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68.62% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 69: Chapter 68 - Bizarro Not on the Case

Capítulo 69: Chapter 68 - Bizarro Not on the Case

---Universe 15---

Coordinating places for people to stay, I got permission from the MHA world's UN to allow the refugees to stay on the Moon Base. Getting people over there took some time, but we got the refugees settled in the course of a few hours.

"How much time do you think you bought us?", Batman (Universe 12) asked me after the civilian refugees were taken care of.

"A month minimum, Prime will need a long time to recover from the abuse I gave him.", I replied with a smirk, "Bastard got what he deserved."

"No complaints here!", Iris (Universe 2) said, "So...I hear that you made Little Kara and Fury into women?"

"Can we talk about that later?", I asked not wanting to have this conversation in front of everyone else.

"Let's keep this serious for a bit.", Batman (Universe 15) stated with a sigh, "So a month before Prime is back in action."

"I think Prime will be much more weary of fighting me now that he knows I am a Speed Force User. Prime has a fear of Speed Force users...I assume one of you managed to trap him?", I questioned.

"We did.", Barry and Iris of Universe 1 said, "When they showed up we were able to trap him, but it didn't last all that long. Nekron helped break him out, and he wasn't the nicest person when he came back."

"I can imagine.", I stated, "The damage I did to their army should be enough to tip the scales to a level playing field. We need to focus on getting Universe 13 to join us, and that should put things to our favor..."

"Why do you look like that is a problem?", Batman (New Earth) asked.

"They...they are magical world...making a deal with them. If memory serves they were invaded by Super Vampires so they may be less likely to agree to meet with us.", I said.

"That would explain why they sent me packing.", Flash (Universe 12) sighed, "Wait how do you know about their world?"

"Clark here is well traveled.", Lucifer said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "My booze live to see another day, I leave you to it Hero!"

Leaving it at that I looked my girlfriends who looked completely exhausted. Bringing the healed Captain Atom to the Injustice group they thanked me for saving him. Looking at the displaced Heroes I wasn't sure how to best handle this.

"So we need to determine how to find them places to stay.", I said, "It think most can stay here, Universe 15 can use their help, and they can be comfortable here. As for the Universe 2 group they can come back with us, and live there. They will be near Kara and Fury so it won't be too difficult for them to adjust."

The refugees from Universes 1-11 were the following:

Universe 1: Barry, Iris, Miss Martian, and a very injured Wonder Woman

Universe 2: Iris, Mera, Robin, and Martian Manhunter

Universe 3: Superwoman and Luthor

Universe 4: Blue Beetle and Question

Universe 5: Barry and Wally

Universe 6: Livewire, Reverse Flash, and Green Lantern

Universe 7: Barry, Iris, and Wally

Universe 8: Ladybug, Cyborg, Zatana, and Barry

Universe 9: Christy Xanadu (Joker) and Aqualad

Universe 10: Iris and Wally

Universe 11: Batwoman, Flash, and Green Arrow (Author Note: Heroes in Universe 11 are Gender Swapped)

"This is complicated...", Kara said.

"You can say that again.", I sighed, "I am open to suggestions.

Discussing this between all parties it was decided they would stay on our world. They had suffered quite a lot, and were likely in no real condition to fight at them moment. What they needed was a less stressful environment to recover, and our gave them that. The UN agreed to it assuming I would watch them if they went on planet. They were nervous having powerful people like them around, but if I was there they felt sure I would take care it if they got out of hand.

---MHA Universe, Next Day---

Once everyone was settled in we retired for the night, and took the next day off. Waking up a little later than usual, we sat down with the refugees from Universes 1-11 to talk. Having Kelex make the meal, I listened to them talk about the series of events leading to the attacks. Starting with Universe 1 they said he came out of no where one day with Nekron at his back.

"Our Wally and Reverse Flash gave their lives to put him in the Speed Force Prison. Iris and I only survived by chance, but it was only a short reprieve.", Barry (Universe 1) said.

"When he broke out, our Superman confronted him and nearly won...", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) said clutching the table, "I...I was there when we fought him again. Superman was about to kill him when Nekron ran him through. I couldn't do anything to save him..."

"Nekron left with our Superman and Prime, then returned a month later...with both Superman and Prime.", Miss Martian (Universe 1) said, "Supergirl didn't stand a chance, they beat her to a pulp before turning her. They proceeded to kill everyone in our Universe, no one was safe. We sent civilians into the Phantom Zone, but we are unsure if they are alive or not."

"We spread the word to neighboring universes, but obviously you see how that turned out.", Iris (Universe 1) said.

"I am sorry for your loss. We will do what we can to restore as many of your friends as we can.", I promised.

"Thank you.", they said.

After a few minutes Luthor was the first one to speak up. Understanding the situation better than the others, he was being realistic.

"I assume we will need to find jobs, and make a living for ourselves.", he said looking at everyone, "As we are not natives we will need papers, and such to do that. Can we get started on that process?"

"The UN is already working on that.", I replied, "They estimate it will be about a week before that is done. At this point they are likely going to have you live on the Moon or Mars when that facility finishes."

"There a reason they don't want us down there?", he asked.

"Most people on our world are empowered in some fashion so it would be dangerous to put a large group of people without powers on the planet. It's even more dangerous for individuals like you who out class most people on our world.", I sighed, "It boils down to that they are afraid of all of you."

"Understandable, from what I can gather this world and it's Heroes are below our worlds in terms of power. You are the exception to that rule.", he stated nodding his head, "That is the logical thing to do."

"We don't pose a threat though...some of us can't fight without magic.", Zatana (Universe 8) said.

"They don't know that, and they won't take your word for it.", Question (Universe 4) pointed out, "We are wild cards that they have no information on. That makes us dangerous to them."

"I don't like being treated like I am a problem.", Superwoman (Universe 3) stated with an annoyed tone.

"In your case you will shove it, or I will throw you into the Phantom Zone. I know you are a villain, and don't pretend that you aren't.", I said narrowing my eyes, "You are exactly why they are concerned. I know your taste for conquest, you aren't fooling me."

"Come now, I am sure we can make a deal for me to-"

"Say another word and I will throw you in myself.", Fury growled.

"After we kick your ass.", Kara snapped.

"I am a refugee, you wouldn't-"

"I can send you back to Universe 3, and you can enjoy being alone.", I said.

"NO!!", she shouted in a panic, "Please, I am sorry! I don't want to go back there!"

"We lost a lot of good people.", Luthor (Universe 3) stated on her behalf, "As much as it pains me to say it, please forgive her. I understand the reasoning for your hesitation around us, but we have seen and lost a lot."

Accepting her apology, I understood they were just all stressed out given the situation. I would work on getting the UN to agree to letting them live on Earth. It would take time to get them to allow it, but I had connections that could help make that happen. For now though I didn't want to make promises so early on in the process.

"Alright, so Prime started with Earth 1?", I asked.

"No, he came to Earth 2 then went to Earth 1.", Mera (Universe 2) said with a scared look, "Our Superman encountered him on his home world, and he followed him to our world. When he couldn't go home he became increasing irritable till one day he snapped. He went on a killing spree before our Superman and Flash threw him out of our world."

"Sometime between him leaving Earth 2 to Earth 1 he met Nekron then.", Luthor (Universe 3) stated.

"Exactly, after destroying Earth 1 he came to our world full of rage.", Mera (Universe 2) told us clutching her trident.

"Mera is traumatized, he boiled the Atlanteans alive in the ocean.", Miss Martian (Universe 1) informed me, "Aquaman threw her out of the water before it became Super Heated...she literally watched the flesh fall off their bones."

"Please...please don't talk about that...", Mera (Universe 2) whimpered, "I...I watched Aquaman, my father, and everyone I knew since childhood be boiled alive screaming for help before they went silent forever. It still haunts me in my sleep."

Hugging her Fury and Kara felt terrible for her. They had seen similar things, and knew the pain she felt.

"After that he went world by world destroying everything laughing like a maniac.", Luthor (Universe 3) snapped slamming his fist into the table, "That bastard razed homes and buildings with people still alive. I watched the scene break every Superman we met, all of you hear everything...I can't imagine the pain you feel hearing everything and not being able to save them. Unlike my counterparts...I acknowledge you have a lot of weight on your shoulders with those powers."

"Sometimes it can be a lot to carry, but when you have good company it makes it easier.", I stated looking at my family.

"So then we have a month to prepare to take our revenge on him then.", Superwoman (Universe 3) said, "I want in on it, I don't care what the price is I want one hit on that bastard!"

"I can arrange that, my biggest issue is Nekron. All of you may not be aware, but he is the Entity of Death. Killing him permanently is impossible so I am trying to tap into either the Death Force, Void Wind, or Tear of Extinction to injure him permanently. Between all parties here we should be able to research something that can-", I started to say.

"Tear of Extinction...", Mera (Universe 2) said looking at me, "I know where one is."

"You do!?", I asked.

"We were researching it to reverse engineer it make a tool that could use the Life Force. Our scientists wanted to replicate Aquaman's power to communicate with sea life with it, and potentially expand on it.", Mera (Universe 3) said, "Atlantis has one that you can take, but you have to swear to me you will make him suffer. I want both of them to scream loud enough that they can be heard through out history!"

"Of course, I am not going to let them off with a love tap.", I laughed.

Giving me a smile she nodded her head saying she could give me directions to it, but wouldn't want to go given the traumatic event that happened near there. Understanding her wish, I said that would work. Next topic I brought up was doing a full physical evaluation on them to make sure they were in top shape for the next fight.

Explaining how my equipment functioned, all of them gave their approval after showing them Captain Atom's recovery. Saying I would have Kelex do the physicals and diagnose injuries I felt like they would want the privacy.

"I couldn't give a damn about privacy.", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) said, "I just want an opportunity to wipe that smirk off his face!"

"Agreed.", everyone said.

"I want you to know I enjoyed the faces you made Prime where.", Zatana (Universe 8) stated, "I felt relief watching the horror on his face. What was with the Green Eyes though?"

"Let me explain everything to you.", I chuckled.

Explaining to them how I encountered the DC Multiverse I then told them about my dealings with the Multiverse. Asking several questions as I told them my story, they listened to the end when they then turned to my family. Asking how they kept up with all this, they replied that they just went with the flow.

"I am happy to hear both of you found yourself a man!", Iris (Universe 2) laughed, "I honestly thought you two would stay single since every guy that approached you was 'garbage' in your eyes."

"Is that true?", I asked.

"It was.", Fury said, "When the first thing they do is ogle your chest, they are garbage."

"Don't ever meet Mineta then.", the younger women told them, "That's all he will see."

"Degenerate piece of shit.", Fury spat.

"Preach it!", Momo said, "Amen to that, that purple peeper is utter garbage."

"So, you doing the nasty now?", Iris (Universe 2) asked with baited breath.

"Can we have a serious discussion?", Luthor (Universe 3) complained, "We need to prepare for-"

"Luthor, the guys can hash out plans. Let them socialize it's about the most normal thing they have done in months, let them have their peace.", I said.

Agreeing to that, the guys broke off to go over schematics and plans for the future. We would include the women later once they had gotten the gossip out of their systems. Sure some of them wouldn't be as gossipy, but still it got them off the topic of Prime.

"Come on girls, spill it!", Iris (Universe 2) told them.

"We are.", Kara replied, "He is a good lover, that's all I will say."

"Come on, do tell.", Superwoman (Universe 3) said, "A hunk like that isn't just a good lover."

"He's got really nice pecks, abs, and arms...", Kara admitted.

"Very nice.", Rumi added with a dirty smirk.

"He made us a hot spring in the training room.", Fury said.

"You're skirting the main subject.", Iris teased.

"He's really good, alright?", Fury sighed, "Like...I could be persuaded to do it daily with him."

"Oh girl it's that good!?", Iris (Universe 2) giggled.

"It's about...", Kara said making estimated sizes with her hands.

"Good lord!!!", the other DC women gulped, " can handle that!?"

"It took some getting used too, but his prep work is spot on.", Maxima boasted, "It's like he memorized our pleasure spots, and hits them over and over. He has already made offspring with Rumi and Nemuri. Blackfire and I are also trying as well."

"Don't forget us.", Ivy and Selena said pulling Harley over.

"I...I don't think I am ready for that yet.", Harley stated.

"You think we were born yesterday?", Selena said with a smirk, "That make out session about saw you on your back if Clark had pushed it."

"...I don't know what you mean...", Harley said looking away.

"There is nothing wrong with admitting you want him in a sexual way.", Ivy stated, "You are settling in still, we get that. Don't keep telling yourself to hold back with him. If you are going to do it, just fucking do it."

"I...I will think about.", Harley said.

"Don't you want all three of us to have kids together?", Selena asked.

"I mean..."

"He won't treat anywhere near the same as Joker.", Ivy said, "You know that."

"I know...", Harley said, "I still wanna get to know him a bit before I just tell him that."

Leaving them to talk to with her Zatana asked if I really satisfied all of them. Nodding their heads they said I could without any issues. Stating that I wasn't completely drained by all of them, Zatana looked shocked.

'He is sounding more and more like my type.', Superwoman (Universe 3) thought, 'Might as well get to know him, and see if we can make things work. At the very least I can cripple Prime...that would nice.'

"So he dates all of you, how well off is he?", Ladybug (Universe 8) asked.

"Easily the wealthiest man on our world.", Yu said, "He could buy a small country with the interest in his accounts. Most his money he uses for humanitarian efforts around the globe, and pays for children to get educations to better themselves. In his mind that is the best way to raise people out of poverty, educate them."

"That isn't wrong, that's actually very intelligent.", Batwoman (Universe 11) stated, "How old is he?"

"He's still in High School.", Ochaco said.

"Wait...what!?", they shrieked.

"Our relationship is perfectly legal.", Nemuri pointed out.

"No, it's just...a 16 year old did all of this!? The tech, the training, and money making!?", they said.

'We have to get to know him better, this kid is going places!', they thought.

Asking the MHA women how we met they gave their backstories. Listen to all of them Iris and Mera congratulated the two of them with excitement. Asking if they intend to try as well, they said they weren't at the moment but after graduation they would. Discussing other topics as well, everyone wanted to get an understand of the new world in which they found themselves.

While they talked the men sat gathered around my design table. Showing them data I had gathered from various worlds, we broke down what we knew. Using the information I had gathered from the various Oa's I had visited I had a better understand of the Ring's than previously, and had a plan to use the design to make a weapon to fight Nekron. Showing them the schematics to making the weapon all of them looked at me like I was abnormal.

"You do know that only a handful of people have ever understood the Rings, and you are suggesting making a completely different system.", Green Lantern (Universe 6) said, "This is crazy, you realize that this could kill you if not everyone else!"

I planned to make a new ring that would use the power of either the Death Force, Tear of Extinction, or Void Wind. If it worked like I hopped it would their wouldn't be any problem, but that was a big if. There were countless variables that needed to be accounted for, and some of them I didn't know so there was an element of danger. There was a chance that the containment chamber wouldn't be able to hold the energy turning itself into a bomb. Another problem was if the ring couldn't handle the output, and exploded...which would kill me easily.

"Do your girlfriends know that your building something this suicidal?", Cyborg (Universe 8) asked.

"I am open to other options, anyone have any?", I replied with a serious look.

Looking at my information again the only other option was to fight Nekron in his own universe, but that was just as suicidal. No other option would make him think twice about trying again. Having seen the downfall of several universes no one wanted him to ever come back. Making him afraid of something was the best option for all parties involved.

"I would at least run more tests on the Tear of Extinction before you make the vessel.", Luthor (Universe 3) said.

"Absolutely.", Reverse Flash (Universe 6) added, "You're the only thing that is keeping Prime and Nekron back. If you fall all of us are dead in the water."

"I know, my plan is to raid the city in a hurry. Get in and get out in a few seconds which shouldn't be an issue with no Speedsters left in his arsenal.", I stated, "We can put that to the side for now, right now we need to level all of you up."

"Level us up?", Robin (Universe 2) asked with confusion.

Switching to developmental tech that I had been working on for the fight against the Black Lanterns, all the men leaned in. Seeing specialized shielding units that could reflect Emotional Spectrum Energy, Green Lantern looked at me with a pale expression.

"You do realize that you could destroy most Lantern Corps with just that tech alone.", he said.

"It can be used to absorb and release energy too. You should be aware that doing so doesn't afford the user the same control as a Ring User. The release will be a beam only, and you could theoretically mix the energies.", I replied, "This tech is too be used only for taking out the Black Lanterns. If any of you try to take it to another world or sell it...I don't think I need to tell you what I will do."

"...we get the point.", the men said rubbing their necks.

"Good, I am glad you understand.", I chuckled, "On top of that I have other experimental tech we can use."

Going over the repulsor tech, negation tech, and physical protections I could lend them all of them seemed on board. Moving to tech that suited their specific abilities they all seemed interested in testing them out. Getting them set up with the tech the men got setup in the firing range. Most of the tech was improvements on their existing tech. There were three exceptions though...I removed the limiter on Green Lanterns Ring so he could kill with it, Cyborg now had a limiter on the computer aspect of his body so he more control over his functions, and Blue Beetle now had administrative control of his suit. All three of these adjustments were permanent so I was relying on them to be good with their new power.

"Right on!", Blue Beetle (Universe 4) shouted doing a jig.

"I have to ask...does your girlfriend's appreciation partially come from the this tech?", Barry (Universe 1) asked.

"Of course not!", I said taking offense to that.

"I am just saying...this tech is otherworldly.", he said, "Kinetic Generator suit that can store Speed Force Energy...I have never heard of anything like this."

"You and me both.", Reverse Flash (Universe 6) added.

" your girlfriends usually talk like that in front of other people?", Robin (Universe 2) asked, "I don't remember Kara and Fury being that bold, but I may not remember correctly."

"Not usually, I think it has to do with whom their talking too.", I chuckled, "Usually when we are at school they don't talk about it...though recently a few girls other girls have been asking questions."

"How is it being with a harem?", Aqualad (Universe 9) asked, "The King's of old used to have them, but not with such powerful women. Between Kara, Fury, and Ivy you have enough power to conqueror worlds."

"In our universe, only our world has intelligent life. We don't have other races like your universes.", I stated.

"Really!?", Martian Manhunter (Universe 2) gasped, "There are no Martians here?"

"I searched Mars carefully, the only life is microbial.", I said.

Letting them try their equipment the men got rather into their gear. All of them seemed to get the hang of things quite quickly which was good. After twenty minutes or so the women came to find us in the range. Watching all of us shooting at tin cans, steel targets, and wooden targets they sighed with frustration.

"Men will be men where ever you find them.", Wonder Woman (Universe 1) laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?", I asked.

"Weren't you supposed to be working on going over information?", Batwoman (Universe 11) questioned.

"We already did, they are getting used to their upgrades.", I said.

"Upgrades?", the women inquired.

Showing them their upgrades I slowly felt the eyes of the women shift to me. With a snap of fingers equipment came up for them to use as well. Zatana's equipment was in beta testing at the moment as it effectively an Infinite Battery filled with magic that would allow her to use magic was meant for Raven only, but I assumed she wouldn't care if I shared it.

"What are these devices?", Starfire and Blackfire asked.

"Perfected Focal Energy Conductors.", I replied, "They will increase the efficiency of your energy absorption and release. Theoretically you will be able to release all your stored energy at once similar to how I use my Super Flare."

"I see!! So we too can make the big explosions!", Starfire giggled putting the bracers and necklace on.

"I expected nothing less for my husband.", Blackfire said, "I...I appreciate the effort, and your hard work. We shall see that you are rewarded."

"Sister, you don't need to be formal with him.", Starfire laughed.

"I...I don't know how else to say it!", Blackfire stated, "I am not used to praising men."

"Like this...", Starfire said kissing me, "Thank you darling for such a wonderful gift."

Following her sister's lead Blackfire did the same which put a smile on my face. Handing out the rest of the gear to the women, all of them looked happy. Suggesting that we test them out on live targets, all of them looked at me with a curious look. Stating that I had pinned down the location of the people that created Nova, I said we needed to squash them now. With everyone here there was no escaping us so now was the best time to do this.

---Japan, MHA Universe---

While we were making preparations, Bizarro had finally located All For One's new base. After spending a couple of weeks searching he managed to find them when one of the subordinates left to get fast food. Mimicking videos he had seen Bizarro followed Shigaraki back to the base hidden in the Tokyo Underground.

"Bizarro take no prisoners!!! All Might be very sad with Bizarro!!", he whispered to himself with a smile.

Instead of taking the stealthy approach, Bizarro decided to punch a hole through the roof of the facility. Making his grand entrance the first thing he saw were several weaponized Nomu charging for him.

"Bizarro Greatest Hero there is!!", he shouted, "Have fear, Bizarro not here!!"

Punching the Nomu without holding back, the Nomu exploded sending guts and body parts everywhere. Looking at his hands Bizarro tried to understand what had happened. During his fights with the JLA none of his opponents had ever exploded so it confused him. Bizarro wasn't understanding that he was much stronger than anyone in this world, and instead concluded something different entirely.

"Some throw Bizarro party!! Those be Piñata's Bizarro see others have!!", he said with excitement, "Bizarro get candy and prizes for not breaking them!!"

Running through the facility punching every Nomu he saw to pieces, the villains inside the base became nervous. Looking at the monitors as Bizarro wrecked everything they sent after him, they were all at a loss as too what was happening.

"Why did you lead him back here!", AFO snapped at Shigaraki, "He is ruining everything!!"

"Sorry Master, the Doctor said he needed someone to test the Nomu on. I thought he was merely a fan of Superman's, I didn't think he would be like Superman!!", Shigaraki said in a panic, "What do we do Master?"

"Unfortunately we haven't been able to make another base since we have been in hiding, and focusing on taking over the Oblivion Groups place.", AFO sighed, "We will have to fight him head on."

"Are you sure that is the best idea?", the Doctor asked, "We aren't sure what his limits are, I haven't ever seen him before either."

"We don't have a place to fall back too. It's either take him out, or the noise will bring Superman here. If he shows up we are done.", Kurogiri pointed out, "Anywhere we flee too he will find us."

"Kurogiri is right, Doctor prepare to release your test subjects.", AFO said.

"Sir...", the Doctor said pointing to the monitor where Bizarro was punching the last Nomu subject.

Becoming irritated that there was no candy in any of the Nomu, Bizarro started to think someone was making fun of him by not giving him candy. Looking around for who was playing the joke on him he noticed the group of villains behind the lead wall with his Bizarro Vision. Seeing AFO there Bizarro immediately recognized him as the target he was after.

"None for One!!", Bizarro shouted, "You give Bizarro bad Piñata!! Bizarro not taking you to Superman!!"

Thinking that Bizarro meant he was going to kill him, AFO went on the offensive with his men. First to come forward was Kurogiri and Shigaraki, but Bizarro backhanded them like swatting flies. Not even paying them any mind, the two crashed throw several walls before stopping in the shower room. Wheezing with intense pain Shigaraki looked over at Kurogiri who was dead.

"Damn it!! Damn it!! Damn it!! That blue idiot ruined everything!! It's not fair!!", Shigaraki screamed.

Hearing that Bizarro took offense to being called an idiot.

"Bizarro dumbest their is!!", he shouted shooting forward at Shigaraki.

Before Bizarro got to him, AFO teleported Shigaraki to one of the many Oblivion Group bases they had been working on getting into. Far from anywhere AFO felt confident that his pupil would continue his work.

Looking back at AFO Bizarro put the earlier comment aside for now.

"Bizarro not take you to Superman!! Bizarro worst Hero ever, and not fan of All Might!!", Bizarro proudly proclaimed.

'What is this moron going on about!?', AFO thought with confusion.

Rushing towards Bizarro, AFO threw all his power into a single punch. Slamming his fist into Bizarro the side of the bunker blew out. Thinking he had at least knocked Bizarro back, he turned pale with fear when he saw Bizarro standing there like he had only felt a light breeze.

"What the hell are you!?", he gasped.

"Bizarro is Bizarro!!", he said with a smile, "You not come with Bizarro to see Superman."

Running out to protect his Master, the Doctor tried using one of his experimental on Bizarro. Blasting him with a large amount of electricity Bizarro got pissed off, and used his freeze vision to freeze the doctor in place. Freezing AFO as well, Bizarro returned to my mansion.

---Wayne Manor---

Calling me to tell us that he caught AFO, I came back to the mansion to see the frozen AFO on my front lawn. Remembering that I had sent Bizarro to find AFO, I was happy that he had managed to do it...though I was curious where the other minions were.

"Bizarro like None for One!! He put candy in Piñatas!!", Bizarro huffed.

"Piñatas?", Melissa asked.

"What did they look?", I questioned.

Explaining in his own way what they looked like, I realized he meant the Nomu. Sighing I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

'I should have thought of that...', I thought, "Alright Bizarro, as I promised I will get All Might to sign something for you. Also, since you did a good job catching him I will get you candy."

"Bizarro not like candy!!", Bizarro said with excitement.

With a snap of finger I made a large mound of candy with magic from an Infinite Battery. Seeing the candy Bizarro dove into the mound eating as much as he could without minding the wrappers. Using my experimental Depowering Gun on AFO, I completely negated his powers making him no more dangerous than a normal human. Calling All Might over, I explained the situation to him and he was more than happy to sign a figure for Bizarro in exchange for AFO.

"Haha I don't think I have ever seen All For One make such a horrified expression.", All Might laughed, "I will take a detachment of police to the base, and take in the remaining villains."

Taking AFO away with him, I felt good for All Might now that he could finally have peace knowing All For One was no longer a threat.

---Alps, Oblivion Group Base---

Finding himself in the freezing cold mountains known as the Alps, Shigaraki was very pissed off and cold. Thinking that they had already taken over the base he pounded on the door demanding that they let him. Standing their shouting and hammering on the door for nearly twenty minutes someone finally opened the door for them.

"It's about time you worthless minions opened the door for me! Get me some-"

A red hand reached forward, and grabbed him by the face. Staring at him with her yellows eyes, Succulus wasn't happy about being woken up out of her sleep. She had been up for nearly twenty hours, and was almost asleep when he started pounding on the door.

"Listen here you sniveling worm!! I don't know who the hell you are, but I don't appreciate you making all this racket!! Get the hell off my mountain!!", Succulus snapped in a sleep deprived rage.

Sucking the life out of Shigaraki, he felt himself getting weaker and weaker. Grabbing her he used his Quirk which caused her intense pain. Growling with anger she threw Shigaraki off the mountain in a fit of rage. Screaming as he tumbled down the mountain Succulus flipped him the bird before going back inside. Crashing into the bottom of the slopes several hundred feet down the mountain, Shigaraki groaned in pain.

"Damn you!!", he spat, "All of you will...ugh..."

Fainting their in the snow, Shigaraki fell asleep in a pile of snow.

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