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52.94% Naruto: Systematic Shinobi / Chapter 108: The Chunin Exams - 34

Capítulo 108: The Chunin Exams - 34

His chakra had changed colour again.

Originally, cliche as it was, his chakra was a light cyan blue. Also ironic considering he disliked light blue because it gave him headaches in his other life when looking at it too long.

It wasn't a bad colour really, but he didn't like large swathes of it and preferred it merely for decoration trimming and such.

When he became the jinchuuriki of Isobu and his chakra coils became constantly exposed to Isobu's own, his chakra not only became denser, but darkeed in colour becoming a dark blue.

Much more his style.

When he gained the Cursed Seal and absorbed all the chakra of Orochimaru's soul fragment, his chakra darkened once more, becoming a royal purple.

Which then became an even darker purple after he remodelled the Cursed Seal into the Heavenly Star Seal.

Now though, hours after his meeting with Temari and Toka returned to him, the colour of his chakra had radically shifted once more.

Now, after sealing the stone or rather Fragment of Gelel into the Heavenly Star Seal on his shoulder and setting it up the in the same way as the star chakra, the colour of Daiki's own chakra had shifted into a dark green that seemed to almost border on grey.

'Timber green actually.' Isobu helpfully corrected him as he stood in the middle of his provided bedroom for the next few days, a blaze of chakra covering his hand and examining it in interest.

Timber green, huh?

'Not a bad name for chakra of a leaf ninja.' Daiki snorted in amusement. Still, it wasn't like he could complain at all.

It wasn't like the change of colour in his chakra was a bad thing. Quite the opposite, it had become even more dense and powerful, and on top of that, much easier to control.

He supposed that made sense considering that loser Haido learned to control the power from the Stone of Gelel extremely quickly after getting a hold of it.

And it wasn't just his chakra that felt stronger and easier to control. His body itself felt like it had grown quite a decent bit stronger over the last few hours after he got used to the influx of power from the Fragment of Gelel.

And his healing factor was amped massively as well. He'd slashed his hand not long ago to check and it had sizzled and healed up within seconds.

Jinchuuriki healing factor plus the regeneration from the Fragment of Gelel that was a match for Naruto's own in the other timeline…made for a potent combination.

Honestly, he was super curious to see how it reflected on his status screen and to see if it had actually increased or if it would even show up at all, because when using his Jinchuuriki cloak forms, his status screen never reflected that.

It was weird.

Still so many questions left unanswered about it.

'Status.' he thought, shaking his head.

[Name: Daiki Yurei]

[Age: 13]

[Chakra Capacity: 170,000/170,000 (Low-Tier Kage)]

[Strength: 198/?]

[Endurance: 275/?]

[Durability: 197/?]

[Agility: 197/?]

[Taijutsu: 205/500]

[Ninjutsu: 290/500]

[Genjutsu: 45/500]

[Bukijutsu: 120/500]

[Chakra Control: 259/500]

[Chakra Affinities:]

[Lightning - (Advanced): Roar with the power of thunder.]

[Water - (Expert): The sea parts before you.]

[Fuinjutsu - (Advanced): The breath hitches.]


His chakra capacity had risen nearly ten thousand in the last few days, a decent little jump already from the massive jump he'd gained from his little run in with Orochimaru. Granted, that wasn't all from the Fragment of Gelel, the star chakra, Isobu's chakra and his eyes made sure his chakra capacity was passively growing constantly.

And of course he had a bunch of shadow clones training it out right now, which made his chakra capacity grow through training it.

Still, even with all that, the growth was noticeable from last night he knew.

And beyond that, interestingly, his physical abilities had indeed grown, as had his chakra control apparently. Each had grown by roughly, near twenty points each by his estimation after gaining the Fragment of Gelel.

That was great. That was weeks worth of training right there. He was close to breaking two hundred on most of his physical abilities and closing in on three hundred with endurance.

'Man, I'm a total beast!' Daiki grinned as he stared at the status screen.

'Eh, getting there I suppose, give it a few years and I might allow you to claim as so in truth.' Isobu piped in.

Daiki blinked, 'And who made you the beast title police?' he asked with a snort.

'I am a Tailed Beast remember? It's in the name, right now I'm afraid Daiki, you can only claim to be a beast by proxy because of me, not of your own merit, too bad, so sad.' Isobu replied, smugly.

'You know, you were made out to be the nice polite one of you nine,' Daiki replied with a pout, 'All you do is bully me though.' he whined.

'I am the polite nice one, you already know what head cases my siblings are,' Isobu retorted, 'And I'm just doing my civic duty to deflate that ego a bit here and there before it inflates your head so much you fly off to space.'

Before Daiki could think of something to fire back with, Isobu coughed, 'Anyway, it's not just the power of your chakra and abilities that have increased, you probably can't tell yourself right now, but I am chakra itself given form and your chakra is part of your very life force.' the three tailed bijuu brought up.

'And so what are you getting at?' Daiki asked. He already had a pretty good idea of course, since it was perhaps the main reason he actually went for this Fragment of Gelel, but he couldn't exactly confirm if it was working himself.

Isobu apparently could.

'The energy of Gelel, it's not quite chakra, it's more akin to the natural energy being absorbed into your Heavenly Star Seal at a rough guess, though I cannot be fully sure on that part until we actually learn how to sense natural energy,' Isobu continued, 'Still, it is incredibly pure and as it increases your chakra, so to does it enhance your life force. Already through since yesterday, I estimate that your max living age has increased by near a year, eight months if I had to narrow it down fully and will increase by that amount daily so long as that fragment in your seal continues to pass its energy to you.'


That was very good to know. And meant he would recover the life span he'd given up with the Hero's Water, roughly ten years in just over two weeks.

Eight months per day, which would be roughly around between twenty nine hundred and three thousand in a year, which in months would equate to around one hundred and twenty years.


A lot different from how it worked in the other timeline. Perhaps a change somehow because this was a different universe, maybe?

But then, that didn't really make sense either.

'The full stone is not without its drawbacks, the pure energy, I theorize gives a mutated form, just like the way the Cursed Seal does, which is another reason I'm guessing it is akin to natural energy,' Isobu already had an answer for that as well apparently, 'You are not using the full power of the stone, but rather purifying and filtering its energy into your own, gaining only beneficial traits, if at the cost of some instant strength. In this sense, it is more akin to you drawing from that fragment and making your chakra become Gelel chakra itself, a source of its own growing from the ground up. Perhaps in the future your chakra will have innate healing properties to it?'

'That does make sense, after all I can't feel anything like a transformation coming from my energy.' Daiki mused, crossing his arms in thought. And it wouldn't be that hard to draw on and transform if it was anything like the Cursed Seal, after all, Sasuke could use his level two transformation without any training whatsoever just from drawing more on the Cursed Seal.

He wasn't the type to toot his own ho-

'Yes you are.' Isobu deadpanned.

But, he was pretty damn skilled if he did say so himself. And he had Isobu backing him up, between the two of them, if there was a transformation, they'd have found it real quick.

Since they hadn't, it made sense Daiki didn't have a transformation coming from the energy.

'As it should be, the only transformations you need are my forms.' Isobu added.

Daiki quite agreed with that.

Plus, if he transformed into some weird mutated bat or wolf thing, it would make his chakra cloak and shit look way less epic.

Hell if he gained fur or something, people probably wouldn't even be able to see the badass tattoo's he got from his Heavenly Star Seal!


'What about Sage Mode?' Daiki asked.

'That is less a transformation and more an augmentation of your base form. It gets a pass. Bijuu Sage mode is definitely something we should acquire in the future if we can.' Isobu replied.


'Also by the way, your math was totally off, in a year you would accumulate two hundred and forty three years worth of life force,' the huge tortoise bijuu then added on, 'You should slow down a bit when calculating in your head. Then again, I suppose you even managing simple times tables is a massive feat considering all your brain power revolves around your precious grind and figuring out how to punch harder.'

'Hey!' Daiki narrowed his eyes, 'You can insult me all you want buddy, I know you love me really, but watch your tone when talking about the most holy life style!'

'Ugh, the worst of it is, you actually do pretty much worship it,' Isobu groaned, 'Konoha better hope the Sandaime Hokage survives this little invasion coming up, otherwise they'll find themselves as a whole forced into an all new religion and possible cult.'

Daiki opened his mouth to reply, before pausing, 'Hmm, that's not actually a bad idea.' he mused.

Isobu shut up instantly.

'Yeah, yeah I like it, if I become Hokage, I'll make the grind mandatory for all ninja and ninja in training, really boost the performance of my ninja minions,' Daiki nodded to himself, 'That way they'll be way more useful in the future instead of just fodder I'll have to waste energy protecting if things spiral into a big ol' war like they did in the other timeline.'

'…I should practice what I preach and watch what I say.' Isobu groaned in defeat.

"Are you quite done?" Toka's voice broke him out of his mental conversation.

Daiki looked over to the opposite end of the room, where a single bed sat pressed up against the wall and a familiar pink scaled chameleon lay resting atop his pillow in her shrunken form.

"More or less." he shrugged.

He wasn't actually sure why she had stuck around. Generally whenever she had finished a task for him or finished training with him, she disappeared off back to her homeland.

"Good," she nodded simply, "I must say, watching your face shift through such a variety of ridiculous expressions was rather nauseating, at one point you even had a rather horrid grin on your face that would not look at all out of place on the face of a serial killer."


"I am a serial killer." he deadpanned at her. He'd honestly lost track of how many people he'd killed, but he was betting it was over a hundred by this point at least.

Bandits were absolute clowns that never learned, even when doing minor D-rank missions outside the village, it wasn't that rare to run into a few of them.

They were like roaches to be honest, they weren't at all a threat, but just when you think you had stamped them out, a few more popped up out of the tracks and loitered around the forests looking for travellers.

…Which never really worked out well for them, cuz they tended to get swatted by any passing shinobi if they came across them.

"Hmm, slightly true I suppose, though there is a difference," Toka mused lazily, "Still, I advise you not to show faces like that around the female population, you will surely be unable to attract a mate while wearing such a ghastly expression."

"Trust me, I have no problems on that front." Daiki rolled his eyes….well, maybe. Granted, he was lacking entirely on the romance front and only had a booty call and a hot older woman offering to bang him if he did something epic for her.

…Even Naruto and Sasuke had actual girls interested in romance and a proper relationship and love with them.


How depressing.

"…So is there a reason you're still hanging around?" Daiki asked, shaking his head and putting those thoughts out of mind before he got so depressed he started listening to country ballads and songs about heart break…then busted out the tubs of ice cream.

"Is it a problem for you that I'm still here?" Toka asked instead of answering the question.

"Nah, I like having you around despite how much of a bitch you are to me," he shrugged, "Just curious since you tend to split when you feel like you've done what you needed to."

"Perhaps I wouldn't be so much of a 'bitch' as you so crudely put it if you were not such an incompetent muscle head?" Toka rolled her ringed eyes, "As for why I am here, I have no duties currently within the clan and have some free time, and soon you shall be participating in a competitive bout, no? I thought to stay around and see the great Chameleon Clan's chosen summoner show his power off to others for a bit and enjoy myself."

"Also," she added before he could say anything else and narrowed her eyes at him seriously, "You had a run in with the main summoner and contract holder of the Snake Clan. Father wishes to keep an eye on the situation, just in case grandfather is brought into battle against you."

…Huh, that was right wasn't it? Manda was actually her grandfather. Honestly, it was quite the pedigree, the daughter of the one who would become one of Pein's main summons and the granddaughter of the personal summon beast of the Snake Sannin.

"Fair enough, feel free to stick around as long as you want," Daiki shrugged, personally, he wasn't all that fussed about the snake summons, Chameleon's were clearly superior, "Actually that reminds me, I gave another search mission to your clan to find something for me near two days ago, how is that-"

"The Uchiha corpse, yes?" Toka cut him off, "We already found it, you already had the location for it after all, we have been keeping a hold of it for now since you were busy and we did not want to just leave it at your estate."

Daiki's eyes widened, "You found it!?" he gasped, a massive grin spreading across his face.

Chameleon's seriously were the best, no doubt.

"Yes, though it is in a very poor state," Toka shrugged her scaly shoulders, "It hasn't decomposed too much, but it has been partially eaten by the aquatic wild life within the Naka River and what is left of the corpse is quite water logged, and beyond that, it lacks eyes as well. I have no idea why you wanted it to be honest, without the Sharingan the corpse of an Uchiha is rather useless."

"You let me worry about that," Daiki waved her off, "Can you bring it here?"

"I suppose, give me a moment." Toka agreed and a second later, disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Daiki wasn't waiting long.

0_Jordinio_0 0_Jordinio_0

If you want to check my stuff out in advance, feel free to check my Pa--treon. Links are in any of my story descriptions and my profile. I'm much further ahead there on this story and some other stuff that I've not posted here.

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