The pale skin was only blemished by the tear stains on the girls' cheeks. Her brown hair was smoother and braided making her look perfect for an event like the harvest festival. The blue dress she wore was a powder blue. The girl seemed to be ignored by everyone who walked past, even the children about her age.
"I think that's the right person to dance with. Do you mind if I go and see what's wrong?" Walker was given a nod of affirmation from Alice. She had stopped because she hated the sight of a girl crying during such a happy time. Alice just didn't know how to fix it and pulled on Walker to do so since he was always able to fix things since she met him.
As Walker approached the girl she looked at him then away. It appeared that she did not believe he was actually coming to speak to her and instead of going to walk right over her. "You look like you need a dance partner." His outstretched hand was met with a stunned look.
Drop those golden tickets. Let's beat 530 this month!