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55.55% The Rise of Hades / Chapter 9: [9] Improvement of The Underworld !

Capítulo 9: [9] Improvement of The Underworld !

(((( Special Note :

* Because some people asked if Hades is too rash and overconfident with his actions ...

Actually , Hades Thinks a lot about everything he does and will do ...

Afterall , He has more than a hundred years , is a born God, and has enough wisdom and knowledge to be a wisdom god ...

So don't worry , everything he does is strictly according to Century-long plans ...

So , imagine him as undefeated Aizen , but he probably won't be beaten by stupid things like friendship or plot ....

* Also , some people asked about the danger of his soul avatars ...

there is no danger at all , and I emphasised this many time ...

the Soul avatars don't have a consciousness of their own ...

It is only his own consciousness , through multiple souls ...

imagine them as separating his mind into multiple mind rooms , so he can think of multiple things and so multiple action at once ...

another way to imagine them would be as if you are a gamer in front of multiple computers ....



After the 6th Year :

I finished merging my soul with the Underworld , and connected the other dimensions more tightly to it ...

There is still some impurities in my divinity that need to be separated and fixed , but my power now is much much stronger than before I undertook the process of separating myself...

a rough estimate would be around 100 times stronger than I was just after the war ...

Also , each of the dimensions grew bigger , and the underworld also grew bigger ...

Civilisation in each domain started to appear and prosper , as each dimension had a sentient race inhabiting it ...

The Shadow Dimension had Enderman-like race ...

The Blood Dimension had the Vampires led by Dracula ...

The Flesh Dimension had The Ghouls led by Stitches ...

The Bone Dimension had the Liches led by Larloch ...

The Treasure Dimension had the Golems led by Dom ...

It seemed that only the Underworld , which is my first created dimension , started to lag behind ...

Afterall , Ghosts only start to become sentient after they become much stronger ...

So , I decided to make some changes ...

Instead of Ghosts , Souls in the Underworld will be separated into 2 races ...

Soul Reapers and Soul Eaters ...

Soul Reapers have sentience easier , but are born weaker , they can gain strength through training and skills (basically Shinigami) ...

Soul Eaters are just like the original souls , but even more savage , they are like beasts and are born with greater innate strength , and they have instincts to always eat other souls to evolve, especially Soul reapers who are delicious to them ...

When they reach a certain advanced stage , they start to become sentient and also have their own Innate skills (basically Hollows) ...

Making the Ghosts into 2 races like this , especially to provoke fast development of Civilisation and Strength !

The Soul Reapers pursue Greater skills and Techniques , and the Soul Eater pursue greater raw strength ...

The War between the 2 races will push each of them to evolve , even gaining the abilities of the other race through various methods !


With the race of the Underworld settled , I decided to look at other problems I had ...

Currently , the only thing connecting My dimensions is myself and my soul avatars, which puts a huge invisible load on my mind and soul ...

Another problem is the impurities I have in my soul divinity , which isn't quite suitable to be put in the underworld ...

The last problem is that I lost my body , although I could condense an avatar of consciousness, it isn't quite like having a living body ...

First things first , the first 2 problems can be solved together , and the last one will have an opportunity later ...

Problems will get solved by themselves sooner or later ...

and so , I decided to go into Tartarus , where a certain someone was imprisoned , to offer a deal ...


Deep in Tartarus :-

my avatar body , condensed from divine energy and a soul avatar , looked in shock at what was in front of me ...

A Huge Gigantic Large Super Titanic Primordial , words can't be used to describe his size ...

He was bound by equally gigantic chains ...

and sadly for him , he was penisless (different from penniless) ...

This is Ouranos , who suffered greatly ...

He didn't like some of his children with Gaea , and threw them into Tartarus (namely the 3 Cyclops and the 3 Hecatoncheries) ...

Gaea was displeased , so she supported one of the titans (the third group of children) to ruse up against his father ,her husband ...

Yes , she supported Cronus at the time ...

Cronus Hatched a plan and enacted it with Gaea's help ...

He ambushed Ouranus and cut his genitals , then defeated him and threw him into Tartarus ...

But Cronus didn't free the Cyclops and the Hecatoncheries, who are also his brothers , from Tartarus ...

He also was Tyrannical, even more than Ouranus ...

This caused Gaea to withdraw her support of him , and made her support Zeus and our group of Gods to rise against Cronus and the Titans ...

In the Original Mythology , after Zeus took the throne , he showed many signs of being arrogant and Tyrannical just like his father Cronus and grandfather Ouranos , which made Gaea displeased and sent multiple threats against him ...

Bit this is a story for later ...

As I reawakened to reality , I looked at the Bound Ouranos before me , and felt pity for him ...

He was reduced to such a stage by his own son , and he even had his genitals cut off ...

He doesn't even have a proper legend , other than a few lines of him being castrated , defeated and imprisoned ...

Truly a pitiful existence ...

Seemingly as if sensing my pity , Ouranos awoke from his sleep , and looked around until he noticed an ant like existence next to him ...

as he looked carefully , he realised it is a person ...

" Ouranos ! I came here to offer you a Deal !"

Hades shouted with all his might so Ouranos may hear him .

" Speak ! What do you Want ? And What do you Offer ?" Ouranos spoke slowly and with a weak voice.

but due to his size ,it still shook the world and sounded like someone shouted inside my brain ...

" I offer you Freedom ! And I just want some of your organs , I know you can regenerate them when you are free from here !"

It took some time for the message to reach him , due to how huge he was , but after some time , he finally replied ...

" What Guarantees do I have that you will not betray me ?"

" I Swear an Oath upon my divine power to free you from here , as long as you give me what I want !"

" Okay. I agree. What organs do you want ?"

" I want your heart and some blood. I also want your brain." I said my needs shamelessly, as if I was asking for some vegetable.

Apparently , even Ouranus was surprised by such a degree of shamelessness , but he actually took some time to consider it carefully ...

afterall , He is an Immortal Primordial , his body itself is nothing but a husk for his soul , and he can regenerate as long as the chains are removed from his body ...

so , he nodded his massive head slowly and said

"I agree !"

And so , I simply cut out his heart , drained some blood and extracted his brain from his head ...

After storing these things into the Underworld ,I cut off his Shackles and Chains , and set him free ...

If he learned anything from his stay here , he should be less arrogant ...

If he had any special ideas , I would hate to kill such a pitiful Grandpa like him ...

Actually , I could Slaughter him like a chicken and get what I wanted , but he seemed too pitiful to do any more bad things to him ...

Of course , he doesn't know that while I was extracting his organs , I left a few backhands ...

Like some magic runes and formulas around his heart and brain , which can instantly seal him up and allows me to control him like a puppet if need comes ...

But he doesn't need to know that , Does He ?

As I left Ouranos to recover from his injuries and regenerate his body (Brain , Heart and Genitals , mainly genitals)

I returned to the Underworld on my own ...


Meanwhile , Ouranos , after regenerating , found some magma forming into a silhouette in front of him ...

" Tartarus ..." Ouranos muttered .

" Yes , how are you , brother ?" replied Tartarus.

and so they sat together and talked , chatting about some things , and whatever happened during the past few millenia ...

although imprisoned within Tartarus since an eternity , Ouranos didn't meet him many time ...

They talked about alit of things , and returned to talk about Hades as Ouranos questioned ...

" Hades , Who is he ??? How did he gain so much power ??? I could sense the power within him able to equal a few Primordials alone !"

" Hades , he ...He was born only more than a hundred years ago , to Cronus and Rhea , two of your children ...

He was the eldest son , and also the strangest ...

He has always been growing stronger , and I watched his struggles during the past 2 decades or so ...

He is truly an amazing person ..."

As Tartarus continued to talk about Hades and compliment him , Ouranus grew more wary and cautious of Hades ...

Originally , Ouranus thought he was still the strongest , and as soon as he comes out of Tartarus , he can regain the throne of the world ...

But learning about Hades wiped out his wild ambitions , he decided to just retire and do his own job as the Sky Primordial honestly ...


Hades returned to The Underworld happily with the loot , seemingly unaware of Ouranos' chat with Tartarus ...

But actually , he left a small invisible clone in Tartarus that couldn't be detected by even Tartarus himself , and he witnessed everything that happened after ...

Afterall , Ouranos is a huge hidden danger , he must make sure he doesn't do some chaos and destabilise the hardly-achieved peace ...

He only freed Ouranos because of his pitifulness , and feeling kind , but the greatest reason is that Hades has enough strength now ...

Anyways , shaking his thoughts away from Ouranos , he looked at the blood ,heart and brain in front of him ...

First , he dredged a wide river in all dimensions ...

Then , He added the blood to each river , creating a strange reddish river...

As each of his soul avatars and he himself casted spells and magic runes on the blood , it suddenly boiled and bubbled , its color transforming into black bit by bit , until it became completely black ...

This , shall be River Styx !

The Styx Rivers surround the Underworld and other dimensions , and every soul will fall into the styx water first ...

Its function this time , is to connect each dimension with the others ,and lifting the hidden burden I have on my soul to connect each dimension through my soul ...


This is only the first step , Next I looked at the Heart ...

I started casting magic runes and drawing ancient symbols covering the heart , and split my Karma Divinity and a soul avatar into it ...

The Huge Heart became even bigger , and I put it in the meeting point of all styx rivers in all dimensions ...

It was connected with the Styx rivers , and it began pulsing rhythmically...

This shall be called the Center of Reincarnation !

The Soul Avatar became the Reincarnation God inside it ...

It better connects all dimensions , and even connects back to the World of the Living ...

it allows the travel of souls between dimensions , and between the Underworld and the Living World , Only through Reincarnation ...

It uses a complicated system of measuring Karma to accurately measure the Connections between each soul and other souls & How the souls have affected the World during their life ...

Then, give them an equivalent Reincarnation...

(((This is easy to do, as long as you read the soul's memories you can find out...

which is why Karma is part of Hades' authority, as he caneasily read soul memories and then deduce the rules of Karma...)))

The souls fall into the styx river as soon as they die , then they are rushed to the reincarnation center along the center , and get an appropriate Reincarnation !

((( Special Note:

Karma is a measurement of the connections with other people, and actions you take that affect the World ...

This is how Chinese Gods, Immortals and Buddhas are always able to know everything through picking their fingers and deduction, they are actually looking through Karma threads connecting everything to other things, and then deduce the relation of Cause and Effect to know seemingly everything they want ...

As Good and Evil are relative to the side you look at it from, Karma doesn't actually have good or evil, it is just an amount ...

you can call it fate or destiny ...

some people have big Karma/Fate/Destiny, like Emperors and Rulers & some Generals and Scientists ...

Measuring Karma is easy that way...

As for Reincarnation based on Karma ?

Those with large amounts of Karma will always have greater opportunities and fate than others, you can count them as protagonists or named characters ...

No matter whether their Karma is good or bad, they would either enter the good or bad faction, but either way they will excel in their own side and become an important character ...)))

Connecting the Reincarnation Center to the Styx river added an ability to the Styx waters ...

Anyone who falls into the styx river will die , and his soul will enter the Reincarnation Center automatically , and get reincarnated into a random world or dimension , completely randomly without depending on his karma ...

Also , if someone only submerged a part of his body but not all his body , the part submerged will become immortal , and the only weakness will be the part that wasn't submerged ...

(according to the legend of Achilles , when he was a baby , he was taken to the styx river and submerged until only one of his ankles was out , which made his body immortal with the fatal weakness of this ankle ...

Later , he died to a stupid romantic Prince who ruined 2 countries because he stole the spartan King's wife , with 3 arrow to the accursed ankle)


This is the second step , I looked at the Brain as i though about the last step ...

I added magic runes and formulas , but this time was different , because this time it took a very long time to finish the magic enchantment ...

It finally took two whole years to complete the enchantment , and I started it ...

The brain started rising and rotating around itself, releasing countless magic rays of various colors , and a strange change happened !

The brain split into Three orbs !

I heaved a sigh of relief, as the 3rd step was completed ...

I transformed Ouranos' brain into Three Dimension Embryos , and it only remains to give the sacrifice !

The reason why it took so long was because of creating 3 dimension cores at once , and the splitting of Ouranos brain may waste all the precious materials if anything in the delicate process goes wrong ....

But finally , It is finished !

As the three dimensions are creates from a brain , they can only be made into spiritual and mental dimensions ...

As for what is related to spiritual and mental ???

Almost all the extra impurities in my soul Divinity !

Dreams , Desires, Emotions !

and so , I cut away these parts of my divinity , each with a soul avatar , and they instantly turned into Three new Dimensions !

(Cutting soul avatars became rather easy after becoming a Primordial myself , and enhancing my Soul divinity greatly)


The Dream Dimension , where all dreams are born , exist and end ...

My Soul Avatar put into it became the Dream Primordial ...

I decided To let Hypnos become its guardian, as his sleep divinity greatly complements the dream dimension ...

I also chose some souls , and transformed them into dream spirits ...

The job of dream spirits is to select some random gibberish from the minds of dreaming creatures , and put them together into a dream , which may or may not turn out to be a nightmare ...

I ans the Fates can also use dreams to communicate some oracle's or prophecies with chosen ones ...

This Dimension grants me the ability to control my dreams , and to weave dreams however I wish...

All souls connect to this dimension when they dream , which allows me to farm their dream energy to grow the dimension ...


The Desire Dimension , where all Desires Gather.

The Desire to see , The Desire to Hear , The Desire to Smell , The Desire to Taste , The Desire to Touch and The Desire to Think ...

The Desires don't only reflect their actual meaning like Sight, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching and Thinking ...

They also reflect the production and control of things observed by these Senses.

for example:-

* The Desire to See can control Colors.

* The Desire to Hear can control Sounds.

* The Desire to Smell can control Scents.

* The Desire to Taste can control Flavours.

* The Desire to Touch can control Sensations.

* The Desire to Think can control Thoughts and create anything based on a thought!

My Soul Avatar put inside became the Desire Primordial .

The Desire Dimension allows me to observe all Desires ...

which means , I can know whatever is being Seen , Heard , Smelled , Tastest and Touched by any creature in the world ...

Even their thoughts aren't safe from my snooping ...

Besides this , I can also control Desires, which means I can cast impeccable Illusions and I can create anything based on these Desires !

(((Special Note:

If something can be Seen, Heard, Smelled, Tasted, Touched and Thought of ...

Then it absolutely exists , Right !

with this , he can create anything out of his Desires...

if he casts an illusion of fire , and the whole world ghinks and feels it is fire , then it will burn like any other fire ...

and So on)))

And I can enhance my senses to super levels , reaching the best possible Eyes , Ears , Nose , Tongue & Skin ...

As for enhancing my thoughts , it is just accelerating my thinking processes to SuperComputer levels ...

I can also Actualize my thoughts into reality , which makes a lot of the magic I learned redundant, as the base of magic is just to do this ...

I Created the Six Desires Demons using some souls ...

They are Hideos creatures with 6 Eyes , 4 Ears, 2 Noses, 2 tongues, Ash Grey Skin, 2 Brains least , this is their standard form I wanted to create ...

They turned out to be much stranger and more terrifying , coming out in random numbers of eyes , ears , noses , tongues and brains ...

Apparently , their talent with a certain desire is apparent counting the number of organs they can use for this Desire...

All souls subconsciously connect to this dimension when they use their desires ,which allows me to farm their desire energy and grow this dimension ...


The Emotion Dimension , which governs all emotions ...

My Soul Avatar put there turned out to be the Emotion Primordial !

I decided to split this Dimension into 2 different parts ...

I gathered all the Positive Emotions to one side ,which soon became light and warm , full of Good ...

The Negative Emotions were gathered to the other side , which became dark and gloomy , full of Evil ...

The Positive Emotions include Love , Joy , Satisfaction , Contentment , Interest ,Amusement , Serenity and Awe ...

The Negative Enotions include Fear ,Anger Disgust ,Rage , Sadness, Loneliness and Annoyance ...

From Positive Emotions ,I created 7 Angels, representing the 7 Virtues of :

Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience ,Humility.

From Negative Emotions ,I created 7 Devils , representing the 7 Sins of :

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Envy, Wrath , Pride.

This dimension grants me the ability to control all kinds of emotions ...

Using this dimension , I can farm the emotions of all beings , and the souls who enter these dimensions specailly supply me with a lot of Emotions ...


With these dimensions complete , I made sure I absolutely milked all creatures in the world of all their residual value ...

and even made a recycling device like Reincarnation Center ...

I am such a good merciful god , You know ?!

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