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72.97% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 27: I Finally Completed My Gundam!!

Capítulo 27: I Finally Completed My Gundam!!

(My bad on the 'short' chapter)

As soon as Kira stepped out of the portal, he noticed he was on a 100-meter wide bridge. The bridge was about as high as the nearby mountain and on the ground was filled with nothing but a sea of red fire flowing endlessly.

The sky is filled with dark clouds with the only source of light is the fire below it though the entire was tinted in the color of red due to the flames.

He concentrated forward and even though the distance looked like a few kilometers away, he could make out a typical giant castle at the very end of it and he did notice something flying around it like a bunch of bats in the air.

He curiously looked behind him and saw that the bridge looked endless from where he was standing.

As he turned back his head, he suddenly brought out his black scythe and swung at his blind spot then immediately a sound of something being cut rang out as it harmlessly passed at his sides.

He looked at the thing he cut and saw it was a grey-colored humanoid creature with horns, claws, wings, and a tail with its whole body, split cleanly in the middle.

Concentrating on the creature's name, he saw its name was colored in blue.

Demon Guard.

As he focused on it, its soul started coming out of it though he noticed it was pure black like Vaga's meaning he could awaken it though before he could, he instinctively turned around and swung his scythe again.


He looked at the thing he killed and saw it was the exact replica of the thing he just killed though after a few more seconds its soul started to come out as well and now he was a bit surprised to see it was black as well just like the first one he killed.

He felt something weird about this whole dungeon though he didn't have the time to dwell on it when he saw there were more of these things all around him, a lot more.

In a matter of seconds, he was surrounded by these creatures as he noticed that they are like the first ones, all of their names are exactly the same.

"Damn… this is going to be troublesome,"

At his remark, every flying demon dived down at him with blind rage at the same time Kira stared at all of them calmly and twirled his scythe at his sides then his red eyes started to glow.

After a moment, Kira disappeared in his spot and appeared in front of one of the ones leading these creatures, and without pause, he dissected it in an instant while continuing his charge at them in the air.

One on his right made a swing but Kira leaned back while jamming his scythe at its body and used inertia to step on that demon then as he jumped forward, the demon was cut in half.

Kira dissected everything on his way to the sky until he reached above them all as he looked down on the raging demons looking at him.

He placed his scythe to his side then dived down on the remaining demons charging at him.

As the first demons were about to hit him, he swung his scythe and killed it without effort though at the same time he used his momentum and started to spin. (Like Levi in AoT)

As he spun, he left a trail of blood and corpses in the sky.

He continued at it until he was near the ground, he stopped and landed on his one knee as the ground beneath him cracked.

After a moment, he stood up straight as he twirled his scythe on his side and walked forward calmly as the sky in his area started to rain blood and limbs.

As the rain of blood continued to pour at him, his entire body was shrouded by shadows with the only thing visible of him was his red glowing eyes.

Some demons who witnessed this grew intimidated with this display though a lot of them shook it off and charged at him.

Kira stoically looked at these demons as he placed his black scythe back to his inventory while taking out his giant red scythe while red flames started to gather at the scythe.

As the first few arrived in front of him, they were all suddenly turned into pieces before they could react.

Then like a nightmare, Kira's red eyes glowed eerily and started massacring everything in sight while all of the demons there could only make out a pair of red streaks of light as blood and death followed its trail.

Within a few more minutes, Kira calmly continued his walk to the giant castle while trailing behind him was a river made of blood and corpses.

He looked at these demons still coming his way like there was no end to them.

Kira narrowed his eyes in irritation as he brought out his left hand then a swirl of red fire started to converge into a golf-sized fireball in his hand.

It continued to gather fire until it became blood-red though unlike what he did to Endeavor, he used his left hand to crush it then opened it in the demon's direction. As soon as he opened his hand, a large red beam came out of it and went head straight at the approaching demons in the air.

All of the demons heading for Kira froze for a moment in sheer terror but before they all could snap out of it, Kira's fire arrived.



A large explosion rang out everywhere as almost all in that flying group of demons are engulfed by it.

Some lucky demons that were at the very outside range of the explosion are blown away by the fierce gale that comes with it. Though some of those demons were forced into the red sea of fire beneath the bridge as they burned to ashes.

As the light and gale dissipated, the once group of demons there earlier was reduced to nothingness. Though because of that explosion, Kira got a look at the clear night sky as the clouds covering that area were blown away as well.

Any nearby demons who saw this are all frozen in their spot.

Nearby demons all shook off from their state as they saw Kira take out his motorcycle and rode it at incredible speed heading towards the castle.

Kira drove at the most maximum speed of his motorcycle while on his right hand, he wielded his red scythe.

He made his way without pause as anything that comes even close to him would be cut in half, no exception. When another group of demons amasses, Kira would let go of the motorcycle and fire another red beam-like fire at them without any mercy.

He continued on his way for a good 2-hour drive though, that was until he stopped at something blocking his way.

From the distance, Kira assumed there were three huge dogs waiting for him but now as he looked at it carefully, he can't help but scold himself as the creature standing before him only has one body.


It glared menacingly at Kira as it exhaled fire from its snouts while its tail was a snake hissing at him as the ground beneath it cracked in its every step. Its name was in a bright red-orange color floating above its head.

Demon Hound Cerberus.


At that, all three of its heads breathe out fire towards Kira.

Cerberus expected to see an explosion instead it saw its fire was being negated by something.

As the fire dissipated, Cerberus saw Kira was still sitting on his motorcycle with his red scythe spinning in front of him.

Kira narrowed his eyes in irritation as he knew if he didn't take that, his prized motorcycle would be melted butter right now. He stood up and looked directly at the Cerberus as he placed his ride back in his inventory.

"Damn mutt…" Kira muttered as he twirled his scythe in front of him.

With that remark, both Cerberus and Kira charged at each other at the same time.

Cerberus opened its three mouths ready to take a bite of Kira while he continued to sprint towards it while bringing his scythe behind him.

As the two arrived, Kira jumped towards its open mouths much to the delight of the Cerberus but when it bit down on Kira, they all felt nothing.

Kira phrased through its head seamlessly then as he arrived at its back, he immediately swung his scythe at the snake on its tail.

Before it could hiss at him, its head was already in the air, during that time though, Cerberus already sensed him as it used its speed disproportion to its size and instantly turned its whole body and heads at him.

Without missing a beat later, the one in the middle went in for a bite though Kira saw through it as he jumped to the sides.

At the exact time he moved, one of Cerberus' heads instantly breathed fire at him in point-blank range.


Kira was sent skidding a few meters away due to it but as the dust settled, his palm was in front of him with no injury despite it was smoking a little.

He didn't have time to dwell on his palm as Cerberus instantly arrived in front of him again with the middle one ready to take his head clean off from his shoulders.

Even with the speed of Cerberus he still appeared to be calm as he repeated his actions earlier but this time before the other head could breathe out fire again Kira used his scythe this time then swung it horizontally towards its lit open jaw.


Like a knife cutting through butter, one of Cerberus' heads was cleanly cut through as its upper and lower jaw separated with each other.


Cerberus' two remaining heads roared in agony as it thrashed wildly everywhere trying to ease the pain.


A moment later, they looked at Kira with furious eyes as they sent out another stream of fire towards him.

Kira curiously looked at this as he prepared to take it but he was caught off guard when before the fire could reach him, Cerberus came out from it while its whole body was engulfed with its very flames.

Due to Cerberus' current form, it became faster than before as it appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye with the middle one's jaws already inches away from his face.

Relying on his reflex, he instinctively positioned his scythe in front of him as it got stuck on Cerberus' jaw.

Even though it got stuck, Cerberus' momentum didn't let up as it continued to push Kira towards the very edges of the bridge.

Kira grew irritated at this as he intended to let go of his scythe for him to jump away but before he could, the other head of Cerberus came at him with its jaws right next to him.

He widened his eyes in surprise at this as he didn't expect this speed.

Without any moment later, Cerberus' other head got him in his left arm as its big fangs embedded themselves on his flesh.

"Tsk," Kira groaned out as Cerberus wildly thrashed him from sides to sides while keeping a vice grip on his left arm.

Before Kira could get his bearings, the other head's jaws, which has his scythe stuck on its jaws, started lighting up as it prepared to breathe fire directly at him.

He saw the vicious smirks and gloating looks from their faces as it positioned him to take the fire at point-blank.

Contrary to his expected temper getting the better of him, he suddenly felt clear-headed and looked calmly at the growing light in front of him.

Kira calmly placed his right palm in front of him aimed at its opened jaw while his left palm that was in its jaws was also opened and aimed at the unsuspecting demon hound. Without any warning, red fire instantly emerged on both of his palms then sent it out mercilessly directly at their throats.

Cerberus widened its eyes instantly as it felt something wrong but before it could do something about it, red fire engulfed it entirely until it looked like it was a bloated balloon then a moment later.


An explosion rang out again as the bridge under them shook.

As the dust settles, Kira was walking calmly out of the explosion with his red scythe propped into his shoulder while he was chugging a red vial at the same time, the injury on his arm healed instantly.

He stopped abruptly as he turned around to face the burnt corpse of Cerberus.

"...Not really a dog person but… 'Awaken'," Kira muttered as his shadow extended and engulfed the entire corpse in an instant then a moment later, three pairs of red eyes opened and took form in front of him.

It looked exactly like the Cerberus but this time, its whole body was covered in a red fire as it came forward then all of its head bowed towards him.

"Cerberus, Vaga…" Kira turned and muttered as Vaga emerged from his shadow as well as it towered over Cerberus.

From the distance, he could see the giant castle was surrounded by countless hovering demons looking at him.

On one side, a giant castle surrounded by flying demons while on the other was Kira with two of his summons standing behind him.

"...Burn them… burn them all,"


At that order, Cerberus and Vaga let out thunderous roars that could be heard all over the area then they both charged at them with no hesitation.

The numerous flying demons followed in as well as they charged in as well against the two giant monsters.

Before long, Vaga's six heads breathe out a massive red fire in their direction while Cerberus in its fire mode that drastically boosts its speed as it starts decimating everything on its way.

Kira calmly watched as both of his summon destroy all in their way but he did notice some demons flying higher to avoid Vaga's fire. He placed his palm towards them then fired another concentrated fireball at their way.


The flying demons that were above Vaga's range, didn't even know what happened when they were suddenly engulfed by an explosion. After a moment, the explosion dissipated as the once many demons there became ashes as well.

A few minutes later, Kira calmly walked through the area filled with burning corpses as both of his summon followed behind him as they arrived at the entrance of the castle.

A giant pair of doors stood in front of them though, despite that, Kira continued his walk without stopping but as he got near the door, the red scythe in his hand blurred then returned to his side.

As Kira got nearer, lines started appearing by the door until the very giant door standing in front of them turned to pieces though as soon as Kira stepped inside, his summons returned to his shadow.

Kira noticed this instantly as he surveyed the area around him.

Giant walls on either side along with torches lit in red fire illuminating the entire area as the inside looked circular and spacious. Beside each torch was a 5-meter tall statue of a horned demon of some kind wielding sabers and axes.

(Image here, Thank you Google)

At the center of it was a giant hooded figure sitting on a throne with red flames dancing behind it. Even though it was seated, it was twice as big as these statues around it but the thing that got his attention was one small statue beside the throne.

(For a better picture)

A statue of a woman with angel wings on her back while wielding a golden scythe on her hand.

(giggity giggity goo)

As Kira moved closer, the entrance, he came through, the walls beside it joined together and closed it like there wasn't a door there before.

The torches all over the area simultaneously went out as the demon statues' eyes all opened and directed their gazes at Kira.

While the one seated on the throne, a pair of red glowing eyes opened as well at the same time, the ceiling above them lit up with red fire illuminating everything in the process.

As soon the area was lit up, the giant demon statues picked up their respective weapons and charged at him without any warning.


The ground rumbled as these giants made their way towards him with their weapons raised in the air.

Kira stoically looked at hundreds of 5-meter demons charged at him while his hands caught on fire extending to his red scythe as it engulfed it entirely.

"...It's rude if you keep sitting… when you have a guest," Kira commented as he spun his blazing scythe around him at a fast pace.

The giant on the throne looked at him in condescension as it looked at Kira's futile effort.

"...Now… On your… feet…" Kira muttered as he swung his scythe horizontally at them all. At the same time, a large crimson crescent beam made its way to all of them seamlessly as it went through all of them except for the one on the throne as it held its hand out.

Every giant demon stopped in their place as Kira extinguished his fire then calmly walked to the one on the throne.

As Kira continued his step, bit by bit every demon he passed by fell down like a puppet that lost its strings but the difference is that every time they fell down, their head would roll away from them.

Soon, every demon that charged at him earlier was now headless as Kira stopped in front of the one sitting on its throne.

Kira looked at its name and he wasn't surprised to see it was blood-red in color.

"Demon King… Chaos?" Kira muttered curiously as Chaos flinched then slowly stood up on its feet.

As soon as Chaos stood up, the fire all over the area started gathering to him until it became a cocoon made up of fire.

A moment later, the fire dispersed itself as Chaos' appearance changed considerably.

Its size increased to 15 meters in height and it became a muscular dark red four-armed fiend with wings sprouting from his back and demonic faces on his knees. Its wings were torn and burned while a row of spikes along its tail and a broken left horn. Its face is exaggerated to monstrous proportions as his fangs are also stained red.

When Kira saw its appearance while looking at its name, he remembered the main antagonist in this old game he used to play. Even back then, he remembered its name because it was one of his major pain in his ass while gaming before, and that very same monster is standing right before him.


"…Feral Chaos," Kira muttered.


As soon as it let out its roar, it disappeared in its spot and appeared behind him without Kira noticing it much to his shock.

It immediately sent out two of its right claws towards him but before it could connect, Kira turned and swung his scythe as a counter.


Even though he perfectly defended it, that attack sent him skidding on the ground for a good 20 meters.

As soon as Kira was about to stop though, Chaos appeared above him then like an acrobat, it did a front flip sending its long tail right on top of him.

Thanks to his improved senses, he immediately used his scythe to stop and dodge away just as the tail was brought down.


Its attack easily made a crater as it also shook the ground while producing a shockwave.

Kira made some distance but as soon as he touched the ground, he timely used his shadow form just as another attack reached him as Chaos charged with its fists.

Chaos harmlessly passed through him though as soon as Chaos completely passed him, he immediately used his scythe to cut off its tail but as his scythe made contact with the tail.


Kira widened his eyes as the blade of his scythe was repelled just by its skin.

During his shock, Chaos capitalized on this as it took hold of Kira's left arm and leg. Before he could react, Chaos mercilessly slammed him to the ground, repeatedly.

On its 5th slam, Kira finally cleared his head then used his shadow form to phased through its hold on him and made some distance from it.

Chaos immediately noticed this as it looked down at Kira's battered look.

Kira suddenly held out his palm toward Chaos then a red fire started converging on it while Chaos grinned maliciously when it saw what he was doing.

Before Kira could send it out, he widened his eyes again when he saw Chaos doing the exact same thing but the only difference was it was using all four of its arms to gather one huge fireball.

After a moment, Kira sends out a beam of red fire at the same time Chaos releases its stream of fire at him.

Both flames clashed in the middle of the area as Chaos was slowly devouring Kira's flame while grinning madly at him.

Kira looked at the slowly approaching fire in front of him stoically. Despite the flame close to him now, he maintained his calm.

"Status..." Kira muttered as he looked at his points.

Strength: 332

Agility: 351

Vitality: 227

Intelligence: 214

Sense: 214

Points: 78(+291) →369 (3 months+ 1 week since arrival)

Kira quickly allocated his points to Strength and Agility at the same time Chaos' stream of fire arrived at him.


The explosion engulfed Kira entirely much to Chaos' cockiness.

~hA.hA.hA.Ha.HAHAHAHAHA!!~ Chaos couldn't help itself to laugh sadistically at its fallen foe that it turned around and made its way back to its throne.

*Step* *Step*

At the sound of footsteps, Chaos stopped in its place and ceased its laughing. It slowly turned back to the inferno it just released.

Slowly but surely, Chaos saw its foe walking through its flames like it was a breeze.


Chaos glared at Kira as he stepped out of the fire pit he just came from. It was about to lunge at him again when for the first time in its life, it froze when it looked at Kira again.

Kira's entire body was engulfed in red fire as well as his burning scythe. Though his clothes remained intact, his hair became like it was burning softly as his red glowing eyes looked at Chaos calmly.

Despite the size difference, Chaos can't help but hesitate to attack but it shook it off as its arrogance and pride won't let it fear anything but before it could, it noticed Kira disappeared in his spot.


Chaos suddenly heard something hitting the ground beside it. When it looked down, it was shocked to see one of its right arms is cleanly cut off that it didn't even feel its separation.

It instinctively looked behind it and there it saw Kira's burning form standing perfectly still though it noticed a small trail of red fire going towards it.


It roared in frustration as it felt it was being looked down on by Kira then it charged at him again intending to ruthlessly destroy him.

Appearing behind Kira again, it brought down its remaining fists but before it could connect, he disappeared again.

*Thud* *Thud*


Its attack destroyed the ground beneath them but it noticed it's missing both of its left arms though when it looked around, it saw its missing arms beside Kira with another trail of red fire behind him.

Again, it didn't feel the pain but when it saw its severed arms beside him, rage started to take over its mind as it glared menacingly at him.


It let out an enraged roar as it flew towards him intending to crush him once and for all.

Though before it came closer, Kira suddenly spun his scythe in terrifying speed as he narrowed his glowing red eyes.

Wind pressure started to come from him but Chaos in its enraged state didn't care about anything as it continued in its flight.

Chaos was about to hit him when he suddenly disappeared in his spot and appeared behind it but Chaos didn't have the time to look at him as it noticed something terribly wrong.

It curiously looked at its body and there it saw all over its body became riddled with countless red lines appearing one by one.


By that point, it realized it lost as it let out one last roar then like a house of cards, its body started falling apart until it became a pile of pieces on the ground.

Kira looked at his status gratefully.

Strength: 332→516

Agility: 351→536

Vitality: 227

Intelligence: 214

Sense: 214

Points: 369 →0

Kira's form returned to normal as he made his way towards its body while chugging down another red vial.

"...I know I'm gonna regret this but… Awaken," Kira muttered as he looked at its pitch-black soul.

Then like what happened to Cerberus earlier, his shadow greedily devoured its body and soul. A moment later, four hands suddenly erupted from his shadow then Chaos emerged from it.


It let out a deafening roar then it got on one knee and bowed towards Kira respectfully.

"Hnn," Kira merely nodded then returned Chaos back in his shadow.

He turned to face the woman statue beside the throne and made his way over but as he arrived in front of it, he suddenly swung his scythe and bisected the statue in two.

"Now, can you please get up… lady Death," Kira commented as he looked at the unsuspecting pile of bones lying at the base of the throne.

"Hihihihi, with those eyes… your no fun," A voice rang out as the pile of bones started disintegrating and a figure of a woman started materializing sitting on the giant throne.

A figure of a busty woman with pale-white skin, hair, and eyes wearing a black two-piece bikini and a cape behind her.

"Awww, I honestly thought you would die to Chaos there, no fair," Death commented as she harmlessly swung her legs on the giant throne.

"...Why did you give me this system?" Kira asked.

"Oh, that! Hmm… no reason!! Honestly, I picked you solely by chance Hehehehe," Death nonchalantly answered him.

Kira curiously looked at Death for a moment then asked again.

"What's the catch? Why did you want to meet me after all this time?"

At that question, Death smiled even further when she looked over to him then she suddenly appeared beside him without alerting him.

"You see… in this infinite number of the universe, resides me in every one of them, no exception," Death spoke behind Kira which surprised him as he quickly turned around to face her.

"The thing that other beings lack is a way to freely see and communicate with their other selves but not me, I have witnessed countless worlds beings with unimaginable sins go scot-free just because for these so-called 'plots' and I find them all… disappointing," Death's earlier jovial attitude became eerily calm.

"If that isn't the worst, some self-proclaimed almighty Gods that thought it was a good idea to send a foreign soul into their own universe for their entertainment and I find it… really interesting!! To think they would've thought of the other me didn't noticing any of it is really laughable!!" Death exclaimed excitedly.

"That they thought they are above me, Death, is… hilariously disappointing. Just because I'm restricted in doing anything about it doesn't mean I can't have someone else do it for me," Death commented until she looked at him with a cheerful smile on her face.

Kira remained calm even though on the inside he wants to eat something right now. He estimated he has been fighting for over 24-hours now and the only thing that got him going is those red vials he kept drinking.

"You!! I want you to become my champion!! The other me all just heard your success in your previous world, because of you, her soul count is bigger than the rest of us!! And now, my soul count is steadily increasing as well due to you!!" Death cheerfully said as she faced the ceiling in excitement while Kira is now looking at his inventory.

"It's because of your eyes that you rarely spare anyone you come across with and that... does bring a smile towards our faces!! For so long, we wanted to take those with corrupted souls as soon as we felt them but now with you in the picture! We can finally do it!" Death brought out her arms theatrically as Kira was deciding which bread should he go for.

"You will be our eyes as you take care of those with tainted souls!! AND TOGETHER! WE WILL RULE THE MULTIVERSE MUAHAHAHA*crunch*HAHAHA *crunch* HAHAHA-ehh," Death was still in the middle of her glorious speech when she heard someone eating beside her.

Kira was munching on one of his creations as he looked stoically at Lady Death.

"Hmm *crunch* *gulp*… I see," Kira replied while looking at her.

Death's eyebrows twitched in annoyance as she looked at Kira's calm attitude.

"So… you want me to continue going into worlds and killing those who I deemed to be tainted?" Kira calmly asked as he took out another bread but this time he followed it with a drink.

Death slowly nodded as she concentrated on the bread he was eating. As the very personification of Death, she never experienced the sensation of doing mundane things that a mortal would do, including eating but now looking at Kira's slightly blissful face while eating that thing on his hand is making her curiosity peak slightly.

"Hmm, alright *crunch* I'm in," Kira nonchalantly replied while chewing then drinking from his drink.


[Dungeon cleared]

[Mission Completed]

[Awarding Player: Level limit broken and Endless dungeon key]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

Kira calmly looked at his notifications as he took out another bread but he noticed Death became strangely quiet all of the sudden.

He curiously looked at her and he saw her eyeing his bread. He thought maybe it was just him so he waved his bread back and forth to see if she followed it and she did.

"*sigh* Do you want one?" Kira asked as he held up one of his bread towards her.


"Well… if you insist, I shall taste this thing," Death muttered as she quickly took it from his hands then immediately bit into it.

She widened her eyes when she tasted the very first meal she ever had.

Kira looked at her trembling form as he thought maybe she didn't like it as he finished eating. He curiously looked around as a portal appeared near him.

He was about to start walking towards it but before he could come near it, a white hand grabbed his hand in a vice grip. He assumed she was angry over the imperfect bread he just gave her as he turned around to apologize to her.

Before he could speak though, Death cut him off.

"...More…" Death muttered with her smile widening like a certain Subarashii meme he could vividly remember from his past life.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Day Gentlemen!!

my schedule:

A day after posting a chapter→ Watch Netflix.

2nd day→ Continue watching Netflix

3rd day→ Get started writing the first few pages then go back to watching Netflix

4th day→ Finish writing a chapter-long then find another show on Netflix.

5th day→Emerse myself in watching Netflix that I completely forget the time though, at night, I start writing again.

6th day→ A miracle happens and I finish a 3-chapter worth chapter to upload


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