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48.93% Land of Magic / Chapter 23: Magical Core

Capítulo 23: Magical Core

Magical Core

Chapter: 23

Sniffy recounted her tale of her time in the training room and it was met with much curiosity of Kyle and Richard. Both could only marvel at the effects of this room and Richard could only look forward to trying out himself.

After the meal, Sniffy and Richard got back into the training rooms and continued to train their control, that they were lacking.

In the meantime, Kyle was also doing some training in the gravitational room, because he got defeated by the bald wizard and wanted to get stronger himself.

This session lasted till 8 pm and then they got back into the city to eat something nice and warm.

This time, Richard was now walking rather normally and did not have too much troubles controlling his normal strength for this kind of thing. But he was not able to do any more than this. Jumping and fighting was out of the question for the time being, since he would just fly around and was lacking major control in that department.

Sniffy did also not make any great improvements and only had a bit of a better feeling for her magic now.

Later after the meal, they got back to the hotel for a good night sleep and Kyle wished them goodbye and got on his way home.

The day went by and nothing major happened other than that Richard explained of how he meditated and she got the hang out of it after a couple of tries. Richard was quite jealous at that when he remembered that he needed a lot longer to reach this state.

He then quickly got himself back under control and was genuinely happy for Sniffy. They spent most of the night meditating on the bed.

The next day in the early morning, Kyle was showing up to get them to some famous café that severed marvelous breakfast. Since they were ready this time. Richard and Sniffy were waiting for him already, the got to the door and said good morning and then they proceeded out of the hotel.

The café was named "The black Coffin" and they ordered some waffles with fruits and an ice cold smoothie. In there they saw not many people since it was only a bit over 6 am and they enjoyed their breakfast. They got up this early to have more time to train their powers. Richard knew that he had not had much time before Hogwarts started and wanted to use every second of it.

Afterwards, the trio left for the Dojo and needed not long to reach it. Inside it and after changing their clothes they got back to training. Richard decided he would try out the magical training room today and got in the second one while Sniffy occupied the first one.

Stepping into it and finding that it looked exactly like the gravitational room, he then walked right in front of the control stele and activated it. Richard was not too startled when the magical barrier appeared, because Sniffy had told him all of this already.

Richard then stood there while thinking what spell he should use for the first time, since his power up.

'Hmm that's a not an easy decision, if I use lumos in here and it will be as bright as the sun than I don't know if the magical barrier will be able to shield me from that. I can see without any troubles and that would mean that it lets light trough.

I could try my telekinesis for now and see if I can control at least the position where the thing, that I move with my mind, will be moving towards. As long as it is not hitting me and throwing me around than that will be good enough.

Ok, Now I start with my telekinesis.'

Decided what he wanted to start with, Richard took out a marble made out of metal and flipped it in front of himself. After that, he got ready and positioned himself right next to a wall, because if he is hit by the marble from the front, he would be smashed right into the wall and not sent flying around. Richard did not know if the barrier absorbed different forces apart from magic and did not want to play with his life.

Ready to use his telekinesis, Richard focused on the marble in front of him and willed it into the air, with as little magic behind it as he could imagine.


That resulted in the marble flying straight up into the ceiling and impacting onto it. All what was left was now a flat coin that was falling down onto the ground.

Seeing this, Richard was dumbfounded. He needed a few seconds to take that in and thought.

'What the hell, I just wanted to let it fly as high as the stele and it impacted right into the ceiling with so much force that the marble deformed and then the sound on impact. That was really loud.

Also, that did use up about 20 % of my maximum magic. That's really not how control works and I was so proud of my magical control before all this happened. All the training that I did over the years amounts to nothing right now.

I wonder what will happen if I put more force into it? I guess I can try and find out.'

Richard had now a hurtful look on his face, when he thought of his hours upon hours of training. The control technique with the coin took him a long time to be successful. The look on his face vanished in the next second and it changed to a more curious look and excited one.

Seeing how powerful this coin hit the ceiling got with only 20% magic, he really wanted to see what he was able to do with all of his remaining magic.

He then got into position again and focused on the newly made flat coin and put all of his magic behind it and willed it to fly up again.

His entire magic went inside this try and flowed out of his body and into the coin. The coin flew up with a speed that he could only get a glimpse at, because of his strengthened eyes. Would it have been before his breakthrough, then he was sure that he could not even see that much of it.



He saw a shockwave in midair when the coin broke through the sound barrier and then saw it heat up so much, that it melted and splattered onto the ceiling.

The sound of breaking through the sound barrier came a bit later than the coin splashed onto the ceiling. Not anticipating the loud noise, he put his hands to cover his ears in a split second, but found out that they did not seem to hurt in any manner.

Richard was now shocked again after he saw the metal melt under this velocity and the magic involved and sat shocked onto the floor.

In the meantime, the metal dripped to the ground while it made some sizzling sounds.

'Uff that was much more power than I had expected and it will be really coming in handy as a last resort trump card. That cost me all my magic and now I have nothing left.

At least the direction in which the coin flew was right both times. But alas it did not fly straight upwards but flew up in some random angle. I do have really terrible control and other than to let it fly in a certain direction I can do not do much now. With that right now, its impossible to even use. Good that I did not try out lumos.

The soundwave was really loud but my ears covered with the barrier could hear it without taking any damage, but I cannot be that sure if lumos would have overpowered my eyes or not. That barrier is really something else. For later use of this, I need something sturdier and also a spell to protect my ears of the soundwave.

I am also out of magic and need to fill it up again to be able train longer. This session only lasted about 1 – 2 minutes tops. I also did not really meditate after the breakthrough at all. Yesterday I tried to get a feel of my magic and because I was not sure if something would have happened inside the hotel room, but I should be safe inside here.'

Thinking this, he then sat right down on the floor in a lotus position.

Richard needed a bit of time to get into the meditative state and then looked at the state of his body and his magic.

What he saw stunned him. Richard was able to feel his body much more clearly than he had ever before and he found out why he now should be that strong physically.

His whole body was brimming with energy and the little golden lights of energy were seen inside every other inch of himself.

'Ah, this energy should be the reason for the power boost. No wonder that I am now this strong. They are literally almost found everywhere inside myself. My blood is also full of them and it seems like it circulates automatically throughout my body inside my bloodstream. My blood seems also slightly different, it is much clearer now and its color is now a bright red and not the dark red that it used to be.

Can I control this energy?'

Richard was thinking that and immediately was trying to control the golden energy inside his left arm, but after what seemed like half an hour, nothing happened. Therefore, he stopped and thought.

'Seems like I need to put some time up each day try and control this energy too.

Sigh…..…. A day only has so much time, how can I do all the things that I need to do?

Anyhow, I should look at my magic.'

Searching for his magical core inside his body and finding it in his lower belly, he was again dumfounded by what he found there.

It now did not look like his old core at all. If his old core was a swirly sphere with the size of a bowling ball, then his new core was now looking nothing like this anymore. It looked completely different than his olde core.

He was looking at a little pond in the middle of nothingness. The little pond was almost dried up and was only a little puddle now, because most of his magic was out in the surroundings and when he looked at it for a longer time. He saw little specks of magic return into it the pond.

The whole thing looked weird. The lake was encased in some kind of black matter that had formed around the lake and contained it inside it. The pond was about one meter in diameter and also a good meter deep.

Richard looked at it and found it shining in a beautiful blue – greenish color. His former magic color was deep blue, but now after his magic got purified through the golden energy, it was now shining in a bright blue – green color and inside it could be seen a few specks of the mysterious golden energy.

Marveling at this sight of his own magic for some time and after that he fell into his thoughts again.

'What exactly happened here? That is not how it should look like at all. According to the magical theory books, the second stage of the core, which is the first maturity stage and what most children get naturally on their 11th birthday, should look like a crystal core.

The first stage is what magical people are be born with and it grows with time. My core looked also like this and it was in the form of a blob at first and grows bigger and bigger until it reaches a tennis, volley or bowling ball size. That solemnly depends on the person and their affinity with magic.

But after the core has reached a certain amount of density and has grown as big as it naturally is able to, it will then concentrate together and crystallize naturally. After that it is much safer to use and accidental magic will only happen on rare occasions.

Before that stage though, it is much more volatile and gets easily out of control, therefore children will not be taught magic until they reached their first magical maturity.

All of that was written down in some ancient texts and nobody in the current era was able to confirm its authenticity, at least that is written in the magical theory book.

I have found my magic core at an early age and can confirm these theories that were handed down from our ancestors. It really is unfathomable that the magical folk today does not invest more resources into looking into this kind of matter and they just ignore it.

Most of them never really think about it and assume that it was always like this and therefore it can continue in that way.

That's at least what I think after reviewing the knowledge of the books and speaking with Sirius about it.

Most magical people don´t let their children train their magic before the age of 11 and only let them learn theoretical knowledge. Sirius told me that he was only allowed to train after he got 10 with the wand of his dead uncle.

At this age they should be able to understand how to not get hurt by their own magic. There is a lack of knowledge out there of training magic. I don´t want to even think about what my magic would look like right now, if I didn´t start training it from the beginning.

Most magical people in Britain also believe that a wand is a necessity. Maybe they think that their children could not learn magic until the receive their wands? Or lack control before that, but that is surely to be expected. How would anyone know how to control their own magic if they cannot see, feel it or had never learned a wandless spell and practiced with that.

At least that are my own conclusions, but they should not stray too much from the truth. I find that there is so much unlimited potential, that is forever limited because of the believe, that wands are needed to properly use magic and cast spells.

If someone had seen me do magic before the breakthrough then they would surly think otherwise.

I almost learned all first year spells of Hogwarts and just did not learn more because I was focusing myself to improve my control of my magic power. I can only assume that this fact has saved my skin.

If I had no magical control prior to my breakthrough, then I guess I would have lost control of all this magic and in the best case I would have turned into something like an obscurus or in the worst case I would have exploded immediately.'

Richard began to shudder at this thought that he could have exploded like many cultivators that pushed themselves to hard by absorbing more energy than they were able to handle.

After he thought about all that and the potential that most people have lost because they did not train their magic before their first magical maturity, he began back to thinking.

'My case should be a special one, I don't know where that golden light comes from, but I asked Sniffy once and she had no idea of it and was also not able see it. I said that she should pay attention to my body when I meditated once time and she found nothing about these particles. Because it should be this golden energy that surrounds me when I meditate and let me be comfortable.

I should ask her again about this. Her body should have improved because of this energy, maybe she now has more affinity with it and can also see or feel it?

I guess that my first maturity went completely different, because of the influence of the golden energy, which has not only improved my body but also purified my magical energy.

Maybe the next stage of my core will be a crystal form. But let's not think to much about that and I should reclaim my magical energy.'

Richard let go of his distracting thoughts and got back to the task and retrieve his magic from the outside.

When he last emptied his magic and absorbed it back to his body, he needed about half an hour to regain 20 % of it. That was before his breakthrough.

Right now, he sensed his own energy, that was in his surroundings, much easier and was able to reduce the time to absorb it back completely in 1,5 hours.

2 hours have passed since he came inside the training room and now that his reserves were now full again, he got back to train his magic. This time he focused more on control and not on power like the second time and was able to reduce the amount of magic he put into the metal marble to about 10% of his whole capacity, after his 6th try.

He then sat back down onto the ground and sipped on some water which he took out of his pouch.

The feeling of improvement was exciting him and he got back into a meditative position to reabsorb his magic and to train some more.

While he did this, he found that his pond had grown a tiny bit and was now a little deeper, not by much but as it was his core, he could feel the difference.

Richard continued this till dinner time and then got back out with zero magical energy, because he spent it all at the last moment.

Stepping out of the door with a surprised expression on his face, while he was holding a handful of marbles. When he deactivated the room, the deformed marbles changed back into its original state and even the melted one did reform.

This fact surprised Richard greatly and it seemed that the room restored everything back to its original state when it was deactivated, at least it did this for the marbles.

Richard was the first one out of the training rooms and got to the table and took out some ingredients and utensils to cook out of his pouch.

Over the last few years, he had learned how to cook and was now able to whip up some nice tasting meals. At first, he needed Sniffys help but after the years went on, he got better at it.

There was also the need to do something different other than constantly train or learn new things, therefore he got into cooking, since it not only relaxed him but it was also really nice to being able to eat what you want after you cook it.

It did not take him long and a vegetable curry was ready and steaming on the table. The magical stove that he found and bought inside diagon alley, was a live saver in such moments because he did not need to put any of his own magic into it.

The stove would absorb its needed magic from the surroundings through some runes.

Richard was quite lucky that it did that or else he could only wait for the two of them and then to get to eat at some restaurant, because he would have surely destroyed the stove if he would have needed to put in some of his own energy and Sniffy would have had the same problem.

The moment the table was fully set up and he was pouring cold ice tea into 3 glasses, which he made before the curry. It was time that Kyle and Sniffy came out of their training rooms.

Coming closer to the table and smelling the delicious curry, they could not help but gulp down some saliva that had formed in their mouths.

Richard seeing this, said with a smile on his face.

"I hope you two are hungry, I have made more than enough for us."

While he said this, he put some curry and rice on each plate and handed them to Sniffy and Kyle. Kyle was surprised at this and spoke.

"Thanks for the meal. I did not know that you could cook."

After he was receiving his share, he started to eat immediately. He looked really hungry. After the first bite, he got faster and faster while he mumbled. "That's delicious, I have never had a dish like this. What is it called?"

Richard saw how Kyle was enjoying his curry and answered while he and Sniffy started eating but a lot slower than Kyle.

"Ah yea, I started to get into cooking a few years ago and that is called Curry."

It surprised that Kyle did not know this dish, because of the variety of dishes in this town but shrugged it off. They enjoyed their meal and after that they relaxed a little. After all the worked har all morning.

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