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40% From Truck-Kun To Part-Time System! / Chapter 12: 12.The Road To The DEAD!

Capítulo 12: 12.The Road To The DEAD!

[[12.The Road To The DEAD!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

While Rei, Saeko, Shizuko, Yuriko and Rika were trying to do their best to organize whatever they got in grocery bags, Derierei had went to look for delivery trucks around the mall that would still work for them to be able to get more from the mall. And she did find some, but they could only use two of them since only she, Shizuka, Yuriko, Lillian, and Rika know how to drive. So, after finding two suitable trucks, Derierei called for Lillian to drive one of the trucks with her closer to the group. Conveniently enough, they both has their keys inside.

Then, after parking the trucks beside the MTVR, the rest were able to properly organize the groceries in one truck, while the essentials, weapons(kitchen knives, scissors...) and some miscellaneous in the MTVR, as the other truck would be used for whatever else they find in the mall.

After the groceries, everyone, other than the ones in RV(Lillian, Saya, Yuki, Alice and Kiriko), began roaming around the mall, taking whatever they needed, what they thought they needed, and what they wanted. Clothes, underwear, things they could turn, and use, as weapons, books to keep them entertained, wine and booze, and just a lot of things in general. Honestly, they were shopping like there wasn't any zombies and everything was suddenly free!

For hours, the group had taken whatever they wanted and needed, and by the time thr sun began to set, they felt quite satisfied, but had to change the original plan. Since they spent too long in the mall, they wouldn't have enough time to raid the police station without raising the chance of danger, so they decided to spend the time in their night inside the mall.

With that decision, they had used a restaurant in front of the grocery store as their base for the night. Everyone was there, even Alice and Kiriko. And, with a working stove, where Lillian and Yuriko would be able to cook a proper meal from the restaurant's available ingredients for dinner.

As night began to settle, Derierei roamed around the outside of the mall, making sure no zombies would get close to their place, Rei and Kiriko cuddled as they lay comfortably on the futon -which they took straight from the mall- they laid in the restaurant's dining area, reminding each other of their presence, Saya, Yuki and Saeko were looking around the mall once again, while the rest just chattered with one another.

Outside with Derierei, she had noticed the presence of humans. Not wanting to take any chances, she used her powers to determine their past and what they currently were after, and sneered.

"Fucking savages." The pinkette spat out as she watched the group of men from a distance as they get closer to the mall. From what she got from them using her powers, these men were just simple folk, who turned into bandits right after the apocalypse and had easily succumbed into temptation, raping women they find, stealing from other survivors, and killing them for no reason.

Derierei didn't like them the first time she saw the group, with their manic smiled and arrogant way of walking. Then she loathed them after finding out their dastardly deeds. The pinkette thought that this would be a good chance for Shizuka's group to experience killing humans, but she decided that it was too early and, as much positive as they were, the group were still trying to cope with everything that was happening. Derierei didn't want to give them anymore problems, so she just casually waved at the men before they disintegrated into dust.

"Hmm..." The fake Reaper's apprentice hummed as she watched them disappear with a sneer. And after that, she continued her patrol, even if she knew that there were barely any zombies around the mall, and Shizuka should know that too, because she has the mini-map to show her if there were any enemies around them.

And, since Derierei noticed that she now had privacy, she immediately video called Mellion.


"How are you feeling, Kiriko-san? Still feeling weak? Any injuries?" Shizuka, in nurse mode, began to check Kiriko's current condition.

"Yeah, definitely weak. I have a few scratches, but no deep wounds. My left arm hurts a lot though, accidentally slammed again a table." Rei's mother informed Shizuka, pointing at the scratches on her legs, and then at the large purple bruise on her left arm.

"Hmmm. You'll need to have a proper rest, some band-aids, and Rei, could you get me some ice from the freezers?" The blonde observed Kiriko's bruise, hoping that it was too bad. Rei, who heard Shizuka, immediately went to get ice from the freezer. Taking a plastic bag with her, she got some ice and out them inside the plastic bag, and then gave them to her mother.

"Thank you, Rei." Kiriko smiled at her daughter, glad that she was alive and well. After the start of the apocalypse, everything just fell into chaos. The people were panicking, not knowing what to do. And, as a police officer, she had tried to direct them, but she wasn't able to do so due to the fear, panic, and the zombies.

When she was called in, like the rest of the officers, to report to the Onbetsu bridge, she reluctantly followed orders and had desperately wished that her daughter and husband would be safe. But, the next day, with all the chaos, things didn't go well, and seeing all this happen, Kiriko had left her duty after seeing what they were doing was futile! She was even able to find her husband along the way, who had already tried to find Rei the day before, as he was confident that his wife could handle herself, and had told her that Rei's school was infested with too many zombies that someone being alive inside the school was impossible. Kiriko wanted to cry, thinking of the worse, but her husband, being the detective that he was, was somehow able to find out that someone was able to escape the school through a vehicle, and that brought her hope. She didn't want to believe that Rei was one of the zombies limping around the school, so she readily clung to that small hope.

Then, through a series of events, Kiriko and her husband was able to find survivors, and somehow had ended up in Taiei Shopping City! After that, a group of manic men had met their group in the mall, and a lot of people were killed, a lot of zombies were lured into the mall, Kiriko's husband died from a shot through the heart by one of the men in other group, and Kiriko was able to barely save herself in time!

"You're welcome mom." Rei rubbed her mother's shoulder, relishing at the contact. It just so surreal, her mother being here in front of her. She had been trying to not think about her parents because Igou's death had been so painful, so if her parents did die, then it would be more painful.

And one of her parents did die, her father, and it broke her heart. Thankfully, her mother was still here with her, in this apocalyptic world.

"Please keep the ice pack on top of the bruise. I'll check on it later. For now, I will get some band-aids." Shizuka instructed the older Miyamoto, already standing up to go looking for the band-aids for Kiriko's cuts.

"Thank you." Kiriko thanked Shizuka, feeling relieved that there was someone who had proper experience in this. It definitely gave her a relief to know that someone with medical knowledge to be with Rei, since getting injured in the future would be inevitable.

"No problem, Kiriko-san." The blonde nurse humbly replied before beginning her search for band-aids. Shizuka was glad to be able to have a chance to use her skills, even on a minor scale.


Once morning came, everyone woke up to the smell of Lillian's cooking. One by one, the ladies woke up with a yawn and a stretch, calm and peaceful. Even when they had to sleep in an abandoned mall because of the zombies, the ladies were still relatively relaxed and peaceful, especially when Derierei hadn't slept a wink and kept zombies from getting any closer to the mall.

Speaking of which, Derierei was currently tuning up a ukelele she took from a musical instrument shop. She actually wanted play with an electric guitar, but that would be a lot louder than what she currently has. Derierei °did° take an electric guitar, for the purpose of using it as a luring zombies into a trap in the future.

Then, as they ate, everyone talked with each other, keeping their spirits up, and at most times were cooing at Alice adorably munch on her food like a hamster. Everyone was happy, even with the zombie apocalypse, they were happy. Happy to be alive, to be among friends, to feel safe, to feel protected.

And Derierei/Asterix watched them be happy, because it caused her to feel a different kind of special from when she's with Mellion, that she gets to be part of whatever this group had. However, thinking about Mellion, Derierei had a victorious grin. From what she had seen yesterday in their video call, Mellion was getting close into finally giving in! Yes, Derierei was definitely happy.


The trip to the nearest police station, guided by Kiriko, was rather uneventful, other than Derierei having to push away vehicles blocking their way. Zombies didn't infest the streets so much, so there was just a surprisingly small amount of them.

Once they reached the police station, they had the HUMVEE park closest to it, because they were going to use that for whatever they get from the building. And luckily for them, Kiriko knew where the armory was and the room where they kept the confiscated items.

Then, with Lillian, Saya, and Saeko protecting Alice in the RV, the rest went out to clear the zombies outside the police station before they could raid the place. Fortunately for them, it just took around 10 minutes to get rid of the zombies. Shizuka, for her part, was getting giddy with the amount of zombies she was able to kill since yesterday! She made a reminder to herself to check her Status points later. Shizuka was curious about what level 4 would entail, and asking Derierei was out of the question because she would just smirk at her with a (predatory)look she couldn't understand.

However, back to raiding the police station, the building had a lot amount of cop zombies in it, and along with each kill, the group got another pistol or taser in their arsenal, plus some body armor! And, since there were a lot more than they expected, the group had to go back and transfer the stuff they got into the HUMVEE. Then, continuing their raid, Kiriko had led them to the room with the confiscated items, where they found some brass knuckles, knives, pistols -they keep getting pistols! Why!?- and lastly, an actual katana from what was possibly a gang member's. Saeko immediately had ownership of it.

After transporting what they got back to the HUMVEE once again, they finally reach the armory and had to make sure Rika didn't faint from the amount of weapons! Honestly, it didn't look like a police armory, and instead, an military armory!

"JACK-FUCKING-POT!!" The dark-skinned woman couldn't help herself, she just had to shout after seeing so many weapons in one place!

It had everything ranging from handguns, automatic guns(Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, and Machine Guns), sniper rifles, explosives, and there was even a rocket launcher! That definitely got Rika's blood boiling. Then, other than the weapons, there were more body armors, which everyone immediately wore. They didn't wear any of the body armor they salvaged from the cop zombies because they smelled disgusting.

Then, with the amount of weapons they now had, they had to put some of it in the MTVR, since the HUMVEE didn't have enough space anyway. Soon after, the group finally resumed their journey, with the HUMVEE at the lead, the delivery trucks and RV in the middle, and the MTVR at the back, with Derierei still on top of its roof.


By 2:13, the group were finally out of the city. And while everyone spoke to one another, no one talked about lunch. So, Lillian, worried about the raiding group's energy, had suggested that they finally have their late lunch.

So, stopping at the middle of the road, Kiriko and Yuriko positioned the delivery trucks opposite to one another, as suggested by Derierei, so that she could set up the tarpaulin over the group's current dining area. Since Lillian had already cooked up their lunch earlier, all they needed to do was make sure the place was safe, and find a place to eat, either under the shade, or in the RV.

Then, while eating, everyone conversed normally, and Derierei was absolutely overjoyed that she gets to join them in their talks! She was definitely happy that she gets to talk with them like this, but she was happier that they get to be able to talk to each other normally, like they weren't in a zombie apocalypse.

Derierei was definitely glad that she was a part of this, and everything was better since she was also a reason why they get to feel safe, to feel normal, to feel protected.

Of course, after being the first one to finish her food once again, Derierei, instead of enjoying the talks with the rest of the ladies, and pinching Alice's inflated cheeks, she went to syphon some gas from the cars that were close by. And from the distance, Derierei marveled at how beautiful they looked, with all smiles and no frowns.


By 4:05 pm, the all-female group were having a normal drive, when multiple flare-like things shot up from the ocean, and into the air. Everyone was curious about what it was, and the drivers had to stop to get a good look at it. And since it didn't seem to land anywhere close to them, they didn't pay it much mind and only wanted to sate their curiosity. They even got out of their vehicles to see them properly!

Then, when the flares, which Rika had then clarified to be missiles of some kind, passed them and continued to fly across the sky, it suddenly exploded in a blinding light! They had to cover their eyes for the moment, but after some time, the flash subsided and everyone was able to look up at the sky once again. However, upon noticing what the explosion looked like, Rika immediately went for the closest thing that ran through electricity, her phone, and feared for the worst. But, much to her surprise, her phone was still working!

Yuriko, noticing Rika's panicked and confused expression, asked, "What's wrong Rika-san?"

The dark-skinned woman, having been called out, looked at the point of explotion, and at her phone, before answering. "I think those were EMP missiles. But...I don't know. My phone's still working."

It was a mystery then, they guessed. But in truth, Derierei just gave the EMP missiles the middle finger and caused it to do nothing. She didn't want to deal not being able to use electronics.


By 5:39, the group had found a good place to set up camp! From the mall, they got a lot of tents that they had tied to the RV's roof, and now they took 4 of the tents as they decided to sleep in pairs. Rei and Kiriko will have their own tent as mother and daughter, Yuriko and Saya would be in the same situation as the pair mentioned above, Saeko and Rika would share a tent because they didn't particularly care who to sleep with, and Shizuka and Yuki will cuddle up against each other. Alice and Lillian would have the whole RV for themselves of course, since the ladies wanted what was best for Alice.

And with their sleeping arrangements done, Lillian asked someone to look/make firewood for dinnet. She didn't want to waste any of the remaining gas the RV's stove had, so she decided to go with the old-fashioned way. Fortunately, they also had a portable campfire stand, so cooking on the campfire wouldn't be hard. As for the campfire, Yuki and Rei volunteered on getting/making some, with the former wanting to provide more to the group.

While that happened, everyone else did their own thing. Yuriko and Rika were talking about their experiences with guns, Derierei was teaching Saya and Kiriko how to use the crossbows, Saeko was teaching Alice kendo with a stick, and Shizuka was patrolling the place. Of course, she didn't actually have to do it, since through her mini-map, she saw no zombies being relatively close to them. She just used the time to clear her plan and think about what she would do.


When night came, everyone ate around the campfire, courtesy of Yuki and Rei. It was a blessing that they were able to raid a store for specifically for camping outdoors, since they were able to get small, portable chairs, a portable table that they actually forgot about due to the amount of things they had, fire-starting kits, and many more.

So, just like that, everyone was able to eat in peace and harmony, with no zombies ruining the moment. And while eating, they began to make another plan for tomorrow.

"Nom nom nom...*gulp*. Okay, from the looks of things, we're currently here." Derierei, after swallowing a piece of meat, informed while pointing at where they were in the map. And, actually, Derierei was able to easily tell because the System's [Map] funtion was a part of her, and she could have easily used her powers to know where they were.

"Hmm... Yeah. I think we are. We passed a long bridge earlier, so this should be our current location." Yuki helpfully added before taking a drink out of her soup.

Having listened to what her friends had said, Shizuka took a good look at the map, before adding, "Then... If we're here... Then we shouldn't be far from Shoshoramu... That's a rather big town from what I could remember. And not only that, there should be.... Aha! There! There's a different city some kilometers away!"

The blonde pointed at a place west of Shoshoramu. It was Kianbatsu City, a city that they could possibly go to and look for supplies later on if Shoshoramu didn't have any of the things they'll eventually need. And Shizuka was about to say more, but Rika had suddenly placed her phone on the map.

"Everyone! Look at this! In between Shoshoramu and Kianbatsu, there's a summer camp!" The sniper-expert exclaimed, pointing at the map on the table and the much more detailed map on her phone. Due to the stress and restlessness, no one seemed to realize to try using their phone's Map Apps! Thankfully, after Rika's initial shock of the EMP missiles being duds, she finally remembered that she had a still working phone and a can still use its data!

Initially, upon realization, she wanted to check the internet for any news, but the group was in the middle of talking about locations where they could possibly creat their home, so she went to her Map app and looked for any places that fit the descriptions they had talked about yesterday, being close to a town in the countryside, while not being too far to a city! So, after a while, she noticed building outlines in the middle of Shoshoramu and Kianbatsu, and found out that it was a summer camp!

"This.....let's go here! Please! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" Upon finding out about the summer camp, out of all the people here, they didn't expect Derierei, the ruthless zombie killer, to suddenly turn into a child! Heck, she somehow even looked smaller and childlike! If you ignore her breasts that is.

Then, seeing her enthusiasm, Shizuka giggled, Yuriko giggled, Alice laughed just 'cause, Rei chuckled, and everyone was just full blown laughing at this point! But, through all their laughter, they all thought, 'Derierei actually had a side like this.'


[A/N: I finally finished this. Good. I could have published this earlier, but my internet was a bitch and it didn't save my progress when I exited the app. Pretty annoying.

Next chap, we'll have a new place to live in, check on Shizuka's rewards and skills, train a bit, hunt a bit, and start building our base!! I don't know why, but I've been thinking of [THE FOREST] too much and I really, really want to build a base with Happy Birthday traps.

Anyway, Naruto ain't the first anymore.

Second World:

Naruto: 11

Akame Ga Kill: 15

Kim Possible: 11

High School DxD: 8

Arifureta: 2

Demon Slayer: 2

Twilight: 1

Love is War: 1

Monster Musume: 7

Shokougeki No Souma: 2

Danmachi: 5

MCU: 6

Akame Ga Kill; Possible host: Kurome, Esdeath, Chelsea

Hope you liked the chap.]

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