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75.49% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 76: Chapter 75 - A Different Reality

Capítulo 76: Chapter 75 - A Different Reality

---U.A High School---

After a very lengthy discussion with governments around the world, everyone understood that we were in a bad position till the barrier was restored. Currently our neighboring universes could see us, and they would likely make attempts to contact or invade us. Depending on the world the UN was willing to have discussions, but it they were stronger military wise they decided I would be the best person to send.

Explaining that we would likely want to make alliances with other worlds to strengthen our defense, the UN Council gave their blessing to move forward. Answering various questions they had about the other worlds, I answered the best I could given that each world was slightly different than the others. Once all of the questions and explanations were done they ended the call with us.

"...I hate sitting through these meetings.", I sighed.

"Isn't so nice being this powerful now, is it?", Aizawa teased.

"Lay off...", I chuckled, "It's a lot to take in given all the changes that happened here..."

It wasn't only my grandfather and Bakugo that had changed here. Cynthia wasn't the murderous bitch I knew her to be, now she fell much more in line with Red Hood in that she killed criminals only without much thought. My grandfather had beaten most of Oblivion Group in his younger days so my fight with the group was much less of a big deal than previously. Reverse Flash never came here so fortunately I had the women wear their rings so they weren't erased by the reality change.

The DC worlds had changed as well, quite substantially. Universes 1 and 2 didn't exist, but 3 thru 12 were back to normal with some minor changes. Mostly slightly storyline variations like Clark and Bruce being childhood friends, or Barry's mother never dying. Most importantly in the Injustice Universe Bruce made the decision to kill Joker before he succeeded in drugging Superman. He turned himself in for it, and was currently serving time.

'That was a storyline in another world...some of them must of been joined together.', I thought going over the changes the women had given me.

According to Selena and Ivy, Bruce's selfless sacrifice to protect Superman completely severed any extreme tendencies he might have been hiding. The fact he killed Joker, breaking the one rule he swore he'd never break, touched Superman's heart so much that he actually felt a bit of guilt that it came to that. Superman overwhelming trusts in Bruce's vision for a better tomorrow after doing what he did, so now there is no Injustice Universe.

"On top of this timeline Uncle Might beat All For One before you became a Hero.", Melissa whispered.

"Wait...what about Shigaraki and Kurogiri?", I asked.

"Kurogiri, or rather Oboro is alive.", she replied, "Shigaraki is Uncle Might's sidekick, he adopted Shigaraki."

"Wait, what!?", I gasped.

"Believe me I am just as confused as you are.", she said.

Excusing ourselves, I said that I wanted to touch base with my parents. Knowing that they had been worried about me Nezu let me go without any questions. Returning home I wanted to see my grandfather, the one that I had heard a lot about from my mother.

---Wayne Manor---

Walking into the mansion, Mom was holding grandpa and crying her eyes. Standing beside her my Dad was comforting her.

"There is my grandson!", grandpa laughed, "Come here boy, I heard you are the reason I am alive."

"I...", I started to say before he walked over and gave me a hug.

"Whether it was an accident or not, thank you Clark for giving me this opportunity.", he chuckled, "Your grandma about killed me though when she saw me. She still had my gun by the bed, and about blasted my head off."

"Haha!", I laughed.

Before I got further into the house, someone jumped on my back and put a kiss on my cheek. Glancing back I saw Cynthia on my back with a bright smile.

"Miss me?", she asked.

"Wait...are you saying that-"

"I do remember the alternate timeline for some reason. It came to me when I was a younger child, and decided to make myself a more fitting wife.", she laughed, "I took my family into custody and have been cleaning up crime around the world."

"By cleaning she means putting criminals in graves.", Nemuri stated.

"So? Not like they deserved to live.", Cynthia spat, "I killed them so they wouldn't hurt anyone ever again, I don't kill innocent people."

"Cynthia, you and I-"

"Oh I know you aren't going to accept me right off the bat, but I will show you that I deserve to be a member of your harem.", she told me, "Well I am off to continue my rounds, I will text you later. Your mother gave me your number."

"Mom!", I shouted.

"I am sorry dear, I was caught up in the moment of seeing my step-father and just gave your number out without thinking.", she said giving me an apologetic smile.

"'s alright.", I sighed in defeat, 'Better than her stalking me everywhere.'

Sitting down with my family, I explained the situation to them in more detail about the situation in other worlds. Telling them that my powers had increased further I showed them a demonstration of my new powers. Looking at me in shock my father looked at me with a serious look.

"Son, I think you owe your mother and I an explanation.", he said, "Your girlfriends told us that you have memories from a past life."

"Sorry...we thought you had already told them.", Ochaco stated.

Coming clean about my past life to them, my mother started crying over my past. Understanding what I was trying to do here they two of them said they would support my endeavors as my parents. Saying that they might not be as great as my old parents, they said they would do whatever they could.

"Don't say that...", I said with a smile, "I couldn't have wished for any better parents than you for my current life. You have put up with my crazy antics, and kept me on the straight and narrow. Thank you, Mom and Dad."

"Oh Clark!!", my mother shouted hugging me, "You have always been a special child, but we love you so very much."

"Yes we do...though, could you explain to us about Eri's situation now?", he asked.

Looking to Eri who looked normal I gave them a confused look. Telling me to stay seated Eri ran upstairs, and a few moments later came skipping back downstairs as an adult. Rendered speechless I didn't know what to say, she was a bombshell no matter how you looked at it. I had my work cut out for me protecting her from bad guys if this is how she'd look in the future.

"It appears her Quirk evolved to include aging objects and organisms too.", Spectre stated.

"Yeah...", I barely managed to say.

"Do I look pretty?", Eri asked twirling around in the dress she was wearing.

"Very pretty, do I need to be concerned about boys coming after you?", I asked protectively.

"", Eri stated with an irritated look.

"Good girl.", I chuckled with a smile.

Excusing after an hour of talking with my grandfather we headed home for the day.

---Fortress of Solitude---

"So about this Jean Grey...", Harley asked, "Is she someone we should be concerned about?"

"She is an immensely powerful telepath, if you upset her she could rip you apart atom by atom.", I stated.

"She meant romantically.", Ivy laughed.

"Oh no, she is dating Logan or Cyclops.", I replied, "...though you don't know who that is, right."

"Yeah, we are going to need to get up to speed on.", Raven said, "Could you make something to eat first?"

"Have you ladies not eaten?", I asked.

Pointing to the kitchen it looked like a bomb had gone off. Looking back at them they looked away while pretending not to know anything. Asking who caused the mess everyone pointed at Starfire and Mina. When I asked how that happened, they said Mina and Starfire weren't paying attention to the pressure cooker and it blew up. Sighing I was about to clean it, but then realized I could just do it with my power. With a snap of my fingers the kitchen was clean again.

"Shit, this is awesome!", I laughed.

"All that power, and you use it to clean a kitchen.", Spectre sighed.

Making dinner for us manually, they didn't want food made with my powers exclusively. Chuckling when they told me that they assisted me as I cooked offering assistance as needed. I was relieved that none of them were severely injured, but I was concerned there were extra women in our home...namely Wonder Woman, Iris, Mera, Zatana, and Batwoman. Noticing that I was staring at them, they stated they had nowhere else to go.

"No, I was more meaning I don't remember giving you rings.", I stated.

"They grabbed hold of us.", Sonico said blushing.

"I said I was sorry!", Iris huffed.

"You de-pants me in public!!", Sonico snapped.

"I tripped when I went to grab a hold of you!", Iris stated.

Telling them that was fine, I offered to set them up with identities and jobs they said they were happy here. Mera came clean, and said she was interested in dating me. Having saved her, helped her when she was down, and moreover gave her the chance to slay her people's killer...she felt it was only right to stand with me. Wonder Woman said she like my good nature and kindness towards people, unwavering sense of justice, and above all healing her when no one else could. Iris said she liked hanging around me and the women so she really wanted to stay. Zatana said she was interested in being romantic since I was a nice guy, and she really liked how I interacted with people. Batwoman simply said it made the most sense to stay with me, and wouldn't elaborate further.

'Cryptic as ever...', I thought, "If you want to stay I won't make you leave, but...are you all sure? I don't want to make this something like you feel duty or honor bound to-"

"Believe me Clark, if I felt that way I would be honest about that.", Mera stated, "As a former princess I know all to well about the horrors of arranged marriages."

"Amen!", Maxima, Blackfire, and Starfire shouted.

"Will you calm down...", Raven and Batwoman said, "He's five feet from you..."

Talking among themselves as we cooked I stood their in silence cooking while they prepared things for me to cook. The atmosphere that was going on was pretty good, and it was a nice change of pace for the moment. Just when I thought things would be quite for the evening I got a phone call from Jean. Seeing the name pop up, all the women glared at me. Putting her on speaker for their peace of mind the voice that spoke up wasn't Jean's.

"Hey flyboy, hope you made home in one piece!", Deadpool said, "How's it going? Everything going okay over there?"

"What do you want Deadpool, and how did you get the phone from Jean?", I asked.

"Oh she is taking a bubble bath, and I stole it from her room.", he laughed.

"You realize she is liable to kill you when she finds out.", I reminded him.

"No, she will be upset that I am using a pair of kitty panties as a flag and a bra as a catapult!", he replied.

"What the fuck man!?", I spat.

"You don't know man!! Half of these little shits in this place are demons when the Professor isn't looking!", he retorted, "Don't you lecture me after hugging Miss Beautiful Red Head!"

Before I could say anything we heard Jean scream demanding to know where the phone I gave her went. Realizing his time was up we heard him scramble to his feet, and start running. After a few moment we heard him speak with Colossus, and push the phone into his hand. Only a few moments later we could hear Jean lecturing Colossus about breaking into her room, and that it was a violation of her privacy.

"Jean, Deadpool stole the phone and a pair of your undergarmets.", I stated.

"He did what!?", she shouted.

"Hey little snitch!! You know what they say about snitches!!", Deadpool shouted from another room.

"WADE!!", she screamed.

"Fuck, I will remember this flyboy!!", Deadpool yelled we heard the sound of breaking glass.

"Get back here Wade!!", Jean shouted.

"Colossus, is there a reason he is staying at the School?", I asked.

"He and Vanessa are having...communication issues.", he replied.

" this a normal occurrence?", I questioned.

"He does it to share his pain of losing out on joining the Avengers.", Colossus answered, "Or at least I think so."

Ending the call there, as we heard Deadpool shout in pain, it was clear he was getting his just desserts. Laughing at him, the women thought it was hilarious. After eating dinner the women pulled me to our, and closed the door. It was a good thing Eri stayed at the mansion because they weren't going to hold back now.


Taking things to the shower, they all wanted to celebrate the defeat of Nekron. After having a delicious meal there was only one thing they wanted to top it of, me. Encircling me as I kissed them, they seemed to enjoy me being a bit rougher than usual. Rubbing Rumi and Nemuri's stomachs I asked how things were progressing. I was concerned there might be side effects from the fighting and timeline changes.

"Everything is fine.", Nemuri replied kissing me, "We had Kelex check the moment we got home, they are fine."

"Yeah, we aren't that fragile.", Rumi added with a smirk.

"Oh I know that.", I said kneeling down, "I can still be worried about you though. You are carrying very precious people to me after all."

"We aren't complaining.", they replied.

Rubbing their stomachs and kissing them a bit longer, then moved to everyone else. Harley tackled me almost immediately for attention as she wrapped herself around me.

"I was worried we would see you again Clarkie Poo!!", she said kissing me, "I thought I lost the only good man in my life left, but now that you are back...all I want is to be with you."

"Don't go stealing other people's lines.", Mera stated.

"I understand, how about we fix that issue.", I smirked.

Setting Harley down, I started to stimulate all the women here with my psychic powers. Enhancing the effect when I kissed then, they got drunk on the high pretty quickly. Pressing Mera against the wall as she took me in, I slammed into her once the tip was in. Wrapping her limbs around me she climaxed after three thrusts completely lubricating herself for me. Moving at a steady pace I felt her breasts dance around my skin as she closed her eyes to experience me even more.

Stealing her lips she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me over and over. Reaching her cervix my tip kissed it with each thrust, and it sucked on my tip trying to hold me. After awhile it finally succeeded in joining at the end of our love making. Without a word I grunted and sent pulses of seed into her. Feeling me climax she came as well opening wide to receive it all. With no resistance filled Mera with my love, didn't let a drop come out. Pulling out of her, Mera was happy to see me go. It was clear she wanted to keep going, but understood she would get another chance.

Already waiting, Diana was ready to take me. Sliding right in, I pierce her cervix just like Harley. Locking her legs behind me, she looked me in eyes as I moved. Looking back at her desire flared up in her eyes with each thrust. Picking up the pace since she could take it, she pressed herself against me and kissed my lips. Running my hands through her hair she shivered with utter delight.

Taking things to the floor, Diana swung her legs over my shoulders and locked them behind my head. Grabbing hold of her elegant breasts I kneaded the passionately as moved into mating press. Only in the position for a little while, I locked hands with Diana and stared into her eyes. Nodding her head she wanted climax with her. Giving her a grin right before climaxing she tightened her grip on me, and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. Holding her tightly for a few minutes till we both came down from our high she let me go so I could help her up.

Going to Iris, Batwoman cut me off, and pulled me into a kiss. Rather surprised by her move it took me a moment to react. Picking her up she pressed her chest into my face with a smirk on her face as I grew a stupid grin on my face. Hiding the face as she slid down me she kissed me aggressively as she tried to take the lead. Gripping my shoulders she started to swing back and forth slamming into me as she did so. Watching her the other women were rather taken aback by her behavior as it was something they didn't expect from her.

Letting her have her fun for a while, I eventually stopped her and took the reins. Pulling out I turned her around, hooked my arms under her legs, and put her in a full nelson. Unable to break free she was forced to take it in this position which judging by her pleasure filled moans wasn't too bad. Bouncing thrusting into her I made my sac clap loudly against her till I was ready to climax. Without any warning for her I squatted down and pulled her into me. Slamming through her cervix I climaxed, and made her scream before panting like a wild animal.

"Are you okay?", Harley asked her.

"...yeah...", she replied as I let her down once we had finished, "Call me Kathy from now on Clark, I don't want you to call me by my job title."

"Haha!", I laughed nodding my head, "Consider it done."

"Thank you...dear.", she whispered.

"What was that?", I asked.

"Don't push it.", she said narrowing her eyes before giving me a smirk.

Smacking her butt before moving to Iris, Iris stuck her butt out for me to take her from behind. Spreading her legs for me I admired the view for a moment before taking the plunge. Gasping as she stretched to take me in, I was pushing the backside of her womb with my dick. Realizing that she was barely big enough to take me I decided to have some fun with that, and give it to her rough. Since she had accelerated healing I was certain she wouldn't mind.

Playfully grabbing her by her hair I pulled her back for a kiss as her ass clapped against me. Firmly grabbing her by the throat in a dominant manner she melted in my hands as she climaxed. Telling me to keep it up she wanted me to take her like a bitch in heat. Obliging I turned her sideways, and draped one leg over my shoulder. Holding on to a handle in the shower Iris moaned and panted loudly making the younger women get very flustered. Hearing a few of them say they wanted to do the same thing I smiled at Iris.

Smacking her ass several times to make her tighten up, I turned her onto her stomach and held her perpendicular to me by holding her up by her shoulders. Giving it too her for a while without stopping by the time I climaxed she was about ready to faint from the unbelievable high she was on. Setting her down on the shower bench after we were done for now, she kissed me several times saying she would be ready for Round 2 in a bit. Saying she wanted to try more positions she looked at me expectantly.

Zatana was the only one out of the new group left, and she was waiting patiently for me. Picking her up I set her on a shelf so we could make out for a bit while I stimulated her with my fingers. Pulling on my hair she she screamed several profanities as I kissed her neck while sliding my dick in. Fitting nicely in her she gave me a warm smile as she pushed off the shelf and wrapped her arms around me. Wanting me to sensual with her I took my time with her to make sure I savored every inch of her as she whispered sweet nothings into my ears.

When it came time to climax with her, her stomach muscles wriggled as the waves of seed flowed into her. Watching that the others had enough of waiting, and demanded their turn. Saying that I was taking too long I motioned for them to look at the clock. Noticing that it had only been twenty minutes they looked at me with confusion. Saying that I was slowing things down to ensure they were all satisfied I stated they would all go to bed at a good time tonight.

"Now that time is no longer an issue.", I said kissing Rumi and Selena's necks, "There is no excuse about needing to sleep, you'll get it once we are done."

"I hope you can keep that promise.", Blackfire and Maxima stated, "Some of us haven't been completely worn out by you yet."

"Oh I will fix that.", I told them leaning forward, "Don't come crying to me when you are bed bound tomorrow. I will treat you all like my Queens tight so buckle up for a long, long night."

Spending time with each woman again and again, I showered them with my love and affection. Each of them brought something different to our relationship, and that made them irreplaceable. Kissing them all over, and making love all over the fortress we didn't stop till they were all exhausted. Falling asleep laying on me I transported them to the bedroom one by one making sure they were comfortable in our bed.

---End R-18---

Looking at my beautiful family I thought about something. With my ability to alter reality I could make my family immortal, and de-age several of them to their twenties. Realizing that I considered telling them that first thing in the morning.

"Kid, I suggest exploring your powers more before doing that. Don't want to accidentally hurt them using a power that you have only just started to use.", Spectre stated, "It's not like you have to hurry, right? All of them have at least several decades of youth left in them."

"That is true.", I chuckled.

"Let's focus on keeping your world alive till that time.", he laughed, "Right now you are among the most powerful entities in reality, but that power is going to bring people here to challenge you."

"I know...", I said, "I will kill any invader that is unwilling to leave my home alone. Even if I have to bring my full power to bare I will do it to protect us...though I am not sure where my limits are now. Spectre...are you sure I am not an Energy Being? I don't know any Supermen that can bend reality..."

"Kid, you aren't a monster.", Spectre told me calmly, "Even though you unlocked this power you are still using it to help people. Some people will call you a monster, and most of them will be your enemies. No matter what happens you have the means to always check yourself. Up till now you have always said you fight for the innocent people everywhere you go. What matters most to you is that you can see their smiles, right? If that is true then you know when you are doing something wrong when they hide them."

I was terrified about just would happen if I kept unlocking more and more power. All I had asked for was the power of Superman so I could help people, but I was ascended past that now. Spectre was right though, as long as the people around me could smile of their own free will I was on the right path. The people around me were good people with a heart to help people so they were the best judge of whether or not I was doing something wrong. Putting my worries to the side for now I laid down and fell asleep among the women as they slept soundly.

---Next Day---

Stumbling out of bed, once again the women were barely able to move around. Giddy as school girls they looked at me while trying not to laugh. Helping them to the table I got them all a cup of coffee before getting to making breakfast.

"So what exactly are we doing today Clarkie Poo?", Harley asked.

"I told the Heroes of the Marvel Earth I landed on that I would be back today.", I stated, "We will go say hello, and introduce you all too them. Just stay away from Deadpool...he might do something really stupid."

"He the guy that called last night, right?", Kathy inquired.

"Yes, and he is known as the Merc with a Mouth for good reason. He says pretty much whatever is on his mind regardless of how insulting it may be.", I sighed, "He will flirt with you, insult you, and potential try to pick a fight with you."

"We can kick his ass right?", Raven and Momo questioned.

"Even if you cut him into pieces he will regrow a new body, so don't hold back.", I chuckled, "The easier you are on him the more he will push."

"Noted.", Kathy said sharpening her Batarangs.

Realizing that she would probably want her own lab to work on equipment I decided I would have Kelex make a lab for her. After a hearty breakfast and massage the women were ready to go to the Marvel world I crashed on.

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