/ Fantasy / God bless me (only)

God bless me (only) Original

God bless me (only)

Fantasy 12 Capítulos 12.0K Visitas
Autor: DJReader1999

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I am a dancer. I dance most beautifully. I know it, I have seen myself. Then why isn’t there a man out there to see me more than a glance?
The effect of my curves swaying should beat the hardest dark hearts, my jewels tinkling the brightest that even those rich women lose control of temper.
In a dark world no one worshipping a highness, none believing in anything good anymore, what more could the orphan girl do than dance happily which helped fill her stomach.
As she was cursing her bad luck, one day she is being kidnapped away. In the midst of escaping them, she stumbled upon a place so different and astonishingly separate from the world they lived.
People here were the same humans who were worshipping a walking ‘God’ as they claimed.
Was the man real?
That could have been least of Lucy’s concerns if the ‘God’ wasn’t responsible for her lonely life.

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You may find me on Discord; DJReader1999

Love, DJ

General Audiences


Estado de energía semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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To my dear readers, I am currently writing the book- Love you Sweety since I have uploaded it for WSA competition. So please have patience and wait for me to get back to this one. I won’t be leaving this book hanging, I have a great story in mind😉. Try the book Love You Sweety and share to likely readers. Love, DJ

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Autor DJReader1999