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3.33% Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped] / Chapter 1: A New Life
Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped] Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped] original

Game of Thrones: Rise of the North [Dropped]

Autor: YellowScarf

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: A New Life

[Congratulations! You have died and have been selected by Zurvan, Lord of Time, as a player for Sand System]

I heard a voice ringing in my head as I opened my eyes. I saw nothing but darkness and the source of the voice was nowhere to be found. I tried to remember how I came here but a headache came over to me. The only thing I was able to remember was I was watching Game of Thrones' final episode for a second time when my phone rang. I remember opening my phone and clicking a link about the release date of Prince of Persia but the rest was blank. I couldn't remember anything. I felt like a book whose pages were torn off.

[Do you wish to continue?]

Suddenly, a screen opened before me. I looked around but saw nothing except the screen. I still did not comprehend the death part and I did not know what was happening so it was obvious that if I was going to learn anything then I had to play along.

[Welcome to the Sand System. Your soul will be transferred to a body.]

"Wait, wait , wait, wait!! What new body!" I tried to yell but no sound came out of me. I felt like a mute trying to speak with a microphone.

[Please choose a universe.]

I was glad that at least, I had the right to choose. My death and being selected as a player for a queer system was strange enough but I did not remember anything about the past, except my death so it was easy to adapt to this new situation. As I was thinking about my situation, several choices appeared before my eyes.

[Warhammer 40K: It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. Mankind is besieged from all sides by the greedy heathens of the galaxy. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times.]

[Lord of the Rings: In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, The Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages, it fell into the hands of Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.]

[The Broken Empire: From being a privileged royal child, raised by a loving mother, Jorg Ancrath has become the Prince of Thorns, a charming, immoral boy leading a grim band of outlaws in a series of raids and atrocities. The world is in chaos: violence is rife, nightmares everywhere. Jorg has the ability to master the living and the dead, but there is still one thing that puts a chill in him. Returning to his father's castle Jorg must confront horrors from his childhood and carve himself a future with all hands turned against him.]

[Game of Thrones: Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. It will stretch from the south, where heat breeds plot, lusts and intrigues; to the vast frozen north, where a 300-meter wall of ice protects the kingdom from the dark forces that lie beyond.]

Is it only four? I mean the choices are not bad but I expected more than this number. Anyway, Even if they sent me to hell, I would not choose Warhammer 40k. I mean I have a chance of dying the minute I set foot on that universe. Orks, Men, Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, Tau and many more races. It is a universe where a man dies in every millisecond.

On the other hand, the Lord of the Rings could be a good choice as I may go to Valinor and live peacefully until the end of my time. However, I don't think I would be sent to a universe to live peacefully. Probably, I would be sent to Arda and forced to fight in the war between Dark and Light forces.

Ah, Broken Empire… I remember reading this book series. The main character was the cruellest mother fucker I have ever read. However, that world was also filled with war and I do not remember many of the events so it would be a bad choice if I want to survive.

The final choice is Game of Thrones. Actually, I was surprised at its name because it was not A Song of Ice and Fire but Game of Thrones. That means the world would be according to the TV adaptation. Well, this is the most suitable choice because I was just watching the last episode before I died. I mean if I can play my cards right, I can come out alive. Thus, I have chosen the Game of Thrones universe.

[Game of Thrones selected]

[Choose starting continent]





This was not even a question that should be asked as I was surely going to choose Westeros. I was not stupid enough to go to Sothoryos or Ulthos as those places even caused the death of Valyrians. Essos was tempting but slavery was a thing that disturbed me and I still did not know which era I was going to be transferred to so I have chosen Westeros.

[Westeros selected]

[Choose starting region]









[Beyond the Wall]

[Random (+10 Trait Points)]

I had the choice of selecting a region and all the regions were available to me but what caught my eyes was the "random". Trait points were something I would covet eagerly as I know their worth from the games I have played and fanfictions I have read. I was an avid fan of House Baratheon, especially Stannis Baratheon. The man had the conviction of a true king and his will was as hard as a steel door. However, these trait points were something that could be very useful for me as I'm sure I was going to struggle to survive. Besides, Stormlands and Crownlands were still amongst those random regions so with a little bit of luck everything could happen.

[You are awarded 10 Trait Points]

There were many things I could improve with trait points like swordsmanship, rulership or special abilities like warging. However, it was the next screen that surprised me.

[The North selected]

Fuck… Well, that was the second-best possible region for me as the South was going to be a region full of war but still, there was the threat of White Walkers and that was something I did not wish to deal with. However, even if my soul was transferred to somebody from the North, I could go to the South and gain some money then sail to Summer Islands and live amongst the best tities of Planetos when I grow up.

Actually, this was a valid plan. I mean with some gold coins, I could buy a whorehouse in the South and gain a great amount of money. Of course, all of this was possible if I was lucky enough to be a second or third born of a noble house.

[Choose social standing]


[Noble Bastard (+1 Trait Points)]

[Commoner (+2 Trait Points)]

[Commoner Bastard (+3 Trait Points)]

Special trait points again?! However, there was a problem as they were not awarded when "noble" was chosen. Of course, I wasn't going to choose "commoner bastard" as that was even lower than beggars. "Commoner" could be a good choice but being in a poor house or being forced to do a lord's bidding was not something I wished to happen myself. "Noble bastard" was also a good choice but it was a good choice if the bastard was in a position like Jon Snow. I mean Ramsay Snow was also a bastard but he was shunned and had earned his position with blood and betrayal. There was only one choice left and that was "Noble".

[Noble selected]

[Choose a lord as your new body]

[Eddard Stark]

[Roose Bolton]

[Torghen Flint]

[Rodrik Ryswell]

[Howland Reed]

[Halys Hornwood]

What the fuck?! Half of these choices' cock doesn't even work anymore. I mean do they have all to be a lord of somewhere? Hey system, can't I become an OC or choose a second son… I guess not. Well, beggars can't be choosers. First of all, Torghen Flint, Rodrik Ryswell and Halys Hornwood are out. All of them are at least fifty or forty years old and I wouldn't be able to live for long if I choose them. Of course, Roose Bolton is also out because I don't want to be hated by everyone and he doesn't have any relatives so I can't abdicate my position and go to Tity Islands… Ehem, Summer Islands.

That leaves Eddard Stark and Howland Reed. As far as I know, Howlands also do not have any brothers or cousins and he is the last Reed. Compared to him, Eddard is a better choice because I can abdicate my lordly position to Benjen but there is a little problem. The system gave me an opportunity to choose but it is written as "lord", which means Eddard is already a lord. With Eddard, I would have to fight in a war or I would already have a child by Catelyn Tully. Anyway, being only below the king is already good enough, maybe I can retire after Robb comes of age.

[Eddard Stark selected]

[Character creation is completed. You are granted 10 attribute points]

Damn, I'm going to become a god if this is going to continue.

[Distribute your attribute points to improve your body]

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 19

Martial: 23

Stewardship: 25

Intrigue: 0

Learning: 5]

My diplomacy, martial and stewardship attribute points are very good but what is that intrigue?! Even a child would have more intrigue than this Eddard… or me. Well, learning is also low but at least it is not zero. Now, the best choice would be increasing intrigue and learning. I guess learning can be increased in natural ways but intrigue is a mindset so it will be my priority. However, I also need to be better in war and fighting because Westeros is a playground for nobles and there will be many wars while Robb comes of age.

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 19

Martial: 27 (+4)

Stewardship: 25

Intrigue: 6 (+6)

Learning: 5]

[Use your trait points to gain new traits or upgrade existing upgradable traits. You can also remove your existing traits to gain trait points. Beware, traits will affect your personality!]

[Skilled Commander - This person has great skills in commanding. People acknowledged his skills on the battlefield. The army he commands will fight more effectively. (Upgradeable)

Heavy Infantry Leader - This person is skilled at leading heavily armoured infantry into battle. His leadership will allow heavy infantry in his command to be more skilled.

Lead From the Rear - This person prefers to lead from the back, so he can get a better overall picture of the battlefield and not risk harm to himself.

Skilled Fighter - This person possesses a certain talent for battle and swordplay. He is better than most but not the best.

Honest - Lies do not come easily to this person, who values the truth above all else. It is not a good trait for spymasters, and plotters but is respected among diplomats. He will not be able to lie easily.

Temperate - This person believes in the virtue of moderation; a valuable trait in rulers and stewards. Angering him will not be easy.

Proud - This person prideful of his lineage and culture, he will not allow people to undermine him. People will be wary of their words in front of him.

Brave - This person never shies from personal danger, enjoying the respect of vassals but the envy of cravens. He will not be afraid of the threats against his life.

Honourable - This person is a firm believer in the importance of duty, mercy, and honour. However, he will find it easy to fall against plots.

Authoritative - When this person speaks, he speaks with a natural authoritative tone. His words will hold more weight and make people listen to him.

Remaining Trait Points: 10]

I just say Wow! I did know "I" was good from Robert's bragging of old times in the first episode but this is very good. Of course, there are traits I will absolutely remove because they are something that killed the future me and I will not have it. "Honourable" and "honest" traits.

Good, "honourable" and "honest" traits are gone. Damn, it only gave two trait point. I hope removing them increases my intrigue attribute because I think I will need high intrigue in the future. Now, let's look at new traits to have. Hm… this is good… and this, this… and that. I will not spend the rest of my points now because I may need certain traits in dire situations. So these are my new traits…

[Brilliant Commander - This person is one of the best commanders in the known world. The army he leads will be a herald of victory.

Formidable Fighter - This person is one of the greatest fighters in the known world, favoured by the gods and dreaded on the battlefield. Only legendary heroes can contest with him.

Green Dreams - This person dreams of the future.

Duelist - This person is a masterful fencer and a duelist. His losing in a duel would be a miracle.

Remaining Trait Points: 4]

I have upgraded my "skilled commander" trait for two trait points. War is something very important in this world and being a good commander would always allow me to come victorious and demand whatever I want in negotiations. Losing a war has very hard consequences, especially in such a medieval world. I mean they could force my future children to marry against their will or kill me and my family. That is not something I will allow.

I also upgraded my "skilled fighter" trait for two trait points. I mean if I am going to fight in wars or against people, I need to be a skilful fighter. Of course, there is also a trial by combat. If I become the best then there won't be many people who will win against me and prove me wrong.

"Green dreams" was one of the most expensive traits on the list but it is worth every point because seeing the future will allow me to prepare for any danger. I mean is there a man who can win against a greenseer.

However, to be certain I still bought the "duelist" trait for one trait point because most of the trials happen on a one on one fights. With this trait, I definitely won't lose to anyone.

I have completed choosing new trait so my attributes are also changed.

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 16 (-3)

Martial: 34 (+7)

Stewardship: 26 (+1)

Intrigue: 12 (+6)

Learning: 5]

Diplomacy decreased because I removed the "honourable" and "honest" traits. On the other hand, I have upgraded my "skilful fighter" and "skilled commander" traits. Also, after I gained the "duelist" trait, my martial points increased by 7 in total.

After the martial points, the biggest increase has been in intrigue. I removed the "honourable" trait and upgraded my "skilled commander" trait so I can say that even if I am not a Varys, at least I have higher intrigue points than Robert.

After I have completed everything I needed to do, I have looked around for a screen. Suddenly, a new screen popped up but it was green instead of the usual dark blue.

[Do you wish to complete your character creation?]

Finally, I said yes in my mind and all the screens suddenly disappeared. I waited, waited and waited but nothing happened. Then, I heard a voice calling up and shaking me.

"Ned… Ned, wake up! The road ahead is too rocky. We need to leave the cart behind." the voice was distant but not distant. I felt like I was being pulled by something and only when the owner of the voice shook me strongly did I saw the light.

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