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94.5% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 86: Betrayal and Fall of Illusory Demon Continent

Capítulo 86: Betrayal and Fall of Illusory Demon Continent

(2 out of 3 chapters of this week)

Huan Caiyi was nervous not to show it on her face. This invasion is happening at a very bad time.

Seven Guardian Families are borderline rebelling against her, This was not good for her at all. 

As the group of over a hundred Monarchs in different stages were waiting for the arrival of the Supreme Cloud Sect, they had several preparations done. 

Few pills but nothing like arrays or formations, those take time and Yun Canghai told them that it's suicidal to use formations or arrays against Sect which are masters of that art. They could potentially take them over and use them against the original casters.

The only thing they could potentially use are some pills that could boost the cultivation base for a short while, but it's dangerous. 

As they are waiting, space starts to ripple.

'Heavens… they are invading without any sort of help from our side!' There was some cold sweat on Duke Ming's face, he was the one who helped Sacred Grounds invade before.

But he needed to build formation on his side, this is different! On a competently different scale!

The ripple started to grow and grow and grow until it was many leagues wide. Then it opened up, turning into a wormhole.

People from the Illusory Demon Continent could see what was on the other side. It was the ocean…not that they paid attention to the ocean, their eyes were glued on a massive sphere with floating land masses inside of it. 

"...When you said that the Supreme Cloud Sect is invading…you meant it in the literal sense." Little Demon Empress whispered with a horror look.

She didn't believe such a thing was even possible!

"Everyone! Attack! Destroy the portal!"

Huan Caiyi ordered with panic that if that thing comes over they are finished!

All the Monarchs snapped out of their shock and proceeded to attack.

Except for Yun Canghai, at that moment, he recalled one of the tests he saw when he was with the Supreme Cloud Sect.

"Stop! It won't work! It only—"

Everyone released an array of elemental attacks, the force such a group generated was enough to reshape the land tens of leagues-wide.

But all the attacks were absorbed and reinforced the stability of the wormhole!


When everyone realised that they stopped in their tracks and just stared at this with disbelief and growing horror.

Slowly the sphere passed through and entered the Illusory Demon Continent.

At that moment crushing pressure descended on the group as people started to fly out from the sphere, even if the sphere was far in distance they could see the sheer difference in sizes. The sphere was huge compared to the people who left this construct.

And the number of people who left it was hundreds which turned into thousands.

All of them had enormous cultivation bases.


A draconic roar spread through the area as a scarlet dragon flew out of the Sphere from the side circling and flying towards the group.

"...heavens… that's a Monarch Profound Beast!"

"That's Fen Long, Young Master Long's mount." Yun Canghai spoke with a frown, as he realised that the Fire Dragon had reached Monarch Realm when he was away. This…well…they already are doomed, so what extra Monarch Profound Beast could do more? They are already doomed as it is…

"Monarch Profound Beast as a Mount? You must be joking Patriarch Yun." Helian Kuang, the Patriarch of the Helian Family, nervously jokes. The man is already rejecting reality which he was seeing in front of him.

"Such a beast could lay waste to our continent alone!"

It's common knowledge that a Profound Beast's cultivation is different from a regular person's. A Monarch Profound Beast could destroy tens of Monarch practitioners, especially a pure-blood dragon like this one!

"Then see for yourselves." The Demon King didn't even bother to prove them otherwise, they will see it themselves in just a few short moments.

Sure enough, a few short moments later the group from Illusory Demon Continent were face-to-face with overwhelming force from Sky Profound Continent. The odds are around 1 to 10, that's if their cultivation was the same, but it's not… far from it.

Leading the front was a man riding the Scarlet Dragon. He was wearing armour made from pale silver, underneath it there were dark blue robes. 

The majority of people from this sect are dressed in blue and wearing silver full-body armour some of them have red robes which means that they could be from some sort of sub-faction or different hall.

"Old Yun, it appears you have failed." The man who was riding a dragon spoke with a knowing tone. He didn't have much hope in the first place. As someone who has a harem, he knows well enough how women can be.

Everyone looked at Yun Canghai, what are they talking about? Only Huan Caiyi knew. As she didn't react to their interactions.

"...This old man has tried. That much I can say." 

"...That much you did." 

As he said that his gaze eventually ended up on the girl standing aloft at the very front of her group. She still holds herself as Empress even if the situation is dire.

"You are the Little Demon Empress, Old Man Yun spoke about you." 

"...This Empress won't surrender. My Imperial Huan Family has ruled this continent for thousands of years. We won't surrender without a fight!"

As she was about to command the attack, someone grabbed her from behind.

Crushing cultivation pressure slammed into her.

It was Duke Ming, he used his Peak Monarch Cultivation to suppress the Little Demon Empress who was in the middle stages of Monarch.

"...D-Duke Ming?"

She exclaimed with annoyance as her gut feeling was right! They will move against her!

At that moment seven out of twelve families swiftly moved and pointed their weapons at the remaining five.

"Great Young Master of the Supreme Cloud Sect, I am Duke Ming, I humbly hand over these people to you as we surrender to your limitless power." 

"Duke Ming!!!"

Yun Canghai roared with anger as he was about to attack the traitor but at that moment barrier walls surrounded him he was pinned down with crushing force, in an instant!

All that happened without Xiao Long even moving a finger!

When people from the Illusory Demon Continent saw that they were in pure horror and fear. A Peak Monarch was sealed away like that!

This was not even a fight!

Huan Caiyi who saw it as well, remembered what Yun Canghai told her that it won't be a fight.

He was right, their strongest cultivator was beaten in a second.

"... We humbly surrender." Duke Ming and his son Duke Huai bowed to Xiao Long, and the other Seven Guardian Families did the same.

"Ugh! You traitor! How could you!?"

"Bastards! Betraying an Illusory Demon Continent like this!" 

The hardline Guardian Families like Mu, Su and Yun were extremely angry. It's one thing to support Duke Huai Palace and another to surrender to an invader.

"And you suggest we die? What can we possibly do against such odds? Unlike you, I don't have a death wish." Duke Ming respectfully spoke as he was in the presence of Xiao Long and that Monarch Dragon who was staring at him as if they were a slab of meat.

"A cunning one I see. Very well, I accept your surrender. Your forces shall cooperate with mine as we take over this Continent."

"Very well." 

Duke Ming agreed without a second thought.

"...You fool! You have no idea!" Yun Canghai exclaimed with anger and fear. They have no idea what this entails! The moment they surrender it's over for them!

He saw first-hand what Xiao Long does to traitors and schemers!


Xiao Long was sitting in the Demon Throne and behind him was his Scarlet Dragon Fen Long. 

On both of his sides, there is an array of Peak Monarchs who are here to do whatever he wishes of them.

In front of him was Little Demon Empress who was gazing at him with anger, it was directed at him and herself for being such a bad ruler.

She will be remembered as a failure who allowed the Huan Dynasty to fall. 

"We can finally speak properly face to face. Huan Caiyi." 

"...There is nothing to talk about, Invader." 

"Such an anger, you are destined to die regardless, it's now or a few years from now. And I am the only one who could save you.

You should call me your saviour, not invader."

The Ex-Empress snorted angrily when she heard that.

"You speak of delusions!"

"Do I? Your bloodline is killing you, it's so bad that it has affected your growth and development as a woman. You are infertile as well. The imbalance of elements inside of you is constantly shaving your lifeforce. You won't even live half of the Monarch age.

Your dynasty is destined to die off regardless."

When he put it this way it made her tremble with realisation. Was she destined to fail either way!?

"Well? Am I right? Or what? As someone who studies elements and how they interact you are an open book, Huan Caiyi."

"...Even so…This Empress has a duty to this continent, to its people."

"...Duty? Do you mean ruling the lands how it was done for the past…10 thousand years? Changing nothing? Not helping to improve the lives of the poor ones, hoarding all the wealth in one city. From my understanding, you spend the majority of your time here either way cultivating and just waiting for someone to save you."

Huan Caiyi's eyes trembled when she heard that. It feels like he knows her far better than he should. Did he spy on this continent? Did Yun Canghai reveal things?

It doesn't make sense, regardless, she has no way to deny what he just said. She has spent years cultivating and trying to awaken the bloodline, instead of improving the continent. It's the same reason why seven families have rebelled against her at the very last moment.

"...The silence is all I need to know that I am right." He spoke with a disappointed tone as his hunch was right. You can call yourself 'Emperor' or 'Empress' as much as you want. It doesn't change the fact that a human… a demon by this point, by nature is selfish and will spend years fixing something inside of him/her instead of focusing on ruling the continent.

It's nature. 

That's the whole downside of Cultivator being a ruler, the empire has to play along the needs of that single selfish person.

Just like now, Huan Caiyi spent years trying to fix her power so that she could rule with an iron fist. 

Didn't work, because Xiao Long is not Yun Che, and he is not a native of this land. He will not 'save' her. Not for free and not by her terms.

"...What will you do to me? You have the Illusory Demon Continent and I have no value without it." The Ex-Empress said with a resigned tone. She sounded like she was beaten down to the ground and was forced to crawl on it.

"You have the blood of the Crow, and your condition fascinates me enough to make you mine." 

Her eyes trembled some more as she fought her emotions down.

" I am to be your toy? Experiment of some sort?" She questioned with an emotionless voice.

"You sound as if it's a bad thing. If I am successful the elements in our body will balance themselves out. Your lifespan will recover and you will grow to your supposed size."

"Sounds like a fairy tale, but the result doesn't change, I will be your toy."

"Not just you, your Golden Crow as well." 


Her eyes bulged out, as what he said was presumptuous! Insane!

Though that moment he got up from her throne, the armour he was wearing the helmet piece turned liquid and retracted itself, fused with the main chest piece.

He then showed his right hand, the armour around his hand turned liquid as well and retracted, showing her his hand and the tattoos on it.

"Your God will be my Third God to join my Sect."

"...What are you?" 

"Didn't the Demon King tell you what I am? You still look shocked. I suppose it takes time to process all of this." 

No amount of storytelling could have prepared her for this! She was expecting something groundbreaking when she first heard about this invasion but her wildest imagination never reached what she was seeing now.

"...Fine. I will give myself to you, I only wish for you to treat citizens of this Continent kindly and not slaughter them without purpose."

Huan Caiyi got on her knees and begged him.

He could only roll his eyes when he heard that.

"I am not you. I am not cruel enough to do what you can do. Don't put me on the same level as you. Everyone has value, and now I have millions of new customers. 

That's the difference between you and me." As he said that he got down to her level and made her stand up.

"Caiyi, you will show me around your continent in person. I want to see it how you see it."

She slowly nodded her head when she heard. This man is strange. 

Shouldn't he start with exterminating everyone who could rebel against him?

Is he planning to allow everyone to continue living how they lived beforehand? He should understand that there are hardcore followers of hers and many who will resist the invaders!

The Ex-Empress didn't realise that the floating citadels had already arrived on the continent and they proceeded to sell their goods.

Their economy is already under extremely heavy fire, soon everything is going to be replaced by Supreme Cloud Sect's goods and the Illusory Demon Continent won't be able to do anything to resist better things!


The Ex-Empress' red eyes were staring with disbelief as above Sky Demon City was a floating island, it was much smaller than that sphere which is the sect…

"...What is this…"

"Tell me, Caiyi, how do you think my Supreme Cloud Sect does its occupation?" Instead of answering her baffled question, he answered with a question of his own.


Now she was confused as she didn't see any sort of fighting… sure there was some resistance but…

"We destroy your Illusory Demon Continent economy, our pills, arrays, formation, and artefacts with cheap prices will dominate every single market.

Once they all tasted what we sold, no one would be able to resist.

Everyone will realise that without us, their natural cultivation will be much smaller."

For a while, she was out of words. There was nothing for her to say or a way to fight such a unique occupation. 

"And the management? Day-to-day ruling? Who will run such a thing?"

She asked with a frown. They still haven't touched upon that subject.

"Who knows, doesn't it matter? The continent can split up back into petty Kingdoms and Empires, as long as Supreme Cloud Sect authority is recognised nothing else matters."

When she heard that she bit her lower lip. Things are getting out of control. She should have listened to Yun Canghai, if she was to surrender she might have salvaged it. She never considered what kind of conquest he was planning in the first place.

"...This…wouldn't it be better if there is only one Empire which rules everything?" She suggested that the Ex-Empress is approaching the subject in a roundabout way.

"Oh? And who could assist me in such a thing?" He asked with a knowing smile on his face, now he was just messing with her as he knew what she wanted.

"The Huan family is well respected and loved in this continent." She said that in an almost automatic tone.

"Your family? Aren't people terrified of you? I heard that you are one cruel woman. So why would I give the reins back to you?" He asked with a 'confused' frown.


It appears her reputation is biting back at her.

"I can think of a way to rule this continent. If you are a good girl I will make sure the continent won't split up in some way."

As he said that he once again proceeded to float, and the Ex-Empress slowly followed after him.

It appears she just got herself a mission that she needs to fulfil. 


The occupation was smooth, very smooth. The Seven guardian families who betrayed the Huan Imperial Family assisted with everything they could.

For their efforts, they were 'awarded' 

They all greedily consumed the pills which were given to them.

At that moment around the same time, the pills which they consumed the effects kicked in and everyone who took the pills started to trash on the ground.

These were pills with arrays and formations inside of them. The obedience pills which are disguised as cultivation pills took effect immediately and their bloodlines got marked forever.

If you can betray once, it can happen again. So to make sure everything was fine, such pills were arranged for the traitorous families.

A few days after the surrender Xiao Long invited the Twelve Families to the Royal Palace.

The Twelve Patriarchs and their Heirs had complex looks on their faces as they looked at the Young Master who was sitting on the throne and the Empress who was standing next to him.

She looked defeated, the same look Yun Canghai has all the time now.

"It appears the Patriarchs and your Heirs enjoy the awards I gave you."

"Y-Yes! We are grateful!" Fourteen people said at the same time.

"...Foolish…I told you all…" Yun Canghai mumbled to himself as he was expecting that. He saw first-hand how the Young Master could strip people of their power. He is ruthless when it comes to schemes against him or even laziness in his Sect. 

"Come now, Old Man Yun, not everyone can understand your warnings." Xiao Long laughed when he heard the mumbling from the old Patriarch.


For advanced chapters(5 chapters +18 chapters of lemons ) my pat: pat




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