It was eerie to watch it happen. She'd only ever seen him in that cold, emotionless place after he'd already slipped into it. But as they sat at the table and his panic passed, she realized she was watching it overcome him. He went from shaking and frantic, to fidgety and distracted, to cold and calculating… in seconds. It was as if something possessed him. It was terrifying. And when he looked at her after the transformation was complete, there was something missing in his eyes.
She squeezed his hand and tried to hold his gaze, but he'd already turned back to Chris and started asking questions about pieces of technology she knew nothing about.
He could have been talking about the weather, or an accounting problem for all the emotion in his tone. She stared at him trying to understand how her husband, the man who'd just been shaking and pleading with her, had become this… robot.
I'm so grateful for all your support of Dane and Delilah and I hope you continue to enjoy their story in Volume 2 which begins in March! To celebrate, I've released another chunk of advance chapters for privilege readers!
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Privilege Readers are readers who pay to read chapters in advance of their release to normal readers. For this story, if you buy privilege, you'll have a choice to buy 2, 8, 15, 20, or 25 chapters in advance. (For example: If the general release chapter is 100, then privilege readers can read up to chapter 102, 108, 115, 120, or 125, depending which tier they purchase.) And the top tiers of privilege also receive a MASSIVE discount on normal release chapters--up to 99%!
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Thank you again for being such a great support to this story. You are a blessing to me (and Dane & Delilah!)