckled lightly into her fist. Tesla had a small smile.

"Oh I wish I had a love story like those two." Brock wished.

The others sighed at that.

Todd picked up one of the photos that contained the couple and a bunch of Sunflora around them, "This looks like an interesting picture. Are those Sunflora real?" He asked.

"Oh yes. The Sunflora have come here for years and years because of the weather." Sophia replied.

"It's always been warm upon the south slope this time of year, so lots of Sunflora spend the winter there." Marcello added.

Ashlyn took out her phone and looked up Sunflora:

[Sunflora, the Sun Pokémon. The evolved form of Sunkern, using a Sun Stone. Sunflora gets its energy from the sunlight and its movements follow the rays of the sun.]

"When we first got married, we went and had our picture taken with the Sunflora and we've done it once a year for forty-nine years." Sophia showed them the photo album that had her, Marcello, and the Sunflora with them.

"Wow, these are amazing." Todd smiled as he looked through the album.

"Yeah." Ashlyn agreed.

"I never seen so many Sunflora before." Volkner said.

"So this year will be your golden anniversary." Brock smiled.

"That should make that an extra special picture." Misty added.

Then Sophia and Marcello's expressions saddened.

"Well I'm a photographer and I would love to be the one to take your anniversary picture." Todd offered.

"I'm afraid that there won't be a picture this year." Marcello stated.

"What do you mean?" Ashlyn asked.

"As much as we want a picture, there are no Sunflora around." Sophia replied.

"How is that possible?" Volkner asked.

"For some strange reason the south slope have been unusually cold this year." Sophia answered.

"For the first time in fifty years, there hasn't been a single Sunflora in the south slope." Marcello added.

"They're just...gone?" Brock questioned.

"It would have been nice to see all the Sunflora." Misty commented.

Ashlyn knew that something had caused the cold to come to the south slope. She also knew that Team Rocket is behind it.

"Ashlyn, is something on your mind?" Volkner asked, breaking Ashlyn out of her thoughts.

"This weather may be cause by something." Ashlyn spoke up.

"Huh? What do you mean Ashlyn?" Brock asked.

"The cold weather may be caused by a Pokémon. Strange weather events can be caused by a Pokémon." Ashlyn replied, "Take this for example; the weather is completely bright and sunny but then all the sudden clouds came and it began to rain."

They all nodded, following.

"The strange thing is that the rain was only happening here and nowhere else. Looking around the area where the raining is falling, it was caused by a Pokémon using Rain Dance for some fun." Ashlyn paused, "Remember that time in the Orange Islands?"

Misty nodded, "That's right. Most of the ocean was frozen by Articuno's Ice Beam attack."

"So you think that an Ice-type Pokémon might be the cause of this." Volkner guessed.

"I'm not sure. But maybe we should go to the south slope and find out." Ashlyn suggested.

"Maybe if we sort out this weather maybe the Sunflora's will return again." Todd said.

"Let's hope so, Todd." Ashlyn said.

Marcello, Sophia, Todd and the gang all wore something warm while Brock was carrying the lost Sunkern. Then they left the house to find out the mystery of the weather.


Sophia, Marcello, Todd, and the gang arrive at the south slope, a dark and gloomy looking place that doesn't seem to offer any warmth at all. Marcello tells them that only a few weeks ago, Sunflora were everywhere but now they're all gone. At that moment, it began to snow.

"This is odd, it's too early for snow." Marcello stated.

"But what's causing all of this snow?" Misty asked.

Volkner pointed ahead of them, "That would be the problem."

Everyone turned to where Volkner was pointing and saw a machine shooting out snow from it. The gang recognized the big, red letter 'R' on it.

"Team Rocket. I should have known." Ashlyn groaned.

"Prepare for trouble, we couldn't be prouder!" Jessie appeared in a ski outfit, jumping off a slope.

"We just made a foot of brand new powder!" James also appeared in a ski outfit, jumping off a slope.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"

"It's Team Rocket alright." Volkner said in a bored tone.

"Yup." Ashlyn took out three Pokéballs, "Natsu, Genji, Cybele!"

She let out her three Pokémon.

"Roar!" Natsu roared as he appeared.

"Frogadier." Genji appeared.

"Quill!" Cybele appeared.

"Oh? So you want to fight?" Jessie smirked and took out a Pokéball, "Well then, go Arbok!"

"Charbok!" Arbok appeared.

"Weezing, you too!" James released his Poison Gas Pokémon.

"Weezing!" Weezing appeared.

"Genji, Cut on Arbok! Cybele, Seed Bomb on Weezing!" Ashlyn ordered.

Genji formed a white needle in his right hand and attacked Arbok. Cybele opened her mouth and fired multiple glowing green seeds from her mouth at Weezing. Both attacks hit Team Rocket's Pokémon who cried out in pain.

"Quick Arbok, get up!" Jessie called out.

"You too Weezing!" James called out as well.

The two Pokémon painfully got up.

Suddenly, Genji and Cybele started glowing. Everyone gasped at this.

When the glow died down, Ashlyn's two Pokémon had new forms.

In Genji's place stood a bipedal, frog-like Pokémon. It is mostly black with a white chest, a white triangular marking over each eye, a light blue four-pointed star on each thigh, and yellow on the lower half of its face. It has green eyes with white pupils and its mouth is hidden behind a large, red tongue that wraps around its neck and extends outward behind its head. Running down the middle of its head is a fin-like extension, and there is a similar fin on each side of its head. Grey webbing connects its head fins. There is a large, white bubble-like bump on each elbow and knee. Its back feet have two toes, while its front feet have three toes. Each digit has a bulbous tip and yellow webbing.

In Cybele's place stood a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon with some plantlike features. There is fluffy white fur on its belly and fringing its face like a beard. It has a small, pink nose with a three-pointed patch of brown fur extending up its short snout, and four pointed teeth. On top of its head is a plate of beige armor, similar to a helmet. It possesses a prominent domed, armor-like shell similar to that of a chestnut. The armor is pine green with four large spines jutting out of the back.

"Genji and Cybele evolved!" Misty gasped.

Ashlyn took out her phone and scanned the Pokémon:

[Greninja, the Ninja Pokémon, and the evolved form of Frogadier. Greninja's swift movements confound its opponents, and it can compress water into sharp-edged throwing stars.]

[Chesnaught, the Spiny Armor Pokémon, and the evolved form of Quilladin. Its Tackle is so powerful, it can overturn a 50-ton tank.]

"Wow." Todd began taking pictures of the two new Pokémon.

"Genji, Water Shuriken! Cybele, Needle Arm!" Ashlyn commanded.

Genji formed a large shuriken made from water. Light green orb of energy with four spikes on it forms around both of Cybele's arms. Genji threw the shuriken at Arbok as Cybele charged towards Weezing. Both attacks hit Team Rocket's Pokémon and sent them back to their owner's feet.

"Natsu, Dragon Rush!" Natsu's body becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white streaks and releases a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers his body. Then he launched his attack towards Team Rocket and their machine.

The trio held onto each other with fright when the attack came and destroyed their machine which sent them flying into the air.

"Foiled once again!" Jessie growled.

"It always rains on our parade." James whined.

"Except this time its snow." Jessie added.

"WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" The trio screamed as they disappeared into the sky.

"WOBBAA!" Wobbuffet added.

Everyone sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness that's over." Misty commented.

Volkner nodded, "You said it."

Ashlyn turned to Genji and Cybele, "Congratulations Genji, Cybele."

Both Pokémon smiled and Ashlyn smiled back.

"Raichu! (Congrads you two!)" Tesla cheered.

"Growl. (Well done.)" Natsu smiled.

"Even though the sun in back, the Sunflora are gone forever." Marcello stated, sadly.

"Maybe that is true. I miss them too, but we can keep a beautiful snapshot of them in our hearts." Sophia smiled.

"You're right, my dear." Marcello agreed.

"I have an idea. Why don't you take your anniversary picture with Sunkern this year?" Misty suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Volkner said.

Todd nodded, "That would be a great idea."

"You're right. There would be no point of coming up here and not taking our annual picture." Marcello said.

"And Sunkern is the pre-evolved form of Sunflora." Sophia added.

"Sunkern!" Sunkern chirped loudly and happily, "Sunkern! Sunnkern!"

Everyone blinked in surprise on how loud Sunkern was.

Then Ashlyn felt several auras coming their way and turned to where the source is. When the source came closer, she was shocked at what she saw.

"Everyone, look over there!" Ashlyn pointed to where the source was.

Everyone turned to where Ashlyn was pointing and was shocked as well. It was a herd of Sunflora.

"It's the Sunflora!" Sophia gasped.

"They're here!" Marcello gasped.

Soon enough, the Sunflora crowded around them. Everyone was in awe by them. Marcello and Sophia were glad that the Sunflora were back.


In the end, Todd took a picture of the happy couple with the Sunkern and Sunflora for their 50th anniversary. When the picture was taken, Todd had noticed something flying nearby. Todd believed that it was Articuno and was determined to take a picture of it.


And so the gang and Todd left the happy couple to find Articuno.


Pokémon on hand: Raichu (Tesla)(F), Type: Null (Talos)(Genderless), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Togetic (F), Misdreavus (F), Shiny Greninja (Genji)(M), Shiny Chestnaught (Cybele)(F), Shiny Charizard (Natsu)(M), Lucario (M), Marshadow (M), Shiny Articuno (Yukina)(F)

Pokémon Caught: Heracross (M), Furret (F), Stantler (F), Bayleef (F), Quilava (M), Togetic (F), Croconaw (M), Steelix (M), Flaffy (F), Girafarig (F), Misdreavus (F), Drizzile (M), Thwackey (M), Shiny Greninja (Genji)(M), Shiny Chestnaught (Cybele)(F), Hakamo-o (M), Sliggoo (F), Meowstic (Orin)(M), Meowstic (Bella)(F), Thievul (F), Gothorita (F), Rapidash (F), Houndour (M), Shiny Noctowl (M), Zeraora (Raiden)(M), Pikachu (Nariko)(F), Marshadow (M)

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