I felt my strength rising. This should help me get out of this situation however Hisagi has not even used his shikai yet so I have to be fast. In order to injure him I have to get creative. I'm also on a time limit as one the boost wears off the backlash will kick in and I'll be weakened. Then I definitely won't be getting away.
I dashed at Hisagi again however this time he seemed a little more weary of me. I swung my spear at him from above and he brought his katana to block my strike. I fought with Hisagi using skills at different points in the battle however unlike before Hisagi was not letting them hit him which was a little problematic but it also meant that they would damage him if he was avoiding them. If I can just hit him with a soul beam or Meteor thrust then I could make my escape.
I was still outmatched but I was able to keep up now with more of Hisagi's moves. Hisagi jumped up and raised his arm and a blue pole appeared in his hand. I recognized that. This is Binding No. 62! He threw it at me and a barrage of those poles appeared racing toward me.
I spun my spear in circles deflecting those poles. They were knocked to the side or off the roof. Hisagi landed back on the ground and we continued to exchange blows yet again. I was running out of time. I need to make a move.
I swerved the Hisagi's side and thrusted my spear directly at his chest. He dodged but now he had his back to the edge of the roof. If I can force him off then I would have the high ground. I stepped back then jumped at him.
'Meteor Thrust!'
I thrusted my spear once more at him however he dodged to the side and I was unable to stop my momentum. I fell for the roof... or that's what I wanted Hisagi to think. I hovered in place right next to the roof with Hisagi's back exposed to me. I raised my arm and threw my spear.
'Air Strike Javelin!'
The red copies of the Spear appeared right next to it as it soared and stabbed Hisagi in the back as the copies cut him everywhere.
'Second Javelin!'
A second spear appeared in my hands which I threw again. Just like the last one it multiplied but Hisagi turned around just in time for the spear to hit him in the shoulder as the copies once again cut him everywhere.
I was not waiting around though. The moment the second Javelin left my hands I was flying out of there. I stuck close to the ground looking for a hiding spot or a place I could run to. I was trying to find a sewer entrance like the one Ichigo is probably using right now to get to the Senzaikyu. It's kinda impossible to approach the place from above ground so the options are fly really high above or go from below.
Flying really high would attract everyone's attention so that's a big no. Which leaves going from underground as the only option. I spotted a sewer entrance and immediately climbed inside before someone could spot me. That was way too close. My spear reappeared in my hands and I shoved it in my inventory.
I felt the boost wear off and the backlash hit me. I felt really weakened. I wasn't even at half strength right now. If I run into anybody above the ordinary soul reaper then I'm done for. I hope the spears damaged Hisagi enough to make him retreat. Actually now that I think about it I'm lucky I ran into him. Any other lieutenant would of unleashed their shikai fighting me which would of make me lose. However Hisagi dislikes his Shikai and fears its power so thats good for me.
Now I have to find my way through this maze of sewers and hope to end up somewhere close to the Senzaikyu. It was nearing sunset when I entered the sewers so Ichigo should be fighting Renji right now. I started walking through the sewers. I kept wandering but I was not able to go in the right direction. I guess Ichigo got really lucky to have Hanataro as a guide.
I kept wandering for hours and now I was only a decent distance from the Senzaikyu. I would pop up to the surface here and there to check my location but I was too slow. At the rate I was going I wasn't going to be able to get to the extraction point. However I don't really have a choice. I have no where else to go.
I was making my way when I came across a sewer hub where all the sewers met up. It was still underground and it was a pretty big size considering the size of soul society. I have an idea, instead of trying to make it to Senzaikyu I would train here for three days until Ichigo's fight with Byakuya. At this point any increase of strength will help and I'm running out of options.
However even if I train for a couple days what difference will it make. A little more added to my Power level? Let's check the shop and see if I can find anything to help me.
'There is a way to get stronger fast if the Host has resolve.' Jasmine said.
"How?" I asked.
'There are many items in the shop that are better then the regular items but cause great pain when used and they were hidden from the Host until he was ready.'
"I mean, it makes sense but I would of thought that when I upgraded to a low grade universe that would of been enough." I said.
'You still don't meet the requirements and that's why if you choose this you must have great determination to bear the pain.' Jasmine stated.
"Oh, well you know what they say, go big or go home." I said.
I want power stones. Yes I'm talking to you. The shut-in living in their parent's basement. If you don't donate power stones then I'm going to drag you out to the gym as punishment.