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33.07% Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction) / Chapter 84: CHAPTER 84(Expedition Planning)

Capítulo 84: CHAPTER 84(Expedition Planning)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)




Sitting in Hephaestus's office, Yang and Tsubaki can be seen preparing for their upcoming meeting. Well at least the women were preparing by reading papers, Yang was much more interested in reading the booklet containing the information he provided to the guild.

Wearing black pants with his casual sneakers, a white shirt that showed off his well-defined muscles, and a jacket tossed over it, he reads through the booklet as the women crunch numbers for the meeting.

"How'd you even get the guild to keep this anonymous?" He asks while turning to the final few pages, one of which includes the gold dragon he recently fought, even crediting him in the text.

"I told them unless they want me to double all my prices that they'd best not snoop around..." the goddess mutters while writing down some information pertaining to the expedition.


"Yeah, she can be a scary goddess when she wants to, having a firm hold on the equipment market in Orario gives more influence than most would realize, don't have to be the strongest combat familia to run shit, after all, strong people rarely know how to actually use the items they collect..." Tsubaki explains.

"Hmm, conquerors think of soldiers, rulers think of logistics..." Yang mutters as he continues reading his booklet.

"Saying from your world?" Hephaestus asks.

"Yeah, maybe Genghis Khan or Julius Caesar, not sure..." he murmurs a response.

"Alright, I think we've got everything ready, have you decided how you'll approach the Udeaus problem? He'll be spawning the day before the expedition after all..." the goddess says.

"Hmmm, what do they usually do, send an advanced party or something right?" Yang asks.

"Nope, normally the first-class adventurers just handle it on the way, all part of the adventure, either way, it'd be an issue for you right?" Tsubaki asks.

"Yeah, I'm in no real rush after my last level up honestly, I've got a lot on my plate as is, and learning how to use a switchaxe would just be another thing, six elements plus controlling my magic plus armed and unarmed combat plus my chaos mark plus my stupid adrenaline ability... it's becoming a bit much," he says with a deep sigh earning a look of pity from both women.

"Yeah, Thalie told me about your sparring match, that ability is gonna be an issue..." Tsubaki adds.

"Was it that bad?" Hephaestus asks, clear concern in her voice.

"Had to use potions and her arms were still numb, the worse part is he was so into it she had to call out a few times to get through to him," Tsubaki adds.

"Hmmm, yeah that's a serious problem, we can't have you running wild like that. You're a bit much for all but a few people to contend with." Hephaestus says with a grim expression.

"Yeah, my skills are starting to be a hindrance rather than a boon."

"As long as nobody knows about this we should be fine, rather you not have people peek at your new falna considering whatever the hell Orcus did to it. I locked your falna as best I could, Status Snitch won't be able to show it anymore so you'll have to either overload it to force an update or come to me. Thalie is still investigating what made Orcus issue the challenge." Hephaestus says.

"Hmm, you really think the challenge was meant for me?"

"It's likely, him leaving evidence that the mark was meant for you was a hint that something's off. His whole existence is the embodiment of chaos, not in the sense of destruction like mortals believe, in the sense of freedom to do whatever he wants and not be controlled, even if his hands were tied he's the kind to be petty and leave a hint like that..." the goddess says while neatly organizing the papers into a stack.

"You gods really do use us like chess pieces huh," Yang sighs while storing Hephaestus's documents into his inventory.

"We can use all but one that's been enveloped in primordial chaos," Hephaestus says with a smirk as they all begin to exit the room.

---Orario, Twilight Manor(Loki Familia Home)...

Standing outside the castle that hoses the Loki Familia, Hephaestus, Tsubaki, and Yang wait for their escort as the guard walks inside to inform Loki of their arrival.

Both women tried their best not to glare at Yang or give him a side-eye. Standing beside them he casually eats from a large bowl of ice cream, the heat of the midday sun doesn't even bother him, not that it would be enough of an excuse to buy desert on the way to such a high-value meeting.

"Can't you at least pretend as if you care about this?" Tsubaki asks through gritted teeth.

"Mhm, I am..." he says while putting more of the chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

"This is why I get worried every time you level up, you're still so childish..." Hephaestus mutters as she sees Tiona approaching them.

"Never asked to be expedition leader anyway to be fair, you should've known I don't like responsibility," he admits with a shrug.

"Heya everyone, Ms. Hephaestus!" Tiona cheerfully greets the trio while giving an enthusiastic wave.

"Sup Tiona," Yang says with a nod.

"How you doing Tiona," Tsubaki greets with a smile.

"Good day Tiona," Hephaestus says in a formal tone.

"Alright, just follow me, everyone is already waiting!" She announces while directing the guests into the castle.

The walk to Loki's meeting room was, awkward, to say the very least.

Yang was expecting more hostility and harsh glares, but everyone seems to just treat him with indifference. He expected grudges over Elfy dying but they seemed to be, over it?

Occasionally he'd feel some stares, either from his record or killing Elfy he's unsure, but nobody caused a problem for them as they arrive in front of the door.

"Most of the executives were invited so it's a pretty full room..." Tiona says while walking into the room, allowing them to follow a step behind her.

Walking into the room behind the smiths, Yang continues eating his ice cream as all eyes fall onto him, all the executives aside from Lefiya are present, either standing or sitting on the couches and single seats, leaving one empty couch for his familia to occupy.

After exchanging some casual greetings, he finds himself at one end of the couch with Hephaestus seated between him and Tsubaki.

"Looking hot Pha-Tan!" Loki says excitedly as she gazes at Hephaestus's chest.

"Goddess, can we please not get distracted," Finn groans at the actions of his goddess.

"Agreed, let's do as Braver says and get to the meeting shall we," Hephaestus says while placing a hand in front of Yang.

Wordlessly he places a hand above hers and withdraws the documents he's been carrying into her grasp.

"Thank you Yang, now, what exactly do you plan to achieve on this expedition Finn?" Hephaestus asks, directing her gaze to the blonde Pallum.

"We've had trouble getting past the 39th floor safe zone, since the new monsters we've been burning through much of our supplies to get down that far, going beyond the safe zone is becoming more and more difficult. With some of your high smiths to maintain our equipment while at the safe zone, reaching further beyond shouldn't be as much of an issue, and having TWO first-class adventurers added to our team while we journey out will certainly be a boon for us."

"So you need smiths, and battle power from Yang and Tsubaki?" Hephaestus asks with a raised brow.

"We believe that versatility and a capable smith will allow our team to reach further than we can at our familiarity with the new monster," Riveria says.

"Some of my smiths won't be able to go considering how long the last expedition we were hired for lasted, I'd rather not send them for a month in the dungeon if they don't want to go. I can have 12 second-class adventurers sent with you, all capable smiths." Hephaestus says as she slides the papers to Finn, a stack of profiles involving levels and smithing feats.

As Finn looks over the papers, Yang can't help but feel a pair of eyes staring at him. Looking up from his desert he sees Tiona staring at his ice cream, casually stretching his arm out he offers her some, only for Tione to harshly nudge her with her elbow to keep the younger amazon in line.

Shrugging he returns to finishing his desert, storing the bowl into his inventory just in time for Finn to start talking, already done reviewing the profiles.

"They all look accomplished in one way or another, the prices you suggest for materials and equipment, however, are a bit much..." Finn says with a frown, Hephaestus familia has the best equipment but tends to also have the highest prices.

"Well you're welcome to go dungeon crawling to lower the prices by providing raw material, the cost for having my familia accompany you however will not be lowered, it would likely have to raise slightly if you want to borrow my strongest members in your vanguard force," Hephaestus says.

"Not me actually, just Tsubaki, I won't be joining your team to go beyond the safe zone Finn," Yang's first contribution to the meeting is said with no real emotion.

'Hmm, guess he is holding a grudge...' all the Loki familia members thought after hearing his words.

"If this is about me reading y---" Riveria begins to apologize before being cut off.

"No, this has nothing to do with that. You did what was in the best interest of your familia, just as I will always do what's in the best interest of mine," Yang says as he gives her a hollow stare, a statement that they hadn't really expected from the young man. All but a direct threat toward them.

His words earning some glares and strange looks from the other adventurers in the room, until Tsubaki speaks up to break the tension, "Play nice Yang..."

"I literally can't accompany you even if I wanted to Finn, between needing to practice controlling my magic and none of you being used to how I fight, it's a disaster waiting to happen," he says with a shrug.

"You're worried you'll hurt us, who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" Bete growls out at Yang.

"I think I'm talking to collateral damage, unless you can deal with a walking inferno always nearby, it's best I play it safe," he replies with a shrug.

"Hmm, that changes what equipment we'll be carrying past the safe zone then, but with you defending camp then we can take more level 4s with us for support," Finn says as he thinks of the changes this causes.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be training at the camp mostly, I'll make a nice compound for your expedition forces to bunker down in when I head down there so you should arrive to a nice spot ready," Yang says.

"You plan to head down ahead of us?" Gareth asks.

"Yeah, got something to collect down there, I'd just be in your way if I went with you," Yang shrugs.

"Would you like some help?"

Surprising everyone, Ais was the next to speak up, offering help no less.

"Hmm, no I don't work well in big groups, sorry princess."

"Hmmm, alright," she says with a cute pout as she stares down at her lap.

"I think Ais has a point, if you're heading down the secure the campsite for us the least we can do is send someone with you..." Finn speaks up.

"Uh-huh, you know I should be fine Finn, if you're so concerned with seeing how my team works and maybe getting a glimpse of why I level up so fast, I'll take Riveria, healing magic is pretty useful to cut costs," Yang says with a shrug.

A tense minute of silence overtakes the room, Hephaestus casts a glance over at Loki who seemed just as surprised as her.

"I suppose I could have been more subtle than that huh, well I can't afford to send Riveria with you so I'll have to just hope to see you in action myself when we're down there," Finn confesses.

"Hmm, if you aren't going past the 39th floor, will just Welf be enough, I may have something for Thalie to look into while you're gone," Hephaestus says, this news opening a new opportunity for her.

"Yeah, we've got this, can make it a guys trip," Yang says.

"I should warn you then Yang, if you're going to be spending this much time in camp, not everyone has been able to look past the Orcus challenge," Finn says, the mood immediately drops in the room as everyone remembers the final battle. "Knowing that she entered at her own risk into a deathmatch and putting emotions aside are difficult things to do. Some of our familia members are still unable to emotionally process it..."

"So, guess that's why one executive is missing huh," Yang says, alluding to the missing elf.

"Yeah, Lefiya is... processing at her own pace," Tiona says in a soft voice.

"Hmm, yeah that makes sense, guy she likes puts a hole in her best friend's skull. Can't really hold it against her rules or not," he says with a shrug.

"You don't seem all the worried about it though..." Tione states, casting a scrutinizing eye over Yang.

"Because I'm not," he says with a raised brow, "Why should I be, I'm not gonna apologize for surviving a deathmatch, especially when she attack me first, plus I got my memories back during that fight, I've got bigger goals than women on my mind now, I'll go through anyone in my way," Yang says with a devious grin.


Hephaestus gives him a tap on the head.

"Don't go around talking like that, it sends a bad image even if it's true. At least pretend to be a gentleman," she chides him.

"Fine fine, not my fault I like to get to the point," Yang whines as he leans back in his seat.

And so the meeting continued, for two hours they moved numbers around. The Loki familia making many concessions for the sake of Hephaestus's armaments and smiths. Yang finally understood the value of someone like Welf on his team.

When Finn got to talking about transport, Yang visibly winced at the number of crates they had to transport down to the lower floors.

"So that's why expeditions are so hard huh, supply trains are impossible to flawlessly execute because you have to depend on weaker adventures to move the materials and supplies..." Yang mutters as he looks over some of the papers as Hephaestus reads them.

"Exactly why magic like yours is so invaluable, having supplies out of harm's way and not slowing down your forces allows faster and more intense combat without losses," Tione says.

"Hmm, alright, have the stuff you don't need during the actual journey ready beforehand and I'll come and store as much as I can before heading down. That'll ease the load on your adventurers, and also don't pack that much of this..." he says while pointing at their water supply, barrels of water.

"Water?" Ais asks.

"Yeah, I'm the Elementalist and I'll be at camp, you'll have water, trust me. My team doesn't really pack anything more than one waterskin each because I can always just refill them," he admits with a shrug.

"Mannn that's so convenient!" Tiona whines as she thinks about how useful storage magic would be.

"Mhm, I recommend giving me your heaviest crates to carry, my magic ignores mass, it only accounts for volume..." he says while handing the paper to Hephaestus.

"Hmm, you certainly are useful kid, and you're actually catching up to us," Bete says as he looks at Yang.

"Awe Bete, you really think you're still ahead of me," Yang teases with a cocky grin.

As the words leave his mouth, all the Loki Familia executives whip their heads over and stare at him.

"Don't go getting cocky just cause you rushed to level up brat..." Bete growls out.

"Bete..." Finn says, keeping the werewolf in check.

"If you wanna see how far I've come, I could use a new sparring partner that can take some serious hits, if we've got downtime feel free to come and challenge me," Yang challenges with a shrug.

"Yang, please don't go poking other familias just for your training..." Hephaestus orders.

"Fine fine, jeez ruin my fun..." Yang grumbles out.

"I dunno Hephaestus, if anyone can handle fighting him it's the people in this room..." Tsubaki says.

"I'd like to fight you,"

Everyone's gaze is turned onto Ais as her statement rings out.

"Anytime princess..." Yang says, confidence radiating off him.

"Let's get back on track please," Riveria says, trying to steer the meeting back on topic.

After another half hour of discussion, Hephaestus familia prepares to leave Twilight Manor, only for Riveria to ask to speak with Yang.

"So how can I help you?" Yang asks with a bored expression, currently in Riveria's office standing near the door with her.

"I'd like you to speak with Lefiya, whenever you're ready. She's having conflicting feelings about what she witnessed. I know it's not really your fault but I'd be grateful if you'd help her." Riveria pleaded, still keeping her stoic demeanor

Looking at the woman before him, Yang knew this was unavoidable, never being one to beat around the bush he decides to tear the bandaid off.

"Alright, take me to her now, let's get this over with..." he says while opening the door and exiting the room.

Moments later the duo arrives in front of Lefiya's door. A new private room she moved to after her roommate was killed.

"Alright, she should be awa---" Riveria's words are cut off as Yang quickly enters the room, no knocking at all.

Taking a moment he turns back toward the older elf, "If she knows it's me she'd never open it herself," before closing the door in Riveria's face, leaving the elf with a rare scowl.

Entering the room, Yang is greeted by a stunned Lefiya, staring at him with her mouth agape as if she just saw a ghost. Her face stuck between sadness and anger, tears forming in her eyes as if asking for permission to flow.

"The last person you expected right?" Yang asks, trying to break the ice.

"W-why, why you?" She stutters out.

Closing the distance between them, the girl's gaze drops to the floor as he stands more than a head taller than her.

"Because I'm the only one that can tell you it's ok to hate me, that's why you're so broken up, right?"


"Killed your best friend, put my fist through her skull and charred her entire body, then dropped her onto the arena floor like a worthless pile of meat, and I don't even feel bad about it..."

As his words reach her, Lefiya balls her fists, gripping onto the fabric of her dress with all her might as tears fall to the floor.

"The guy you liked killed your best friend and you don't know how to feel, well I don't care how you feel. Go ahead and hate me all you want, but just make up your mind and stop wallowing in between your feelings."

Before she can even consider his words properly, Yang is already out the door, not giving her a moment to respond.

Walking outside he is immediately faced with a conflicted Riveria. He silently begins walking to exit the manor as she falls into step beside him.

"That was cruel..." she says in a low voice, still unsure of how to feel.

"She was trapped between hating the guy she liked or looking past it. I made the choice for her, besides I already told you I have a new goal that can't afford distractions, I'd just break her heart if I got her to forgive me and proceed to ignore her afterward..." he says in a bored voice.

"Hmm, that's very thoughtful of you, but you're ok with her hating you?"

"It doesn't affect me, she has no real power in any way to hold against me," he says with a shrug.

"I'm glad you made the choice for her... but I don't believe it would be right to thank you..." Riveria says, not sure how to proceed.

As they approach the front gate where Tsubaki and Hephaestus are waiting for him, Yang gives her a quiet response.

"You don't need to thank me. Like I said I really don't care what you guys think, just go hug your daughter, the guy she liked killed her friend and broke her heart..." he says, a hint of sadness leaking through in his voice. Just enough for the experienced Elf to recognize.

As he walks away Riveria watches his back, musing over her own thoughts for a moment.

'He's definitely not the kind child we first met, but he still cares enough to accept her hating him. Such a strange boy... strange man.'

Her thoughts reflect on how much has changed since first meeting him, a startling difference from the naive child and the more mature man, as abrasive and blunt as he may be.

"I'm not her mom..." she mutters under her breath while walking away to console her 'daughter'.


keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yang really doesn't care for formalities, eats ice cream during a board meeting essentially.

---Finn tried to be sneaky but our boy isn't naive anymore :)

---Some closure on him and Lefiya here, he chose to just cut it out rather than deal with women.

---No Riveria doesn't like him like that.

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