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Capítulo 3: Chapter - 3


Capitolo - 3: Official Debut


Yuriko Watanabe - Pov

Ugh... I am hating this week!

I couldn't help but slam my fist on the table as a small sigh escaped my mouth and I rubbed my forehead in obvious annoyance.

I slumped down in my chair, with a lot of papers, files, notes and whatnot were in front of me on some kind of whiteboard. There were rubber bands connecting the dots for trying to figure out the thief's next targets.

But even after several days of searching, I still hadn't found any trace of that thief....

The case was going nowhere and they were too good at their craft. Every time I thought I was close to the thief. I found out that they were a few steps ahead of me.

It was really Frustrating!

But that's the thing, the dots weren't really "connecting." I had no idea what she was doing. To make matters worse, I also had to go back to the office to finish the work I had put in to follow up on this case.

"And it's all his fault!" I snarled as I recalled the events of a few nights ago, that man in the armor with the spider symbol. He dared to throw me unconscious, leaving her in front of the police station with that woman who had been attacked, with no explanation of his identity.

"Are we really serious?!" It wasn't enough that beings with supernatural abilities have been appearing in New York City for quite some time.

I already have a pile of tasks I had to do for the police station and I also have to catch this thief, and you wasted my time? You wanted me to make you have a bad day?

Also as if that wasn't enough, that mercenary was also in New York looking for the thief, she still hadn't found them and hadn't found any information that could.

I got up from my chair as I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to my position.

I certainly did not stand still and headed for the steps with a gun in hand. This warehouse was a secret base that I used outside of work for some very difficult cases to solve. Also, it belonged to a gang that I had put in jail.

So, these steps could have belonged to anyone....

I aimed my gun at the sound of the steps, ready to shoot at any moment. Suddenly the noise stopped and my body could not help but become tense. A figure jumped at me from somewhere and I fired a few warning shots without looking, but the figure quickly dodged and kicked me in the side, knocking me to the ground.

"Akh!" I shouted in surprise as I hit the ground, very loudly. "What. Who's there?!" I asked, staring at the white-clad figure in front of me.

"Oh? What about you officer?" a female voice resounded as the figure came into the light. "I apologize for my behavior then. I thought you had been kidnapped and brought here by someone."

"Ugh," I sighed, rising slowly. "How did you come to the conclusion that I was kidnapped, Silver?"

"Well, there's a tracker on you for a reason." Silver Sable said, her voice dry and devoid of any hidden meaning. She was simply stating a fact. The look on her face was apathetic, cold. with a steady crease in her eyebrows.

"Wow," I exclaimed without any surprise. "You know you can get in trouble for putting a tracker, aka an NYPD officer, on me?"

Silver Sable nodded composedly, "I am aware, but I deemed it necessary to complete my mission." I nodded; But I was still very annoyed at not being welcomed at all.

"I understand. Anyway, why were you looking for me?"

"I found a lead on the thief, officer." Silver Sable admitted without turning around. "And I'd like the NYPD to help me locate him.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow. "Him? A man? I see, at least now we know their gender."

"Ye-" Silver Sable stopped mid-sentence and looked over my shoulder as showed to my surprise a rather shocked expression, since she was usually indifferent and cold.

I turned my head to look at the only TV I had positioned in the room and it started broadcasting the fight between Rhino and a new hero.... A man in spider armor!

The fight was supernatural and too much for them to believe. But even so it was right in front of their eyes and they could not escape this reality in any way.

"And him!" I could only shout, pointing to the encounter in question.

"Him?" Asked Silver Sable with some interest on her face as she watched with interest the battle completely dominated by Spider-Man.

"Yes, Batman...." I said in a clear mocking tone that naturally escaped my lips.

Silver Sable was stunned for a few seconds before a rare smile appeared on her beautiful face. "Batman? The comic book hero? You seem to have been teased in a very funny way, officer....." She couldn't help but tease me, with an obvious desire to end up with a bullet in her head.

I had no way to respond to her words, and that really made me angry. "It's not over," I said, as my desire to meet him grew stronger and stronger.


Jason Hill Pov

I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Ah, no! Wrong introduction...

I still had to get used to having this new identity. Especially in trying to make these new powers at my disposal my own. Which unlike many Spider-Men throughout the multiverse, I knew very well that I still had a lot to do with the powers I had acquired.

Unlike the other alternate worlds that I had now explored to the fullest the different abilities I possessed, this world was still in its infancy and I had yet to use the true potential of my spider powers.

However, leaving that aside for the moment, it had only been a few days since the first night walk as Spider-Man, and in the meantime I continued to help without disclosing my full identity and the extent of my abilities.

There were already some newspapers that had reported what he had done, considered me a hero who had no intention of revealing his identity yet.

You may ask, why do such a thing? Well, the answer is very simple.

If they knew I existed, people would look for countermeasures against me. After all, in every known universe, the heroes are always at a disadvantage because they are in the light, while the villains can stay in the darkness plotting all the time they want, and in the meantime they know all about the hero, and of course they choose the best time for confrontation...

*Ugh* Sinister six!

And that would have been an option if I had only had the powers of good old Spider-Man. But that wasn't the case, I was much more than that, and it would have been advantageous for me not to reveal my identity until a vital moment.

I don't want to give a free advantage like that. And I was certainly not a fame seeker like Iron-Man and some other heroes or at least in the beginning.

In the future, I would need a good image to fight prejudice against the different meta-humans who decided to appear in New York, but that could wait. My initial plan was to debut at a good time, when they really need me. To enhance my reputation.

By selling the image that I appear when the world needs me most or something like that, there was a greater chance that I would be accepted by people like J. Jonah Jameson and others who criticized Spider-Man.

Also, if I wanted to, I had different powers that I could use from my alternate versions, although I had some minor limitations. But after careful consideration I decided it was time to make my debut in this "unknown" world and try to expand my reputation as a hero in this universe.

I had thought a lot before choosing this moment. Especially since I was in the right condition to do so. A "strong" enemy that I knew perfectly well and, at the same time, a plan that I had already studied in order not to make a bad impression.

So without wasting any further time, I was swinging through New York City when I heard several explosions. As my spidey-sense gave me warnings and was surprised. People down the streets began to move frantically and tripped over each other in panic.

Seeing this spectacle, I used my Sun Flames to make a small domain to make sure that no one was hurt in any way. I could see people's shocked faces as their scratches and superficial wounds were healed before their own eyes.

Listening to the warnings of my Spider-Sense. I shot a web and pulled back, moving away from where it was. As he was in the air and began to fall toward the ground, I turned in midair and looked at the place where he had been

I jumped up and landed on the side of the building, crawling upward. I jumped to the side and crawled away toward the highway.

I immediately spotted my target, a truck on the highway with several criminals using their weapons to create a passageway, was the cause of all this confusion and I executed the best course of action I could take. "X.A.N.A take control of the traffic lights and make sure no one gets hurt."

[Of course, Master]

I observed that the van was heading toward a tunnel. and knowing this I turned to the other side and waited for it to come. The moment it did, I jumped on it and clung vigorously to the sides with my claws, while several spider legs showed from my back and pointed at the ground to stop the advance of the van.

'Couldn't you really go on a diet, you stupid rhinoceros?'. I said to myself as I tried to stop him from advancing further, doing my best to keep the van from moving. I could hear police sirens in the back and even some helicopters that were filming everything that was happening.

Eventually I could see the minions coming out of the van with several weapons in their hands. And following the plan I had devised, a blue flame with sparkling particles that seemed to "flow" through them, giving them a rippling water-like appearance appeared in my hand.

Rain Flame!

And without waiting any further time, with a small movement I threw the flame in question into the air as it exploded into many small raindrops that began to fall into the surroundings.

The characteristic of this particular flame was the stillness that allowed it to weaken everything it touched. It could be used to slow down the movements or attacks of one's opponents. This little trick was certainly not meant for these simple subordinates, but it worked very well.

Good. I'm not going to break anyone's bones at least, self-control was a very important thing that not many could admit to possessing, but I wasn't going to go that lightly either and at the same time I was going to them

I did a quick blitz on them with a speed they could not even feel and disarmed them from their weapons with my webs and then began to cut them down one by one until they were unconscious, not even giving them a second to be able to think about their next moves and these guys had not even realized what hit them in the end.

I utilized my claws to inject nanobots into their bloodstream, enabling me to track their location and anticipate any potential jailbreak attempts. This way, I could act swiftly to prevent them from causing trouble in the future.

Police cars were stopped behind the car, the officers spotted me and quickly drew their weapons, "Stop! Don't move or we will shoot!"

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys," I told them without any fear. "Take care of these guys, and set up a perimeter so no one gets close and in the meantime help the surrounding people, they will probably need both physical and mental assistance."

The officers blinked in surprise when they heard my orders, but they noticed the still confused victims who needed help. A man with blond hair and a gray jacket stepped forward, "everyone lower their guns, there is no reason to take such a hasty action."

The policemen looked conflicted, but slowly they did. I sighed, "Thank you. I guess you are in charge."

The blond man nodded, "Yes, I am Captain Stacy and you are the new vigilante everyone is talking about? The newspapers will be jumping for joy by finally finding out your identity."

"Some more than others..." Did I pause, Stacy? Like Gwen Stacy's father? I'm honestly not surprised anymore. But if he's here, then where is he--later, I'll deal with that later.

Suddenly my spidey-sense began to warn of the danger I was waiting for, and I moved so that I could stand in front of the police. When "suddenly" the truck began to shake. I stopped and all the police officers drew their weapons.

The truck trailer began to shake from side to side suddenly. The doors were ripped off their hinges and flew over our heads. My eyes widened in astonishment as a massive walking tank leaped off the trailer, causing the road to fracture beneath its weight.

It was huge and gray, with armor strapped to its skin giving it superhuman strength and making it incredibly tough. With these enhancements the skin could be seen to be almost impenetrable making him almost unstoppable

Of course for those who had not yet figured out who he was, he was "The Rhino," one of Peter's most popular enemies. He looked like the version seen in The Spectacular Spider-Man and on one side I saw his armor attached to his skin that looked like some silicon/ titanium alloy.

"Man, have you ever thought about a diet..." I could only joke seeing his size. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to eat too many sweets."

I could feel his joints begin to warm up in his body as he turned toward me. a foreign-looking man with a flat face, grinning like a fool. "I am the rhinoceros! Don't get in my way!"

"Sure, and I'll even make you destroy the whole town," I commented as I dodged his attacks by relying on my spider sense.

Seeing that he couldn't hit me, he changed his target and got down on all fours, like a real rhinoceros. Then he took off, charging forward. I saw Stacy and the various agents behind him freeze in shock as Rhino charged right toward them.

"Watch out" I yelled as I used my webs on Stacy and he officers pulling them out of harm's way, just in time as Rhino broke through the police cruisers.

I turned to Stacy on my back, "Is everyone all right?"

"Yes, thank you," He murmured, with still evident upheaval.

"No problem," I looked around, no one else seemed hurt. I watched Rhino jump lanes, landing on the other side of the highway with such a loud crash that I feared the highway would break. It looks like he was trying to get away, well this didn't affect my plan in any way.

I ran forward and jumped on a lamppost, threw two lines of cobwebs and grabbed them around the rhino's torso, suddenly went forward as the rhino jumped off the highway and into the streets below.

'It's time to stop him. It has already done enough damage' I pulled ahead on the web line as it charged into the busy, traffic-filled road.

People screamed in fear as they jumped out of their cars and ran as the rhino tossed them aside with its horn. But if anyone paid enough attention they would realize that unlike the rhino's initial charge it was now much slower, allowing everyone to escape quite easily.

I could only show a smile behind my mask. No one was really in danger since the effects of my two flames were still active. "Hey gray boy!" I shouted, but he did not respond, was he ignoring me? I landed on his back and crawled toward his face, hitting him a few times to annoy him. "Hello? Is anyone here?"

"Come down to me!" The rhino roared.

"Oh okay," I said, as my body began to be enveloped in bioelectricity. " Remember you asked for it, I just follow your words" I finally said as all the electricity flowed into his hands and hit him with a fist right in the face.

*Venom Strike!*


The surrounding people couldn't help but be shocked as the villain's gigantic body weighing several tons was blown back to slam into one of the walls in one of the many surrounding buildings.

"X.A.N.A deactivates the cameras that are filming my confrontation for a few seconds," I said, to my Ai most intelligent and perfect of all universes in existence.

[Done, master]

'It is time to move on to the second phase of my plan' as another type of flame began to emerge in my hands.

A flame without any core and with an indigo color with lighter tones going almost to white the closer it is to the source with gray particles that surrounded it and gave a more sinister atmosphere than the other flames.

Mist Flame!

The Mist Flames feature, Construction, makes it optimal to be used in conjunction with illusions. It can be used to create real illusions, easily fooling the senses of the surrounding people.

And he was going to use these own flames to construct an illusion of me fighting against him. And I was winning very easily, but without hurting him too much to avoid too much criticism for my behavior as a vigilante. It was basically like Laxus fighting Raven Tail.

Meanwhile, the real Rhino struggled to get up, as the effect of my rain flames slowed his physical abilities and the weakness of his armor did not help him at all.

Well, all this was expected. Especially since I had sought advice from an alternate version of me who had already faced him, it had been a really good idea. After all, I had realized that the more backup plans, the better for me.

However, it was time to get out of the way, the first Spider-Man villain I had no intention of facing the sinister six, at least in this particular universe, although I had no doubt that I would face them somehow.

Rhino finally took in his strange condition as he turned to me, obvious terror making its way across his face. "What have you done to me!!! Why do I feel so weak!

But I did not answer as I slowly approached the weak figure. As my spider legs moved as if they had a life of their own to give a more intimidating effect to try to make him lose his composure.

"Get away from me!" Cried Rhino, as he tried to crawl out of my sight.

*Venom Strike!* *Venom Strike!*

I delivered two strong blows and landed behind his back to keep him still, while my spider legs crucified him in the truest sense of the word and attacked every vulnerable part of his armor.

"Enough... I give up!" Rhino continued to shout as he writhed in the pain he was suffering. "Please... P-Please!"

I grabbed him tightly as his big body was completely useless against me. I looked at him and said, "I'm sure you've given up.... This is a simple lesson for the future, Alexander O'Hirn."

I continued my little torture session for a few more minutes, for finally Rhino had lost consciousness, and seeing that, I decided to treat him with my solar flames to leave no evidence of my bad rehabilitation session.

And after using my claws by inserting nanobots into him as well in his bloodstream to know what he was doing at every single moment. I nullified the illusion of the Fog Flame by letting me win in a heroic and very efficient way.

After doing this, I noticed that several ambulances had arrived, but I did not stop. I helped where I could and soon realized that people were staring at me. They were taking pictures, whispering. I was also able to sense some radio stations that were already talking about me in the news indicating their and my intervention.

"Spidey! Can we have a word?!" her reporter asked.

"I'm sorry, there's no time," I told her, quickly walking away. I headed toward the destroyed areas and threw my Fog Flames again to show that they had been completely repaired, to the amazement of the surrounding people.

"X.A.N.A send the repair-spiders to fix everything," I said, with obvious haste in my tone.

As long as I had 'energy,' these illusions could be considered real, and only some people in this world would realize that they were not, and it was for these that I decided to do such a thing. And of course I was talking about the mystical part of this world, which for the moment had nothing to do with me.

[Repair-Spiders successfully sent. Arrival in minutes, time needed for perfect restoration of damage caused by Rhino: 1 hour. 13 minutes and 3 seconds]

"Perfect, now it's time to go," I said, it would be no problem for me to stay with my active flames for this interval of time. And with that intention I used my webs to return home. My debut was over and it could not have been better.


A/N: Very long chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Guys, remember to leave a review if you like the story. Your comments and interactions help motivate me so please write what you thought about the chapter in the comments. I am open to suggestions to help improve my fics.

I will use some sources from some nice Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't spoil it for those who haven't read the comics at all. Let the mystery remain.

I have added pictures of the characters in the auxiliary chapter if you want to take a look.


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