One arm under her knees, the other behind her shoulders, he swept her off her feet and into his chest, his breath heaving. "There," he said, nodding at a sideboard in an alcove as they walked past. "And there," he huffed towards the bench seat in front of the fire. "Also, there, and maybe on the counter, too," he said as they passed the dining table.
"What are you doing?" she giggled as he buried his nose in her neck and inhaled deeply, like she was some kind of perfume.
"I told you, we have to make a list of all the places I'm going to mate you," he growled.
Elia laughed, but her stomach trilled and she pulled him closer, her breath speeding up as he kissed and sucked at her neck.
She felt like she now understood why he'd seemed so obsessed with her neck—and she was glad. It gave her goosebumps every time.
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