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100% Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Anri

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4: Anri

Level: 6

Chart Ability: 1 - 100

Hp :6 (4500)

MP :6 (3000)

Phy atk : 6 (300)

Phy def :6 (35)

Agility : 6 (2)

Mag atk : 6 (125)

Mag def ; 6 (35)

Resist : 6 (70)

Special : 3

Racial Class:

Regular (3/15).

Description: Regular are 'nickname' for those who has just begin to climb or for those who not yet to reach the top of the tower.

Unlock skill:

[Basic Shinsu Magic]: unlock shinsu art and unlock a bang (like magic ball). Magic cost for each bang is 75 and deal 125 Magic damage. Max 5 bangs. 3s Cd

[Basic Strengthening Shinsu Body(on/off)]: Physical attack (+75) physical defend (+60) and agility (+3) according to level. (for each 3 level up +1 effect.) with each 10 second consume 100 MP). if you reach max level then effect for Phy Att (+125), Def (+100) and Agility (+5). Turn off the skill will give 5s CD before you can active it again.

[Regular passive aura(I): Intimidation (passive on/off)]: Intimidation bring debuff effect of confusion and fear so it lowering enemy resist, Strength and agility by 5%.

[Dual Casting (passive skill)]: can casting skill up to 2 spell at once.

[Eyes of the Regular (Passive)]: can see enemy basic status (Nickname, Hp, MP, and Race). Tier 3 concealment or player level 21 and above can't be penetrated.

Job Class:

Wave Controller (3/10)

Description: Wave Controller are those people who blessed by the tower to use shinsu (magic). Those people can do almost anything if have shinsu with them.

Unlock skill:

[Shinsu Magic unlock (Passive Skill) (now you can use shinsu)] is a restriction that player can't use weapon while using shinsu. But reducing mana cost off all shinsu skill by 7%. (for each 2 level up +1% effect.).

[Better Energy form (Passive Skill)] = Addition damage against any enemy not from the lore of [Tower] up to 5%

(01.30 Am. In outside world)

(Gotoh Home)

"It is just me or my progress is really slow? I mean every time I got level up, my chart ability just increased 0,1?" Sigh, I think I can imagine me, in the future frustrated because of this. For now, let's log out first and eat my lunch today. I already here for more than 3 hours. I don't know the effect to my body in this state and after. So I Log out from the game and waiting until my sense back to the real world. After few second, I open my eyes and move my hand to remove the Nanodrive from my head. It feels weird, like wake up from sleeping and yet it doesn't feel fresh and my mind feel tired a bit. Nothing much from aside that. I just need to adjusting myself, from now I want to eat.

"Well then we can worry about it later, for now I think I understand a bit about this game."

1. There are so many list about race, magic, racial and job class. Not to count the hidden things that I need to discover. Many things lead to the unexpected, combo or surprise element to ambush. So I must be careful from now.

2. I need to collect more information about this game on gamers website. This game is more complex than I thought. Because, when I walking through the forest, there are some human village that I can't enter because the notification say my race is Heteromorphic and so I can't enter the village. Just what's the meaning of that? The map show that the village is a safe zone but I can't enter. It's weird. Must investigate later. And when I try to go to human kingdom, the NPC soldier near the gate and in the wall there suddenly become aggressive and starting to strike by arrow and magic from far. Thanks to my shinsu body skill that take me out from there fast.

3. It's clearly says that there is classification name [Tier] in magic. Then there is [Karma] who give me player addition damage and compatibility between the combination of [race], [class] and each player's [skill].

4. I check my mail box inside the game and I got a notification in message from developers before I log out. They say that I'm one of the ten of the first players that playing Yggdrasil. As such they give me a present. 20 data crystal, 100.000 gold and (3) 50% discount voucher for shopping in market.

"But if I think about it, there's no way that a game will give you a big reward without hidden agenda behind it."

Suspicious, I can think many reason why they give me this 'generous' rewards. First is of course to buy something in Yggdrasil market. Like any other game business, one of the focus of game developer is to gain money so they give this voucher so I will spend my money in the game in their gacha shop or something similar, second is to free promoting this game by me through games forum or other forum, not need to really promoting but just make it trending by the reward they give me so the other will also buy this game and play it. third is to have a figure in game or example to be share how great this game is by invest in me.

"Bah, I thinking too much. And now I'm hungry. I can think about it later but first, let's check the phone first. I want to ask her about what jobs in the office that need to be finish."

So Gotoh grab his phone and walk out through his door. When Gotoh get out of his room and walking to downstairs and want to chatting to Anri, he got a message first from one of his friend.

< Osamu >

"Yo, Gotoh, playing Yggdrasil are you now huh?" <Osamu>

'What, how did he know? I mean, I'm not telling anybody I play Yggdrasil apart from father and perhaps by accident is Tanuki. no one else. How?'

"Hey dude wtf man. How did you know I play that game? You freak me out a bit here." <Gotoh>

"Hahaha oh come on don't be silly. How can be you freak out from something like this? <Osamu>

"Yeah I think I just a bit startled. you out of nowhere came to say that I playing Yggdrasil while coincidence or not are right about it. So, how can you know about that bro? don't tell me that you're doing something illegal to know it?" <Gotoh>

"Of course not. I don't want to have any business with those enforcements. I know because my friend, my family is one of the funder and I'm one of the developer of the Yggdrasil game. How did I don't know if someone who register himself as Gotoh Ichi with the same birthday as my best friend is go unnoticed by me? Impossible dude impossible hahaha."

'Huh? what?' my mind literally stopped working for a second there before I ask him again.

"What? Developer? How? You suddenly just chat me and drop this infomartion by telling me that to me now? I mean just weeks ago we last chatting about how unlucky our generation is and now you are one of the game developers? how dude how?"

"Well you know how much I love playing and getting into computer and it mechanism. you know it since we attend the same high school right?" <Osamu>

"Yeah I know it. I remember when you almost shut down the entire school electricity and internet connection." <Gotoh>

"Hehehhe right, those old geezers in school was really angry about that but they don't dare to touch us. not even scolded us and just warned us to not repeat it again. hahaha the power of powerful name is really handy. <Osamu>

'oh yeah right'

As I and most people in this world know, school in this era is 'unique' on how they accept the new students. As far as I know, they will prioritize the company boss or stakeholder or CEO children first. Then they continue to the famous family name or government agency family. Then after all the wealthy and rich people has welcomed to the school, then they will accept students with a great result of entry exam. And of course to entry the school you must pay a large amount of money. Something that most student and they family with low economy income can't do. and to make it worse, there are some school admin or member that scam people to get more money. and this case is not rare because this case has become a public secret. If you ask how they can do it and free from the punishments, then you must ask those government and influential people. That's how fucked up this world now.

And for me, well thanks to my father and his acquaintance, my education life from elementary to high school was only cost the entry fee. Much to those school admin dismay and peeved. that's why when people and students know that my education is free in my elementary (Thanks to rumor), they were jealous and bullying me. But my father who know this told me to fight back and start teaching me some great move that I know as martial arts. And since then, and in my JHS to my High school live, the problem only rise in the first week before they know it is futile to bullying me and knowing who is backing me up hahaha.

"Anyway, I also play Yggdrasil you know. I will add you later and we will play together, how is it? <osamu>

"Why not? By the way bro if you is one of the developer, help me built my character to be a cool and powerful character. At least guide me hehehe." <Gotoh>

"No can't do dude. If I leak even if a bit information about Yggdrasil, my father and the other will not like it. Sorry dude." <osamu>

"Bah just tell me already, you losing the job is just part of risk you know. Just tell me hehehe." <gotoh>

so both of them chatting for a few minutes before Gotoh read other message he got from his co-worker.

Message from group "BOSS IS NOT HERE!"

"Oy Gotoh, where are you? you're late today" @Gotoh <member 1>

"They say that gotoh is sick so he can't work today." <Member 2>

"Really? Omg get well soon Gotoh" @Gotoh

"Get Well Soon boyyyyy" <member 4>

'Hahaha, I feel bad lie to them. especially to Anri, my job will be handle by her if I not worked today. I will give her something. For now, is time to rest.

----------- 06.00 Pm------------

"I home"

"Welcome mother, hmm? Mom, where's father?"

"Father? Oh he still has a meeting with other staff. But he come home soon. anyway son, why are you not working today? Are you really sick? do you need to go to a doctor? a hospital?"

my mother face showed a worried face. Making me feel guilty. so I tell her the truth. my mother ask why and I gulp my throat and told her why.

"yes mom so the reason is....

After gotoh explain why he absent, he got scolded by her mother around 10 minutes. After that, they eat together in dining room and the day goes on.

Tuesday, 02 January 2126.

-Gotoh Office-

07.30 Am

Yesterday after I done my 'talked' with my mother while my father just shook his head while tell me to be more responsible about my job, I ate with them in home and I goes to my room to search in webs to looking for more information about Yggdrasil and why the NPC was running away from me. But the forum of Yggdrasil not mention anything special and so I turn off my Pc and sleep. And today, I back to work.

"Another day to make money, 'sigh'." I'm just twenty but lately I sigh more often. I hope this end fast, I want to play Yggdrasil again. And I want to check the shop in Yggdrasil. And for that I must at least level 10. One more level and I can check it."

Oh btw I was working in company call 'SOPEL (Supporting Other People Live). My position in here as supervisor to check the result of products. If there is something wrong, I can talk to engineer to fix it. Our company actually sells many things that related to home appliances, for example water purifier, room heater, air purifier, etc that support other people lives. Because this world condition, we need many things so our place to sleep was clean. That's why I can live in proper, because our company is famous, many bought our product and we profit from it.

"Guys, do you already heard new release game yesterday?

"Eh? Game? I don't know lately when I got to home I straight sleep so I don't update, what is it?

"You don't know? This game is special because they recent features is DMMO-RPG call Yggdrasil?"

"Not interested, sorry,"

"But this game is about RPG, you know, Succubus and such thing exist"

"let's play it tonight"

When I heard other employees talking about Yggdrasil, I want to join their conversation, but when I heard about the 18+, I step back and back to my job. I feel sorry for them because 18+ situation in Yggdrasil is not allowed. Maybe tomorrow or next day I can hear them regret bough it. That will be amusing.

"Gotoh-san, don't just stare around and help me check this"

Well, job await. let's get it done quick and go home early. So I reply by saying.


After then, I meet a scene where 2 of our employer point their fingers to the product while Anri looking at me with hopeful gaze. 'sigh'

"Now, why are you call me her Anri?"

"We... well Gotoh, as you can see." while point her finger to the product she told me "the product has some kind of malfunction when we test it, can you tell us what's happen? I... I already check it but perhaps I miss something."

"You always miss something you know Anri?"

"I- I'm sorry!"

She says that while bowing her head. 'sigh' how many time she already done this.

"And I told you many time, stop with this bowing head to me, take up your head Anri"

And she not bowing anymore.

"Ok let me see it"

The other employer gave me the product.

"Yes sir, here."

After I check it up, I found the problem

"Did you guys know that if the cable didn't connect to the circuit, then this will not on?"

"Ahh as expected of supervisor Gotoh, can found the problem easily"

"Yes yes, can you guys repair it and bring it here again after done repair it?"

"Right away sir"

After we done talking, the other employer goes back to their job to repair it. Leave me only with Anri.

"Thank you very much Gotoh"

"'sigh', you welcome Anri. oh yeah today they will hold another meeting of review, yesterday I ask you about our rate production and the broken product while in production with how many of them come from recycle material. do you bring the data?

"Ah yes I bring it, in my office room, come Gotoh."

After we get in to the office, Anri start to search the chip she saves the data in her bag. But after 3 minutes, she stops her searching and start to sweating in her face. I think I know something is up so before she says something, I told her first.

"Nope, don't speak, let me speak. If you think you know where your chip is then go get it, but if you not yet make the data, then make it now before the meeting begin. I will help you and let the other who check their product come to me. Okay?"

After I say that, she nodded while told me a few words.

"In the home, I late so I- "

"Yes yes now get it before we got fired Sonohara, you don't want we to get fired right?"

Without I realize, I call her by her family name not her name. Then her face become more red and just nod her head. Then we start to walk out office. After we out she open her mouth and say

"uhmm, Gotoh."

I tittle my head then looks at her while answer her call

"yes? What is it? Need a ride to your home or- "

She cut my word after I say or with her face become red again. What's wrong with this girl.

"No, No, I just feel so grateful to you Gotoh and I just want to say that I own you so much, because of you I can live a life better than I can ever dream before, because of you I can work in here. Not only that you also helping me up so much that I start to question myself is this a dream or not, but here we are, you back me up again even though most people will just yell at me, or even thrown me away because of my clumsiness, I- I Thank you very much Gotoh."

She started to crying 'sigh'

"That's why I told you that you are my friend and stop crying, you will make me look like have done something terrible to you. So stop crying, that's why friend help each other right?"

"Yes, but still I- "

I cut her word by saying two the most terrified word for workers.


And so she stops her crying, look at me and understand what I mean. She nodded her head and start to walk to outside.

'sigh' "woman really are complicated creatures, and now let's check up the product"

You guys want to know how can she, an introvert barely speak person can work in S.O.P.E.L. a big company and as a supervisor in the top of that? In this era where people will do anything for her position?

Easy. Because she is one of the few friend that I have in the real life. Yes, she is not fit for giving explanations but she is clever and her brain is working, even when she still in the high school. Something that most people don't have in this era.

My first time meet her when I sit in class XI high school class. She was sit in the front, always look at teacher explanation while note them using paper screen (smartphone note). Rarely talk to the others. But one day when our mid-exam score come out, her rank is number 2, below me a number 1. She looks shock by her face and then look at me. Perhaps because she looking at me while I had a bored face, her eyes burn to reach back her rank. And so one day while I was eating because that was resting time, she approaching me, when she got near me, she stops her track, just stand still, and then she back to her sit and just look at me.

And so tomorrow was the same and the day after. I just don't care that time. And finally after 4 days of moving around, she walk to me and bowing her head while say

"Please, teach me"

After a while, I think this will be great to take someone who have a good grade to my father company. Who know, perhaps I can become more rich. This can be an investment for the future, so I say.

"Yes, what do you want me to teach you?"

She then looks at me with face full of disbelieve that I will accept her request. And so she just stares at me while I stare at her. Suddenly her face become red and look away. Because of that I tease her while say.

"Or perhaps, you just prank me? If this is some kind of prank, then I think I can't teach you. Sorry but I don't like being prank."

She then looks at me again and shook her head quickly while said:

"No no no, I'm don't like prank either, so I'm really need your help. Teach me 'history of humanity'"

And so that's our first encounter that later make her got ranking 1 in the class. I really fine of that but what make me regret to let her become number 1 because my mother later banned me from playing game. Say that I playing too much lately. I suddenly regret it but well, for future it's fine. When I told my father this. He became so happy while said:

"Oh my boy, you're grow up. I can see you in the future becoming a manager just like me. Right, when you're graduate, ask her to work with us. She can be a good employer in our company. Search about her life in school document, just say my name and our company while told them my number, leave the authority to me."

Of course every potential employer is good to our life and future so secured them first is a basic move. After all, from when I was a child, my parents already taught me many things. And so school is just a formality because actually I'm ready to work in company.

Then I start to search about Sonohara, what I found is one of many cases where they parent only work as an employer with low salary. Her father while sick is working as a recycling man who divide trash that can be use again while her mother work as an employer in the low level company. they Living in the poor area as she is the only child they have. So I think this is perfect. A girl need money, smart, educated and not an arrogant* and perhaps can a potential worker for the company. That's what I thought first before I realize

"what is the different between me and those upper people if I think the same like them."

If my father thinks he like them, I can just say "he is what he is while I am me, no one else"

So instead try to use her, I just gonna approach her to help her because some generosity that I still have in my heart.

But that can wait, for now let's just show her in class XII who's the boss.

9 months later.

After I being held as the best graduate of the school. I see her with her parents crying because her achievement as top 5 best graduate (no 2). So I approach her without my parent (busy as usual)

"Good afternoon Sonohara-san and her parents."

"ohh good afternoon, are you friend of sonohara?"

She looks at me with a wary face that indicate that she doesn't like someone like me or my class. Well that's fine I come here to give Sonohara a job.

Her mother asks me. And I reply

"Yes, my name is Gotoh Ichi. Nice to meet you Sonohara parents."

After some chat to each other, I suddenly drop a bomb

"Sonohara-san, would you like to work in S.O.P.E.L company with me?"

After I say that, Sonohara and their parents open wide their mouth and their eyes.

After a moment of silent her mother said something

"are you sure Gotoh-san? this is not some kind of cruel joke right? Don't play with us!"

Ahh she raising up her voice, I know in this world upper up people is cruel and like to crush other people hope by say something nice but suddenly say that he/she just joking.

"Mother, don't say something like that"

Sonohara say it.

"No, I will not let my daughter will be toying around by people like you, she- "

I cut her word by raise my right hand to say to her that I calling my father. Then my father up my call.

"Yes Gotoh? What is it? I told you I can't come to your graduate. Now I'm in the meeting so talk to the point"

Aha still busy, sorry then father.

"Ah yes, this is about my friend that I told you yesterday, I want to recommend her as your employer. Give me the way so she can work in the company,"

"Oh Sonohara right? Just let her meet me or your mother so we can interview her. If she great as you say about her score I think, I will make her work in this company. Ask your friend come to my office in Monday next week. that's all"

"Yes thank you father"

And so the story how she can work in this company. Her father apologized for her wife behavior while I just brush it away while saying

"I understand a parent concern. So it's only natural to worry, especially to the children"

But now I must face meeting with the higher up tonight when our presentation still in long way to come here. I hope nothing wrong will happen.

---------after the meeting------------

"What a relief it's all done, right Anri?"

"Yes! Thank to you we can make it right"

"Yes of course I'm great after all, hahaha"


~silent moment~

"hmm Gotoh"


"I- I just want to ask something, are you playing a game?"

Heh? This bookworm asking about game?

"hmm, why do you ask?"

"Eh? Ehm, it's nothing, I just asking. You told me that you used to play game before your ranking in class down to no 2. Are you playing a game now?"

Hmm should I told her? Nah maybe later

"hehehe it's a secret."

"Heh? What do you mean a secret?"

"Well secret mean secret, hehehe"

"Mou, you're so meanie you know Gotoh"

She pouts her face like a kid who doesn't get what they want. Rare sight

"hahaha I always cruel if I want. You experience it yourself after all hahahaha"

Only to certain people I can laugh like this.

"mouu~, you treating to fired me yesterday, I thought you are my friend."

"You betray me telling my mother that I absent in Monday."

"Of course I tell your mother, she worries about you, you know"

"and I got scolded by her"

"serves you right"

After she said it, we giggle then laugh.



"So you're not playing any game Gotoh? Then how about playing Yggdrasil?"

"Perhaps another time"

For a while I can see her face becoming sad before smile to me and said.

"Okay then see you in Monday Gotoh"

"See you too Anri"

And tomorrow I will play Yggdrasil to the heart content. Perhaps I should tell her that I play the game and then make up story that I interested to play together with her, then when we log together, I already far than her. Her reaction will be funny. Hehehehe yeah I just do that.

---This is a story about two players that later will be feared by players and the other beings. But that's is a story for another time that still need a long way before reach that level. ----

(back in home)

long short story, Gotoh goes home and play Yggdrasil until he levels up to level 9

----------------------------------End of Chapter 4-----------------------------

Tro_yuda Tro_yuda

new chapter is here. hehehe

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