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84.61% Tales and Dreams, A Journey / Chapter 11: Japan again

Capítulo 11: Japan again

"Yaaa~ Brother~ Come sleep with me~" slurred Amelia sleepily as she stumbled around while her two friends are giving her a hand to keep her from falling over.

"Yes, yes. Be a good girl. Go to sleep. I'll be with you soon." said Alma simply as he brought his sister to her room to sleep. After settling Amelia down into the bed, he turned to look at her two friends with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"I understand that Amelia is a messy sleeper but even that seems to be too much. Which one of you sneaked some alcohol for Amelia to drink? You know she is very weak to them." asked Alma with a stern look at May and Madi.

"Yes. We will be more careful next time." apologised May with a soft voice with a tiny smile on her face.

"We'll make sure it won't happen again." reassured Madi with a face full of confidence and a smugness.

Seeing that the two girls are just looking away with a mischievous look on their faces, clearly not sorry for what they did in any way. Alma could only just give out a sigh with a small smile at their close friendship. After warning them from trying to do it again, he chased the two off to their room to go to sleep for the night.

After a lively night, the girls who had tons of fun finally started to get sleepy. After all of their antics, the trio finally went to bed with a happy and silly smile. After sending the three girls to bed, Alma also went back to his room.


Sitting down on his chair, Alma let out a tired sigh as he looked through his books and records of his various knowledge and memories.


"How much do I remember this time? The places I have been to... the names of the people I have met... the things I did..." muttered Alma with his eyebrows scrunched together.

It would seem he has forgotten quite an amount. After going through whatever he had managed to record. Alma noticed that this is not the first time he had lost his memories.

Looking inside at his soul's core, Alma remembered his <Promise> that had appeared which brought him back from death. It seems that after his soul's core has revealed itself to him, he is now able to remember more things related to it.

'As long as my will and determination are strong enough, I will not fall before my time is up.' muttered Alma inwardly as his soul's core informed him about <Promise>.

[Story: A Promise of a Lifetime.

With the strength of your soul and your determined will, overcome any difficulties to accomplish your goal.

There seems to be more than meets the eye regarding this fragment.

This story seems to be inherited.

(Insufficient qualification to learn more.)

Effect: Soul Bind, Promised Fate.]

Thinking about its effects, Alma was able to infer, from the small amount of information from his soul's core, that [Soul Bind] was to ensure that if he were to perish unexpectedly, it would bind his soul to this world and ensure that he would return to the right place while the [Promised Fate] ensures he would always remember what he had promised.

Closing his eyes, Alma realised that he should have experienced its effects multiple times before. Why did he not die due to a backlash from the cancer tumours and side-effects from the various treatments and medicine? It seems it was due to this that he continued to live.


Giving out a sigh of gratitude, Alma thanked whoever is responsible for letting him gain this unique ability. Releasing the tension from his shoulders and body, Alma finally relaxed himself knowing that everything is going fine and fell asleep for the day.

The trio of girls enjoyed spending their time together for the holidays. Bringing along Alma as their guardian, they went around enjoying the sights around the town. Enjoying various snacks such as cinnamon rolls and enjoying a relaxing weekend at the park. Very soon, the holidays are over and the girls had to go back to school. After bidding their goodbyes, they went back happily with a smile.


A car can be seen driving on the road. The trio of girls could be seen chatting with each other as they enjoyed the journey. Madi could be seen teasing Amelia while May is the one who is driving the car.

As May was driving, she thought about their holiday week staying over at Amelia's place and about Amelia's brother. There always seem to be some disconnection when he was speaking with anyone. This is because everyone living around the town seems to know Amelia's brother really well but Alma could be seen talking with them with a confused look on his face. Though that did not stop him from having a friendly and lively conversation.

"Hey, Amelia. I didn't really ask this before but... is your brother facing any problems? You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it." asked May as she wondered about the peculiarities of Amelia's brother.

"Well, it's alright. I have already accepted it after such a long time. He has some mental issues causing him memory loss from time to time." replied Amelia with a soft smile as she began to tell her two close friends about her brother.

"Well, I don't think that is so bad right?" wondered Madi as she scratched her head after listening to Amelia's story.

"He also has brain cancer that is inoperable. With the doctor's diagnosis and my brother's medical knowledge, it is determined that he won't live past 30 years old." continued Amelia after hearing Madi.

"I... I'm sorry for bringing up some unpleasant memories Amelia." stuttered Madi after hearing that. Feeling sorry that she might have brought up some sad memories for Amelia.

"It's alright May. Thanks for your feelings too, Madi. But I am ok. I already had a feeling when I was younger. I know that these times won't last forever." reassured Amelia as she gave Madi a hug.

"Amelia..." muttered Madi softly while feeling the hug.

"But I am happy with all the memories that we had made together. I am glad that my brother was able to stay by my side for so long and I am also happy to be able to introduce the people I love to my brother." said Amelia happily with a grateful smile.

"Aww, that's adorable." said Madi as she felt the warmth from Amelia's smile.

"Love!" shouted May upon noticing something else from what Amelia has just said.

"Ah! I.. I meant lovely friends! Yes! My lovely best female friends to my brother!" replied Amelia nervously as she shook her hands back and forth, trying to cover up what she had just said. Her eyes could be seen swirling around while her face started to blush.

"Girlfriends!!" gasp May with joy after hearing Amelia's slip of the tongue.

"Ah! May! Watch out! Look at the road! May!" shouted Madi after noticing May had lifted her hands from the steering wheel and was staring at Amelia with a very large grin.

The car could be seen driving unsteadily on the road as the antics of the three girls continued. And so, the trio of girls eventually made it back to school in one piece after a long and shaky journey.

Getting down from the car, Madi could be seen walking with shaky legs and complaining that May should not be driving the next time they go outside together. On the other hand, May could care less about Madi's opinions as she held Amelia in a tight hug while smiling in bliss.

"Awawawawa~" stuttered Amelia while blushing as her brain looks to have been turned to mush. She could be seen being dragged around by a very happy May as they entered their dorms.


After his sister and her friends have gone back to school, Alma spent a few weeks refamiliarizing himself with the neighbourhood and the various residents of the town. Refreshing his memories and reaffirming the friendship with everyone, Alma had a tiring but fulfilling time doing so.

After a tiring day of helping around with the neighbourhood's housewife association, no idea why he is still involved with them, Alma was finally released from their clutches.

Alma closed his eyes as he plopped down on his bed. Enjoying the soft bed, just as he was about to fall asleep, a beeping sound interrupted him. Rubbing his eyes slowly, he raised himself up from his bed and looked towards the source of the sound. His laptop is beeping as a notification flashed on its screen, indicating that something requires his attention.


Letting out a groan, Alma stretched his tired body as he moved towards his laptop. Looking through the various notifications, he noticed he had received an invitation and a call for help from Professor Watari. Glancing through the email, he noticed that it was about L calling for help to deal with an investigation regarding the Yotsuba Group's link with Kira.

Alma rubbed his forehead, feeling conflicted regarding the Kira investigation. On one hand, he had some vendetta regarding Kira for causing him some trouble and making him lose some of his memories, on the other, Alma has got to admit that Kira's action had increased the safety of the public by decreasing the number of criminals running around.

'To think about my sister's safety or to give in to my curiosity to investigate Kira. Such hard choices.' muttered Alma inwardly as he tapped his fingers on the table in thought.

After having recorded everything to note so far, his memories, and knowledge while understanding the precondition for the 'resurrection from the <Promise> from a few cases that he could find out from his records.

Alma decided that there isn't any downside to it, since he is getting close to 30 years old and that there isn't anything much more important other than remembering his sister, which he is sure he won't forget, and the loss of other memories are deemed acceptable since he could always just learn them again.

'Hmm... alright. Let's go. I want to see what had killed me, this so called 'Death' and Kira with my own eyes' decided Alma as he replied Professor Watari with his agreement in assisting their investigation. Professor Watari also stated that his accommodation and travel tickets will be covered by their side and that Alma should just prepare what he needs before setting out after giving them a heads up.

[A story has been involuntary invoked.

Story: Trouble Seeker

Can you not stay still for one goddamn moment! Why are you going to search for trouble! With great risks, comes great reward you say? In this case, if you don't die, you will live. Wow, obvious much? Go figure. Just don't die, forehead.

Effect: Trouble Magnet, Idiot's Survival Guide ]


As the investigation progressed, there has been some suspicion by L that Light Yagami is Kira. Trusting his instincts, L planned a face to face meeting with Light while disclosing his identity of who he is to Light. As they got closer to each other, L invited Light Yagami to join in on their investigation. Determined to use that as a chance to determine L's true identity, Light agreed.

As Light and L played a game of cat and mouse, a sudden incident brought them to a halt. Light Yagami's father, had a heart attack and had ended up in the hospital. Thinking that it was Kira, the two immediately went to the hospital to check up on Chief Yagami. Though this incident still did not decrease L's suspicion about Light being Kira.

Though their attention was soon diverted as a bunch of video clips were broadcast from a broadcast station detailing Kira's action if the police were to continue to go against him. It was later realised that this series of actions were not done by Kira but it was done ba a second Kira.

A chase soon began between the police forces and the real Kira. To gather evidence and capture the true Kira or to find the fake Kira and prevent the secret of the death note from coming into the light, the two forces began to make their move.

A trick was done by the police, impersonating the true Kira to make the fake Kira turn himself in since both L and Light deduced that the second Kira's intelligence is incomparable with the first Kira. This is because the second Kira had disclosed a few secrets regarding their ability to kill much to the ire of the true Kira. Thus, L came to know that about a few key points such as the 'God of Death' and the 'Eyes'.

Tricked by the video released by the police, the second Kira, who is a girl named Misa Amane, decided to take things into her own hands. After finding out the identity of the first Kira, who is Light Yagami, she decided to meet Light once before turning herself in.

Discovering the identity of the second Kira, Light Yagami then proceeds to trick her into working for him since she seemed to worship him very much and is willing to risk her life for him. Knowing that she, Misa Amane, took the deal with the shinigami and thus possessing the eyes of the shinigami that are able to see the names of the people by looking at their faces, Light began to plan to take advantage of her.

But his plans were dashed as Misa's shinigami, Rem, warned that he will kill Light even if he were to die if Light plans to hurt Misa. With the threat, Light had to change his plans while keeping an eye on Misa while preventing her from getting caught by the police.

L grew closer to Light while Misa continued to pester Light for a date. This caused some implications to appear as she had been sighted by one of L's investigator that is observing Light. Through this, L ordered an investigation regarding Misa Amane before she was arrested as the prime suspect for the second Kira.

Her shinigami, Rem, eventually made her forfeit her death note, causing her to forget everything about it. Rem then proceeded to find Light to make him save Misa. Light then decided to use the tricks regarding the ownership and forfeiture of the death note in his plans before turning himself in.

After telling L that he might be Kira, Light was then locked behind bars to prove that he is not Kira. Under observation, Misa and Light did nothing during the whole period under confinement. The deaths of criminals stopped for a period of two weeks before resuming even though both Light and Misa are still confined.

Light has forfeited his death note, causing him to forget about it. Thus, making himself put up a very real performance during his confinement. Light did so because he is confident in regaining the death note and his memories as long as he is a part of the investigation.

Following Light's plan, the shinigami Rem went to find someone to use the death note to redirect the attention of the police to prove that Light Yagami and Misa Amane is indeed innocent.

After close to two months of detention, L staged a final performance using Chief Yagami to ensure that both Light Yagami and Misa Amane are not acting and are in fact, not Kira. After passing the test, L decided to invite the two to join the investigation.

From the moment where L decided to take the investigation into his own hands, he had planned the construction of a building. It was a 23-floor high skyscraper with state of the art security measures and computer equipment. From this aspect, Watari was able to obtain some of them via the information network of Alma that he has access to.

The person that the shinigami Rem found to use the death note was someone that is part of the council of 8 members of the Yotsuba company group. Thus, the killings under the name of Kira resumed.

In October 2004, some clues have appeared that they managed to follow, leading them towards the Yotsuba group. Checking through the data, they came to the conclusion that Kira can kill people with more than just heart attacks.

The national public safety commission has forced the police to drop the Kira investigation. This is because the higher-ups are getting pressured by the government since politicians are dying due to the actions of the Kira in the Yotsuba group since they were offered to not be harmed if the police give up on the investigation. Thus, they have lost the support of the police following the situation.

Since they will be fired from the police if they continue the investigation, some of the remaining members decided to leave the investigation. L later then revealed that this was a test of his to determine who to trust his back to as the people who left the investigation were promised absolute financial support for life by him and Watari.

Soon, L decided that although Watari knows the financial circles and has a few contacts in that line of business, it dangerous for him to investigate alone if Kira is involved. After identifying that all the leads point towards the Yotsuba group, L decided that some help is needed to investigate them.

Thus, L then asked Watari to summon Aber, a con-artist, and Weddie, a professional burglar, for help. Additional helpers and outlaws that owed L a favour were also kept in reserve just in case more help was needed. While doing so, Watari, on his own judgement, decided to ask Alma for help as well. Three days later, they arrived.



Taking a deep breath, I could smell it. A smell, the kind of special smell. A special smell than smells... special.

'Oh who am I kidding, that is just the smell of burning rubber from the plane's wheels after a landing. No idea why I thought that taking a deep breath of the smell of burning rubber. Isn't the gas emitted by burning rubber poisonous? Am I not dying fast enough?' I joked inwardly as I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Wandering around the airport, I turned and flipped the travel brochure up-down and left-right. After a few minutes, I bumped into a friendly security guard. He told me the way to go and even accompanied me towards the parking spot to hail a taxi.

Such a nice guy. No idea why he had a face full of sympathy when looking at me though. I am most definitely not lost! I definitely remember how to read Japanese words! It's just that I don't feel like it currently, really!

"Anyway, taxi guy! Bring me here!" I said with a smile which the taxi guy replied by giving me a thumbs up with giving a shining smile. He then stepped on the gas and we went flying.

We didn't really go flying you know? He just drove with a very quick speed. His skills in handling the sharp turns and corners wowed me to no end. For a moment there, I thought I was part of the new 'Fast and Furious' movie.

'Though that experience was really nice though.'

I smiled at the thought while looking at the location sent by Watari about the meeting place. Thank god for the creation of GPS. I eventually managed to reach the indicated location.


I whistled as I stared at the huge skyscraper in front of me.

"Well, I guess this is the place." I said after double-checking with the location sent in the email.

Thinking about the investigation team, staying stuck in a room going through a bunch of reports and surveillance videos. I bet they are terribly stressed. How about giving those people a surprise? I gave off a very large grin at the thought.

Rubbing my chin, I sat on a nearby bench while thinking about what I should do.

"Hmm... hmm? Oh! That's it!" I exclaimed with smacked a fist on my palm at the ingenious idea that I just thought of.

Just be yourself! With my mental problems, I will surely give them a run for their money!

Staring at my reflection from a nearby glass of a cafe. A figure of a healthy young man with slightly long brown hair and hazel eyes could be seen. The figure could surely be considered a handsome man wherever he goes, but the image is spoiled if you could see the outfit of the young man.

The young man is wearing a pair of bright pink star-shaped frameless glasses, an orange-pineapple patterned Hawaiian shirt, white Bermuda shorts, a pair of sandals, an anime haori and headband combo, as well as holding a few bags filled with merchandises and snacks from Akihabara.

Giving myself a sloppy grin, I began to march confidently straight into the building where the headquarters of the Kira investigation is located. Thinking about their reaction after seeing me, I gave out a hearty laugh.


(Selectively Forgotten Memories - Japan Travel Log.)

'Hehehe! Hahaha!'

Last time I failed to explore Japan properly. Now, here I come! Akihabara! The heaven for weebs!

Man, Japan is really some high tech place, or maybe it is just Akihabara? their toilet bowl's have automated heating and they even have a washlet bidet! Hurrah to automated flushing! I no longer need to wipe or use my hands!

Walking down the streets of Tokyo, I exclaimed with surprise and awe.

Oh my! So many different types of the vending machine.

Hot corn soup? Dashi soup stock complete with a whole fish? Plush toys? Clothes? Gachapon? Soft drinks? Condoms? So much interesting things!

Huh, wait.. something is weird in one of them... Whoa!

'Even seafood! Crabs? How do they even do that? How do they even make sure it is fresh?' I thought inwardly as I crouched down to take a look at the crabs that are tied up in the vending machine.

'Won't it smell? Well, not my problem~' I let out a hum as I continued my sight-seeing journey.

Beer? Ah, finally. Something normal in a vending machine. Or is it? I don't really have much to compare with.

The streets of Japan are really clean and orderly huh? Though the office workers do fill up the streets when they are rushing to and from work. It still does have a nice feel overall.

'I heard that Akihabara started from a black market... will I be able to find some interesting things there then?' I wondered as I looked around the place. Seeing the various electronic signboards and electronic shops. I nodded as I felt that Akihabara was surely worthy of its name as the 'Electric Town'.

Now then, should I visit the place of pilgrimage for the many weebs of the world? I grinned as I rubbed my hands in anticipation.

Hahahaha! Maid Cafe! Idols! AKB48! Anime merch! Cosplay!

'Huh? What just happened to me? I felt that I blacked out for a while...' I mumbled to myself as I felt a weight in my hands. It seems that I have purchased quite an amount of souvenirs.

Huh? How did I end up in this outfit? Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts? My fashion sense isn't that bad right? At least I look passable.

'Oh! They have a limited edition event happening over there! What is it about? Cosplay? Sounds interesting!' I exclaimed inwardly as I walked towards the event.

What? Helping out old man Watari and L? Kira investigation? Is that more interesting than here?

Oh! They have a stage show by the new up and coming Idols at noon! Let's go and check out the beauties of Japan!


With his attention diverted, Alma managed to observe the history of maid cafes and Idol culture in Japan. He purchased a multitude of souvenirs for his sister and whoever else he could remember. Wandering around Tokyo with a happy smile, the stress that Alma is unknowingly holding is released and he felt more relaxed than ever.

Visiting the Kanda Myojin Shrine, which dates back nearly 1300 years, and some legit Japanese food such as sushi really enhanced Alma's travel experience.

Eventually, Alma still made it in time for the meeting time stipulated by Watari for the Kira investigation. Though not without a dastardly amount of detours. Not that Alma is complaining.

LevisLKP LevisLKP

I'm getting busier due to projects. I'll try to upload at least one chapter per week. I'm sorry and thank you for your understanding and support.

If there is any mistake in grammar, please tell me. Thank you for reading.

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