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Chapter - 24

[A/N: - Yolo, I'm back….probably… Well, I have been busy during the holiday with my courses and internship, so I haven't been able to write. Although I did have about ten days' worth of holiday, but I was honestly lazy to write during them.

Well, back to the point, this chapter here is about 16k words, or purely 15k words if you don't count Medusa's status screen that will be shown in this chapter along with the A/N.

Since most of you guys(me included) forgot what the fuck was happening, I suggest that you give the last chappy a fast read or something, it also has a recap for the previous chapters in the beginning as well.

Finally, it has been more than months i.g. since I wrote the book, and this chappy was binge-written in like two days(without the day of editing), so if there were any characters that are out of character, don't mind them….

Imma go back to my cave again, adios!]


Driving his car back to his mansion, Jin arrived, parked his car, and entered inside where he was met with a furious Illya shouting in the living room with a controller in her hand with cracks over it.

"I'VE BEEN TRYING TO KILL IT FOR 50 MINUTES!!!" (Not-a-loli-anymore Illya)

He looked towards the screen and saw that it had a red helmet in the middle with a big "YOU HAVE DIED" under it.

'Doom Eternal, huh.'

Seeing that she was still fuming, Jin went closer as he greeted her.

"Yo, Illya. Why are you angry?" (Jin)

Hearing the sudden voice, Illya was startled but calmed down when she saw it was Jin who spoke.

"Ah, Jin! It's that stupid Dark Lord guy from this game! I've been trying to kill him for the past 50 minutes, but he doesn't want to die! You shoot him in the wrong time? He gets health. You don't take out the monsters he summons? He gets health! And yeah, if he hits you with a close-range attack, he gets health! And as the times goes on, he gets even more brutal! Not to mention that-…." (Illya)

After finishing her long-ass rant that Jin ignored most of, Illya was currently taking deep breathe as her bountiful chest(good mama genes) was going up and down.

"Want some advice on how to quickly deal with it?"

Asked the not-young-anymore Primordial with an amiable smile.

"Eh, really?!"

Asked Illya with anticipation, she didn't even pay attention to his smile at this moment.

"Yes, it is not really a hard advice or something."

Answered Jin while nodding his head.

"What is it?" (Illya)

"Just one sentence, 'Git Gud, Kid!'."

Said the Smug Primordial with a shit-eating grin while showing his middle finger to the fuming Illya.

Teleporting away and avoiding a random barrage of mana bullets from an enraged Illya, Jin spoke again.

"By the way, where is Iris?"

"She was in her room. Stop dodging already!!!" (Illya)

And so, they continued their chase for another 3 minutes before Illya got bored and stopped attacking to go back to her game.

"Why are you being so noisy too early in the morning?! *yaaawn*"

Came the voice of a lazy maid that just woke up a couple of minutes ago.

"It's already noon, useless maid." (Illya)

"Oh, sorry for that, Master didn't let me sleep all night, so I was exhausted, heh virgin."

Said Raltoria with a smug while looking at the fuming Illya who had her face red as a tomato.


Illya pointed her finger at Raltoria who just ignored her and went towards the kitchen after saying good morning(?) to her Master.

Leaving them alone, Jin went towards Irisviel's room to invite her to have fun with them later, but he stopped in his tracks when he heard her screaming.

The rooms are all soundproof for privacy, but they mean nothing to him in certain occasions, such as the scream right now.

Teleporting inside her room directly, he was met by a sleeping Irisviel who was sweating a lot while having a nightmare as she suddenly screamed.


Before Jin could do anything, Irisviel's eyes shot open while being full of tears as she was breathing heavily.

Seeing her current state, Jin sighed as he went and sat next to her on the bed and caressed her back.

Coming back to her sense, Irisviel suddenly realized that Jin was currently patting her back.

She however didn't response and remained still like a statue.

Seeing her like this, Jin directly hugged her as he put her head on his chest and patted her head and back so she can calm down.

Feeling the warmth of the hug, Irisviel finally broke into tears while hugging Jin even tighter.

He kept hugging the crying woman until she finally stopped crying, however she didn't let go of him and kept clinging into him like a koala.

"It's okay, I am here."

Jin spoke with a calm and comforting voice as she hugged him even tighter.

A couple of minutes later, Irisviel finally separated herself from his hug as she looked up with her hazy eyes just to be confronted with a gentle look that shocked her to her very core. Her heart started beating like crazy that it felt like it would leap out of her chest at any moment.

She didn't feel herself till she unconsciously pressed her lips against his.

'Illya, I am sorry…' (Irisviel)

With that thought as her final rational one, Irisviel felt her head getting cloudy as she was immersed in the kiss as her guilt quickly disappeared as it was replaced by her repressed feelings.

Jin himself was surprised at first when he was suddenly kissed by Irisviel, but he quickly returned her kiss passionately.

It's been a long time since he revived Irisviel, and their relationship was extremely close. They could be considered best friends, but to advance their relationship further they needed a push, but neither of them was willing to take the last step.

This accident here was a heaven-sent to the two of them. [A/N: *Cough* Plot armor]

A little bit later, their lips separated while leaving a crystal-like bridge of saliva that broke as Irisviel was panting and greedily inhaling air. Having a normal human body seems to have its disadvantages in sweet times like this one here.

Both of them looked into each other's eyes as the pink atmosphere around them intensified.

Looking at the adorable MILF in front of him who was panting rather seductively with her disheveled clothes, Jin felt his not-so-little bro wanting to stand up.

"Irisviel, I can't hold it back anymore."

Jin whispered in her ear as his dishonest hand played with her soft marshmallows which got him a seductive moan form her as he lightly pinched her sweet cherry.

Irisviel's mind has already been clouded by lust to the point of no return. She may look like a young mother, but she was essentially a child. She met Kiritsugu then gave birth to Illya when she was still a 1-year-old homunculus. She also didn't have any contact with the outside world except for Kiritsugu himself, and later with Artoria after her summon and becoming friends, but Artoria herself was not a talkative person or the best person to guide someone in anything other than fighting.

Adding the fact that she was sacrificed for the grail after Illya was 8 years old, so she was 9 years old when she died. Having been revived for about a year now, she is technically 10 years old.

Such a thing would have left a bad taste in Jin's mouth if they did the deed in the Fate universe, but after Irisviel came to this world, she got the memories of 'herself', and these are 36 years' worth of her own memories.

However, these memories were of no use to her here. She had never been put under such sexual teasing and stimulating foreplay before. Her brain was currently overloading.

"J-Jin, take me…"

These were the words that she finally managed to squeeze from her cherry-like lips before the final thread of rationality that she had snapped.

Looking at the frail beautiful MILF in his arms, The Horny Primordial's libido went shooting through the heavens as he made their clothes disappear before he erected a time barrier so he can start enjoying the fine delicacy that delivered itself to his mouth.

Seeing her being tense, he hugged her as he whispered in her ear.

"Relax, I will guide you through this, don't worry."

He then stole her lips as his dishonest hands started roaming around her body as they finally reached their destination of her perky soft ass as he grabbed them and started massaging them making her moan into the kiss.

Their tongues then had a fierce battle as they separated because Irisviel ran out of breath.

Seeing her current looks, Jin fixed her position as he had her lay normally on the bed as he overlooked her from above.

She sensed his fiery gaze as she felt that he was burning the image of her naked figure into his brin. Her heart was beating like crazy as she looked back at him with a gaze filled with love and lust.

"J-Jin… This is embarrassing."

Irisviel muttered softly as she couldn't bear it anymore and looked away with a blushing and embarrassed face.

Jin then went for another kiss as his hand went for her bare twin marshmallow hills and started kneading each of them like dough as Irisviel continued moaning from the stimulation as her body became even more sensitive.

Feeling her pleasure, the horny Primordial then held her cherry top between his fingers as he pinched it slightly causing Irisviel to moan even louder, Jin then used this chance to use his other hand to reach for her honey pot. He gently used his fingers to give it a gentle rub, but it caused Irisviel's extremely sensitive body to convulse as she discharged her 'holy water' that soaked the sheets while having her first orgasm.

Looking at the currently panting Irisviel whose eyes were unfocused from the stimulation; Jin had a small smile on his face as he spoke.

"Don't think that we are done this early, darling. We literally have all the time in the world."

After saying this, he looked at her who was now on her stomach and looked towards her butt as he recalled a line he read in some book.

'What a booty, looking like a feast. Lemme eat some, I'm a wild beast~'

[A/N: - Credits to "wheretonow" here on Webnovel for this line.]

His then trailed his finger on her back sending a chill down her spine as she shivered in anticipation.

He helped her turn around on her back as her long silky silver hair cascaded down covering the sheets of the bed. Looking at the sight in front of him Ji's smile grew wider as his penis couldn't get harder. He then went near her face as he gently bit on her ear lobe as she moaned. He then kissed her cheek as he continued going down kissing her neck, her collarbone, then taking one of her nipples gently in his mouth as he started sucking on it like a baby.

He then did the same to the other nipple while using his hands to fondle her breasts. He continued to trail down as he kissed her belly then arrived near her legs and parted them into an M shape. He then had a full unhindered view of her clean and shaved pussy that was soaking wet.

He started by touching her breasts again as he started sucking her nipples then he tracked down his tongue on her body making her moan harder as she held into the sheets of the bed while wriggling in a mixture of agonizing pleasure having been continuously denied her release.

Seeing her current state, he decided to up the level a bit as he started by touching her cute little feet then moving his fingers lightly up her legs until he reached her thighs. He then started kissing her inner thighs as he gradually moved his head near her nether region and used his tongue to lick her inner thighs as he continued to tease her by only playing with her outer lips.

Seeing that he has been denying her enough, he decided to finally use his mouth and lightly bite the pink nub while his finger teased her slit.

Irisviel, who was being constantly bombarded by pleasure instantly felt like her energy was suddenly taken away as she was hit with the feeling like she was electrified making her body start spasming as she released her honey for the second time.

She was currently a panting mess while trying hard to catch her breath. All of a sudden, she was snapped out of her daze when she felt hot breathe tickling her ear as she heard the voice of her beloved tormentor as he whispered into her ears.

"The appetizers are now done, and now into the main course, my dear mother-in-law~"

After saying this, he positioned his penis in front of her pink virgin hole as he pushed it skillfully inside as Irisviel let out a moan when he tore through her hymen.

'This must be a dream…'

Thought Irisviel before her night of debauchery started.

[A/N: - First time ever writing smut, and it's so fucking awkward to write… I am sure as fuck not gonna be writing something like this usually, maybe if I was in the mood like in this one.

Also, why is Irisviel a virgin? Well, it's a newly created body for her revival, so of course it was in 'peak' condition.

Well, reading it, I think that it's not that bad, I at least give it from 4 to 6 out of 10.]

____/Scene Change\____

Lying on the bed while hugging the sleeping Irisviel in his arm, Jin felt her eyebrows twitch before she groggily left his embrace and opened her eyes.

Feeling the sheet sliding on her naked body, Irisviel's eyes suddenly snapped open as a stream of memories poured into her head when she remembered what happened before she lost her consciousness.

Looking at the new ring now on her finger, she had a complicated expression on her face. Her expression was a mixture of happiness, guilt, relief, and sadness.

'I slept with the fiancé of my daughter…'


Just as she was going to think deeper about it, she was suddenly pulled into a tight hug.


"Shhh. Don't say a thing. It's not a mistake or a onetime thing, I may be driven by my lust, but I won't put such a ring on a random woman I slept with, or a woman I don't love. I may be a trashy scumbag, but I still have my own set of morals. "

"B-But Ill-"

Before she could complete her sentence, her lips were sealed again.

Separating their lips as a thin line of crystal-like saliva connected them, Irisviel took heavy breathes greedily inhaling air as she absentmindedly looked into the deep black eyes that were looking at her with boundless affection.

"I did it knowing full well that Illya is here, and don't worry I'll talk it out with her."

Nodding her head like an obedient little wife, Irisviel snuggled comfortably into his chest as she smiled happily as she kept touching her new ring.

Spending some time in a comfortable silence, Irisviel then spoke.

"So, how are you going to tell Illya?"

"Hehe don't underestimate your husband, Iri! I'll surprise you!"

Jin spoke with a confident expression, but Irisviel felt something was off.

Wearing his clothes, Jin turned around as he flashed a smile towards Irisviel as he threw a thumbs up while saying "YOSH! Maximum Effort!"

Leaving the room and closing the door, Irisviel didn't move her eyes till she heard Jin's voice revibrating through the mansion.

"Illya, I fucked your mom!"

____/Scene Change\____



In the garden of Jin's mansion, there was a guy that was moving very quickly as he evaded a constant barrage of mana bullets and weapons-shaped hair familiars that were being fired from a pretty girl with silver-white hair.

"Illya dear, why are you angry?"

Said Jin as he dodged a spear-shaped familiar made out of her hair.

"Illya, you are ruining the garden, calm down pleeease~"

"GOD! You are annoying! Stop dodging!"

Illya spoke with irritated tone as she fired a spatial blade towards him that was dodged as well.

After a couple of minutes of the pointless chase, Illya calmed down as both of them flew back to the spectators while leaving a destroyed garden as a memento of the chase. [A/N: Poor garden, F]

There was a worried Irisviel who was fidgeting while watching the scene from earlier, a yandere spider who was letting out a dark aura with malicious intent seeing her 'danna-sama' getting attacked(Mio from Tsuki ga Michibiku), a lazy-ass librarian who was laughing her ass off seeing the current scene(Lisa from Genshin Impact), a clueless spirit who doesn't know why Illya was attacking Jin(Takamiya Mio from Date Alive but now called Rei), and finally Artoria(Rider Alter) who was being well... Artoria….

She had a bowl of infinite popcorn in her hands as she stuffed her mouth full of popcorn with a speed that was over Mach 2 not caring about how she looked and only enjoyed the taste….

"A-Are you alright?"

Asked the worried Irisviel, although she realized how unnecessary her question was after asking it.

"Yeah, no biggies~" (Jin)

Illya's mouth twitched in irritation, but she still said nothing.

Sighing rather audibly, Illya looked at Jin and Irisviel as she pointed at them.

"I am not angry because what you did, I am angry because my mom got first while I and Sakura were already fighting for the next spot! Knowing how much of a sex maniac you are, I am not really that much surprised that you even did it with my mom… Also, who the hell in his right mind thinks that shouting 'I FUCKED YOUR MOM!' towards a girl is a smart idea?!"

Illya spoke as she gave Jin a deadpan expression in the end of her speech.

Jin however ignored her and praised his foresight internally as he cast an anti-r15+ barrier around them before the topic started. He didn't want his cute, adorable, and pure spirit to get corrupted by this conversation. It censored both the lip movement and voice during vulgarities and mature content.

"Well, no hard feelings, Illya dear. If it makes you feel any better, 'me' that is currently in your reality haven't touched any 'new' girl. I haven't even eaten Gray nor Shiki in that reality yet, so do your best babe!"

Ignoring their looks of amazement on what he said, he went and hugged Rei and patted her head as she closed her eyes and rubbed her head in his chest like a cute little kitten.

After having had his fill from the fluff time with Rei, Jin looked towards what remained of his beautiful garden and sighed in sadness.

"Sai, please be a dear and fix the garden."

Jin spoke to his A.I as he got ready to head inside the mansion to tell them about his plans for the day.

*Cricket chirping noises*

Jin raised his eyebrows seeing that he got no response.

Puling his phone, he saw a pop-up message with [Currently in an angry tsundere mode] as he got no response from her.

He suddenly felt that his face will have a cramp if he were a normal human. Deciding to play along, he asked her what happened.

Finally willing to answer, Sai spoke.

[Master used an outdated slow piece of junk to stream and have fun today instead of using my mainframe!] (Sai)

Feeling headache from this, he almost regrated giving her a sentient soul for getting jealous over this. Not to mention…

"Sai, I am really sure that no one except you has ever called 'The Moon Cell' as an outdated piece of junk…." (Jin)

After saying this, Jin held a palm size futuristic orb that was blue in color and had golden circuits that continued to glow. It was Sai's core, or pretty much her body.

'Well, you do have every right to call it that. You are pretty much the second strongest being after me…'

It wasn't voiced out loud not to not shock his family even more. They won't believe that the snarky A.I of their daily life is a being that can erase a good chunk of the omniverse going all out.

Yeah, having been bored in the first week in his stay in High School of The Dead, the bored Primordial went all out making his A.I and ended up making the second strongest being. Knowing that it's impossible for her to betray and harm him or his loved ones, he didn't change anything in her and felt it would be fun.

He does regret giving her a snarky attitude thinking it would be fun though…. He is the one that suffers the most from it…

Putting that aside, he decided to appease her and promise her to use her mainframe later, and to which she happily agreed as she fixed the garden.

After the whole thing ended, they went back inside the mansion as Lisa took the reluctant Rei with her back to the library, while Mio went to the kitchen to check on Leysritt and Sella.

Seeing that he was alone with Irisviel, Artoria, and Illya, he decided to speak.

"I have heard about a racing club here in Zhong Hai, so I have decided to check on it. Do you guys want to come with me and have fun there?"

Hearing the words "Racing Club", Irisviel's eyes shined with dangerous light as they transformed into shining stars. Illya's interest was also picked hearing these words. She may not have the same amount of obsession towards driving as her mom, but she does enjoy it. Artoria also stopped eating as she thought about it then hummed in agreement that she will accompany him.

Seeing their reaction, he knew he made the right move! Meeting Tang Wan the other day reminded him that she had a racing club in this city, so he decided to take the girls there to have fun. He came here at first for this reason, but popping Irisviel's cherry has been a huge surprise, but a totally welcome one.

"Okay, you guys have lunch first and I'll go see if Medusa and the other Artoria(s) will want to accompany us or not. I asked Saeko and Shizuka, but they said they will pass."

Saying this, Jin went to his mansion of the Fate universe as his other body was in college. Making his way towards the living room, the space near him broke as he was tackled with a purple shadow.

"Master…" (???)

Said a mature woman with long purple hair with a sultry and seductive tone as she hugged Jin and almost tackled him to the ground.

"My dear Medusa, good morning(afternoon?)."

After saying this Jin went in and took her lips.


Separating their lips, Medusa licked her lips as she looked hungrily towards her Master.

"Oh, someone is thirsty huh?"

Said Jin with a teasing smirk as he moved his tongue slowly between his canines. Medusa felt the time stopping from anticipation as her Master bit his tongue till it drew blood.

Sticking his tongue out with a teasing look, Medusa was intoxicated from the smell of the blood alone. The crystalline red blood that was more beautiful than any ruby, she can't get enough of it no matter how many times she saw, smelled, and tasted it.

Although the effects of the blood were reduced almost to nothing by him so Medusa can safely drink it. A single drop of this blood still contains more energy in it than all the TYPEs and fully grown Fantasy Trees in the Nasuverse combined. Such output is enough to erase Medusa normally, but she passes the excess back to Jin using their link, so it's ok.

Finally snapping, Medusa tiptoed and went for the kiss as she started sucking on his tongue to get the blood there as her body started shuddering with intense pleasure.

Ah yes, it does have an aphrodisiac effect on female bloodsuckers…

Breaking off the kiss, Jin looked into Medusa's hazy eyes that showed unbounded love and lust as he gave her head a 'no-horny' bonk because he didn't want to start having sex again when he came for business. He already did it with Irisviel after all….

Snapping out of it, Medusa had a blush on her perfect face as she averted her gaze shyly.

The awkward silence was then broken by the sounds of footsteps coming towards them.

"*yaaawn* Master, Rider, good morning."

It was Artoria(Saber) who came down wearing a lion-shaped onesie while yawning.

She was being tossed around by her Master alongside her other selves last night, so she was mentally drained even though her body is energetic.

"Good morning, Artoria/Saber."

Replied both Jin and Medusa who was still in his arms.

Moving his hand towards Artoria, Jin materialized a sandwich for her to eat.

Smelling the aroma, Saber's eyes shone as her ahoge went berserk on her head. She lost all signs of drowsiness as she went and snatched the sandwich in his hand as she started going *nom* *nom* *nom* on it like a cute squirrel.

'Adorable!' (Both of them)

Ignoring the gluttonous king, Jin materialized a regenerating tray of food next to here and went ahead and sat on the sofa and relaxed as he waited for the remaining Artoria(s) to wake up.

Medusa shyly walked towards him as she leaned on him and put her head on his lap and acted like a spoiled cat as he played with her hair.

After the meeting with her sisters, she became more open and spoiled with Jin. Seeing her current appearance, you will never associate her with the normally aloof-indifferent-to-all-but-Sakura Medusa.

Speaking of Sakura…

"So, how does it feel to be kicked out of Sakura's bed after Rin started living here?"

Jin spoke with a teasing smirk as he looked into the eyes of his #BestSnekWaifu2004.

Medusa huffed in response as she looked away. She even considered telling him how his 'cute innocent sister' has been brainwashing her biological sister into joining his harem just to see his expression, but she didn't in the end as she sighed thinking of how corrupted Sakura has become…. And it's getting worse as the days pass by.

She even remembered coincidentally hearing Sakura telling Rin something along the lines of "Nee-san, even if you have a fetish for high jumps, I am sure that Nii-sama can do high jumps better than the late Emiya-senpai".

She had a feeling that one day she will wake up just to see Rin tied to Jin's bed while Sakura waits for Jin to praise her… Just imagining this makes a chill goes down her spine.

Shaking her head on her master's lap, she decided to shut up and keep it to herself.

Jin was puzzled by her actions, but he threw it away since he didn't feel anything important, so he kept playing with her hair as she hummed in content.

The comfortable silence was then broken by the sound of footsteps as another batch of Artoria arrived.

They were Altria and Laltria(Artoria Lancer and Lancer Alter) who were wearing V-neck casual pajamas, blue for Altria and black for Laltria.

""Good morning, Master, Medusa, Original.""

After greeting, they went for their morning kisses, then Altria went to Artoria(Saber) while Laltria went to the kitchen to get her food. Having a body that converts all what you eat into energy is a dream come true for them.

A final set of footsteps was heard as Salter came down with a smoothie in her hand. She didn't even bother covering herself up in normal clothes as she came wearing her underwear.

Passing by the two normal Artoria(s), she greeted them.

"Morning, bitch. Morning, cow." (Salter)

Altria ignored her tsun little sister, but Artoria couldn't.

"Alter, mind your language, Master is here!"

Naturally ignoring the 'bitch', what language should she care about, they have been eating each other out couple of hours ago. She gave a middle finger to her as she went to greet her master happily like a cat meeting her owner.

"Morning, Master!"

"Morning, Salter."

Jin greeted her back as he patted her head as she closed her eyes and purred happily, while Artoria felt like smacking both of them for ignoring her.

Laltria came back with a tray full of junk food as she started eating.

"Oh, the goth co-"

Salter didn't finish the sentence before Laltria stuffed her mouth with a burger as she herself had a burger in her mouth.

Seeing her shut up, she started patting the head of her goth younger self who didn't resist as she accepted the pat while eating the burger.

Altria seeing this, she tried to pat Artoria's head only to be dodged instinctively. Her hand froze in the air while Artoria herself also froze seeing that it was not an attack.

' ' This is awkward...' ' (Artoria/Altria)

' 'Oh, borgar.' ' (Salter/Laltria)

Jin seeing them like this almost burst out laughing at their expense.

After a while, they all finished eating. Jin then decided to tell them the reason why he is here.(Although it makes no sense as he is always here…)

"I'll be going to check out a racing club with Irisviel, Illya, and Ralter. So, would you guys like to join us?"

Hearing that they were going to a racing club, Medusa's eyes shone as she remembered her master's gifts for her.

"Master, I will be going with you. I want to try the new gifts you gave me!"

Hearing Medusa's words, Jin chuckled seeing the usually composed Medusa this excited. He then remembered when they asked him to watch the records of the previous Holy Grail War(Fate Zero). Medusa was gob-smacked seeing that the best ariel fight was between two servants that neither of had a riding skill. Not to mention the fact that both Artoria and Lancelot(Berserker) had skills that enhanced their vehicles to great extents while neither of them were of the Rider class.

After watching these fights, she finally understood why her Master always said that the class system of the Grail is a "Big ass scam!" and that the fastest way for a servant to get killed is to "Actually be relevant to their own classes like in the cursed moment where an Archer class servant uses a bow and arrows instead of throwing random bullshit from distance.".

So, after seeing her longing and much to her embarrassment, he took her to his workshop as he made her go through what he called a "waifu power-up session". He made her drink three bottles of unknown liquids then he put his hand on her heart as he started tempering with her spiritual core. After an unknown amount of time has passed, she felt him removing his hand as she felt the change in her core.

She currently had access to both her Lancer and Rider abilities while gaining some other skills. She also felt her body going a tremendous change as her already gorgeous body and face took a leap forward becoming more perfect.

She felt a rush of knowledge into her brain as she finally understood what were the three liquids that her Master made her drink. They were called essences, and their abilities shocked her, but she didn't pay attention to any of them except the one that made her appearance get more perfect than before. She also felt herself regaining her Divine Core that she had when she was young, although she felt that it was way better than before, at least a level higher.

She may have been a Goddess of Beauty before, but which female hates getting even more beautiful? Yeah, none. After giving her Master a passionate kiss, she finally went through the skills that her Master granted her. Seeing a skill that will help her enhance her rides, she was beyond ecstatic. Also seeing the new upgrade of her Riding skill and the new essence she got made her face blush so hard that it felt that blood will leak from her skin.

As for the new stats.


True Name: Medusa

Class: Rider/Lancer


Strength: A+++

Endurance: A+++

Agility: A+++

Mana: EX

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: A+++

[Class Skills]

Ø Riding (ERROR, RANK CAN'T BE CALCULATED): Having already ridden The Primordial, there is nothing in existence you cannot ride. Instead of covering only specific animals and vehicles, the ability extends to all beasts, including Phantasmal Beasts, Divine Beasts, Dragons…etc. [A/N: - All the harem members he slept with got this skill ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

Ø Magic Resistance (Rank A+): Nullifies spells that are Rank A+ or below.

Ø Divine Core of the Goddess (Rank A+++)

[Personal Skills]

Ø Monstrous Strength (Rank A+): Increase STR by one rank upon usage.

Ø Scream of Fear (A++): is a roar that arouses another's instinctive awe as a living being. Medusa can bestow fear, continuous Defense Down, momentary Large Defense Down, curses and other conditions on all enemies

Ø Mystic Eyes of Petrification (Rank A+++): Able to petrify any opponent with Mana rank below A++. High Luck rank can help in avoiding the petrification. Can work even with not having direct eye contact with the target. It can also work against any object. The output is also controllable as the user can choose to petrify a part or the whole of the target.

Ø Enhanced Augmentation Infusion (Rank EX): The user can increase the quality of target, whether organic or inorganic, including themselves by energy infusion. The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings, or powers with chi/aura, energy, elements, life energy, magic, prana, etc.… Depending on what the object is infused with, the quality of the weapon, and the amount of energy, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat. The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with augmentation capabilities, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency. Depending on the user, the augmentations can be to one's powers, skills, or physical attributes. Some examples include increasing the sharpness and/or the durability of a sword, giving living beings an enhanced and/or peak condition, enhancing vehicles, etc...

[Noble Phantasm]

| Breaker Gorgon: Self Seal - Dark Temple | Anti-Unit | C- |:

The blindfold of Medusa, a type of powerful Bounded Field Noble Phantasm on the scale of another World. It was a complement to the Temple of Blood that "Enveloped the World" on the Shapeless Isle, having "Sealed the World" instead. It only requires a steady supply of energy from the user to affect a target, unlike Mystic Eyes that requires a direct line of sight.

It has the ability to "seal all magical properties", and if used on others, it will imprison the consciousness of the enemy within her own mind; it can even obstruct the invocations of abilities such as magic, Skills, or Noble Phantasms, before removing any abilities they possessed in the outside World once inside. Those trapped within are said to see a nightmare mixed with both delight and taboo.

After gaining the ability to control her eyes, Medusa stopped using the seal.

| Blood Fort Andromeda: Outer-Seal - Blood Temple | Anti-Army | A+++ |:

The Temple of Blood that surrounded the Shapeless Isle, which was the home of Medusa and her sisters, turning it into a palace of darkness, dyed crimson from blood, where the sun did not shine.

The temple, known to petrify those who embark on the island and devour them, was a boundary field constructed by the Mystic Eyes Medusa possessed. By magnification of the Mystic Eyes' projection, a fixed conceptual field is substituted into "the inside of her eyes", and the life force of those inside it is plundered. An absorption power that literally "dissolves the body" of ordinary persons without any Magic Resistance. Even Heroic Spirits will have their life force plundered as long as they are inside the barrier.

Utilizing her new contract, she can instantly cast the Noble Phantasm with no prior preparations causing the jump in rank to A+++.

| Harpe - Immortal Slaying Scythe | Anti-Immortal | A+ |:

The scythe that was used by Perseus to slay Gorgon. Its true strength is its trait of Refraction of Longevity, which is a divine ability that nullifies the "undying attribute" of immortals and inflicts wounds that cannot be restored by any methods other than healing in accordance with the natural laws.

[Essences] [A/N: - They are the same for all the girls in the harem.]

1- Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain these benefits.

v Your potential becomes limitless.

v You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you should not be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn.

v Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

2- Essence of the Compatible

By drinking this Essence, you gain the following powers.

v The ability to harmonize any conflicting powers or abilities.

v Using light magic will not stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time, or even fusing them. Being evil will not stop you from using good only abilities.

v This applies to everything you can do from magic to super science, to simple training... you always find a way no matter how impossible.

3- Essence of lewdness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [A/N: - This is here just to motivate me into fucking finally writing smut.]

v Your body is changed into your ideal sexiness.

v You operate under porn logic. (Things like instant thoroughly clean and lube assholes before anal sex, taking 20-inch dicks with no problem and shit like that.)

v You are always clean as if you just got out of a shower and B.O is eliminated with the mess slides right off you. (Individual parts may be toggled off, like for example you want some mess to stay on you. Also, this works internally so you no longer need to brush your teeth or worry about bad breath.)

v Any hole that gets penetrated always act as it is the perfect fit to give you maximum pleasure and no pain(unless you want to feel pain).

v STDs do not exist (Porn logic covers this but thought I would double down.)

v You and the partner you are having sex with no longer have a refractory and can keep going and going and going in you want to or you get unconscious from pleasure overlord or something. *shrugs*

v You always know how to create the maximum pleasure for any sexual encounter you have for both parties, or just you if you don't care for the other person.

v You control your own fertility(can be overridden with higher forms of fertility skills).

v Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease.


Blessing of The Primordial:

· Appraisal/Observe: Able to inspect the stats, skills and abilities of the user or the target(s).

· Immunity towards all forms of Mind, Soul, and Lust inducing attacks. Includes any personality shifts from using abilities or items.

· Immunity towards all poisons, aphrodisiacs, and diseases.

· Any photos or videos taken without approval will always show a blurry figure and face that will never be recognized or fixed regardless of the process of fixing them.

· Infinite amount of energy regardless of the type, as long as the user does have the power system/energy in their body.

· Instant teleportation: The user can instantly teleport to any "self" of The Primordial with a thought.

· Unbreakable bond: You sold your soul to the devil and will not get away even after eternity.

· Danger sense: If the user is about to get into grave danger, an unbreakable barrier is deployed around the user, instantly healing the user, and sending a message to The Primordial.

· Further abilities to be added later.

____/Back to present\____

Hearing the suggestion of their Master, the four Artoria(s) started thinking for a bit before Salter answered with a question of her own.

"Master, is the maid me going with you?"

"Yeah, she was excited about it."

Jin nodded as he recalled her excited face.

Hearing his answer, Salter shook her head in denial as she spoke.

"I don't think we will join you this time, Master. We have the hive mind skill so we will be able to 'experience' what she will be doing. We also are going on another 'sacred journey' to India this time!"

Salter's voice became excited at the end that she almost had her ahoge back and reverted to being Artoria.

The so-called 'sacred journey' is the hobby that Artoria(s) picked after the HGW ended and they were freed from their Fates as they finally decided to enjoy their lives to the fullest. They decide on a country then visit it together while activating hive mind as they scatter across the country, then go around trying all kinds of food. And depending on the size of the country and its cuisine, the journeys could take from a single day to multiple days.

Seeing that they will be busy for the day, Jin didn't mind it and patted Medusa's head as he stood up.

"Well then, you guys enjoy yourselves, take care and don't forget the souvenirs! See you later!"

After saying that with a smile, Jin took Medusa's hand as he teleported away leaving the four 'sisters' who were waving at him while saying "Take care.".

____/Scene change\____

After coming back with Medusa, he was met with Raltoria wearing black hot shorts, black strap top, a black jacket, a silver X-shaped necklace, and a pair of long black leather boots. She also had her hair tied as a low ponytail, so it gave her another type of charm.

[Image here]

Irisviel was wearing her normal outfit that she considers as 'less formal', although it still stands out from normal clothes as it screams "HIGH-END". She was wearing a burgundy blouse with a brooch, a white skirt, thigh-high white boots, and black tights.

[Image here]

Illya was wearing the same outfit she wore as a loli just with a fitting size to her current teen body. She was wearing a collared, purple long-sleeved shirt with a light purple scarf to match, a long white skirt and purple boots.

[Image here]

Medusa seeing that all of them were ready to go also changed her clothes as she used her magical energy to reform her current casual house clothes into some kind of a female biker clothes. She was wearing a sleeveless high neck pullover, short leather biker jacket, a mini jeans skirt, tights, and a pair of boots.

[Image here]

Seeing the ladies dressed like this, Jin felt that this trip was absolutely worth it even if they decided not to go now.

Going outside of the mansion, Jin turned towards the ladies as he started talking.

"So, how do you guys want to go there? All of us in an SUV, or separately in different vehicles?"

"I am driving! I haven't tried my new baby ever since I got it from Master."

Before anyone had the chance to speak, Raltoria declared as she summoned her new ride. Breaking the space near her, a cool-looking red and black racing motorcycle. It was a 2021 Kawasaki Ninja® 650 ABS.

[Image here]

Quickly jumping over onto the seat, she started the engine as it started roaring.


They ignored her as she started going off describing all the specs of the bike and the modifications that her beloved Master added so it can be more 'badass!'.

Medusa seeing this also summoned her new ride that was a cool-looking black and purple racing motorcycle. It was a Yamaha YZF-R6.

[Image here]

She didn't act like Raltoria, but she still went towards her bike and sat there coolly while brushing the hair that fell on her face to behind her ears as she looked enchanting as ever.

"I also want to try on my new gift, Master." (Medusa)

Seeing them like this, Jin nodded his head as he turned around towards Illyasviel and Irisviel.

"So, what do you want to go there by?"

Hearing his question, Irisviel smiled a sweet affectionate smile as she answered.

"Whatever you choose, I will accompany you."

Seeing Irisviel acting like this, Jin felt as if his heart was pierced with an arrow. Irisviel took the role of an affectionate young wife so naturally and she didn't even try to do it intentionally!

Seeing their Master like this, Raltoria and Medusa couldn't help but exchange glances.

"I never knew that Irisviel was so terrifying, she is like a final boss character…"

Raltoria said with a hint of respect and awe in her voice looking at the spectacle in front of her.

"And the scariest thing is that she is doing it unintentionally and is totally oblivious about it… She is so dazzling; she is giving me the feeling that I am getting purified while watching her from here…" (Medusa)

"Yeah…" (Raltoria)

Even Illya was stunned by her mother's innate ability!


Illya hugged her mom from her back as she glared at Jin with fake anger. Jin naturally ignored it as he spoke.

"So, the three of us will take the car then? Ok!"

After thinking for a bit, Jin then called a modified version of the Koenigsegg Agera R that has 4 seats instead of the normal 2.

[Image here]

After sending the directions of the racing club into the minds of Medusa and Artoria, Jin casted an anti-police enchantment over all their vehicles as he knew that they will be driving recklessly even in the city, and he doesn't want to spend his afternoon in the police station.

After getting in the car, he started the engine as all of them started driving away from the mansion.

____/Scene change\____

After about 20 minutes of reckless driving, especially from a certain glutton who almost caused some people to crash into each other if not for the timely intervention of a certain Primordial, they finally arrived at an empty land near the suburb of Zhong Hai. Signs and billboards could be seen from afar.

As they drew near, they arrived at a place called "Maple Racing Club", it was one of the businesses owned by the "Maple Group" here in Zhong Hai. Similar to other facilities owned by them, this one was a place for wealthy people who loved cars to have a place where they could enjoy.

After arriving to the parking place, they parked their vehicles as they headed to the main building. It was a modern building which had a design similar to that of an airport. The huge road had numerous connected pathways. In fact, as they walked, they saw a few helicopters and passenger planes. Evidently, not only did the building store countless luxury cars, but there were also private jets owned by the wealthy members of the clubs inside.

Upon seeing this, Jin was lost in thought for a moment as he thought about something.

'The only reason Tang Wan was able to make a place like this is because of her background, otherwise in a strict country like China, it's impossible to make something like an airport like this with no sufficient backing. I want one too… Oh! If I recall correctly, shouldn't the Iron Brigade something be contacting me in a while? They need help twice, once in a fight over some Buddhist item I think and the other time in some kind of fight over the Holy Grail. Cai Yan's big sister is also stalking me from time to time. Ok, I'm using them to get access to both of China's Territorial Water and Airspace! It would also make for a good prank while fucking with them later hehe.'

Upon seeing his current expression, the girls secretly shook their heads as Artoria spoke first.

"Master seems to have thought of something 'fun' and he seems to be enjoying himself…"

"…a bit too much, and someone will be paying for it." (Medusa)

"Last time he had that smile, he went to another world and made a worldwide prank with a man called Lucifer as he had him grow his beard, wear a robe and walk on water in Rome while occasionally giving wine to random people and disappearing after…" (Illya)

"Indeed, it was a 'unique' prank… But at least better than the one time he used a world-wide telepathy on a normal world while saying 'I am indeed real, but you choose the wrong religion.' To every single person on the planet while telling them that people on the right religion won't talk about it…" (Irisviel)

"…that one almost started a world war. If he didn't rewind time and stop them before they killed each other they would've started it…" (Artoria)

They collectively sighed at how their lover could be 'childish' at times, but then smiled again as they thought that it was one of his charming points. [A/N: - Fuck! I am jealous of my own MC; can't he just go die?!]

Snapping back to his senses, Jin looked at them and smiled.

After walking for a while, they came to a beautifully decorated hall, a middle aged, elegantly dressed lady came forward to welcome them with a smile. She has never seen such a handsome guy before in her entire life. Although seeing him surrounded by a group of celestially beautiful women shocked her, due to her professionalism she quickly regained her smile as she greeted them with enthusiast. Although she couldn't hide the blush on her face.

"Welcome to the Maple Racing Clube, how may I help you, sir?"

"I want to register 3-year membership for each of us." (Jin)

"At once, please come to the desk."

3 minutes later, all the procedures have been completed as the registration fee has been paid and all of them got their own VIP membership card.

"Excuse me, how many people are currently on the tracks here?"

Jin asked the receptionist while using his senses to check the tracks in the club, he then smiled internally seeing that they were currently empty, and no one will disturb them. He is not really keen on dealing with some random 'young master' popping out of nowhere to ruin his and his girls' mood.

"Currently no one is using any of the tracks, sir."

"I see. Ok, I want to rent the club out for the day, and I'll be paying triple the price of a fully functioning day, I don't want anyone disturbing my family time." (Jin)

"Sir, this… I don't think that this is possible."

The lady gulped as she didn't expect the handsome young man in front of her to be so overbearing. Not to mention that none of those 'young masters' that come here will mention renting out the whole place, much less paying triple the price of a fully-packed day. The price he wants to casually pay for his 'family time' is estimated to be around 3 million RMB. Although the people who come here have money as their lowest priority, it still is an exaggerating cost that almost no one will be willing to pay. But thinking about it carefully, he just paid for 5 people to get 3-year membership, the total cost is 30 million RMB. She suddenly felt her head spinning from having to deal with such client.

"Well, if you don't have the authority to do such a thing, then call your superior for me to talk to."

Jin spoke as he still had a neutral expression. Although he doesn't really mind casting a barrier on the whole place to prevent more visitors from coming to this place today, but as a morally good guy, he won't harm someone's business for his entertainment…. Well, mostly…

"Ah, yes!"

The lady hurried and to her desk and called her boss on the phone.

"What's the matter?" (???)

"Boss, there is someone who wants to rent the whole club for the day. He said he will pay triple the price of a full packed day for it. I told him that it's not possible, so he asked me to call you."

Her boss on the other side of the phone went silence for a moment before she spoke.

"Is he a young master from a known family?" (???)

"I don't think so, boss. It's my first time hearing his name, but he also carries himself like a nobleman and all of his companions are letting out dignified and noble-like presence. He didn't even flinch while paying for 3-year membership cards for 5 people."

The lady said as her cheeks had a tint of red.

"What's his name?" (???)

"He is registered as Shenyu Jin. It's my first time hearing that name, not to mention that it's my first time seeing this surname."

The lady spoke hesitatingly afraid that the handsome client will hear her and be offended,

A few seconds passed in silence as her boss suddenly spoke with a hurried tone.

"Listen here, you are to entertain this esteemed guest till I arrive! I'll be there in twenty no, fifteen minutes!"

Hearing the tone of her boss as she closed the call, the lady understood that the handsome youth in front of her had a really high noble identity to make her boss behave like this. She decided to entertain the group sparing no efforts till her boss arrives. She also didn't have any funny ideas about the guest. For being someone who can make her boss call him an "esteemed guest", he must have an unparalleled identity.

"Young master, please follow me to the lobby, the boss will arrive shortly."

She did a short bow as she turned around and started walking followed by Jin who felt his face was about to twitch being called 'young master' and the girls who stifled their laughter.

After spending about 15 minutes waiting in the lobby, Jin's ears picked the sound of a car parking and the owner leaving the car and heading towards their direction. Noticing this, a small smile appeared on his face as he thought that this will be interesting.

Shortly, the sound of hurried footsteps can be heard as a tall, elegant woman with well-developed figure and bombshell body came in. She was wearing monochrome cardigan, tight-fitting black jeans, and flats with laces that made her look gorgeous. Her swaying butt and upright bosom were no doubt the cause of the fantasies of many men.

She was indeed Tang Wan that he met by the river bank a couple of days ago.

Tang Wan who was ready to meet the esteemed guest suddenly froze in her place when she saw the handsome youth who she met a couple of days ago sitting on the sofa smiling at her. However, as the head of The Maple Group, she had a good control over herself as she regained her bearings almost instantly and moved forward to greet him. Although she didn't get to as he spoke first.

"Hello Miss. Tang, we meet again."

Jin said with a small, amused smile as he looked at Tang Wan who didn't know how to respond.

"…you are Mr. Shenyu?"

[A/N: - Oh God… writing this chapter made me aware of how fucking cringy and stupid his last name is. I am cringing physically IRL every time I put it in a conversation…]

"Indeed, I am, nice to meet you, Miss. Tang."

Jin said as he stretched his hand for a handshake to which Tang Wan shook after being dazed for a second.

(Back in the background)

"Another one?"

Illya spoke with uncertainty in her voice as she looked at the exchange between Jin and Tang Wan.

Irisviel did what a normal would do and just smacked Illya's head lightly as Medusa and Artoria sighed while shaking their heads.

Jin who was talking with Tang Wan paused for a moment when he heard Illya's muttering then continued normally chatting with Tang Wan while making a mental note to spank Illya's butt later.

"But I have to say, Mr. Shenyu, I never thought that someone with your identity will have any interest in this place here."

Tang Wan said with a small chuckle. After seeing that Jin was not really gloomy and serious as she had expected after hearing the name, Tang Wan started relaxing a bit during their chat.

"You jest, Miss Tang. Even as an assassin, I still have my hobbies."

Jin said with a smirk as he enjoyed the mixture of expressions appearing on the face of the receptionist. Hearing his words and coupled with her boss' respectful attitude, she concluded that he was telling the truth. After it clicked in her head, she went pale with fright as she excused herself hurriedly to get back to work.

"Now Miss. Tang, what do you say about my offer?"

Jin spoke with a serious expression. He had already wasted half an hour with useless stuff so he wanted to get this over with so they can go enjoy to their heart contents.

"About that Mr. Shenyu, I have no problem with it, but you don't have to pay. You may treat it as me returning part of the favor you did me before."

Tang Wan shook her head with a small smile.

"Oh, you mean that painting? It's a random sketch that I drew out of boredom, it's not really worth it. And I gave it to you before on a whim, I didn't do it for a favor."

Jin quickly dismissed her. He gave her the painting on a whim while flexing and trying to act 'mysteriously cool' before, he didn't do it for this, bruh!

"Mr. Shenyu, I know that with your status the payment is not even worth mentioning, but the 'sketch' you are talking about would at least sell for 7 million RMB if it was put on an auction, this is enough for me to actually rent the club out to you for a whole week and still come out with profit."

Tang wan had a wry smile on her face as he spoke. The painting that she treasured hanged it in the center of her living room was being treated as a random sketch by its creator. She would often look at the painting and get lost in thought and only get awaken by the shout of her daughter.

After spending a couple more minutes 'negotiating' and with Tang Wan refusing any payment regardless of what he offered, he finally relented and accepted. She said she would tell the staff to put a notice that there will be maintenance to the tracks today so it will be closed for other visitors.

After finalizing the 'deal' Tang Wan excused herself as she said she had company matters to attend to as she went back with a small smile on her face.

Jin and the girls went to the first track after bidding farewell to Tang Wan. they walked to the rest area of the first track.

Its official title was a rest area, but it was actually a spacious living hall. Sunlight shone through the transparent tempered-glass window, while the heater in the area warmed the room. Quite a few plants were placed around the area giving it a very nice and inviting feel.

"This place sure is extravagant." (Artoria)

"Are you being sarcastic? You know how much irony is dripping from the statement you just said, King Arthur?"

Hearing Jin's retort, Artoria's face blushed red in embarrassment as she turned her head away not meeting with his gaze.

"But you are indeed right in a way. However, no one would be willing to come here if they cut corners trying to save money. The people who come here have money as their lowest priority." (Jin)

"Putting that aside, which track do you want to try first? The club is built on an enormous plot of land which has various types of tracks. There is a mountain track, a Formula 1 track, a city simulation track…etc." (Jin)

After thinking for a while, it was decided that the first race will be between Irisviel and Illya and they chose a mountain track.

Both of them chose the same car, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Wheelsandmore 722 Epochal. Irisviel's was grey while Illya's was white.

[Image here]

After lining their cars, both started pressing on the gas as their cars kept growling.


Before he started counting down, Jin remembered something as he snapped his fingers as a ripple of energy started with him as the center started reaching out to the whole club. He just temporarily enchanted the whole club, cars, and tracks so they can take on the abuse of supernatural racing especially from his 2 cute servants.

It may have just been a bonus for Tang Wan though that all the tracks, buildings, equipment, and cars have been brought to peak condition.

There was also a normalcy barrier that tempers with the minds of the employees here to let them accept whatever is going to happen inside during the races and they will forget about it after the group leaves.

"On my mark! 3! 2! 1! Go!"

As Jin shot the gun, both cars shot like rockets on the mountain road.

Teleporting back to the resting area, Jin started watching the race on the screen with Artoria and Medusa.

On the screen, both cars had a similar start as they accelerated quickly on the straight road with Irisviel getting ahead by a little, only quarter of the car was ahead of Illya. After a while, they reached a corner. Like any sane person, Illya slowed down as she took the corner. Irisviel however was… being Irisviel… She pressed on the gas harder as she activated the turbo as well while doing a power over drift that almost had the back wheels of the car go off road on the edge of the mountain curve and hang on the air.

"Irisviel still treats cars as toys even till now…" (Artoria)

"Indeed, looking at her current expression, she does look like a kid that got a new toy." (Medusa)

"Well, isn't it fine? Not like she is endangering anyone…mostly… and with the 'Riding' skill she got this morning, there is no fear that she will mess up."

The Shameless Primordial said as he watched his two cute servants blush when he mentioned the new Riding skill of Irisviel.

After a couple of minutes, the race ended with Irisviel winning by a landslide.

Illya getting out of the car was in a grumpy mood as she begrudgingly looked towards Jin. She knew that the sudden rise in her mom's driving skill was because of what they did in the morning.

And because of this, she decided to ignore him for the remainder of the day.

*pat pat pat*


Or not…

The second race was between Medusa and Artoria. Both of them summoned their bikes as they chose the city layout track.

After lining their bikes, they both turned the engines and looked towards each other.

"Bring it on, snake bitch!"

As Artoria said this, she used her mana burst and invisible air to enhance her bike as the red parts of her bike started glowing with magical energy and the bike began to change as an armor with hard curves began to take shape on it. The bike kept glowing menacingly as it roared as if urging her master to start driving.

"With pleasure, failure of a king."

As Medusa coolly responded, she used her new Enhanced Augmentation Infusion as her bike's purple parts started glowing and lightning bolts-like glowing purple patterns kept spreading on the surface of the bike.

Jin ignored their friendly banter as he spoke.

"Since you guys are enchanting your vehicles, it'll be best 201 out of 400 laps, unless you want to end the race under 3 seconds."

Seeing them nodding, he started counting down.


After the gun was fired, both of them shot out with a speed that is impossible to be seen with human eyes.

Getting back to the resting area, he sat between Illya and Iri who were eating popcorn while watching the magically enchanted screen that showed the current state of the race.

After seeing what was happening in the race, Jin was tempted to ignore the fact that both Artoria and Medusa were using their Noble Phantasms while racing.

Artoria was holding her Secace Morgan(a rifle) in her hand as she kept firing low output laser beams towards Medusa's bike who was near her.

Medusa was constantly using Harpe to cut the beams shot by Artoria while using her Mystic Eyes trying to petrify Artoria's bike, while Artoria kept pumping shitload of mana into her mana burst to counter the petrification.

They kept going at it till the 400 laps were finished at a draw as both girls were staring at each other with electricity sparking between them.

"By the way, Jin, where is you ride?"

Illya curiously asked seeing that he was the only one who didn't join any race till now.

Hearing the question, Jin was satisfied and decided to enlighten them.

Out of a space crack, what appeared was a black futuristic looking baton.

Seeing their puzzled face, he simply smiled as he walked towards the track jogged a bit and leaped forward while splitting the baton in two. From the splitting baton, there was a white hologram of a bike as it quickly materialized as a black shiny glossy metallic bike with neon stripes all over it. The halves of the baton formed the handlebars of the bike as a futuristic nano-suit materialized over Jin with a full tinted glass helmet.

"So, what do you guys think? It's called a 5th Generation Light Cycle. Pretty neat, isn't it?"

Jin spoke with a smile under his helmet as he looked at the faces of the girls. Irisviel and Illya were surprised, but Medusa and Artoria had stars in their eyes looking at the bike.

They continued to have fun and try all the tracks that the club had to offer till the clock hit 08:00 PM as they decided to take their leave.

They then went around the city trying various stalls and having some fun till the clock hit 09:30 PM and they decided to call it a day as Jin sent Medusa back to his mansion in Fate.

After driving Artoria, Illya, and Irisviel back home, he left his 'self' there as he made his way back towards Ruoxi's villa.

As he drove past the suburbs, then reached the highway entrance, Jin suddenly noticed that a car behind him was shooting its high beams at him.

Shifting to another lane so the other car could pass, he saw that another car came around and did the same thing.

The traffic was currently low, and seeing this scene, Jin remembered something as he smiled a sadistic smile.

He maintained a speed of 100 Km/h as the two cars drove past him at 120 Km/h and lined up to block him.

Another car also blocked him from behind. The two cars in front of him were a black Ferrari F430 and a white BMW M6, while the one behind him was a red Porsche 911.

He didn't expect that he would meet this scene right now, but since he did, then he decided to teach a bunch of rich brats how to be thankful for the manufacturers of their cars for adding airbags inside them.

Regardless of how good their cars are, they don't come close to a normal Koenigsegg Agera R, not to mention his modified one.

He suddenly pressed the brakes and turned right as the car drifted, he stepped on the throttle as the car jolted forward, he then steered the wheels to the left quickly as he overtook the two cars in front of him.

Waiting for a second till the Porsche caught up behind the two other car, Jin smiled devilishly as his hands had already started moving, clutch, brake, handbrake, and the steering wheel fiercely rotated! After a series of eye-blurring adjustments, the entire Koenigsegg Agera R in that moment drifted and turned a full 180 degrees!


The tires and asphalt emitted a harsh grinding sound, with the white smoke being rather conspicuous in the night!

The red taillights flung a sharp and beautiful red line before the car came to a stop in the middle right of the road!

The abrupt turn of events had the drivers of these cars going pale with fright! They were already going over 130 Km/h and that driver came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road!

This guy actually wants to collide with them, he wants to do a direct collision at over 130 Km/h! And he even sealed the right lane they can't even turn their steering wheels towards the roadside parking lots!

Thinking fast, they all stepped on the brakes as they steered to the left causing the Ferrari and the BMW to collide with each other as they crashed into the Jersey barrier on the side of the road, while the Porsche that was not-so-far behind them collided into their rear.

Seeing this scene, Jin nodded his head contently as he looked towards the three collided cars that now looked like deformed cans due to the collision.

He didn't really want to kill some reckless kids, so he put life-preserving barriers on them so as not to die. They will come out with broken bones at least while being traumatized for a lifetime, fair enough i.g.

They only wanted to 'prank' him by letting him hit the two cars in front of him since according to the current laws of Zhong Hai, if the car behind knocks the car in front, it is by law that the car behind pays for all damages, thus with this scenario, if Jin knocked the two cars in front he has to pay for both of them, but if the Porsche behind knocked his car, they only needs to pay for one person's share. Therefore, he would normally be making a loss from this trade.

Normally that is. These dumbasses didn't notice the model of his car, so even if he did play along with them, the cost of the damage to his car(if it can be damaged) will be worth more than the cost of their 3 cars combined. The current price of his car's base model is 15 million USD, while the collective price of their three cars combined is 350k USD.

He went out of the car while smoking some "Profound Weed" that he took from an alternate "Against the Gods" world. That was some good shit if he had to say so.

[A//N: - Shoutout to Fellbane~]

After waiting for a bit, movements were felt inside the cars as the kids inside started trying to get out.

There were two guys that came out of the deformed Ferrari and BMW, while a young girl came out of the former Porsche. The two youngsters were in designer t-shirts, however all the elegance they should have had had already disappeared because they were either limping while walking because of broken bones, or because of their heinous appearance because of the blood stains from their injuries. They were not screaming from pain because Jin dampened their pain receptors as a bonus.

The young girl that was dressed abnormally. She was wearing a pink mushroom shaped wig, a white cartoon t-shirt that was stained with blood, and what seems to be remains of a pair of jeans as what remained was a short-like cloth as her thighs were full of scratches and bruises. What made things worse was, the girl's earrings were two skulls, and both her bracelet and necklace were silver crosses. She had a delicate face with beautiful eyes, her body however was not very developed.

Seeing their current miserable states, Jin puffed a breath of smoke and greeted them with a kind smile that could be mistaken for a saint's.

"Hello, kids! So, how was your first experience into having a group hug with each other using metal? Gotta say that your current looks are rather nice."

"You almost killed us!"

Shouted Random Mob #1 while trying to bear the pain of his broken bones.

"Eh? I did?"

Putting up an 'innocent' surprised expression, Jin replied.

"As far as I know, I am a law-abiding driver how who was driving under the speed limit till a bunch of brats tried to pull a prank that they were not able to deal with its consequences.

Haven't you heard of that saying before? 'A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defense.', and I identify myself as a tree..."

He finished the sentence with a shrug as he watched the change in their expressions.

'Oh right, the people with identity crisis who say, 'I identify myself as' bullshit are not a thing now in 2010.'

Jin mused internally while thinking about useless things as one of the two guys who had yellow hair took out his phone and called someone.

"Big bro Yuan Ye, big sis TangTang was bullied. A guy crashed her car and now she is injured, hurry up and come quickly!"

The yellow-haired kid shouted , and gave Jin a mean smile, apparently judging Jin to be finished. Although the smile looked ugly as hell with his current appearance.

Yes, the girl that crashed earlier is TangTang, the only daughter of the MILF Tang Wan.

Hearing the guy on the phone, Jin finished his weed and took a pear from out of nowhere and started eating it. Remember kids to eat your pears after weed. A pear a day keeps the cops away.

[A few minutes later]

Jin slowly turned his head away, looking towards the several cars closing in rapidly. In a flash, three sports cars stopped in front of them. The leading car is the black model of this year's Audi R8.

Very quickly, coming out from the R8 was a handsome young man wearing a Versace shirt, sharp angular face, starry eyes with sword-like brows, upright posture, and a head full of short hair that gives the feeling of being energetic. He is approximately twenty years old, but he seemed very mature. The moment this young man named Yuan Ye stepped out of his car, four male bodyguards in black suits stuck to his back, tightly protecting him.

Seeing this scene, Jin's eyes gained some playfulness.

'This kid should be lil bro's cousin, huh? I wanna see his expression after knowing what I'm gonna do right now.'

When Yuan Ye saw the current state of TangTang, he hurriedly went over to check on her.

"TangTang are you alright?! Get in the car first you need to go to the hospital to check on your injuries!"

TangTang however didn't respond and kept staring at Jin. She felt as if she saw him somewhere but couldn't remember.

Yuan Ye didn't notice as he looked back to the injured kids and asked them again. The two henchmen are perhaps also considered rich family's young masters, but in the presence of this young man named Yuan Ye they turned extremely tame, so they quickly greeted their "Big bro Yuan Ye" and explained the dangerous scene to him.

Hearing the description of the scene from the two guys, Yuan Ye went pale with fright as TangTang almost died. Once Yuan Ye heard that TangTang nearly got killed by Jin's car, his eyebrows tightened together, as his initial gaze towards Jin gradually changed into cold anger.

"Don't worry TangTang , I will settle this matter."

Yuan Ye as before spoke to TangTang very warmly, but now made a "move" hand gesture to the four black clothed men. The four bodyguards neatly nodded, then moved forward together, and an imposing pressure instantly rose from them.

'Oh man, that's so sweet I want to puke… Fuck, that hormonal fuck is trying to score points in a time like this…'

Jin mused internally as he totally forgot about the fact that he also usually acts like one of those hormonal fucks.

Anyway, seeing the approaching bodyguards, Jin thought for a moment and nodded as he thought of the best method to end this 'fight'.

Putting his right hand behind his back, he made a pulling motion as a gun appeared in his hand. Without waiting for them to understand what happened, Jin shot eight rubber bullets into the kneecaps of the approaching bodyguards. Guess the bullet hurt a bit because he never knew that the human leg could bend the other way. Welp, the more you know.

Looking at the petrified faces of the kids and now Yuan Ye, Jin smiled a bit before he started talking with the gun pointed at Yuan Ye.

"So, what next? Are you going to tell me that you are the young master of the Yuan family and that you got the backing of the Yang family in Beijing?"

After a short little tremble, Yuan Ye continued to resolutely stand, his tone was no longer as domineering as before, but still just as resolute as he spoke

"I admit that I didn't expect that you would have a gun and shoot, but don't think I'll be afraid of you just because of that, I will definitely protect TangTang!"

'The fuck?!'

"Bruh(in Chinese)! I am literally pointing the gun towards you; the girl is like 10 meters away from your position! I know that sometimes fear makes people stupid, but at least try to use the remaining 2 neurons in your brain first when you try to score points with a chick!"


Jin shot a less impactful shot into Yuan Ye's little brother as the guy crouched while screaming and holding his donger.

"Big brother Yuan Ye!"

TangTang who was in daze till this point finally registered what happened as she ran quickly towards the crouching Yuan Ye and glared towards Jin.

Jin naturally shot her as well above her head in her wig as it caught fire.


She screamed as she threw the wig away before her hair caught fire just to hear another *bang* as the guy that called Yuan Ye earlier was lying on the ground holding his crotch as well.

Looking at his handywork with satisfaction, he then went to his car and had Sai call an ambulance for them before he gave them final words while roleplaying as an 'arrogant but benevolent young master' before leaving.

"You should thank your luck that I was the one you guys tried to pull this 'prank' on. If it was someone from a darker background, you may not even know how you died. Also, on behalf of the fact that I am in a pretty good mood, let me tell you some advice. Don't think too highly of yourself in the future, the phrase 'A man beyond a man, and a sky beyond a sky.' was not created blindly without a reason."

After saying this, he did a burnout with the car before driving away while giving them who were now chocking because of the smoke a middle finger from the driver window.

[A/N: - The following part is all about the conversation of Ruoxi and her father. If you guys know about it from the original book and don't want to read it again, then don't waste your time reading it. It's mostly for readers who didn't read the original book. The stuff wit h Link Kun will end with the next chapter regardless. Also, it's not big, just about 2.5k so not that much.]

____/Scene Change\____

[Meanwhile when Jin was on his way to Ruoxi's villa.]

Dragon Villa complex, unit number 89.

Inside the villa, Ruoxi wore a comfortable pajama as she sat on the sofa. Next to her was a beautiful lady in a casual attire. That was Mo Qianni who was introduced 2 chapters ago but most of us forgot about because of the lazy as fuck updates.

After finishing their work for the day, Mo Qianni decided to visit her best friend today. She hasn't visited her home for a while now, and she thought that they may need to have a good chat because of what happened in the office today.

After going back from work and taking a shower, she called Wang Ma and told her that she will be coming to visit.

After she went there and they both had dinner while chatting about random things, Qianni felt that the time was suitable enough for her to ask the question that she wanted to ask.

Just as she was about to speak, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Wang Ma, who was busy in the kitchen, dashed out while wiping her wet hands on her apron, and opened the door.

"Master, you've come…"

Hearing Wang Ma saying Master, Ruoxi's face suddenly became pale as she elegantly turned around to look at the middle-aged man walking into the house.

The mature man wore a dark blue shirt while giving off a refined aura with his well-shaved beard. The only way you could tell his age was by the wrinkles near his eyes, and the countless strands of white hair. One can clearly feel that he is Ruoxi's father from his appearance alone.

At the same moment Lin Kun entered from the door, his expression became extremely ugly. Glaring towards Ruoxi with hate-filled gaze. He was so angry that he didn't notice the sitting Qianni who frowned.


Ruoxi weakly called out. His arrival didn't garner much surprise. It was almost as if he was a stranger without any feelings.

"Father? In your eyes, do you even see me as one?! Without any warning, you just married some rogue. Do you even see me as a father?!"

Lin Kun coldly laughed as his roar caused the whole room to shake and echo.

Wang Ma, standing at the wrong place and time, was scared silly. Never would she have expected that her young Miss would marry someone without informing her father. Mo Qianni was also stunned as she didn't expect Ruoxi would go and marry suddenly without telling her.

Ruoxi's eyes began to turn red as tears started welling up inside. However, she still fought back.

"As I've said before, my marriage is my decision. So, what!? I would rather marry someone I love instead of some guy like Xu Zhihong!"

"You… Is this how you talk to your father?! Great, what a waste raising you up! Don't ever think that just because your grandmother gave you the company, I can't educate you on what to do! Don't forget, I still have 30% of the shares in the company. I am a major stockholder. Even more importantly, I am your biological father!"

Lin Kun sneered as he spoke with anger.

Ruoxi bit her lips and wept

"Father…. Ever since I was little, only mother and grandma were by my side. I never even caught a glimpse of your shadow back then. Furthermore, I don't like Xu Zhihong at all. You don't have to waste your time thinking about this."

"You don't like him? So what? It wouldn't have hurt you to be engaged to the next CEO of the Donghua Science & Technology Co. But now all this went down the drain because of your willfulness you damn slut!"

"Father! You…"

Ruoxi's complexion turned pale, as she could not believe that her father would actually call her a slut. Ruoxi's eyes grew dimmer as she was about to faint as she fell on the ground.

In the corner, Wang Ma was already in tears, but this was not her place for a servant to speak up. However, upon seeing Ruoxi on the ground crying, she quickly went up to help her stand up as she consoled her.

"Lin Kun, you're not a man! How can you treat your own daughter like this!"

Mo Qianni always had a staunch character, and at this time she finally had enough of staying silent and seeing her best friend and the kin of her benefactor being treated like this, and so she couldn't hold back from hurling abuses towards that man.

Lin Kun hysterically laughed, then looked towards Mo Qianni with a gaze full of lust.

"You, wild girl, I've long been irritated by the sight of you, once this matter is settled, I will properly teach you a lesson! If it wasn't for that old hag protecting you in the past, I would have thrown you to the bed and done you several hundred times! Who do you think you are?! You're merely a bitch raised by our Lin family!"

"You're shameless! Despicable! Asshole!"

Mo Qianni's face was flushed with anger.

"Dad, it was Xu Zhihong that had you come here, right?"

Ruoxi who regained a bit of her bearing calmly looked at Lin Kun, and lightly asked.

Lin Kun's face revealed malevolence, and he glared at her with even more hatred.

"I wish that's the case! Young Master Xu called me and said that he is not interested in this marriage any more after knowing about your marriage! He even said that I should stop mentioning the topic in front of him again and now I lost all the support from the Xu family because of you!

This is all of your fault! I guess Young Master Xu didn't want to wear someone's old shoes! You are as much of a slut as your dead mother!"

Hearing Lin Kun's shout, Ruoxi's eyes kept shedding tears as Wang Ma kept consoling her.


Ruoxi mournfully called out, with pain in her eyes.

"Dad, don't you know you are just being used by the Xu family? You are helping Xu Zhihong create trouble for me! Dad... Please sober up a little! Xu Zhihong is totally different from who you think he is!"

"Nonsense!! You little slut! Don't pretend to have good intentions, don't think that just because you call me 'Dad' that I will believe that an unfilial woman like you is kind! If you really wanted the best for me from the bottom of your heart, then at that time you shouldn't have snatched away everything that belonged to me!! I should be the legitimate successor of Yu Lei!! If it wasn't for you playing tricks, why did that dead old woman suddenly change her will, and hand Yu Lei International to a 20-year-old little baby!"

Ruoxi's legs staggered, if she wasn't supported by Wang Ma and Qianni, she would've fallen long ago. Her complexion turned increasingly pale and helpless.

"Dad... How can you think this way...? She is my grandmother, your mother..."

"Then how should I think!? I wanted you to marry Young Master Xu, yet you refused many times! Isn't it just because you're afraid that after marriage the position of Yu Lei's CEO will change owners!? Otherwise, based on Young Master Xu's qualifications, why would a slut like you who fakes being noble and virtuous refuse, huh!?"

Lin Kun's rage turned into laughter

"Ahahahaha! I hit the mark, didn't I? do you feel so ashamed that you want to kill yourself!??"

Ruoxi could only feel her head spinning, even breathing had become difficult for her, it was if her heart was being submerged in lava. Sparkling tears kept flowing out of her eyes like water from a dam burst and fell onto the ground.

At that moment, the always cool and noble queen-like lady couldn't help but cry, she even cried with such grievance. Ruoxi covered her face with her hands as she sobbed, and the sobs drowned the words she spoke. Qianni who came to support her friend almost burst into tears looking at the state of her best friend. She wanted to do something to help Ruoxi, but she knew that this is something that she can't intervene in. She could only look towards the man who made her best friend become like this with hatred and fury.

"When Mom left this world, you didn't even come home to take a look because of a lover you had outside... When Grandma left this world, you waited for her to enter the coffin before you made your appearance, and only asked about matters of inheritance... From my memories, other than living a life of debauchery outside, and asking Grandma for money, you basically showed no interest in the company's matters... How can Grandma feel at ease leaving the company to you...?"

In pain, Lin Ruoxi looked at Lin Kun, bit her lip and spoke.

"Dad, do you not understand what you're doing!?"

Lin Kun's face looked sinister as he coldly spoke.

"I did all that because they forced me to! If it wasn't for those two women who ought to have died long ago holding me back, would I need to lower my head and beg them for money!? There was obviously so many company shares, why did I only receive such a small amount of money!? I am the family's only man, shouldn't I be the one calling the shots!? A slut like you only knows how to find excuses! Excuses! Excuses!!!"

Then suddenly from the door of the villa, several men entered. Leading them was a brutish and huge figure. He filled the door frame with just his body, blocking out all sunlight. He had dark skin, large eyes, and thick brows, while his moustache was slightly gray. There were a bunch of unknown characters tattooed on his left cheek in a line, which looked like Sanskrit. He wore a short-sleeved leather coat and a pair of boxing gloves modified with steel nails. There were also two chains of machine-gun bullets hung in front of his chest.

More terrifyingly, a portion of the front of the gatling gun he was carrying on his back could be seen! This type of heavy gatling gun could deliver up to 6 thousand bullets rounds a minute. This is several times more than a regular machine gun!

When this gun is fully reloaded, it carried a weight of over 30 kilograms. Due to its overwhelming recoil and power, it was often equipped on helicopters for a large-scale, ground-level sweep! When an area was targeted by these guns, there are no living organisms in that area who would be able to survive this rain of bullets.

Following him there stood more than ten people, each dressed in a different manner. They all appeared suddenly at the courtyard, as if they had fallen from the sky. All of them were armed, massive guys. All of them had guns in their hands, while some had additional knives around their waist. They all looked unwavering, while their gazes were extremely sharp.

"Mr. Lin, is this why you hired us? Didn't you say that there is someone proficient with guns and backed by some gang from the underworld here?"

Using English with a Vietnamese accent to ask this question, the huge man who appears to be the leader spoke.

"Mr. Delon, he was supposed to be here. He is staying with that slut here."

Lin Kun said with hatred as he pointed towards Ruoxi.

The guy called Delon held no expressions on his face.

"Mr. Lin, I have to say that it's truly not worth your money to hire us. If it's just to handle one man from some local gang, just one of my subordinates will suffice."

The other robust men revealed prideful smiles, clearly approving of their boss' evaluation.

Lin Kun gritted his teeth and spoke.

"No, Mr. Delon, after I'm done with this brat and attain the shares that should belong to me from that slut, the money I'm giving to you isn't anything at all!"

That said, his face revealed some crazed greed as he looked at Ruoxi.

Fact was that these years of extravagance had already led Lin Kun's original 30% of shares to decrease to less than 1%. Constantly selling his shares to other shareholders(namely Jin who secretly bought them) gradually led him to death's door. This time he sold all of the shares he had left, just to go all in on this by hiring this team of mercenaries.

Ruoxi fearlessly stared back at Lin Kun, as if she didn't feel any emotion. She then spoke indifferently.

"Lin Kun, you truly disappoint me."

Ruoxi finally realized that this man had already gone past the point of no return, and directly addressed him by his name, Lin Kun instead of addressing him as her father.

Ruoxi internally however was frightened. She was praying so hard that Jin doesn't come back so he can be safe. She was the one that dragged him into this mess, and she didn't want to harm him like this because of her father's greed. She knew that just by looking at these men who looked like mercenaries from abroad, that they were coming for blood and not just help Lin Kun take the shares back.

Making up her mind, Ruoxi then looked at them as she spoke with a resigned but firm tone.

"I will transfer the shares to you as long as you promise to leave here."

Hearing what Ruoxi said, Lin Kun had a vicious smile on his face as he spoke.

"Hehehe, you want to protect your little white face? Not happening! We are not leaving tonight until I show you how he will be swimming in a pool of his blood as you hand over "MY" shares of the company!"

He then ignored the despair on Ruoxi's face when he looked towards Mo Qianni as his smile became lewd.

"And you, wait till I finish, and I'll play with you all night! Mr. Delon, if you please."

After the man heard his employer, he ushered towards his men as they came forward and surrounded Wang Ma, Ruoxi, and Qianni. They then brought out ropes as they tied them to chairs that were in living room while putting pieces of cloths in their mouths, so they don't scream.

Sitting there and waiting for a while, the mercenary team were bored, but they didn't complain. They were paid for this job and even though they are not doing anything right now, they already got the money.

Lin Kun however was getting impatient as he waited for a while and the guy that threw a wrench into his plans didn't appear. Just as he was about to force Ruoxi to call him here, he heard the walkie-talkie of the leaders beeping as a voice speaking with English came out of it.

"Boss, there is a fast sports car heading towards us here."

It was the scout that was left on the roof of the villa.

"Get ready, men!"

As the leaders shouted, just before they moved, they heard a roaring a voice before an explosion occurred.




[A/N: - I always wanted to act like a douchebag and end long chapters with cliffhangers.

By the way, my overall rating of this chapter that it's shit to be honest lol.]

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