Ílios POV
I follow Heka into the room and stand across him.
"Before we begin, I need to first explain and define what magic is. Magic or Mystiokinesis is the ability to cast and manipulate energy, though each pantheon has its own subcategories of magics like Egyptian combat Magic, or Norse Alf Seidr and Rune Magic." He explains.
"Now, all gods can use magic but what differentiates gods of magic like myself from other gods is we at capable of using all forms of magic, for example, you as a God of sun and light can use fire and light-based attacks but you would never be able to use water magic as that is outside of your domain. I on the other hand would be able to use light magic and water magic perfectly fine, though never at the same level as someone whose domain is that element." Says Heka.
"There are 8 main forms of magic that all gods can naturally use, Cursing : the ability to inflict harm or punishment on lesser being by simply speaking it, Power Granting : the ability to give power to others, for example, giving a mortal immortality, Summoning the ability to summon objects or beings to you, Transmutation : the ability to change something from one form to another like say turning a mortal man into an animal, Mist manipulation : the ability to manipulate the most, Teleportation : the ability to transport yourself from one place to another, Shapeshifting : the ability to change your form, Telepathy : the ability to communicate with others through your thoughts." He listed off.
"Shapeshifting, telepathy, and teleportation are all easy and come naturally to most gods so for your training we will only be focusing on the other 5 forms of magic starting with the easiest, curses."
"Curses are simply punishments that are inflicted on lesser beings, they are fuelled by both your raw power and emotions of hatred and anger, so the more powerful of a God you are and the more hatred you feel at the moment the stronger the curse will be and the longer the effect will last. Curses can range from things as simple as making someone always feel hunger to turning a beautiful maiden into a hideous monster." He explains as his hand begins to glow a bright blue colour.
A shrivelled up middle-aged mortal man appears between us, he looked extremely small in comparison to our heights and he looked terrified.
"This mortal is named Avith son of Yafeu, he hails from the town of Latópolis, he was captured after getting caught spying on my mother Menhit and the ladies Neith and Satet bathing in the River Nile, as punishment for daring to gaze upon the nakedness of the consorts of Khnum he was captured and has been tortured for the last week. I want you to place a curse on this mortal, and make it a painful one." He explains.
'All right, this should be easy enough like he said focus on feelings of hatred and fuel it with your power, utter the words and he'll be cursed.' I think to myself.
I had no real feelings of hatred for anyone in this world so I had to focus on my memories from my past life, the hatred I felt from losing my job, losing my home, for my wife who had left me and for the man she left me for, but most of all I focused on the hatred I felt for my former self, a weak and beaten man who had nothing, I built up my power and spoke.
"Avith son of Yafeu!! Hear me!! I Ílios curse your sight to forever be filled with only women, I curse you to feel your manhood being torn apart whenever you so much as think of women, may you suffer this curse for the rest of your mortal life!!" I shout.
A bright light shoots from my hand and impacts Avith, he stumbles to the ground in pain when he gets back up he looks at us before suddenly screaming out in pain while grabbing his dick.
"Hmmm, you make it so he can only see women and curse him to feel tremendous pain whenever he so much as thinks of them. Though somewhat simple of a curse it is a good one. good job, you've completed today's lesson." He says.
"Wait that's it? It's only been 15 minutes though, I feel like we've barely scratched the surface of what you can teach me today." I say to him.
"I wish we could train for longer but sadly I could only promise lord Ra to spare less than 20 minutes of my time every day to train you, I have other duties I must attend you, but don't worry she can occupy you for the rest of the day until this evening." says Heka.
"She? Who are you talking about?" I ask just as a bronze axe embeds itself in the floor beside me.
"Did you already forget about your weapons instructor?" A familiar voice from behind me asks.
I turn around and see a smirking Sekhmet. "Everyone else got their turn, now it's my turn to train you, fair warning, I'm not particularly good at holding back even in training." She says before lunging at me with a sword and swiftly slicing my arm off.
"Aauuuggghhh!! What the fuck is wrong with you, you just cut off my arm?!!! I screamed why holding the stump that was once my arm.
"Don't so dramatic you can just reattach it, or even heal yourself I heard from lord Ra that you can restore yourself to a prior state of full health, that means I can continue cutting you open for the rest of the day and you'll just restore yourself, this is perfect for what I have in store for you." She says with a gleeful expression.
I groan in pain and focus on restoring my arm to its previous state, it was a lot harder to do than getting rid of bloody cuts and scratches, but I still managed to do it.
She smiles seeing me heal so quickly and summoned a giant axe and threw it at my side before then summoning one of her own. "The first lesson of weapons combat, your weapon is an extension of your body, it is not simply a tool meant to kill your opponents, it must become a part of you, like a 3 arm, you must be completely in sync with your weapon." She says before attacking me.
I could tell she was purposely slowing herself down so I could dodge and counterattack more easily but even then I was still getting cuts all over my body.
"Second lesson, never telegraph your attacks, your swings are too wide and you're putting your entire weight into them, attacks like these are easy to read and all you end up doing is tiring yourself easier." she explains before slashing me through the stomach.
"Third lesson, always go for the head!" she yells before cutting my head off.
"Aaarrghh!!" I scream out in pain as my head rolls on the floor away from my body.
Heka who was still in the room walks to my bisected head picking it up and attaching it to my body. "You know you could go a little easier on him, this is only his first day of training after all." He tells her.
"This is me going easy, trust me we haven't even gotten to the best parts of training ye." She says with a devious smirk on her face.
'Shit, what the fuck did I get myself into?' I think to myself.
A.N : This is the last training chapter before he fights Mehen, and then there will be a time skip. How did you guys feel about the chapter did you like the explanation of the magic system and the weapons training with Sekhmet?
Also someone recommended I make a discord server so I made one.
Heres the link : https://discord.gg/6kb2PxQd
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