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6.32% Autumn / Chapter 5: Week 3 - pt 1

Capítulo 5: Week 3 - pt 1

16th September

Connor and Daniel met Autumn by the bridge . ‘So are we ready to go?’

‘We are.’

Connor dropped his arm over Autumn and they walked away from the bridge heading for school.

Ashby, Harry and James stood, waiting by the gates.

‘What time do you call this?’ James asked tapping his watch, smiling.

Connor scoured at him.

‘Come on guys we’ll be late.’

‘Nought new aye Con, Dan?’

‘Kiss it.’


‘Come on guys.’

The bell rang and they all walked into the high school going into registration. Connor, Daniel and Autumn walked down the corridor. ‘I’ll see you second lesson babe.’ He said kissing her cheek.

‘Late Autumn.’

‘Later guys.’

Autumn walked into lesson as Con and Daniel continued down he corridor to their first lesson.

She sat down , Stenton looked over at her he hadn’t forgot about his run in with Connor and he wasn’t about to let her forget either. He caught her eye pointing and her, him then outside. She swallowed.

‘Right class lets settle down and begin.

The bell rang for the end of the lesson the tutor let them out roe by row which pissed Stenton right off being as Autumn’s row was the first which meant he had to catch up to her before she got to far in front of him to do so. ‘Hey red.’ He shouted.

She turned , he pushed her up against the wall. ‘What is it Stenton? I have class.’

‘It can wait.’

‘What do you want?’

‘How dare you get Con on to me.’

‘I didn’t.’

‘I ain’t scared of him red. Just cause everyone else around here is don’t mean to say I am.’ He said angrily.

She looked nerved at him.

‘If you had a problem with me don’t tell your boyfriend tell me.’

‘He’s not my boyfriend.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away, she’d gone.

‘Red.’ He said running after her.

Tears fell of her face. He caught up with her. ‘Gee red I only kissed you. Most girls give me a slap never known one run off before.’

She looked at him through her smudged eyes.

‘You okay red?’ He asked placing his hand on her face.

‘I’m sorry I can’t.’

‘You tell Con that too?’

‘Yes I did,’

‘But he’s still hanging.’

‘He’s my friend.’

‘Look I’m sorry red okay. I can’t help been attracted to you. You’re a hot chick I’m just like Con, Dan and all the others. They want the same thing too.’

‘No they don’t.’

‘Pull the other one red.’

‘They don’t.’

‘Con will have your balls strung up.’

His hand dropped off her face looking up directly at Daniel ‘Dan.’

‘Shouldn’t you be in class?’

‘Shouldn’t you?’

‘Mr. Stenton, Mr. Harrison and Miss Cleveland back to class.’

They all walked away heading back inside to their lesson.

‘You okay babe.’

‘Yeah I’m fine.’

Daniel and Autumn met Connor and their friends for lunch.

‘Where were you two at break.’

‘The heads office.’

‘How come?’

‘Bitch thought we were wagging. We were ten minutes late if it weren’t for Stenton.’

‘What’s Stenton got to do with this?’





‘I said nothing.’

‘He tried it on daint he?’ Connor asked angrily.

She looked at Connor.

‘He’s dead. I fucking warned him.’

‘Don’t Con. I just want friends not enemies. I don’t need the back lash off you loosing your cool’

‘I’ll do more than lose my cool.’

‘Please Con.’

‘Fine.’ He said vexed.

They all ate in silence feeling the friction in the air. They all had a cigarette before the bell rang for the end of lunch. They all went to registration. Connor kissed her softly. ‘I’ll meet you after okay.’


‘Later red.’


She walked away as Connor and Daniel walked down the. Opposite corridor to lesson. Stenton soothed up the corridor, heading their way. His back hit the wall. ‘Con, Dan.’

‘What did I say?’

‘Don’t know, can’t remember.’

‘Stay away from Autumn.’

‘You told him didn’t you?’



‘She didn’t tell me either. I guessed, we all know you Stenton. Your cock is bigger than your brain.’

‘She ain’t with anyone.’

‘She’s with me.’

‘Ain’t what she said.’

Connor’s eye’s glazed. ‘She’s with me. I saw her first so you can just stay the fuck away and find yourself a slut. There’s plenty.’ He loosed Stenton. ‘And this is between us, so no going running to Autumn are we clear cause if you do and if find out I will hunt you down.’ He said turning walking away.

Connor and Daniel walked on down the corridor.

‘So do you think he’ll tell her?’


Connor and Daniel met Autumn and their friends outside the gates at the end of school, he place his arm round her and they all walked away.

17th September

Connor jogged away from Autumn . She soothed down the corridor to the office

where Mathew Harding was waiting for her, impatiently. ‘We’re late this morning.’

‘Sorry damn alarm daint go off.’


‘Sorry Matt sour face collared me.’

‘It’s fine come in.’

She walked in he closed the door behind her. ‘Take a seat.’

She soothed over to he softer collapsing on it.

He walked over sitting down. ‘So did you have a good weekend?’

‘Yeh I went out with Con and our friends we went to the cinema and a bite to eat.’

‘Getting close aren’t we?’

‘Not really no.’

He coughed. ‘So moving swiftly on. Tell me a little more about your school in the Netherlands, then your previous school.’

‘Okay.’ She swallowed, she just wanted to forget.

‘So what was your school like in the Netherlands?’


‘Did you like it there?’

‘Yeah I had a lot of friends.’

‘I bet they were sad that you had to leave.’

‘Yeah they was. I kept in contact with them, till.. ‘ She stopped.

‘It’s okay take your time.’

She looked at him unsure that she could go on. He quickly turned it around changing the question. ‘You said your mom and dad are divorced.’

‘Yeah. He found himself a whore and mom found out.’

He looked at her.

‘Sorry but she was. She had to be for breaking up a family.’

‘You can’t just blame her Autumn.’

‘I don’t . I blame him too, he could’ve kept it in.’

‘You’re still angry?’

‘Damn right I am. He threw away over twenty years of marriage for a skirt no older than you.’


‘I hate him okay, they split up and split me and my brother up when we didn’t want to be. I haven’t spoken to him in four years and I’m not supposed to be pissed about it?’ She said angrily.

‘I’m sorry Autumn.’

‘Why it’s not your fault, I had a great life over there. I had great friends and a great brother then they had to go and ruin it all.’

‘So, I take it was messy. ’

‘Yeah and unfair. Just cause he had to go to college then do his degree he had to stay over there. Why couldn’t he come here and do it?’

‘I don’t know Autumn, have you tried asking your mom.’

‘She doesn’t want to talk about it.’

‘She’ll have to one day Autumn, maybe when you leave or go to college and you decide that you want to find him. She’ll have to talk about what really happened.’

‘I know.’

The bell rang.

‘We’ll finish this Thursday okay.’


They pulled themselves up, he opened the door. ‘Thursday.’

She nodded walking away. Connor slipped his arm around her. ‘So did you get in shit for being late?’

‘Not really.’

‘You really need to fix that alarm.’

‘I know.’

‘Come on let’s get to class.’

They walked down the corridor to their next lesson. ‘Well I’ll see you at break.’


He kissed her cheek.

She went in to class he went into his, they all met at break.

‘So where were you this morning it’s usually Con that’s late.’

‘Yeh not the both of you having a quickie?’

They kicked James. ‘Owe.’

‘I already told you.’

‘Yeah what ever.’

‘It’s the truth Jay Gee. I waited for her. I told Dan to get to school it didn’t need both of us getting in detention.’

‘So did you get in shit.’

‘Yeah we did we had isolation.’

‘Bet that pleased your tutor.’

‘Not really no.’

‘You should get a new alarm Autumn.’

The bell rang and they doubted their cigarettes out.

They went into their final lesson before lunch, they all ate together having a cigarette before registration. Autumn and Daniel said goodbye to Connor going into class sitting down. ‘Give me your number and I’ll make sure you’re up.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Con has it don’t he?’

‘Yeah and his time keeping is as bad as yours.’

‘No worse than yours. Come on red.’


He smiled. ‘You’re okay with this aren’t you red?’

‘Yeah why shouldn’t I be?’

‘Saturday, Con.’

‘What about Con? We’re just friends.’

‘Nothing he just acts like the over protective boyfriend.’

‘Right class settle down.’

Daniel smiled as they began.

The bell rang the class packed their belongings away. ‘So are we cool to sit next to one another in lesson?’

‘Yeah sure.’

He smiled. ‘Come on guys are waiting.’

They walked out of class Connor wrapped his arm around her looking at Dan. ‘So did he behave himself?’



‘Come on the others will be waiting.’

They met their friends outside the gates walking home saying their goodbyes.

18th September

Connor and Daniel met Autumn by the bridge walking to school.

‘Well at least you’re on time this morning.’


‘Con wake you up, or did both of them?’

Ashby and Harry kicked him. ‘Owe.’

‘No we didn’t.’

The bell rang.

‘Come on.’

They all walked into their tutor groups for registration. Connor kissed Autumn before their lesson.

Autumn sat down, Stenton sat next to her. ‘You okay red?’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah. I need a new alarm, everywhere was sold out.’

‘I’ll be your alarm and wake you.’ He smiled.

‘No thanks.’

His smile faded this girl was hard work, though she wasn’t like the other girls he knew most of them had had their cherry popped, the others were to tight to get close to. He was surprised he still had any balls left. ‘So what are you doing this week end red?’

‘Dunknow why?’

‘You could always come to mine.’


‘Right class settle down.’

He smiled at her. She just looked at him.

The bell rang, they all packed their stuff up.walking out of the class room.

‘Can I walk with you to your next lesson red’

‘I guess.’

He smiled. ‘You never answered my question. This Saturday mine what do you say’

‘I’m sorry I can’t.’

‘Why not?’

She stared a him.

‘I won’t jump on you. I promise.’

‘I’m busy.’

‘Washing your hair!’ He cracked.

‘Something like that.’

‘Don’t you ever bite back?

‘It’s a bad day Stenton.’

‘It always is.’

‘I’ll catch you later Stenton.’


She turned walking into her next class. Harry looked up and smiled, calling her over. She soothed over to him sitting down. ‘What’s up Autumn? You look vexed.’


‘You sure?’

‘Yeah I’m fine.’

He looked at her no quiet convinced.


The two friends walked out of lesson. ‘So are you really okay?’

‘I’m fine just drop it.’ She said angrily.

‘Chill Autumn.’

‘Sorry bad day.’

He smiled as they walked over to their friends. Having a cigarette.

‘You okay babe? You seem a little tense.’

‘I’m fine. I just wish people would stop asking.’

‘Gee chill babe.’

‘She was like it in lesson too.’

‘Who was in the first lesson with you?’


‘What did he say?’



‘Nought. Just drop it.’

The bell rang they doubted their cigarettes out. Walking away.

‘I’ll see you at lunch okay.’


Autumn went into her next lesson sitting down looking out of her window. Wishing the guys round here would just leave her the hell alone and get in with it.

‘You okay Miss. Cleveland?’

‘Yeah sorry.’

The bell rang and she met up with Connor and the others for lunch. Having a cigarette before their final last two lessons.

Daniel sat next to her. ‘You were okay with me calling you this morning weren’t you?’

‘Yeah why?’

‘And Con?’

‘He rang to.’

‘So the alarm on your phone?’

‘It’s not loud enough.’

He coughed. ‘So what was really wrong with you at break red? We all know Stenton.’

‘Nothing he.’

He looked at her. ‘Yes.’

‘Just asked me to go round his Saturday.’

‘Tell him you’re going out with me.’

She looked at him, he smiled.

‘Right class settle down.’

The bell rang, they all pulled themselves up.

‘Don’t tell Con Dan he will flip.’

‘I won’t, but my offer still stands.’

‘I don’t know Dan, Con.’

‘We’re friends.’

‘I know..’

‘Miss Cleveland, Mr Harrison.’


‘I’d like to two to pair for this assignment. Your grades are slipping Mr Harrison so I’d like Miss Cleveland to help you to get them back up.’


‘Is that okay with you Miss Cleveland?’

‘Yes Sir.’

‘Good you my go.’

Daniel smiled as they walked away. ‘So Saturday it is.’

‘I guess.’

‘I’ll be good red, I promise.’

Connor dropped his arm over her kissing her cheek. ‘You okay babe?’


‘So what’s with the face?’

‘Simmons paired us he seems to think I need help.’


‘You don’t mind do you?’

‘Not at all.’

‘Good cause I’m gonna need Autumn a few hours this weekend.’


They all walked down the corridor meeting their friends at the gates and they all walked home.

‘I’ll see you two tomorrow.’

‘Later Dan.’

‘Yeah later.’

Dan walked away. Autumn looked at Connor. ‘Are you sure that you’re okay with me and Dan doing our work together.’

‘I guess.’

‘We’ll meet up after.’

He smiled.

He leaned forward. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow okay.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.

He moved away. ‘Night babe.’

‘Yeah later Con.’

She walked away as he turned walking away from her.

19th September

Connor and Daniel met Autumn by the bridge. ‘So you managed to get up today?’


He dropped his arm over her and they walked away heading for school where they met there friends. ‘If you have any problems today just let me know okay.’


‘Well worlds best and you have five minutes let till the bell.’

‘Button it Jay.’

‘Gee Con what’s eating you?’


The bell rang.

‘Come on let’s get this crap day over and done with.’

They all walked in saying their see ya laters.

‘So have you got Harding this morning?’


‘I guess I’ll see you at break.’


Connor kissed Autumn softly. ‘I’ll see you at break.’


‘Later red.’

‘Yeah later.’

They went into their registration, she walked away. Mathew Harding stood by the door waiting. ‘On time, impressive.’

‘Don’t even go there.’

‘No alarm?’

‘It’s called my mom.’

‘Oh right step in.’

She slid passed him. he closed the door. ‘Please take a seat Autumn.’

She dropped to the sofa he walked over sitting in the arm chair. ‘So did your mom used to get you up for school?’

‘Till I went to high school then it was called an alarm clock.’

He glared at her and her wise crack. ‘So did you get a new one?’

‘Mom’s ordered a new one just have to wait for it.’

‘So I guess that you were never late for school?’

‘No not until..’ She paused.

‘It’s okay Autumn we don’t have to talk about this until you’re ready. Well just pick up where we left off and once you’re ready to talk about it we will okay.’


He smiled. ‘So did you enjoy the school you were in when you lived in the Netherlands?’

‘Yeah it was three schools in one. It ran through from the infants through to high school. Though they all stood opposite from one another. They were both combined. I grew up with my friends and my big brother, he always took care of me making sure I didn’t get in any trouble and that I never got bullied. He used to walk me home. I told him he needn’t bother, but he insisted. My friends thought he was hot and sweet, they wished they had a brother like mine.’

‘So he was an all round popular guy?’

‘I wouldn’t go that far. Everyone looked up to him, no one got on the wrong side of him he was the best big brother you could ever wish for. Pity I had to leave him behind.’

‘I guess he’ll be finishing Uni soon?’

‘A couple of years time.’

‘Did he ever tell you what he wanted to do next?’

Winter looked at her, his eyes like ice a light blue colour, his hair a very light blond he placed the necklace in her hand closing it around it. ‘I would’ve waited til your birthday, but you wont be here. It has a photo of me in it so you can look at it if you get home sick. It will remind you of me.’

She flung her arms round him. ‘Thanks I’m going to miss you Winter.’

‘I’m going to miss you too sparky. Promise me one thing.’

‘Sure what?’

‘Don’t loose your spark it’s what makes you you.’

‘I won’t.’

‘Don’t forget me.’

‘I won’t.’

‘I’ll come and find you when Uni’s over.’



‘Earth to Autumn.’ Mathew said clicking his fingers.

She shuck her head.’ I’m sorry I..’

‘It’s fine Autumn.’ He looked at her. ‘So did he tell you what his plans were once he left Uni?’


The bell rang.

‘We’ll continue this Tuesday okay.’


She pulled herself up. Mathew opened the door. ‘I’ll see you Thursday.’


She walked away. ‘Hey red wait up.’

He caught up with her out of breath. ‘Gee you walk fast.’

‘What is it Stenton? I’m gonna be late.’

‘Can we meet Saturday for a shake?’

‘I can’t I’m meeting Con. Sorry.’

‘Come on red,’

‘I’ve really got to go.’

‘Sure,’ He said slothing away.

She went into her next lesson sitting down looking out the window she missed Winter. She hoped it wouldn’t be long until she saws him again,

The bell rang and they all went out for break. She lit a cigarette. ‘Hey red.’

She looked up. ‘Dan.’

‘No Con?’

‘Not yet no.’

‘You okay red?’ He asked lighting a cigarette.

‘Yeah fine why?’

‘Just Harding won’t take it easy on you like Grayson does.’

‘No I’m fine.’

Connor kissed her cheek. ‘Where’s the guys?’

‘We’re here.’

They all lit their cigarettes Autumn smoked in silence as the others talked.

The bell rang.

‘Come on babe.’




‘Time to go.’

‘Oh okay.’

They all walked away heading for the last lesson before lunch.

‘You okay Autumn you seem to be miles away.’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Later guys.’


Connor and Autumn went into their lesson he looked at her every now and then during the lesson she seemed awfully quiet and a million miles away today. The bell rang and they all left the room. ‘You okay Autumn? You look like you have something in your mind.’

‘I’m fine Con. Can we just go and get something to eat.’

‘Yeah sure.’

They met up with their friends having lunch and a cigarette before registration and the last two lessons of the day. Daniel sat next to Autumn who still seemed to be a million miles away. ‘You okay red?’

‘Yeah I’m fine.’

‘No you’re not you’ve been like this all day . Like you’re in your own world what’s on your mind red and don’t say nothing’


‘You can tell me.’

‘You ain’t my shrink Dan.’

‘Please red.’

‘I miss him Dan.’


‘My brother.’

‘Oh I.’

‘Right class settle down and we’ll begin.’

‘We’ll talk about this later okay.’

‘Okay.’ She replied, she really didn’t want to talk about it.

The class dragged till the bell rang. They all put their belongings away heading out of class. Connor placed his arm round her kissing her on the cheek. ‘How are you now babe? You seemed a little distracted at break and lunch,’

‘I’m fine.’

They all walked out of the high school walking home.

‘I’ll see you later Dan.’

‘Sure Con, red.’


He walked away Connor looked at Autumn. ‘Are you sure that you’re okay babe.’

‘I’m fine. I’m just finding it hard to talk about the past that’s all.’

‘You will for a while, it will get better.’


‘When you’re ready to put all your demons behind you.’

‘Have you?’

‘Most of them, but not all of them.’


‘Shall I walk you home?’

‘No I’m fine Con you go. I need time alone to think before I head home.’


He kissed her softly walking away. She sat by he lake lighting a cigarette thinking of how everything in her life had gone so wrong.

‘May I?’

She looked up. Daniel smiled. ‘Sure.’

He sat next to her. ‘So are you still thinking about your brother?’


‘How old is he red?’

‘Twenty two.’

‘So, why isn’t he here with you?’

‘My parents thought it was for the best for him to finish college and do his degree.’

‘He could’ve done it here.’

‘That’s what he said. They wouldn’t hear of it. It was so unfair Dan we were so close now we’re just so far away.’

‘Do you think you’ll ever see him again?’

She looked at him. ‘I lied to Harding.’


‘I told him I didn’t know what Winters’ plans were when he finished Uni.’

‘And at a guess you do.’

‘He told me he was coming out here to find me.’

‘Do you think he will?’

‘Winter always keeps his word Dan. He’s never let me down before. Ever.’

‘So we’ll all get to meet him?’


‘Is he like you?’

She pulled out her necklace opening it. ‘That’s winter.’ She said showing him the photo. ‘Everyone liked him, my friends wished their brothers were like him. I think I only saw them as much as I did cause of him.’ She said closing the locket.

‘He’s different than you red. It sounds like you were both popular.’

‘I guess.’

‘You have good friends now red. When he comes to see you he’ll see that too.’ He kissed her on the cheek. ‘I’ll leave you to it okay mom’s cooking and if I’m not back for supper she’ll hang me by the balls.’ He cracked, smiling.


He pulled himself up. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow red.’

‘Bye Dan.’

He walked away as she lit another cigarette, smoking.

She doubted it out as the sun went down, she pulled herself up walking away.

She closed the door behind her. ‘And where do you think you’ve been till this hour? School finished hours ago.’

‘By the lake talking to Dan.’

‘Till now?’


‘What’s so important that you can’t talk to me?!’ She asked angrily.

‘Cause you won’t want to talk about it.’

‘About what?’


‘I told you never to talk about him.’

‘Why not? He’s my brother, he should’ve been here with me not with that sperm bank!’ She said angrily.’


‘Well he was. He daint care about us when he done what he done. Me and Winter shouldn’t have had to pay for his mistakes.’

‘He had to finish his course then do Uni.’

‘He could’ve done it here.’

‘No he couldn’t.’

‘Why not? Just cause you two couldn’t stand how close we were. He could take better care of me than you.’

‘Get to your room young lady.’

‘I intend to.’ Autumn said angrily storming up the stairs slamming her bedroom door behind her, falling to the bed tears rolling down her face turning cold as they hit the pillow.

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