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7.59% Autumn / Chapter 6: Week 3 - pt 2

Capítulo 6: Week 3 - pt 2

20th September

Connor and Dan met Autumn on the bridge. ‘So you get up okay?’


He dropped his arm over her and they walked away heading for school. ‘If you have any problems today just let me know.’


‘Wow you’re almost five minutes early second day too.’

‘Button it Jae or I will.’

‘Gee Con what’s eating you this morning?’


The bell rang.

They all walked into the school saying their good byes. Connor kissed Autumn softly. ‘I’ll see you at break babe.’


‘Later Dan.’


He walked away Autumn looked at Daniel.

‘Wha, what I do?’

‘You told him didn’t you?’

‘What about?’


‘No I said I wouldn’t.’

‘So what’s wrong with him?

‘I duknow, I swear I didn’t tell him nought.’

They both sat down.

They walked out of the class after lesson. ‘So what lesson have you got next?’


‘Well I guess I’ll see you later.’


He parted her company she walked down the corridor into her lesson. Stenton looked up at her and tapped the empty seat next to him. She swallowed walking over to him sitting next to him. ‘Grimston wants us to work together, he recons I’m lagging you don’t mind do you?’

‘No it’s fine.’

He smiled. ‘So about Saturday?’

‘I’m sorry I can’t I’m meeting Dan’

‘He boning you too?’

She glared at him. ‘We have an assignment to do.’

‘Sure you do.’

‘We do.’ She said angrily.

‘Right class settle down.’

Stenton smiled at her as the teacher began the lesson.

The bell rang they all packed up pulling themselves up . Mr. Grimsotn walked over to them. ‘Did Mr. Stenton tell you that I paired you?’

‘Yeah he did.’

‘I think his grades can improve with a little help. I took a look at your grades from your previous school they’re quiet impressive. With someone like you helping him it might give him a shove in the right direction.’

‘I doubt it.’ She muttered.

‘What did you say Miss. Cleveland?’

‘Nothing just that I’ll try my best.’

‘Good. I’d like you to start with his home work it’s a little sloppy.’

‘Yeah sure.’

‘I’ll see you two next lesson no fooling around Mr. Stenton.’

‘I won’t sir.’

‘Good you may go.’


They walked out of the class room. ‘So I guess that you will be available to come to mine Saturday?’

‘I can’t I have to help Dan.’

‘Sunday then.’

‘By the lake.

‘Don’t you trust me?’

‘Not really no.’

‘About ten suit you?’

‘Yeah that’s fine.’

He smiled. ‘I best let you go and have that fag. I guess you’ll be needing one.’

‘I guess I will.’

‘Later red.’

‘Yeah later.’

He walked away she walked up to the smoking corner lighting a cigarette. ‘There you are I’ve been looking all over for you.’

She almost dropped her cigarette. ‘Shit Con.’

‘You okay babe?’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Don’t look it.’

‘I have to put up with Stenton.’

‘Grimston pair you?’

‘If that’s what you call it, he wants me to help him get his grades up. Fat chance of that when he’s only interested in one thing.’

‘I told you.’

‘He insists I help him Sunday.’

‘So we’re not meeting up?’

‘We can afterwards. God knows how long it’s going to take.’

‘A while knowing Stenton.’

‘I’m sorry Con.’

‘It’s okay.’ He sighed.

‘Where’s the guys?’

‘Not sure they were here guess thy got board of waiting.’

The bell rang they numbed out their cigarettes walking away to their next lesson.

Connor and Autumn met their friends for lunch. ‘So did Con find you?’

‘Yeah Grimston cornered me and Stenton.’

‘What you do?’


‘What Stenton do?’

‘Nought. He wanted me to help Stenton get his grades up.’

They chocked. Laughing.

‘What’s so funny guys?’ Dan asked sitting down.

‘Autumn helping Stenton get better grades.’

‘You can’t help him Autumn his un-help able.’

‘I have to try or he’ll fail.’

‘He’ll jump on you.’

‘He best not.’

They all looked at Connor. ‘If he does I’ll break his balls.’

‘Unless Autumn does first.’ Jae laughed.

‘Is he really that bad?’

‘Worse. He’s only interested in one thing and it ain’t learning.’

‘With him it’s how many girls he can bone.’


‘It’s the truth.’

They all pulled themselves up walking out side having a cigarette before registration going into their final two lessons.

Connor sat by Autumn. ‘You okay babe?’

‘Yeah. I just don’t think me helping Stenton is such a good idea.’

‘I’ll talk to him okay.’


Autumn and Connor walked down the corridor to their last class. ‘I’ll meet you by he gates okay.’


He pecked her cheek walking away she went into lesson.

Connor looked at Stenton. ‘You best keep your hands to yourself when Autumn’s helping you.’

‘So she told you?’

‘She did. So be warned.’

‘I won’t touch her Con you have my word.’


Autumn sat by Ashby. ‘You okay Autumn?’


‘Ignore us about Stenton okay it’s just gossip. I’m sure you’ll be fine.’

She looked at him hoping she would.

The bell rang and they all walked out of lesson Connor dropped his arm round Autumns’ shoulders. ‘So are we ready to go?’

‘We are.’

They all walked away heading home the friends saying goodbye. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow okay about six.’


‘Then Sunday same time. You’ll need it with Stenton.’

‘And I don’t with Dan?’

‘You’ll need more with Stenton believe me. I’ll see you tomorrow night babe.’

‘Night Con.’

He pecked her on the cheek.

21st September

Autumn sat by the lake smoking. Dan overshadowed her. ‘Your mom said you were

out here. I thought we were doing it at yours?’

She looked up at him. ‘I needed time out.’

‘Sure.’ He said sitting next to her. ‘So your mom bugging you?’

‘Yeah, too many questions.’

‘What about?’

‘All of you.’

‘Oh..’ He said looking at her. ‘What you say to her?’

‘We’re all friends and I was helping you out with your school work.’

‘Well you ain’t lying.’

‘She don’t get why all my friends are boys and not girls.’

‘Why’s that red?

‘I don’t know. I just felt more connected with you guys. You didn’t look at me as if I didn’t belong, an out cast or a predator but as an equal.’

‘You’re not a predictor Autumn or an outcast.’

‘They seem to think I am. If looks could kill they would.’

‘Ignore them red okay they’re all whores anyway.’

‘So you’ve had them all?’

‘No, a few yes they’re easy. Too easy if you ask me at least with you what you see is what you get. Not a face full of slap and a skirt up your ass trying to be someone you’re not.’

She looked at him.

‘Look red you’re a one of a few that ain’t so far up their own ass that you can’t see past the shit, they’re all for themselves. Trust me they think that they’re something they’re not, pretty and perfect is what guys see. Guys like Stenton don’t see past the pretty face, tits and fanny cause that’s all they are.’

‘And me what am I ?’

‘A challenge.’ He looked at her. Her eyes looked so lost in his. His eyes sparkled in the sun. ‘You’re an angel red guys like Stenton will take advantage of that just to bed you. Guys like me and Con like a challenge unlike Stenton who will get board and move on to the next fix. Not me and Con you’re stuck with us.’ He smiled.

‘We best get started.’


They pulled out their books, paper, pens and pencils starting their assignment.

He looked at Autumn. ‘We best get this finished tomorrow it’s given me a head ache,’

‘I can’t I have to meet Stenton then Con.’

‘I’m sure you can squeeze me in, can’t you?’

‘I guess.’

He smiled moving forward, she began to back away his lips hit hers kissing her. She looked at him. ‘I thought you weren’t like Stenton.’

‘I’m not. If I was I’d be on top of you right now.’

She looked at him nervously.

‘It’s okay red even if I wanted to I wouldn’t. I have respect for you even if Con and Stenton don’t.’

‘Con does.’

‘Well Stenton certainly don’t.’

‘Con will be here soon.’

‘I guess that’s my que to leave.’

‘I guess.’

He shoved his belongings in his ruck sack. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow after lunch okay.’


He kissed her quickly pulling himself up. ‘Tomorrow red.’ He said throwing his rucksack over his shoulder.


He walked away as she lit a cigarette.

Connor sat down wrapping his arms round her kissing her cheek. ‘So was that Dan.’

‘It was.’

‘So did yo get much done?’

‘No I’m seeing him tomorrow to finish it off.’

‘So we still on for six then.’


He smiled kissing her softly. He took the cigarette off her smoking it doubting it out. ‘We can go into town for a pizza or something tomorrow if you like.’

‘That’ll be nice.’

They sat by the lake watching the sun go down.

‘I best go Con it’s getting late.’

‘I’ll walk you.’


Thy pulled themselves up he took her hand and they walked away from the lake and over the bridge. He looked at her. ‘Maybe next weekend it will just be the two of us.’

‘That would be nice.’

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily. He moved away. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Night Con.’

He walked away as she closed the door behind her.

22nd September

Autumn lay on the grass by he lake, it was a hot day which made a change for

September as it was usually raining. She closed her eyes listening to her music. ‘Your mom said you’d be out here.’

She opened her eyes. She reflected in his glasses.‘Taylor.’

He smiled. ‘What’s wrong with your mom anyway? She’s in a major bad mood.’

‘Maybe it’s your face.’

He frowned at her.

‘Joke gee Taylor she has to go into work it’s supposed to be her day off.’

‘So we’re all alone.’


He leaned forward.

‘I’m going now Autumn.’


‘No funny business.’

‘There won’t be.’

‘Bye Autumn, Taylor.’

‘Bye mom.’

‘Bye Mrs. Cleveland.’

The door closed.

‘Now where were we? About here.’ He said moving closer pressing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily, his hand gliding up her body on to her breast.

She suddenly pulled away.

‘What’s up babe?’

‘I can’t.’

‘Why not? Your mom’s out.’

‘The neighbours.’

‘Fuck’em Autumn.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily with tongue. Touching her.

The cold touch of his lips woke her. His brown eyes illuminated darkly in hers. ‘Good dream red?’

‘Get off me!’

He backed away. ‘I’m sorry I tried to wake you.’

‘So you thought that you’d just get on top of me instead?’

‘No. I thought a kiss would wake you up and it did.’

She pulled herself up.

‘So your dream was it good?’

‘I guess. Can we just get on with this.’


They pulled out their books. She grew more and more angry as the hours went by. Maybe the guys were right. ‘Can we take a break.’


She lit a cigarette.

‘Have I done something to offend you red?’

‘Do you ever take anything in? Or are you incapable of anything? But what you are hoping to gain out of it?’

‘And what’s that?’

‘A screw.’ She said angrily.

He looked at her shocked he’d been trying. ‘ I’m sorry red okay, school just bores me. I try to learn but I just don’t get it.’

‘Try harder or you’ll never get anywhere in life or achieve anything.’

‘You sound like my dad.’

‘Well you won’t, you don’t want to fail do you?’

‘No but.’

‘We’ll start to listen instead of thinking with your dick.’

‘I am and I’m not. I like you red. I’ll try harder. I can’t afford to flunk my olds will kill me especially my dad. He has high expectations for me.’

‘What are your expectations Stenton?’

‘Just to get through.’

‘They have to be more than that.’

‘I don’t know what I want red. I just want to get through these last two years then decide.’

‘Well were nearly finished.’


‘I’m sorry Stenton I’m trying.’

‘I know. I’ll try harder. I promise.’ He said smiling.

They continued till they finally finished their homework. He looked at her. ‘So can I take you for a shake?’

‘I’m sorry I can’t I’m meeting Dan.’

‘Maybe another time then.’


‘I’ll see you at school red.’

‘Okay.’He leaned forward pressing his lips on hers kissing her. ‘Thanks red.’ He moved closer.

‘Ain’t you got a home to go to Stenton?’

He looked up. ‘Dan.’


He looked at Autumn. ‘I’ll see you at school red.’


He pulled himself up, him and Dan cutting eyes at one another. He walked away. ‘So did you get anything done or was he trying to fuck you?’

‘Yes we did when he finally started to listen and concentrate. He’s so hard to work with.’

‘We tried to warn you red.’

‘I know, but he would’ve never have got it done without help.’

‘So.’ He coughed. ‘Are we gonna finish this.’

‘We are,’

He sat down and they got their assignment out continuing to finish it.

Dan looked at her. ‘So can I get you a shake as a thanks.’

‘Maybe another time Con’s taking me for a pizza.’

‘I’ll hold you to that.’ He looked at her. ‘So what time’s Con coming?’

She looked at her watch. ‘Any time now.’

‘I best be going then.’ He leaned forward his lips touching hers, kissing her. He moved away. ‘I best be going.’ He said pulling himself up picking his rucksack up.


‘Later red.’

‘Yeah later.’

He walked away as she sat waiting for Connor. Connor walked over the bridge, walking over to Autumn. ‘So Dan gone?’


‘Did he and Stenton behave?’


‘Good..So are you ready for this pizza? I’m starving.’

‘Yeah me too.’

He smiled taking her hand pulling her to her feet. They walked away heading for the pizzeria in town. ‘So how’s it go with Stenton?’

‘It almost didn’t.’

‘So the rumours are true?’

‘I guess it just don’t seem to sink in. He needs more help than I can give him.’

‘You should tell Grimston.’

‘I will.’

‘So you and Dan finish your assignment?’

‘We did.’

‘So can we hang together alone next weekend?’


He smiled as the pizzas and shakes were placed down on the table. ‘Thanks.’ They chimed.

The waitress smiled walking away.

They after their pizza, having their shakes. Connor placed the money on the tray with the bill. He took her hand in his walking out of the pizzeria. ‘I enjoyed that.’

‘Me too I’m stuffed.’

‘Me too, but I can think of more things I’d like to stuff.’


He pushed her up against the wall kissing her hungrily.

His hands glided up her legs on to her breast. Kissing her harder and harder. ‘I love you Autumn when you turn fifteen I want to share everything with you. I want us to be more than we already are now. I want sex with you.’ He said continuing to kiss her.

Connor pulled away her eyes glazed. ‘You okay babe?’


He snapped his fingers. ‘Babe.’

She looked at him. ‘Sorry I..’

‘It’s okay. What were you thinking about?’

‘Nothing I’m sorry.’

‘It’s cool come on.’ He dropped his arm over her shoulders. And they walked away.

They stood on the bridge over the river. He stood behind her his arms wrapped round her, looking over her shoulder. ‘I really like you Autumn.’

‘I know.’

‘We could always be more than what we are now.’

‘I can’t Con. Not right now.’

‘Why not? What are you scared of?’

‘Loosing you.’

‘You won’t I promise. We’re friends Autumn and we will always be no matter what you decide, or what happens between us. I’ll always be there for you.’ He said kissing her cheek.

She wished she could give him more, but what if he hated her and turned his back on her when he found out he truth?

The watched the sun go down. ‘I’ll meet you tomorrow.’


He kissed her softly.

‘Night babe.’

‘Night Con.’

He turned walking away,

‘Hey red.’

She turned. ‘Stenton.’

‘I thought you’d be back hours ago.’

‘Me and Con went for a pizza.’

‘I was going to take you for that shake.’

‘I’ve already had one.’

‘Maybe another time red just to say thanks.’


He smiled. ‘Well it’s getting late no doubt your mom will be expecting you back.’

‘Yeah she will.’

‘So we’ll go soon okay I’ll let you know when red.’ He said walking away.

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