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89.61% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 69: A Kingdom Compromised Part 2

Capítulo 69: A Kingdom Compromised Part 2

Kanna fights with her team (Dade, Arret, a firebender, and a spearman) against a DOJ unit on the Western side of Ba Sing Se. They are fighting alongside several Earth Kingdom troopers (an earthbender, a spearman, and a swordsman). The DOJ team consists of two swordsmen, a spearman, a waterbender, an archer, and a seven-foot-tall heavy trooper with a hammer.

Arret launches an arrow into the DOJ archer's neck while a cultist swordsman swings diagonally at Dade. Dade backpedals and blocks the strike then kicks his enemy in the man's left leg. The duelist stumbles and Dade thrusts his sword into the trooper's stomach, "Awwwaa!"

A firebender pumps a brick of orange fire into the waterbender's chest while a spearman lunges at Kanna. Kanna does a right cartwheel then kicks a dark flame from her left leg into the man's stomach. The flame explodes on impact and the spearman flies three feet in the air and three feet back, "Ahhhhaaa!!"

A 31st spearman pounds his weapon through a DOJ swordman's gut. An earthbender launches a large stone column into the brute's face, the heavy man falls. Dade: "Wow, that was too easy."

Karanga emerges with a firebender, an earthbender, and three of her fists. Karranga's fists (assassins) include one with a spear, another with dual swords, and another with a long silver sword. Karanga smiles, "Not bad, now try that against us."

Kanna grins back, "Oh, it will be my pleasure."

Karanga extends her arms and shoots a volley of wrist blades at the young lady. Kanna's eyes widen and she slides left. The earthbender looks at her but he is too slow, Karanga shoots a volley of metal projectiles into him. Kanna yells, "No!"

Karanga shouts back, "Yes!" The assassin shoots another barrage of shoots at Kanna and the firebender flips right. The earth kingdom spear and swordsman attempt to charge at her. Karanga shoots a wrist blade into the spearman's abdomen and another into the swordman's left shoulder. The swordsman falls injured, and the spearman dies.

Kanna lunges at Karanga and punches two dark orange flames at her. Karanga sways left, dodging the first one. The assassin ducks to evade the second blast. Karanga swirls her hands forward and shoots another barrage of shots at the lieutenant. Kanna sprints right.

Meanwhile one of Karanga's Fists (assassins) hops right of Dade's position. The assassin lunges at Dade with impeccable speed. Dade rolls right then cuts down the man with an upper slash. Another warrior with dual swords briskly swipes at Dade's neck. The young marine ducks then skips forward and thrusts his sword into the man's gut. Dade: "Another one bites the dust."

Arret flicks an arrow at sword assassin's midsection. The assassin swats it aside then swats a second arrow away that is fired at his abdomen. The man charges at Arret, but a firebender intervenes and pumps a rod of orange fire at the man's chest. The assassin bobs behind the firebender and impales him. Arret shoots an arrow at the exposed assassin but the man rotates his body and bats the arrow aside.

Dade notices an earthbender jump in front of him. Dade: "Not again." The earthbender directs a beam of rocks at the marine and Dade retreats into a nearby building.

Arret thinks, "Well that's creative." Arret rotates her bow and shoots an arrow into the bender's forehead. The assassin charges closer to her then lunges in for a killing blow. Arret swiftly rotates her body and launches an arrow into the man's chest just in the nick of time. A firebender jumps at Arret at kicks an orange flame at her face.

Arret rolls right then the marine spearman chucks his weapon into the firebender's lower chest. Meanwhile, Kanna continues to engage Karanga. Kanna pumps two dark orange flames at her opponent. Karanga slides left and Kanna pulls her hands forward before firing a blaze of dark orange and gold fire at the assassin.

Karanga dives left, almost being fried by Kanna's attack. The assassin rolls in the dirt and starts coughing. Kanna puts her hands on her hips, "I bet you're not used to sweating like this!" Kanna aims her right hand down and jabs a dark orange flame into the ground. A thin river of fire flows toward the assassin. Karanga flips left then Kanna rotates her left hand and pumps a dark orange flame at Karanga.

Karanga bends down then shifts her arms forward. An advanced allow under her sleeves absorbs the heat, allowing her to block the blow but the explosive nature of Kanna's flames still knocks her three feet back. Karanga rolls back on her feet but Kanna swiftly pumps two dark orange flames at her. Karanga shifts her arms side to side as she blocks them.

The DOJ enforcer rotates her right hand and aims it low before firing a volley of wrist blades at Kanna's lower body. Kanna launches herself in the air then points her legs down at Karanga and kicks a stream of dark orange fire at her enemy. Karanga slides forward while a gigantic explosion erupts behind her. Karanga rolls back on her feet and the 31st scout lands a few feet across her position.

Karanga shifts her hands forward and shoots a volley of metal projectiles at Kanna's midsection. Kanna slides forward then pops two dark orange flames at Karanga's stomach and chest. Karanga slides left and launches three projectiles at Kanna. Kanna rolls away from two of the projectiles and another barely misses her. Kanna takes a breath then flips back on her feet.

Kanna thinks, "Wow how many of those does she have?" Karanga slides forward and shoots several wrist blades at Kanna. Kanna usually dodges flames with ease but Karanga's wrist blades fly faster than any other attacks she's seen besides lightning. The firebender flips behind the grounded assassin but Karanga quickly rotates her body and fires two wrist blades at Kanna's belly.

Kanna leaps in the air and kicks a ray of dark orange fire at Karanga's face. Karanga dashes left but Kanna swiftly turns her body and launches a brick of fire at her. Karanga slides forward yet again and Kanna gets bored of Karanga's antics. Karanga taunts, "You're getting tired mentally, I can tell." The Shadow of Justice sprints up and horizontally lunges at Kanna with two of her wrist blades drawn.

Kanna ducks and Karanga kicks the firebender in her chest. Kanna backpedals and the assassin shoots two metal blades at her. Kanna slides forward and pounds Karanga in her jaw with an upper right kick. Karanga falls face-first into the ground. Kanna smiles, "I got her." Karanga glares at the girl and horizontally swings at her chest.

Kanna flips behind Karanga and Karanga taunts, "You can't run forever!!"

Kanna answers, "Come and get me then." Karanga diagonally swipes at Kanna's face.

Kanna leaps backward, "Too slow." Karanga groans in frustration. Kanna actually isn't faster than Karanga but she has better timing. However, Kanna is trying to get in Karanga's head to disrupt her focus. The assassin swings horizontally at Kanna's neck. Kanna ducks then Karanga lashes at Kanna's face with a straight right hand.

Kanna shifts her head left. Karanga attacks again with a straight left hand but Kanna bobs left again. The DOJ killer moves in to get another shot at her opponent but also leaves herself open while doing so. Kanna quickly picks up her right leg and kicks it at Karanga's left knee. Karanga raises her knee in anticipation of the attack.

Kanna changes the direction of her kick while engulfing her leg with dark orange fire. Kanna's leg flies straight into Karanga's face, "Awwwaahaaa!!" Karanga flies straight into the ground unconscious.

Kanna looks at Dade, "Cuff her."

Dade shakes his head, "What if she gets up and tries to kill me?"

Kanna looks back at Karanga, "Oh come on silly, cuff her. She knocked out."

The spearman raises his hand, "I volunteer. Let me take the risk." The spearman pulls out handcuffs and walks toward Karanga. The assassin suddenly does a leg sweep and trips the man. Karanga grabs the man by his neck with her right arm while holding a wrist blade at his neck with her left.

Kanna gasps, "I stand corrected."

Karanga gets up with the spearman held hostage, "I'll gut him like a pig if you don't let me out of here."

Kanna responds, "Calm down, we've lost enough marines as is. Please, just stand down and we'll talk this through."

Karanga snarls, "I don't want to talk."

Dade: "Then you can escape, just let him go."

Karanga commands, "Stay right there all of you." Karanga starts backpedaling with the marine held hostage. Karanga: "Otherwise I'll kill him." The DOJ enforcer notices Arret, "Drop your bow now!" Arret keeps aim at Karanga's forehead.

Karanga begins to press her blade against the marine's neck, "I said NOW!"

Arret drops her bow. Karanga smiles, "Good." The marine draws his dagger from his left hand, not wanting to risk Karanga's escape even for his life. Karanga notices and slits the man's throat. Dade gasps in suspense and Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into Karanga's stomach. Karanga shouts, "Awwwwww!!!"

The assassin falls and dies. Dade looks at Kanna, "You almost got me killed."

Kanna replies, "I'm sorry. What was I supposed to do? I didn't want to brutally attack a down opponent, I thought we wanted to change and move away from that old overly violent path that we were on. I'm sorry Dade, do you really think I wanted my childhood friend to die? Or did you think I should have willingly risked that marine's life instead of yours. It's against our code to play favorites when it comes to such decisions."

Dade: "No Kanna, I just..."

Kanna: "It's fine, we're all stressed."

Arret: "At least Karanga is dead."

Kanna: "Yeah, but I don't like killing people that much. Even if they deserve it. I only hope it'll all be worth it in the end." Kanna thinks about everyone she killed to complete her missions. Trefflo, Asad, Karanga, Captain Thire, and many others have fallen by her hand.

Not Finished Yet

Kett, Konbo, Tyson, a waterswordsman, and the earth axman continue to push forward through enemy lines. The axman horizontally swats a DOJ swordsman down while Konbo slams his spear into a mace warrior's chest. Tyson sees a firebender and swordsman charging at him. The young earthbender simultaneously punches two stone bricks into his enemy's faces then notices a waterbender aiming at Konbo.

Tyson rotates his hands right and blasts the waterbender with a beam of sand into a building. A terrorist earthbender shoots a barrage of rocks at the water tribe swordsman. The water swordsman rolls forward and slams his weapon into the DOJ bender's left leg. The Water Tribe trooper pulls his sword back and the earthbender collapses. The swordsman yanks the blade out of his opponent then thrusts his blade into the man's chest.

Mass Effect- Virmire Battle (Missing Soundtrack) [Youtube] {Music Starts}

Kett: "Good job everyone. They're falling back!" Tufen arrives with several DOJ messengers. One messenger has dual knives, another has a wide curved sword, another has a morning star club, one has a chainblade, and one is a firebender.

Tufen comments, "Karanga and Haresh are both here. Your friends are no match for them. Afterall, Haresh has already beaten Rosh before. I can see it right now, both of them being helplessly gutted because you couldn't save them. And they have deadly teams just like this with them. Karanga brought her personal assassins."

Kett shakes his head, "It will make no difference you arrogant menace. You underestimate the resolve of the 31st!!"

Tufen: "And what of your current troops?"

Kett sarcastically says, "I don't know, you guys tell them."

Tyson: "We've been through more together than you could possibly imagine and I'd rather not waste my time explaining things to trash."

Konbo: "That about sums it up."

Tufen shakes his head, "No matter, you all can fight together and die together. I'm honestly touched. I'll make sure to give your team a proper burial, that's something I don't usually do."

Kett aims his hands at the waterbending master and shoots two beams of light orange fire at his opponent. Tufen raises a thick wall of water that blocks the shots. Tufen shifts his hands and punches two three-foot-wide and five-foot-long blocks of ice at his opponent. Kett twirls right dodging the first block and zaps a beam of bright orange fire into the other block.

Tufen twirls forward and extends his right hand; firing a volley of ice knives at Kett's neck. Kett rolls right then shoots four light orange fireballs at Tufen's body. Tufen raises a mound of ice which takes the shots then turns to water. Tufen stretches his hands and launches the water at Kett's legs. Kett glides in the air and kicks a beam of light orange fire at his foe.

Tufen twirls left then Kett lands a few feet closer yet right of the water tribe enforcer's position. Tufen directs a barrage of ice knives at the Vindicated Avenger and Kett rolls left then springs back on his feet and pounds a gust of light orange fire at the man. Tufen lifts his arms and launches himself twelve feet in the air.

Tufen's water wall is knocked down a bit by Kett's fire, which brings Tufen down to six feet in the air. But Tufen re-amplifies his water surge and rises to thirteen feet. The water enforcer aims down at Kett and fires two massive ice blocks at him. Kett sprints and dives out of the way then rockets himself in the air with a beam of light orange flames toward his opponent.

Meanwhile, a messenger with a chainblade diagonally swings his weapon at the left side of Konbo's neck. Konbo rotates his spear and knocks the chain away from his direction. A trooper with a morning star tries to take down the spearman while he seems distracted but Konbo focuses and launches his spear into the man's stomach. The chainblade warrior swings horizontally at Konbo's neck but Konbo shifts his staff again as he blocks the strike.

Tyson fires a wall of earth into a DOJ firebender across his position. Tyson shifts his body and hurls a column of limestone into the chainblade trooper's stomach. The terrorist with the curved sword moves to engage the Earth Kingdom axman. The Earth Kingdom axman swings his weapon horizontally at the swordsman's neck. The swordsman dips and rushes forward but the axman decapitates his enemy.

The warrior with dual knives throws his blades at the Water Tribe swordsman. The swordsman lashes his blade from left to right as he knocks several knives away. But one knife flies into the man's abdomen and he falls forward. The knifethrower pivots and tosses two knives at the axman. Tyson raises a wall of earth which intercepts the shot then hurls the wall into the messenger. The man's mask flies off his face as his body is squished against a building.

Tufen fires two water torpedoes at the Vindicated Avenger and Kett jabs two of his own light orange flames into Tufen's shots. Kett kicks a flame at the water tribe enforcer's face and Tufen slips. Tufen rotates his body as he looks for another angle to attack from. Tufen pushes his hands and shoots a gust of freezing ice at Kett. Kett extends his arms and fires his own shockwave of fire against Tufen's.

Fire and ice sparkle against each other in the dark as they both push forward then simultaneously stop. Steam flows around Kett's hands as he punches two fast light orange flames at his opponent. Tufen shifts right dodging the first flame then crosses his arms (generated ice shields while doing so) blocking the second one. Tufen's arms are still slightly burned from the block but it could have been worse.

Tufen takes a step back and points his palms; launching a cold beam of water at Kett's body. Kett leaps in the air and fires a surge of light orange flames into Tufen. The waterbending master flies backward through a window and into a drawer unconscious. Konbo and Tyson rush in the room. Tyson raises his hands and immediately bounds the sleeping enforcer.

(Music Stops)

Konbo: "Don't worry sir, we'll make sure Tufen never escapes again. If he thought the Fire Nation custody was bad wait until he is taken into underground imprisonment."

Kett: "I wonder if Karanga and Haresh will be as lucky as him this time."

Protecting Ba Sing Se

Macai, two swordsmen, a firebender, and a spearman face off against an incoming team of hostiles. Two DOJ swordsmen, a spearman, an earthbender, and a waterbender move to face Macai's team. The commander immediately goes for the benders and pumps two white fireballs at them. The earthbender is nailed in the chest but the waterbender blocks the shot with a wall of ice. Macai promptly shoots a beam of white fire and obliterates the upper half of the man's body.

The DOJ spearman lunges at a 31st swordsman but the swordsman swings left diagonally; directing the spear away from him. Then the swordsman gallops forward as he vertically slays his foe. The marine firebender extends his left arm and punches a flame into a terrorist swordsman. Macai's other marine swordsman swings up and slams his weapon into a cultist duelist.

Macai: "Well, good job." A marine turns and sees a Earth Kingdom archer fall from a rooftop behind his squad.

The marine pokes Macai and points. Macai notices a wingman archer fly at 80 miles an hour behind the team. Macai: "It's a wingman, Voren must have sent some of his troops to support!!" The archer bolts his steel arrow at Macai and the commander rolls left. The marine firebender pumps a flame at the wingman but the warrior flies away behind a building. Macai warns, "Stay sharp and keep moving."

Macai's team waits, but the wingman doesn't return. The marines then advance until they notice a fight occurring around the central plaza within the city. Macai sees none other than the earth officer Apeko, a man he fought in Vanaloori. Apeko has three Earth Kingdom commandos with him, and another commando is already dead.

Macai also notices several Earth Kingdom trooper corpses around the area along with dozens of DOJ corpses. One commando is hit by a knife that is thrown by a DOJ trooper. Apeko tosses his steel hat, and it pounds the knifethrower's neck before returning to him. A swordsman and a waterbender move engage the team. One commando extends his hands and fires a barrage of rocks into the cultist swordsman.

The waterbender bolts a ray of water at the other commando but the elite trooper rolls right then pulls his left hand down. The waterbender is suddenly yanked and detained by a mound of earth that binds him. The commandos pull the terrorist down before Macai's team steps behind Apenko's squad.

Macai crosses his arms, "Well, if it isn't Captain Apenko."

Apenko points at Macai, "It's Major now and I'm not just an army officer. Now I work with special forces."

Macai: "I'm impressed."

Apenko adds, "Just because you earned some people's trust doesn't mean you earned mine. That takes time. Afterall, I saw you brutally murder Varsha and several other of my men in battle."

Macai explains, "We were on different sides back then but now we have a greater enemy."

A marine swordsman comments, "I'll say, we've got more incoming." A DOJ team moves to engage Macai's forces. The team consists of a firebender, a waterbender, an earthbender, three swordsmen, two spearmen, two archers, and two wingmen with swords soaring above.

Apeko looks at his enemies, "Well would you look at that. This is what we signed up for. Commandos engage!!" Apeko rushes forward and tosses his spinning hat into a swordsman's face. The officer extends his hands and fires a volley of rocks into an enemy spearman and swordsman. Macai jumps in the fray and propels a beam of white fire into the DOJ firebender.

An archer immediately notices Macai because of his white fire which is even more noticeable at night. The archer launches an explosive arrow at the commander but Macai hurdles right as he dodges a wild explosion. A spearman throws his weapon at an incoming commando, but the commander flips in the air and shoves a brick into the man's face. A wingman notices the commando and flies toward him at 90 miles an hour.

The wingman swings at the commando but the elite serviceman generates stone shield gauntlets around his arms which prevent the strike. The commando then latches onto the wingman and the extra weight from the earthbender's stone arms bring them both down. The commando rotates the wingman so that he lands on top of his attacker when they hit the ground.

The other Earth Kingdom commando moves toward a waterbender (on his right) and a swordsman (on his left). The waterbender pops a beam of water at the advanced trooper. The commando pulls his left arm down and a earth barrier intercepts the attack. The commando kicks his right leg and the top half of the wall is fired at the waterbender. The waterbender rolls evasively then the commando pulls his hand down and his opponent is submerged into the ground.

A hostile earthbender throws a elephantine boulder at Major Apeko, Apeko briefly runs and dives right to avoid the dangerous rock. The boulder rolls toward one of the commandos behind him, but the earth commando spreads his arms and changes the trajectory of the boulder. The DOJ earthbender looks up but is crushed by his own weapon.

Macai notices a swordsman charging at his left flank and swiftly kicks a white flame into his opponent. The remaining wingman glides behind Macai at 120 miles an hour as he maxes out his speed. Macai hears a crack in the sky but can't initially tell where it's coming from. Then at the last second, the gifted young man rotates his body and fires a beam of white flames into the wingman, zapping him several feet away.

An archer fires an explosive arrow at Apeko but the man raises his hands and blocks the shot with an earth incline. The incline is blown to pieces and small fragments of it scatter from the attack. The major sprints as he looks the close the distance with his foe. The archer fires another arrow at Apeko's feet to stop him in his tracks, but Apenko flips backward and tosses his hat into the archer's chest before landing smoothly.

A commando on the right side of the fight rushes forward as a DOJ archer fires an explosive yellow arrow at his head. The commando crouches and the arrow explodes behind him. The commando pulls his arms left and a gust of sand sweeps his enemy away.

Apenko looks at Macai, "Not bad. I will say, it's much nicer having you on my side rather than against me." Macai's marines expeditiously follow behind him and the commandos as they struggle to keep up. The wingman archer that was gone earlier suddenly emerges in the distance and aims at Macai's neck. The earth commando right of Macai notices and directs a stone knife into the wingman. The airborne hostile spirals down.

A commando looks ahead and points, "Wait what's that? There are four enemy benders and they're all attacking someone." Macai looks further. The commander notices two DOJ earth benders, a firebender, and a waterbender about twenty feet away from their position. The firebender shoots several orange flames, the waterbender fires multiple water torpedoes, and the two earthbenders shoot multiple objects at their adversary.

A large column of earth glides into one of the earthbenders. Apeko takes a closer look and sees Toph stepping forward. Toph raises her arms, and a wide shield of earth blocks several incoming projectiles. The earthbending prodigy extends her right hand and a fraction of her shield flies into the waterbender across her. The remaining DOJ earthbender notices the opening and launches a large rock at her.

Toph raises a column of earth which hits the rock and knocks its trajectory in another direction. Toph latches out her right hand and a gust of sand wraps around the earthbender's legs. The teen pulls her right hand down and sinks the earthbender into the surface. The firebender shoots a beam of orange fire which destroys the remains of Toph's cover. Toph pulls her hands left and a strong swarm of rocks downs the remaining cultist.

Macai, the marines, the two commandos, and Major Apeko meet with Toph. Macai: "Where is the King?"

Toph comments, "He's safe, don't worry sparky pants. My instructors are watching after him."

Apeko asks, "I thought they were fighting on the frontlines?"

Toph: "They were, but now they're watching him. And they already cleared out the blockheads they were facing."

Macai: "Well done Toph. You definitely made this fight a much faster one for us."

Toph: "Same to you Macai, you didn't need to be here. Your forces played a major role in defeating the DOJ here and doing it with a lot less casualties than we would have gotten otherwise. I wish I could say the same for me and the Fire Nation."

Macai: "You had no way of knowing our Capital would get hit."

Toph clinches her right fist, "I know and if I did, Zerrel would be in a casket right now."

Apeko: "A little brutal there Toph."

Toph: "Why are you so surprised? I'm not the Avatar and I'm not restricted by his beliefs."

Macai: "I still beat Aang wouldn't want that and he'd talk you out of..."

Toph: "But he isn't here is he? I know he'll be back, I just know it. Still, we have to do what we have to do right now. Look how you let Tufen live and he just came back. We can't afford to do that with Zerrel, not after all he's done. No one gets away with kidnapping with Zuko unless it's me!"

Macai: "I understand, but we'll be on the case. If you want, you can tag along with us like Kett is."

Toph smiles, "I understand, but no. The Earth Kingdom is where I belong. And the only way I see myself going on other crazy adventures is after Aang is back."

Apeko: "We should celebrate at that hotel Macai is staying in."

Macai: "I'm down."

Toph: "Celebrate? After all this, I'm glad we won but I'd rather take a nap. But if you really want I'll say hello and make a brief guest appearance. That's it though."

Macai: "I bet her students would want to be apart of it."

Toph narrows her eyes, "You guessed it, but I honestly don't want to be bothered. I already know we'll have our own celebration, and this is just too soon. Maybe I will be if I do, just wait until the weekend. Then we can all have a good time together."

Macai: "Ummm, I don't know. We're going to be really busy."

Toph: "Really, so busy that you can't wait for a couple of days?"

Macai: "Yeah."

Toph nonchalantly responds, "Well, isn't that a shame?"

Apeko: "Awkward."

Macai: "I'm just kidding." Toph punches Macai in his right arm. Macai: "Hey, who said you can do that?" Toph hits the commander a second time in his shoulder.

Toph: "Don't joke about such things. I won't warn you again."

Apeko: "Next time she might beat you up."

Macai: "Good luck with that."

Toph: "What?!"

Macai huffs, "Nothing..." Later that week Macai, Rosh, Kanna, Sonna, Toph, Apeko, Earth Kingdom Commandos, other marines, united way troopers, Kett, Toph's students, and several civilians have a massive celebration together in the Platinum Suite's Lounge. People eat ube cake, drink tea, play cards, dance, and tell jokes during the celebration. A band even plays live music with trumpets, drums, harps, guzhengs, hulusis, and pipas present.

Rosh smiles and holds a cup of champagne, "Cheers to a new life and better world that we are fighting to sustain."

Macai, Toph, Apeko, Kanna, Kett, Konbo, and Toph's metal bending instructors all agree, "Cheeers!!!"

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