/ Movies / Xena’s Twilight World (gxg)

Xena’s Twilight World (gxg) Original

Xena’s Twilight World (gxg)

Movies 9 Capítulos 73.8K Visitas
Autor: Kuh_Sian

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Xena, being labeled as "lord crazy" of vampires is sent from her "book" (world) to another just because Mark the 4th creator made a mistake by making another book intervening the two books together.

Mark being scolded by his friend Aurora the 1st creator for making another world is told to take the punishment of being whipped a thousand (1 000) times after that is decided Aurora takes an interest in the new book that had been made.

See how Xena's journey in a new world is going to be like while having the backing of 2 creators without even knowing it.

General Audiences


  1. Kingsav_Savage
    Kingsav_Savage Contribuido 5
  2. Amara_Bowen_7774
    Amara_Bowen_7774 Contribuido 1
  3. Kora_Love
    Kora_Love Contribuido 1

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También te puede interesar


  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Very good! looking forward to the next update ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Autor Kuh_Sian