Aarna slightly smiled and nodded reassuring her friend April "I'm sure, while I have the nerve and determination I am going to go to his office."
"And you don't want company or a lift?" April asked again, checking with her friend.
"No, no thank you. I want to go on my own, I have to do this alone." Aarna replied, she had been given a pep talk and it gave her strength to come at the issue she had with Zane before it became too big.
"Okay I understand, just know that I am here for you no matter what happens." April then smiled and hugged her friend in a tight embrace, as she let go she said, "But I have faith in you both, I saw how much he likes you, I just hope he doesn't get in his own way."
Aarna then let go of her friend and nodded, she held her head up and smiled before turning and walking away.
Sorry for the lack of update, this author was a bit unwell.
But more chapters to follow...