It was a pleasant surprise that Zenan was a special hacker. Ainsley knew that it was embarrassing to ask for help from Zenan, but she thickened her skin and went for it.
Ainsley: If that's the case...Big Bro Zenan, can you help me with this issue? Of course, I'll repay you. If you want anything, just mention it, and I'll give it to you.
Zenan wasn't polite either and didn't refuse Ainsley's offer to help her in exchange for a request.
Zenan: Then, I want to have a mid-ranked monster specialised in scouting or assassination as my reward. Lil Ain will help me contract the monster. Ok?
Ainsley: Deal! You just tell me the monster species, and I'll try to find it. Or maybe if you already have it, just bring the monster, and I'll help you contract the monster.
Zenan: Good. I'll come to your house with the monster. How is it? While also helping you deal with the hacker. Don't worry, the mafia council won't know.
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