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47.36% Madara's Brother Naruto Fanfiction / Chapter 9: 9. The Dawn

Capítulo 9: 9. The Dawn

'I can't breathe.'


'Let go! Let me live!'

Tap Tap

"-LET GO!" I jolted up and gasped for air, causing me to choke slightly. I couldn't help but panted heavily after that, feeling the lack of oxygen. My eyes were burning with tears as fear enveloped me. Fear of death. My heartbeat thumped ever so loudly, it was the only sound played in my ears. I can feel my clothes drenched from the sweat. I inhaled the air as if it was the most precious thing in this world and with a heavy breath, i exhaled.

As soon as i was able to breathe normally, i noticed that i wasn't in my enemy's grip anymore nor was i in pain. My hand was lifted to touch my throat but only then did i notice that i couldn't. I can't move my limbs and slowly, i can feel the pain starting to take over my whole body. My body fell unintentional on the soft surface again, giving out to the lack of strength. The stinging pain suddenly shot out and i helplessly winced. Even moving slightly hurt so much, i forgot how i was able to sit just fine earlier.


My ears suddenly picked up the sound. My eyes scanned around as i registered the unfamiliar view.

Tap Tap

Then it landed on a single window to my left, the source of the only sound i heard. The sky was noticeably dark, clouds formed the colour of grey as droplets of rain hit the window. The room was illuminated with a single source of light coming from a half-melted candle. It was placed near the window's frame, next to the bed.

It wasn't clear what was at the other side of the small opening as the sight was covered with another wall- probably a building.

My eyes went from the window to the candle, then back to the ceiling and the whole room that i was able to see only by moving my head slightly. The room wasn't spacious although it could fit a bed, a desk and a chair so well- it wasn't cramped either.

It was so quiet but unlike earlier where i can only hear my heartbeat, the sound of raindrop accompanied me. It soothed me like it usually did. I closed my eyes trying to gather my thoughts. The second i was fighting and choking, but now i'm here at who-knows-where. The moment i thought i was dying, i lived. This was an unexpected turn of event.

'Where am i exactly? Who saved me? What happened to the guy i fought?'

There were so many questions in the back of my mind but there was no one to direct it to. I saw no one, not even a glimpse. At least not yet.. I was alone in the dull, plain space. I can't just sit there waiting for someone to come. However when i tried to lift myself up again, every pores in my body, every muscles and veins screamed in pain. I failed miserably so i surrendered, and drifted off to sleep once again. I probably needed a rest for now, until someone comes.




"- did you find anything?" A feminine voice started.

"No, seems like everything went away." This time, it came from a deep voice, a man's. He was probably talking to the woman earlier.

I slowly opened my eyes to the voices. The first thing that i saw was the ceiling, then the figure next to me. Although my vision was blurred, i was able to register their presence.

"I see. The current must've been strong. It's a miracle he's still alive."

It took me a while but i was gradually able to see them clearly. Sitting on the chair to my right was a lady. She seemed to be in her teens but she looked so matured. Her short hair was a unique lavender and her eyes were the colour of warm amber. The combination colours were the first time i've seen since i got into this world. I admitted being mesmerised by her beautiful sight.

"Is he a war orphan like us?"

"Ah, look he's awaken."

Then my eyes landed on the man standing next to her. His appearance was average with a common brownish hair colour. He had the face of a calm, collected person. But i didn't want to be the judge of that. Overall, i noticed how they wore similar dark robe with the same forehead protector. The same unfamiliar symbol, not that of a Konoha's.

"Hey, how do you feel?" The man started, earning my attention.

I didn't feel like talking but it would be rude if i didn't, seemingly i was saved by them. Again, i tried my best to lift myself up. A hiss unconsciously escaped my mouth as i writhed in pain but i forced myself to be seated as Konan helped me leaned on the pillow.

"Don't be hasty. You're full of bruises."

My throat was too dried so i only managed to nod in response.

"They found you at the river, near the border when we went scouting. You were badly hurt." The lady spoke, her eyes genuinely showed concern.

"It was worst, he was almost as dead as a fish."

Border? I see.. It wasn't impossible, our destination's proximity to the border was what made the mission a C rank eventhough it was a neighbouring village. Since we were at war, the closer you get to the border of the countries, the closer you are to get involved. However, we didn't expect to meet danger so soon. No, we didn't expect to get into danger at all. The mission's village was close to the border, but it wasn't that close to be considered dangerous. The area was supposed to be safe. Even so, 'near the border' doesn't explain my current position.

"Where-" I mustered the strength to speak although all that came after that was a hoarse voice and a painful cough.

The lady passed me a canteen, "Have a drink." She said, helping me consumed it as i was unable to move. "You're in our base. There is a war currently ongoing outside, you should stay here before we send you home. At least, until you're fully cured." As if she could read my mind, she started to explain. "We're the Akatsuki, an organisation that protects children like you." She smiled, "So you're safe with us."

'Wait.. did I hear that right?'


She nodded, "This is Kie, and I'm Konan."

My eyes widened, the lady's name cleared away my doubts. This Akatsuki was none other than the organisation born in Amegakure, created by the three of Jiraiya's students. And one of them was apparently in front of my eyes. Then it also explained where I was. Nothing makes sense anymore. How I survived, how I died, how I reincarnated. And now, because I fell into the waterfall and being drifted off to another country. True, at that time I was close to the border. Amegakure's location was between the three great shinobi countries after all. But suddenly being brought here, and not to mention when the countries are in a state of war, I couldn't figure out how to get back unscathed.

"What's your name?" Konan pulled me away from my train of thoughts, my eyes now fixated on her. "Do you remember it?"

"It's.. Guren."

"Guren, why were you out there? I think most of the civillians know that it's dangerous outside." The man, Kie visibly raised his eyesbrows, "Especially now that we're in this situation, playing outside is dangerous."

The word 'playing' hadn't even crossed my mind. Now that he spoke of it, i couldn't help but frowned in disbelief. I'd preferred them not to treat me like a child as it was quite uncomfortable. However, i didn't know how to tell them in a polite way. I almost forgot that i was currently in a child's body, and i was exactly treated like a vulnerable innocent victim which was pretty awkward. Compared to the people of Konoha where I was treated like a genius and I was spoken to, like an adult, others who don't know me would expect me to be an ordinary child wouldn't they?

"I wasn't out there to play." I bluntly stated. They waited for me to continue but I wasn't even sure if telling them anything about me was fine either. Instead of telling them the reasons, i averted my eyes away, "Anyway, I appreciate you for saving me. I wouldn't have lasted long if it weren't for you, but i have something i need to do." Of course, i hadn't forgotten my original goal.

"Is the thing you need to do involves getting you injured like this? What exactly-"

"Seems like the kid's a Shinobi." Kie was cut short when two presences suddenly entered.

I flinched as both Konan and Kie exchanged looks. Then all the attention quickly shifted towards the two. The first thing i caught within my sight was those particularly intimidating eyes, a pair with a pattern that resembles a concentric circle. The Rinnegan. Those were Madara's. My view shifted towards the one standing next to him as I immediately assumed him Yahiko. Now the trio was complete, I can't ask for more.

"What do you mean?"

"We went further to make sure the vicinity was safe from anyone. What happened to Guren was unfortunate, so we decided to be alert. Although-," Yahiko lifted up his hand. On his palm was a piece of cloth, ragged and wet but the plated steel on it was unscratched. If it was, it was invinsible to the eyes. I couldn't help but let out a sigh. "This is the Konoha's." He finished.

'So much for hiding the fact that I'm a shinobi.'

Konan and Kie didn't seem too surprised. Rather, Kie had a frown on his face while Konan on the other hand, stared blatantly at my face. I wondered what she had in mind. My guess was that they've already suspected me for being one, or that being a shinobi at an early age during this era is understandable. Either one, i couldn't careless. "That's right. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly earlier. I am Guren, a Konoha's genin. I was on a mission but it seemed like it didn't go well." I didn't want to go into details as failing a mission was humiliating, especially when you put your pride on the line. Moreover, I never did like failure to begin with. I shot Yahiko, the leader a serious look, "I'm a shinobi, isn't it risky for you to keep me here? For i can be a spy or an enemy."

It was silence for a moment. I realised how my body was slightly tensed from all the attention i received but i forced myself to stay composed. After what felt like hours, Yahiko finally responded with a suppressed laughter. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to say that. It's okay, we're not an organisation that harm children like you. Besides, you're pretty injured there- you don't look like you could hurt us in any moment."

My eyes twitched- what he said was true. I could barely move a muscle if not for Konan's support earlier. "Thank you.. for saving me." I paused, "- although I have something urgent to do and I'm afraid I don't have much time."

"You should stay with us, until you've fully recovered."

I had no reason to refuse. Unless I wanted to die again, I'd better be obedient and take the offer. "Until I'm better, I'll be in your care." I tilted my head a little, bowing to them as a gesture of respect. "I apologise for the inconvenience."




It has been a two weeks and a half since I was under Akatsuki's care. My wounds healed much quicker than I'd expected it to be and I was at least, able to stand, walk and mold my chakra properly. I was unable to do it before due to the lasting poison. It stayed unpleasant in my body for five days and one of Akatsuki's medical member told me it would disappear after the sixth day. I admitted being irritated although, I couldn't have done anything but wait for it to completely disappear if I wanted to use my chakra again.

"Firestyle : Fireball jutsu." A ball of fire came out of my mouth as it slowly dissipated into thin air. I sighed, feeling relieved that my chakra was completely restored. Suddenly, I felt an unfamiliar presence to my right, as if I was being watched closely. Immediately, I threw a Kunai at the bushes and went to check if I did hit someone or anything. My eyes scanned around the area but there was nothing out of ordinary. Then I picked up the Kunai, turning around to go back until Yahiko stopped me in my track.

He stepped closer, putting a hand on my shoulder with a proud grin on his face, "I saw you back there. That was pretty amazing."

I returned his smile with my own, "I've been feeling better, thanks to you and your comrades."

"One thing about you is that you're too polite. By chance, are you still uncomfortable with us?"

"No-," I paused, "I'm usually like this."

"Really? Hmm.. you're not an ordinary genin are you?"

The smile on my face faded. I didn't bother to deny nor answer him as I didn't feel the need to. The people in Akatsuki was already aware of my abilities and I doubted that this was the first time Yahiko had seen me unleash a jutsu. Although today was an exception, my fireball jutsu was a lot bigger than what I had potrayed to the others.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I plan to go back."

"I've seen you fight before, when you saved the siblings from the Cloud Ninja."

'Siblings?' He must've referred to the boys I helped the day before. When I saw their lives being threatened, my body moved on its own. Only because they reminded me of my brothers.

Yahiko continued, "-but what if you meet a stronger ranked Jounin or Anbu level? And there's probably more than one shinobi out there. There's no guarantee that you'll be safe. It's too dangerous to go back as it is now."

I lowered my gaze on the ground, thoughts filled my mind as what Yahiko said was true. I was aware of my capabilities. My previous opponent, the assassin was apparently a Jounin level shinobi. I realised too late and clung to my hope that wished him to be a Chunin instead. The result from that was this, a recovery that costed me almost two weeks.

"What do you suggest me do then, Yahiko-san? I don't belong here."

"I'll think of a plan with Konan and Nagato. For now, let's fill ourselves first." He finished, before walking back towards the base.

I watched his back until it completely disappeared from my sight. Then I closed my eyes, trying to figure out what to do next. Even if i cross the border, it'll take me days to arrive to Konoha. 'There's no guarantee you'll be safe.' Yahiko's words echoed in mind.

I frowned when I suddenly felt the eyes again. There was no doubt, someone was deliberately watching. It sent chills down my spines but if I act, it's possible that it'll run away again so I pretended to not notice and went towards the base.




My feet dragged me outside into the rain as my eyes caught the figure of a red head, alone. He was standing still with his back against me. I approached him from behind, disregarding the downpour, "It's always raining here but I don't dislike it." I started, earning a glance from him. "It's different from Konoha where the seasons change all the time."

Nagato turned around to face me, "You shouldn't be out here."

"So do you, Nagato-san."

We both stared into each other's eyes. My heart thumped in mixed feelings at the thought that Madara could be looking at me through those eyes but everyone knows it doesn't work that way. Nagato had worn an indifferent expression while I did the same. The one to break the silence first was me, "Those eyes of yours. Are you aware that they are called the Rinnegan?"

"How do you-"

"Do you fear its power?" he flinched but I continued, activating my own Dojutsu, "I have a similar thing too. Although mine are called Sharingan. You shouldn't fear the power but use it only for benefits." Nagato didn't utter a word as he listened to my random ramble, "I already decided to use it for someone else's sake, i want to protect them. What about you? What would you do with that power?"

"It seems we're similar in that aspect." He sent me a gentle smile, "We both have things we want to protect."

A small smile made its way to my face, "I'm sorry to have bothered you but Konan-san told me that there is an urgent matter she needs to discuss with everyone. She sent me to fetch you." I added.

Nagato nodded, "You should get inside too." He trailed off before walking pass me and into the shelter.

I didn't move from my spot but instead, stepping further from the base and when I finally thought that the area was clear, I turned around and wore a grim expression, "Come out Zetsu. I know you're watching."

It was silence for a moment before a figure suddenly appeared from the ground. Hair as green as the natures, body was half-white and the other half was black. As if they were amused, the white Zetsu chuckled. "Interesting, you know our name."

My eyes narrowed, "-and I also know who sent you."

"Oh?" They bemused, suddenly became quiet.

"There's something I need you to tell him."

"... And what might it be?"

"Tell him that Uchiha Shirai is alive."


red_rabbit18 red_rabbit18

I worked my ass off on this chapter hahaha and it turns out longer than what i've written before

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