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10.78% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - A Family Reunion

Capítulo 10: Chapter 10 - A Family Reunion

The next day I went over to Toru's house to take her on our date. Showing her the device I made, I turned it on and for the first time everyone around her was able to see her. Looking at herself in a mirror she danced around with excitement as she was now visible like all her friends. Explaining that it worked by emitting energy waves that canceled hers out, she just gave me a smile pretending to understand. Taking her to the amusement park, we spent the day trying to get on all the rides.

"So how many hours does the bracelet work for?", she asked.

"Should last at least five to six hours.", I stated.

"And you charge it with a cell phone charger?", she asked.

"Yep.", I stated, "I wanted to make it convenient."

"Does that mean I could use a battery pack to keep it charged?", she asked.

"Well it's a prototype, the finished product will be solar powered with an internal battery so you can use it without charging via a cable.", I stated.

"I can't wait!!", she laughed.

Pulling me up to a ring toss game, she told me what prizes she wanted and I tossed the rings to get them. Watching me closely to ensure I didn't cheat, the booth owner sighed when he couldn't find a thing wrong with what I did. Truthfully the only thing I did was crunch the math in my head to ensure they went on without issue. Winning her a backpack and some sort of stuffed anime character she was super excited to own.

Riding attractions till lunch, Toru insisted on having corn dogs and fries. Nodding my head I paid for lunch, and we sat down to eat. Looking at the ducks swimming around the pond, she said she was having fun spending time with me. Grabbing her a cup of hot chocolate, I watched her hurriedly try to sip only to have her burn her tongue.

"It's going to be hot, be careful not to hurt yourself.", I chuckled.

Sticking her tongue out playfully she asked me to get some marshmallows to put in the beverage. Wiping her mouth once she was done drinking, Toru asked me about why my parents let me do stuff like this without an escort. She was the first to ask, and I had a reason for it.

"My parents trust me quite a lot, and know I wouldn't cause trouble. Sure trouble finds me a lot, but I rise to the occasion.", I said.

"And going to fight in LA?", she asked.

"They were outclassed, and needed help.", I replied, "Let me rephrase that...they know I won't cause trouble without a good reason."

Smiling she asked if she was in danger if I would save her. I replied with I would move the planet to save her and any of my friends. Thinking I was exaggerating she had no way of knowing that I could actually move the planet if I felt like it. Taking my words to heart, she felt happy she met me and her friends...though Bakugo and Deku were strange.

Carrying on with our date, we rode the rest of the rides ending the date on the Ferris wheel. It was winter currently, and after sunset the air got much more chilly. Wriggling closer to me, I held her hands in mine to keep them warm. Looking at the city lights myself, Toru was looking at me.

'His hands feel so warm and strong. Nejire's idea doesn't sound too bad.', she thought remembering the conversations they had behind my back, 'I wouldn't usually want to share...but he is special.'

Basing her understand standing of what dating was from Nejire, she believed that dating was hand holding, hugs, kisses, and going on dates almost like we were now. If this was what dating was she wouldn't mind sharing if it kept things the way they were. The girls had discussed it at length as we would be going to middle school after spring break. They had made a pact to date me as a group though not everyone was sold originally. None of them knew couples that dated more than a single person at a time.

Obviously, as kids, they didn't realize that polygamy was much more wide spread than they expected. With Quirk Marriages being a thing it wasn't uncommon for those with powerful Quirks to have multiple lovers. Even though the government didn't flat out make it legal, they didn't stop the practice either. I would be the subject of such people eventually, but I would only be able to pass on Quirks from my ancestors nothing specific to me. That was the future though, and right now that was a ways off. The girls for now only wanted to maintain the relationship we had currently leaving the other stuff for when we all were in U.A.

Taking Toru home after we finished our loop on the Ferris wheel, she carried her prizes inside. Seeing everything she won her mother asked if she had a good time. Nodding her head as she looked at the pictures she had taken she said she had a lot of fun before running upstairs.

"Dear...", Toru's father said, "Is it really alright to let her go unattended?"

"Are you suggesting Clark would do anything to hurt her?", her mother replied.

"No, I know he is a good kid. I am just saying it is weird that he is taking them all out on dates.", he stated.

"Toru already told me it was because Nejire took him to her dance.", her mother laughed, "Don't read into too much, and besides...if she wants to pursue a relationship like that she can make that decision herself. Right now they are just kids, and nothing serious is happening. She is only a bit embarrassed because of being taken on a date, learn to relax a bit. We can't shelter her all her life, let her find her happiness. She is still young, and her attraction to him may pass in a few years."

"You're right...", he sighed, "I just don't want her getting hurt."

Arriving at home a short time later, my parents were waiting for me. Having heard about the councils decision they wanted to lay ground rules down. First, I wasn't allow out past 11. Second, my grades weren't allowed to dip. Third, I had swear to not run off without All Might till I got my official license. Lastly, I was only allowed to work three days a week. All the restrictions weren't unbearable, I understood they just wanted to ensure I didn't use the opportunity to slack off or to rush into fights. Agreeing to their conditions, I handed my father my wireless power schematics. Taking one look he said I would need to explain things to his scientists as it was beyond him. Setting a date for that I went up to my room to shower.

'Where the heck does he come up with these ideas? All of them making my head hurt, and drive my best men insane.', Thomas thought, 'How many scientists will retire this time I wonder. I am starting to believe Clark isn't even human, but regardless he is my son.'

Plopping down on my bed, I noticed I had a text from Toga asking me to call her. Giving her a call she picked up immediately, making me think she had been waiting for me impatiently. Asking her what was up she replied that something had happened. Judging by her tone I thought she was in danger, and was going to head over when she told me why she was upset.

"My parents want to meet me, somehow they heard that you had helped me.", Toga said.

'That fucking cop called them. He should have left things alone!', I thought.

"It's alright Toga, do you want to meet them?", I asked.

"No, but they threatened to have me sent to an orphanage if I didn't see them.", she said starting to cry, "I don't want to see them. They are terrible parents, but I don't want to go to an orphanage!! They beat children in there, and they make their lives horrible!!"

"I understand Toga, do you want me to go with you? If I go they-"

"Please!!", she said cutting me off.

"When and where?", I asked.

"The Sunshine Diner on Imperial Ave tomorrow at 10.", she said.

'Talk about short notice.', I thought looking at the time, "Alright, I will be over to pick you up a little before then."

"Thank you!!", she said ending the call.

Understanding where this was likely to go, I needed precautions in place for her safety. Going downstairs I explained to my parents what had occurred, and that I wanted to borrow some bodyguards. Asking me why I needed them, I said I needed witnesses in case they threatened her. The more testimonies and evidence I had the stronger Toga could make a case that her parents were abusive.

"Son I realize she is your friend, but is that really necessary?", he asked.

"It will be two kids against two adults, their legal team would say we were lying. If I have reputable witnesses, footage, and an officer testimony I can keep her safe.", I said.

"You won't use your powers?", my mother asked.

"My powers can't convince a judge to get protection for Toga or have them arrested. I have to follow the laws too...even though I break them when I save people...", I said turning to a whisper at the end.

"Haha!", my dad laughed, "I am glad you understand son, of course we can help you with that. I will make sure everything is recorded loud and clear. Problem is son even we can't just go putting in recording devices for this."

"I will go talk with the Commissioner, he is the one responsible for this.", I said.

Flying to his office, I told him what had occurred and asked for a court order to allow the recording. Getting me the order from a judge forty minutes later, he said he would have a few people listening to the discussion tomorrow. When I left he sighed rubbing his forehead. He hadn't anticipated them to be so spiteful towards her. He genuinely thought after all this time they could make up.

"It's really disappointing that they can't forget what happened. If she just needed help...I don't want to think about the children I let become criminals because I thought they couldn't be helped.", he said looking at a picture of his family, "I guess...I guess I let myself trust a doctor instead of my own two hands. Maybe we need a revamp the program to look deeper into why these kids are having issues. I will have to talk with the Mayor about it."

The next morning everything was ready to go, and people were in place. Landing outside with Toga, we entered the diner. Taking a seat at a table, Toga was visibly shaking in her seat. Holding her hand she gave me a weak smile as she tried to be brave.

'Don't you worry, I won't let them hurt you.', I thought giving her a reassuring smile.

Five minutes later a couple came in, and she squeezed my hand tightly when she saw them. Hanging her head she was already on the verge of tears. Her father was an average look guy with black hair and some muscles. The only distinguishing feature about him was a scar on his cheek. As for her mother she had spikey blonde hair like Bakugo's mother and looked like a respectable person, but gave off an aura of superiority. These two people were the reason Toga was left to rot in a crime ridden neighborhood with no one to rely on. It took everything I had not to kick their asses for how they treated a misunderstood child. They had the stones to threaten her into meeting them. I would look for even the slightest reason to have them sued for all the trauma they caused her.

"Hello Toga, whose is your friend here?", her mother asked.

"I attend school with Toga.", I said, "She is one of my best friends."

Giving me a smile she nodded her head.

"That's wonderful that you are making friends.", her father said, "So we heard that your Quirk was the cause of your urges to drink blood. Is that right?"

"Yes...apparently I need more nutrients to sustain myself because of my Quirk.", she said.

"I see, it is great that someone was able to find out what was wrong.", they said.

"Clark was the one that found out. He took me to his lab, and ran tests.", she said.

Looking to me I nodded my head. Explaining that I ran tests on her blood, and found she was lacking in crucial nutrients. Theorizing it came from her Quirks ability to alter her body I tested that theory and confirmed it. I skipped the part about having other people's thoughts in her head as a side effect of the Quirk as that would cause issues.

"I see, then you are Clark Wayne then.", they said.

"I am.", I stated.

"May I ask what you intend to do with our daughter?", her mother asked.

"I want to be friends with her, and go on a lot of adventures with our friends.", I replied.

"I see, so Toga is in school then with you.", she stated.

"We are seated next to each other.", I said, "I help her with her studies and projects like our other friend's."

"How kind of you.", she said with an empty smile, "So you think she is cured?"

"Enough that she can live how she wants too. So far she hasn't been stabbing anyone, and as I am sure you can see her complexion has improved.", I said.

"Of course.", they lied.

Ordering our meal and drinks, her parents started asking us how we met and about my plans regarding my future. Giving them a very rough outline about making more inventions, working with All Might, getting into U.A, and my plans to make the Justice League they sat there listening closely. When I finished they looked to Toga, and asked the same question. Stating she wanted to attend U.A, and join my agency her parents expressions hardened.

"Toga just how do you intend to work there?", her father asked, "Your Quirk is useless for being a Hero let alone working at an agency."

"Toga is more than qualified to help children like herself that need someone to take the time, and listen to them.", I said defensively, "There are a lot of children that desperately need that, she is the perfect candidate. She can make a real difference in people's lives that would otherwise most likely become villains."

"Her becoming a counselor?", he said not bothering to hide his laugh, "Stain is more qualified than she is."

'This asshole is really wearing my temper thin. Toga is nothing like that psychopath, the fact you say she is that far gone just shows me she shouldn't be around you.', I thought.

"Now dear it's certainly better than her stabbing everyone with a smile on her face.", her mother said.

"That is true, I have to ask how did you get past that?", he asked.

"Her knife couldn't cut me.", I stated bluntly.

"Ah, that is right you have some sort of Quirk that makes you tougher than steel the news said.", her mother said.

"Yes...", I replied, "So why don't we cut the crap, and get down to business...what do you want with Toga? You never cared for her before, now you are threatening her with being given to an orphanage if she didn't come today."

"So what if we did, she should be grateful we didn't sell her to the Underground Quirk Market to begin with.", her father careless said.

----Commissioners Office----

Watching from his office, the Commissioner along with a Judge was watching the meeting. Grinding his teeth the Commissioner thought that comment was way out of line. The Underground Quirk Market was a terrible place where people are exchanged for their Quirks, usually to be worked are slaves in dangerous places around the world where shady governments protect such buyers. He had worked many cases were kidnappers were trying to sell people they grabbed off the street for quick cash.

'These two fuckers are her parents? Damn I feel bad for her...', the Commissioner thought.

The judge kept his opinion to himself, but under that façade he was just as angry.


Gripping my hand tighter after that comment I rubbed her hand calmly with my thumb. Glaring at him I made sure he understood I didn't find his comment amusing. Waving me off he said it was an adult joke, and that a child like me wouldn't understand. Elbowing him in the ribs, his wife looked at him with a glare that said shut up.

" our daughter doing well in school?", her mother asked.

"She is still catching up to everyone else, but she doing her best meet the education standards.", I replied making Toga smile.

"So she isn't quite on par with her classmates.", her mother said with a disappointed look.

'That's your fault...', I thought, 'Don't blame a child for their parents screw up.'

"You can't expect much from her, even if you fix her Quirks problems she is still useless.", her father said, "Stinking brat can't follow the rules we set, and is utterly garbage doing the simplest of things."

Knowing they threw her out when she maybe five or six...their standards for her were far too unrealistic. I may be different because I have already lived a life prior, but I know when I was a child my parents had to drag me to the kitchen to wash dishes and take out the trash. I always tried to weasel out of chores to work on inventions or math problems, but my parents insisted I learn how to take responsibility and be a functioning member of the household. It's something I hated then, but respected when I became an adult.

"I...I need to use the restroom.", Toga said excusing herself.

Hearing her sniffling, I sympathized with her. If she had been given better parents none of this would have likely happened, unfortunately we don't pick them.

"So...", her father said making sure she was out of ear shot, "How much do you want for her?"

I froze in place here those words. Never in my wildest dreams did I think her parents would actually stoop to this level of insanity.

"What do you mean?", I asked feinting ignorance.

"Come on, I am sure your old man has a few mistresses on the side. When you inherit the family business I am sure you will do the same.", her mother said.

'My father doesn't have any mistresses! He is faithful to my mother, and has never once even considered cheating on her! I may want a harem, but all of my wives will be treated equally.', I thought, 'Just because we are rich doesn't mean we bribe people to do what we want.'

"My father is a loving, faithful husband to my mother. He doesn't have any mistresses, or any flings with his employees. I would watch your mouth when talking my family.", I said with a twitch.

"Say what you want, the only reason you are around Toga is because she is vulnerable. Girls like her are a dime a dozen, a rich kid like you can have any girl he wants down the road.", her mother said, "For a small price you can take her, and we will leave you two alone. We will disown her, and use the money to rebuild our lives that she ruined."

---Commissioner's Office---

"You have got to be kidding me!", the Commissioner snapped, "They are trying to sell their own daughter to him!? What kind of morons are you people!!"

"It would appear that Toga does need protection.", the Judge said shifting in his seat angrily, "These two knew he would show up, and used this to get some money. I think you have enough to make a case against them."

"Oh I want to get more...", the Commissioner said gripping his monitor, "I want to see these two locked up for as long as possible. Toga deserves the opportunity to make a fresh start, we owe her that much for giving up on her."


"You'd sell your own daughter to be rid of her...", I said holding in my anger.

"You mean that monster?", he said, "That little girl ruined our lives kid! When we found out about her Quirk, and realized her tendencies we did all we could to suppress her urges. We tried drugging her, strict discipline, holding back meals, and making her sleep outside but nothing got through. Just when we thought she would start behaving she went and stabbed another child wearing that fucking creepy smile of hers."

"Because of that all the families in the neighborhood started looking at us with disgust even though it was that brats fault!", her mother said breathing heavily, "All that time making ourselves look like a model family ruined in a single night. We tried lecturing her afterwards, but she just didn't get it. Two hours we tried to tell her what she did was wrong...nothing got through to her. She kept saying the voices in her head told her to do it, and that after she did she felt better."

"Since we knew she was making an excuse, we paddled her till she fainted.", her dad stated, "Afterwards we tried family counseling, therapy for just her, and even tried to have an exorcist try to remove any demons she had in her. We tried everything, but never got anywhere with her. The next time she had an all came out, and we were left with no choice but to put it all on her."

Reading his mind to see what he meant, I saw the neighbors yelling and screaming at them about her behavior. Telling them to keep her on a leash, or send her to a psych ward I watched them toss their daughter to the wolves saying that she was the spawn of the devil. Telling them that it wouldn't happen again, they both went inside where Toga was apologizing to them looking like she was in pain. Grabbing nearby objects her parents beat her calling her all sorts of horrible names, and telling her that they wished she'd die.

"I wish I had aborted you!", her mother said beating her with an umbrella, "You ruined our public image with your fucking excuses!! Your not our daughter you are just a monster disguised as a human!! Get the hell out of my house, and don't ever show your face again around here!!"

Kicking her in the head, her father loaded up a box with her things, threw her inside, and dumped her at the apartment where she lived now. Seeing everything through his eyes my anger came boiling over.

" it's a win win for both of us.", he said not even realizing I had read his mind, "We get the money to move and change our names, and you get Toga."

" have the stones to call yourselves upstanding citizens, but then beat your own daughter who needed help.", I said gripping the table, "It's no wonder she is petrified of you, what child wouldn't be after everything you did to her. You have only ever been concerned with the way others look at you, never about what Toga needed. I suppose you never did, she was only an accessory to improve your image...just a replaceable thing."

"You really are smart.", her mother said brushing her hair back, "We always wanted to be the family on the block that others envied. She ruined that for us."

"Stay away from Toga", I said not realizing my eyes were glowing bright red, "I don't ever want to see you trashy parents around Toga. She deserves a life that doesn't have you involved in it. Unlike you I won't ever abandon Toga, I will always be by her side even if the world turned against her."

Standing on the other side of the wall listening to me, Toga started silently weeping curling up into a ball.

"Kid just pay the money, and you won't see us again.", they said.

"Toga isn't some item to be bought and sold!", I said slamming fist on the table shattering it to pieces, "People like you are the reason a lot of children become villains!! You are a disgrace to society, and should never be allowed to have children again!!"

"If you don't want to take our offer I am sure we can find some sleazy family to take her.", he said.

Sensing I was at my breaking point the cops quickly grabbed them. Slamming them on a nearby table, the undercover cops cuffed them and stated that they would be going downtown to answer more questions about the treatment of their daughter. Having all the evidence on film and tape, there was no escaping punishment for them.

"You two fucking set us up!", they shouted.

'You should be thankful that the cops were here, and that I follow the law. If it weren't for that I would have crippled you for everything you did.', I thought.

My family's security guards helped escort the two fools to the undercover vehicle while I went to see Toga. Coming around the corner, she latched onto me burying her face in my chest. Calmly patting her head, I told her that I needed her help to make sure they went to prison. Telling her that the police would need testimony from her about everything they did to her, she said she would do it if I was there with her. Nodding my head I said I would be there with her for support. Flying her down to the station, they took us into a detective's office where Toga told them everything about what they did. Jotting down notes about what she experienced the detective's expression didn't change. Sneaking a peek into his mind I found out that this was his second case this month of child abuse.

"Alright, I have enough to go with. We have a specialist at the station that can tell when a person is lying or telling the truth. I have enough to go on here to have a pretty solid case if this all checks out.", he said, "For the time being, I recommend making sure Miss Toga has a safe place to stay. Usually children that come out about this have nightmares about what happened to them. If your parents don't mind I highly recommend she stays with you. She has no other relatives nearby so, your the next best thing."

Giving my parents a phone call to ask, my parents immediately gave their permission. Having been informed of everything by security, my mother was apparently fuming over how terrible they were. Dad said that we would make sure Toga got the best legal help we had at our disposal to put them away for a very long time. Telling her she would be staying with us for now, she gave me a bright smile as she held my hand.

Taking her to her apartment to get her stuff, I then took her to my house where Alfred had already prepared a guest room next to mine for her. Getting her comfortable in her room, she passed out in her bed relieved that things were over now. Brushing her hair out of her face I closed the curtains, and shut the door on my way out. Thanking Alfred for preparing the room, I went to my room to get my Hero Uniform on. Giving All Might a text, he gave me his current location so I could join him. Calling my dispatcher I let them know that I was going to join All Might.

"Going out for the day?", Mom asked.

"Yes mom, I will be back later this evening.", I said.

"Clark, I know you must be upset about hearing of Toga's past.", Dad said, "Make sure you don't take your anger on the villains, you don't want to be like that Endeavor fella. Heroes like that aren't the ones that you want to become."

"I know Dad, I may be mad but it's not them I am mad at.", I said giving him a smile, "My energy is better spent moving forward, I can't change the past."

"Good, please be safe son.", Dad said.

Nodding my head I shot off in All Might's direction to start my first day of work.

ManOfCultureLeon ManOfCultureLeon

Sorry about the delay, work is hectic right now. Thanks for reading!!

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