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78.43% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 79: Chapter 78 - Training Day with a Telepath

Capítulo 79: Chapter 78 - Training Day with a Telepath

---Later that day, Fortress of Solitude---

After our Alliance meeting, and the introduction of Nick to the other universes, the Batmen and Nick decided to chat offline about things. Seemingly clicking the group wanted to exchange knowledge with each other.

"I hate these boring meetings...", Mina sighed, "They remind me of school lectures..."

"You actually pay attention?", Itsuke laughed, "I thought you slept."

"I think she actually records them, and listens at later times.", Toga stated with a grin.

"Don't go giving me secrets away!", Mina giggled.

"You should really take your studies more seriously.", Wonder Woman scolded.

"As shocking as this may seem, Mina's grades place her at the top of school.", Melissa said, "If she put her mind to it she could probably take first place."

"Why would I want that? I got a job lined up, and I found my partner.", Mina shrugged, "No need for me to do more than I already am. All I need to do is keep training to keep myself ready to rock!"

"Damn straight girl!", Rumi high fived her, "It's all about that training!! Nothing beats working up a good, hard sweat in the gym!!"

Stepping away from them for a moment I took Enchantress to the room she would be staying in. Telling her that she would be under surveillance I also informed her that we surrounded by an ocean of Liquid Hydrogen. Saying that she would be frozen and crushed in an instant, I didn't recommend leaving the Fortress.

"So this is where I will be spending my last few days among the living.", she said.

"Enchantress, there is always time to try to make amends.", I told her.

"Ha! After everything I have done...I will be lucky to have a quick death.", she stated climbing onto her bed.

"You can always try being a Hero.", I said, "I know you have a...rough history, but there is a chance."

"Are you trying to butter me up to sleep with me?", she asked me bluntly.

"", I sighed rubbing my forehead, "My Dad told me that there is always good in people. I know you have a good heart in you, but you are blinded by your need to be around people. You seek out affection and attention because you don't want to be alone. Almost everything you have done has been so you aren't alone. The problem is you go about finding love, and affection all wrong. Your looking at the exterior of men, not what makes them who they are."

"Don't talk like you understand me!", she hissed.

"Tell me I am wrong.", I stated.

Glaring at me for a few minutes she lowered her gaze, and was unable to argue the point.

"All of your relationships went south because you didn't build any foundation, you just tried to make it work by using your body. That is only going to get you so far.", I said, "You realized that all those relationships were empty, no love in it."

"Just stop...leave me be.", she said, "I don't need a child lecturing me about my life."

"I am trying to save you from throwing your life away.", I replied, "The longer you drown yourself in this lifestyle, the more you are going to hurt yourself."

"Just leave me alone Clark.", she stated.

"Very well.", I said leaving the room.

Shutting the door behind me the emptiness hit her. Reflecting on her childhood she couldn't help, but shiver thinking on my words. Having runaway to study as a sorceress she had never really felt the love of man outside of them chasing her for her body. Being regarded as the most beautiful Asgardian she always been approached by men seeking to bed her. A day never went by that she didn't have women threatening to kill her for trying to take their husbands in her youth. Eventually she embraced the title because it got her where she wanted to be, but there was always a lingering sensation that what she was doing was wrong.

She had used her body to get jewelry, knowledge, and favors from individuals across the Nine Realms...but never once was she satisfied. As I had said there was always a sense of emptiness as the only thing the men ever wanted from her was sex, never treating her like they did others. Having read fairy tales here on Midgard she had hoped that Thor might have been able to give her that happy ending...but after the meal she felt different.

'What have I done...', she thought, 'It's been so long since someone called me out. Being told by a teenager whose balls have barely dropped is even worse. I have used my body to get what I wanted for so long...I forgot what it feels like to be loved.'

Pondering how to proceed from here she spent the next few hours playing things out in her head.

---Next Day, Marvel World ???---

With progress being made on my Agency, the women were busy filling out paperwork and taking tests to get their licenses. All of them wanted their license so they could assist as they needed too. Many of them still wanted to other things, but the license was a must have in their minds. Taking Enchantress with me to my appointment with Jean, I wasn't surprised to see Black Widow hanging around as well.

'Jeez...I didn't think she would start with an all out assault.', I thought seeing her in a t-shirt and booty shorts, 'I understand how most men would lose themselves looking at her, but I am pretty immune to this now. Seeing my girlfriends wearing skin tight clothing or my clothing around the Fortress is more than enough for me.'

"Clark, it's good to see you!", Jean said with a smile.

"Yes it is.", Natasha added with an equal bright smile.

"Haha good morning.", I laughed, "You sure the Avengers can afford to have you here?"

"Yes, they are fine and I have my phone on me.", she stated.

"Alright.", I replied turning to Jean, "Show me how you usually train."

Showing me how the Professor had trained her, I immediately understood how bad things were. The Professor was certainly a strong telepath, but Jean and the Phoenix were far above him. Jean was effectively trying to force a garden hoses pressure through a fire hose. If put in a stressful situation it was the complete opposite, and it was extremely dangerous for all parties involved. Telling her to stop, I gave her a grin.

"The Professors method for training is good...if the person doesn't have a primordial force housed in them.", I said.

"So you knew.", she stated.

"Yes, Jean your power is to big for you to focus it into a single point.", I told her, "You need to spread your power out, and use it in a large area."

"I don't follow.", she replied.

"Let me show you.", I said using my telepathic powers, "Right now I can sense where everyone is, what they are doing, and their mood here at the school."

"What!? Aren't you reading their thoughts too!?", she shrieked.

"No, I could if I wanted but I am not doing so.", I chuckled, "I need you to let your power out slowly. Feel your way around the area, like you were touching it with your hands. Go at your own pace so you don't overwhelm yourself. Don't worry, if you go overboard I will stop you."

"Okay...", she said trusting me.

Slowing letting her power out like I asked, the more she let out the easier it became for her. Telling her not to focus on one thing, I said to just treat it like she was casually running her hand over everything. After a few minutes she said that she was feeling everything within a mile of us. Instructing her to now start sensing for signs of life, I told her to start with small signs before looking for people. It took only a moment before she gasped.

"What is this!?", she asked me.

"Calm down, what you are seeing is the insects living in this area. Try reaching out to them with simple thoughts. They have limited intelligence so overcomplicated things won't work with them.", I chuckled.

Starting with the ant colony near us she planted suggestions in their minds to gather near her. Watching the ants come rushing out, Natasha took a few steps back as she watched them gather near Jean. Making them draw shapes using themselves for lines Jean seemed to be having fun. Stepping it up a notch I told Jean to look for bigger creatures.

Sensing small critters around the area she was about to connect to one before I stopped her. Telling her to just vaguely grasp their feelings, I told her to treat it like she was telling temperature with the back of her hand. It took a few tries, but she started to vaguely see a color around the animals.

"What...what is the color?", she inquired.

"That is the general feeling of the animal. Like a mood ring we all give off a vibe like that, and those with telepathic powers can sense that. Using this technique you can sense when someone intends to do harm. As you can tell, you aren't being overwhelmed right?", I asked.

"Yes!! I can handle it if it's this much!!", she giggled with excitement.

"Now then comes the next part.", I laughed, "You have a mental map of the area right?"

"Yes.", she answered.

"Single out an object and make it float.", I said.

"Professor Xavier has already had me training-", she started to tell me.

"Not his way, now that you are sensing where things are, their general feelings, and can single out creatures...make an object float while maintaining that.", I instructed her.

"But I...I don't know if I can.", she replied.

"I know you can Jean, trust me it will be easier than you think.", I told her.

Trusting me she tried lifting a rock while maintaining the sensation she already had. Waiting for the strain to come she was in disbelief as the rock lifted without much of an issue. Opening her eyes she looked at me in shock.

"You have an understanding of the area and the space. Lifting objects this way is easier because you already have a better understanding than what you can see with your eyes alone.", I said.

"This...this is incredible!!", she shouted, "I...I didn't think I could do this so easily!!"

"If you train yourself, you can maintain this general awareness like it's second nature. With your power you will eventually be able to increase the range even more.", I stated.

"Thank you!", she laughed hugging me, "This is an amazing gift!!"

"You are welcome.", I chuckled hugging her back.

"Is this how you see the world?", she asked.

"No, I have super senses and psychic training that allow me to sense when people are in trouble. If I used the technique I showed you I could stop crime before it happens, but I shouldn't do that.", I stated, "Stopping crime that way is effectively playing God. Everyone has a bad day or has the urge to beat someone up for some reason, it doesn't mean I should take them down. Having a bad aura oneself doesn't make them a bad person, acting on those feelings does."

"I see.", she sighed with a smile still hugging me.

From up in the mansion Scott was watching us train, and he was upset. Seeing her hugging me pissed him off, and he had seen enough. Rushing down the stairs, he was hell bent on making a stand. Sensing the impending trouble Xavier tried to stop him. Running past him Scott didn't listen to Xavier at all.

"I hate to break it too you Professor, but I think he needs to learn the hard way.", Deadpool said getting his camera out, "He's young and in love, damn this will make a good video!"

"You seriously going to laugh at his pain?", Wolverine asked looking out the window.

"You know damn well how this will end.", Deadpool chuckled, "We taking bets on how long it takes before Scott attacks?"

"Less than five minutes.", Wolverine said.

"I will take ten minutes.", Beast added.

"You mean are so cruel.", Storm chuckled.

"Hey, a man's got to learn the pecking order sometime.", Deadpool laughed, "Scotts about to learn the hard way."

Sensing Scott rushing towards us in a fit of anger, Jean turned to look at him. Frustrated that he didn't understand her feelings, she wanted him to stop chasing her. She had given him a chance, but he ruined it. He was far to demanding, quick to anger, and was too smothering with her. As soon as he was in hearing range she told him to stop.

"Jean, I am asking you for another chance!", he pleaded.

"I told you Scott, I am not interested in you anymore. Please move on.", she stated.

"Jean, please!", he said.

"I am not going to budge Scott!", she told him.

"So you want to be with guy?! He hasn't been on our world three days!", Scott shouted.

"I am getting to know him Scott, if I do decide to pursue a relationship that is my decision!", she growled, "I don't need you permission to chase my desires!"

"Jean, I am sure he did something to make you fall for him. Something under handed, you have too-"

"Scott...turn around and go back inside.", she said, "You need to move on, and find someone else. This isn't going to end well for you if you fight him."

"You did something to her!", he shouted.

"I didn't do anything Scott. Let her make her own decision, you are acting like a spoiled child and a controlling ex-boyfriend.", I stated.

"Don't you talk shit about me!", Scott said reaching for his visor.

"I am warning Scott, this won't end the way you think it will.", I told him.

Not heeding my warning he fired his optical blast at me. Unfortunately for him I absorbed his attack much to the surprise of the three women. Returning the attack with my own heat vision Scott dove out of the way.

"What!?", he shouted.

"I have heat vision Scott, as well as complete control of the EM Spectrum. All your attack did was add to my overall power.", I told him.

"...what...", he said in disbelief.

"You aren't going to be able to hurt me Scott.", I replied, "You need to move on, and find someone else. There are a lot of fish in the sea, but you need to work on yourself. Telling people, especially people you say you love, what to do all the time isn't how to show you care."

"Don't lecture me!", he spat before storming off.

Once he was inside, Black Widow asked how she managed to date a guy like that. Stating that he said things she wanted to hear when she hit rough patches, she felt comfort in being with him then...but now it was frustrating. It felt like he was trying to rein her in, and she hated that feeling.

"I am sorry you had to see that.", Jean said.

"Also...about what you said concerning your super senses...", Black Widow questioned.

"I know why you are here haha.", I chuckled.

"Well this is awkward.", she sighed.

"What does she mean?", Jean asked.

"Nick Fury wanted her to seduce me to see what my true motives were. Also...", I said looking at Black Widow, "You tell Nick that I can tolerate a lot of things, but if he ever targets my family...I will be the last thing he ever sees. No one lays a finger on my family trying to hurt me, and lives to reincarnate."

"I will make sure that message is passed along.", she said subconsciously knowing it wouldn't end well if I was pissed off.

"Anyways, you are more than welcome to tag along to keep an eye on me for him. I don't care about that part, just let me use the bathroom in peace.", I teased.

"Oh no, I have to watch at all times.", she retorted thankful I wasn't upset.

"You really don't mind?", Jean inquired.

"I am an unknown to him, I expected him to have surveillance on me. Right now there are too many unknowns about my power and character. He's trying to ensure the safety of this world...but sometimes I think he goes overboard.", I stated.

"You don't know the half of it...", Natasha sighed, "He has had me seduce many people to get information. It's a real pain in the ass keeping up with all the personas I have to keep up for work."

"Oh?", Enchantress questioned.

"You know what I am talking about. The moment you enter the room men look at you with lust, and the women are furious with you and the men.", Natasha replied, "The men I have to spy on are fucking pigs, bedding any female they want. You know how many women I watched be killed or raped by sleazy scumbags!? Most of the time I want to snap their necks on the spot, but I have a mission."

"I know!", Enchantress huffed, "Sometimes you only want to relax, but dirt bags just keep bothering you!!"

"You can't go shopping, to a spa, or even the fucking laundry mat without them causing problems!!", Natasha shouted.

"Preach it!!", Enchantress agreed, "Nothing, but sperm donors!!"

"I can't have kids so...", Natasha said regretfully.

"I...I didn't know.", Enchantress apologized.

Having forgotten she was sterile due to the effects of her modification, I decided to offer her the means to fix it. Looking at me feeling out the certainty I had, she asked how that was possible. Telling her about my medical equipment she was intrigued by my tech.

"You can heal anything?", she asked.

"I won't say that, but I haven't seen anything I couldn't heal.", I stated.

"...what's it going to cost?", she pressed me, "You going to want a peek?"

"Seriously?", I sighed.

"I am kidding.", she laughed, "Though seriously, what's the cost?"

"Well we are going to be allies so why would I charge you?", I inquired.

"I don't need a functioning womb to be of use in combat.", she pointed out.

"Don't you have a boyfriend or something?", I questioned.

"Do you think I could with my line of work?", she snickered.

"Where there is a will there is a way.", I retorted, "If you are insistent on making paying were also sent to have me help you find your Skrull leak, right?"

"You heard even that?", she smirked, "It must be a pain."

"When I was younger it was. Day in and day out I heard people on my world calling out for aid that never came. It's one of the biggest reasons I became a Hero, to help those that were going unnoticed.", I said with a sincere look.

"You sure you are a teenager?", they asked.

"I assure you I am.", I laughed.

"So what about the Skrull Leak, do you know something?", Natasha inquired.

"So Skrull's have a ritual they use to copy things from their captives onto them. Normally technology and telepaths can't detect the difference, but that doesn't apply to me. I am pretty sure I know where the leak is, and where the enemy commander is.", I stated.

"Hold on...your saying the enemy commander is here!?", Natasha said walking up to me, "We have been very thorough in our checking. He managed to slip-"

"That would your problem, the leader is a woman.", I informed her.

Getting Nick on the phone immediately Natasha told him the news. Hearing him flip his shit on the other side, Nick wanted to know how they got that wrong. Telling him to ensure the line was secure, I told him that several agents in SHIELD were already compromised.

"You're telling me we are already compromised!?", he shouted.

"They have been picking away at your for a while. Their leader took out one of the Heroes here, and is impersonating them.", I said, "The easiest test to use is if they should know a foreign language, have them speak it. The ritual they use can't transfer that knowledge."

"Kid if this checks out I owe you big time!", Nick said, "Natasha, help him take out the commander while I investigate our units. Any ideas where to look?"

"I'd check janitorial staff and middlemen positions. They can cause the most chaos there by disrupting communications, and janitors have access to all the office spaces.", I informed him.

"On it.", he said ending the call.

"So who is she impersonating?", Jean asked.

"Spider-Woman.", I stated, "Jessica Drew, Hydra has Skrull spies as well. They caught her, and switched her with the Skrull Empress."

"Well let's go then!", Natasha said with a smirk as she pulled out her pistol from between her breasts.

"Doesn't that...hurt?", I asked.

"You get used to it.", she said.

"So the four of us are going?", Jean questioned.

"Clark and I can handle it.", Natasha chuckled, "Unless you two want to tag along."

"Please.", they said.

"Good, she is currently in New York City right now. I think we should isolate her, and take her down. So what exactly where you wanting as payment...this helps us.", Natasha inquired.

"Afterwards I get to take you on a date.", I snickered.

"A date? That's better than most things I have been asked for.", she chuckled.

"I honestly don't want to know.", I said.

"You don't...some men are just...", she said with a disgusted look, "I have no idea why they like being stepped on, pegged, or...I don't want to say it..."

"It appears that men from all realms are that way.", Enchantress said with a pale look.

"Let's go.", I said.

---New York City---

Tracking Spider-Woman down to her apartment, we got a call from Nick before going to seize her. Stating that the Helicarrier was on lock down, my trick worked flawlessly. Several mid-ranking officials were compromised, and they were doing a thorough sweep.

"I don't like asking for favors, but I need you to secure the Raft.", he told me, "Once you catch their leader I need Clark to watch the prisoners till I find every leak."

"I understand.", I replied.

"Natasha, you are ranking officer on the Raft when you get there. Make sure you watch the jailers for suspicious activity.", he said.

"Understood.", she answered.

Ending the call, I fazed us through the wall into her apartment. Finding her pulling several weapons from her closet, she froze when she realized she was caught red handed. Staring at us she looked to the window, and made a run for it. Grabbing her by the back of the neck the first thing she did was try to hit me.

Slamming her fist into my face she yelped when her bones cracked. Looking at me with fear, she realized escape was nonexistent.

"Veranke, this game of yours is over.", I said.

"Who is that?", she tried to say feinting ignorance.

"You can either undo this yourself, or I can reverse you with magic...which will be extremely painful.", I said.

" wouldn't hurt a pretty face, would you?", she inquired.

"I believe in treating everyone equally.", I said with a smile.

Starting to use magic, she felt her whole body start to burn as the ritual was being forcefully removed. Screaming with pain she told me she would do as I asked. Removing the ritual effects, the green skinned Queen looked at the three women with a half smile.

"I have half a mind to put a bullet in you right now.", Natasha growled, "This is our world you are trying to conqueror!"

"I am doing what I have to for the survival of my people!! Don't act like you wouldn't do the same!! We have no world's left to live on, we are on the verge of Extinction!!", she howled.

"So it gives you the right to invade our world?", Jean growled, "What else have you been doing!? Are you responsible for the politicians pushing the Mutant Registration Act?!"

Glancing away from Jean, Veranke didn't want to look her in the eyes. Sensing that she did Jean started oozing killing intent. Wanting to choke the life out of her I told Jean to stop. Stating that she was our best lead to finding out who all was compromised, Jean said she would wait to kill her.

"Please wait, maybe I could offer benefits?", Veranke asked trying to use her feminine charm on me.

"Are you serious...", I sighed, "You are like a 5 at best lady, I have all 10's in my harem. Not only that, did you see who I came in with?"

The three gave me a smirk when they got thrown in. Poising to flaunt their looks they seemed to enjoy themselves a bit harassing her. Realizing that wasn't going to work she tried to submit herself as a slave to me. Telling her she would pay for the lives she had taken with her invasion plan.

"I am telling you it was out only option!", she argued.

"Only option, or revenge for against the Illuminati?", I questioned.

"How did you know that much!?", she shrieked, "The reasoning wasn't told, but to a small number of people!!"

"I know, and all of them are going to pay dearly.", I replied, "As for the innocent among your Kin I will find them a world in my universe where they can live in peace. They will have my protection, and be able to do as they please there. All of you who did this out of malice will suffer the consequences of all your wrong doings."

"An innocent Skrull?", Natasha mocked, "All of them are-"

"Natasha, there world and species is truly on the brink that's not a lie. She has innocent civilians onboard her ships in the upper atmosphere. All they want is a home and safety, you can't blame them for the actions of those in charge.", I told her, "They deserve to have safety and shelter, I am not asking any of you to shelter them. I will take them to a different universe where they won't cause you any problems."

"I...I didn't realize she had civilians with her.", Natasha panicked, "I didn't mean to suggest they-"

"I know Veranke and her grunts will be handed to SHIELD, I have no issue with that.", I told her, "You got cuffs?"

"Always.", Natasha laughed with a playful wink.

Cuffing her with specialize cuffs that suppressed her power, we headed to the Raft.

---The Raft---

Locking Veranke up, we sat in the control watching the guards. Swapping horror stories of men they had met, Natasha and Enchantress seemed to have the same problem with men. While they did that Jean spoke to me about her past, and the horrors of growing up with her power. Telling me about how she met Xavier and started training under him I listened to her intently.

"...and that's pretty much it.", she said, "I know you must be pretty busy, but uh...maybe you'd like to do lunch sometime?"

"Asking me on a date?", I chuckled, "Sure I am up for lunch. Did you have somewhere in mind?"

"There is a diner in town that I like, how about that?", she asked.

"Sure.", I replied.

Telling what they had on the menu, I heard some enter the Earth's atmosphere. Switching on the radar it took a few moment, but something started responding. Noticing that I was tracking something Enchantress and Natasha asked was wrong. Listening closely for signs of life, I heard a low growl coming out of the object.

"Shit...which one of these buttons calls the Helicarrier?", I asked.

"Is it an emergency?", Natasha inquired.

"Yes!", I replied.

"If it's about the object on radar we have known about it's entry for several days. The military is scheduled to do an intercept over-"

"Call them off now!! That isn't a space rock, that's an alien life form that your about to really piss off.", I informed her.

"Oh", she said hitting the emergency communication button.

Picking up almost immediately Maria Hill answered for Nick. Telling her that the object that entered the atmosphere wasn't a rock, but an alien she asked what it was.

"It's name is Doomsday, but it sounds like someone genetically altered it. If you shot it the damn thing will go ballistic.", I told her.

"Is it something more firepower can kill?", she questioned.

"No it has Adaptive Evolution, it can only be injured once before it adapts to prevent injury again.", I said, "It's stronger than Hulk, and was made specifically to kill."

"Shit...", she said trying to contact the military.

"They already shot it!", I groaned, "It's about to make landfall a few miles from D.C. Tell the President to evacuate, I am on my way."

"We have assets on the ground.", she protested, "We can contain the-"

"I am telling you innocent people are going to die if I don't go. Tell Nick I am taking care of it, and prioritize the safety of the civilians.", I said before vanishing from sight.

"Did he just leave us behind?", Natasha asked.

"I...I think he did...", Jean sighed.

"I haven't ever had a man just up, and run off without me.", Enchantress stated.

"Great...another person that doesn't follow orders...", Maria complained.


Author Note: Good Morning all, hope you enjoy your weekend. Looking forward to writing the next chapter!! See yah in the next one!!

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