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42.85% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 33: Willa Ambush

Capítulo 33: Willa Ambush

A lot has happened since Macai's victory at the Ember Mounds just a few weeks ago. Commander Zhao has been promoted to admiral after capturing the Avatar, who escaped yet again due to the interference of a mysterious Blue Spirit. The admiral set a trap and apparently killed the spirit.

In reality, Zuko pretended to be a spirit so he could prevent his rival from gaining victory over him by freeing the Avatar. Zhao eventually discovered this before he apparently killed the spirit. Zhao later discovered Zuko survived the encounter.

The admiral subsequently hired pirates to destroy the prince's ship, but Zuko managed to survive. Now a starving, wounded, and tired royal relentlessly hunts for the spiritual icon as Zhao prepares for one of the most important battles the war can offer.

Rosh waits outside of Macai's chamber in the halls of the Prompt Adjudicator. Rosh came to surprise his friend, but he quickly realizes Macai has been locked in his chamber longer than usual. He hears muttering from the room.

Macai slams open the door and marches ahead with Hazo. Rosh follows them. Macai turns around and hears his friend's footsteps. Rosh smiles, "Hey Macai, what's up my man?!"

Macai: "The Siege of the North is in motion! Admiral Zhao's forces are ready. Iroh agreed to be his supervisor after a team of pirates attacked the Prince's ship, killing him."

Rosh frowns, "Wait what?! Prince Zuko??"

Macai nods, "Apparently, Zuko is dead."

Rosh shakes his head, "Wow, maybe Azula will learn from this and change. Zuko was a good man, an underrated warrior. He went through so much." Rosh struggles tocome up with a sensible response.

Macai: "I know Rosh, I know. It's ok. We will AVENGE HIM."

Rosh asks, "Are we joining the siege?"

Macai: "Not exactly, but our attack will be pivotal to making it possible. Zhao's forces are going to let us strike first. We will hit the Willa Region. It is an arctic pathway that leads to the Northern Water Tribe. This pathway has been used by Eastern Water Tribe forces to assist and aid the Northern Water Tribe during their recent joint efforts. The Eastern Tribe can add supplies, weapons, and other things to assist Northern forces from the area."

Hazo adds, "We will need to shut the region down, to make things easier for our forces when they hit hostiles. This will allow Zhao's forces to wear the Water Tribe army down sooner."

Macai replies, "There is more. There is another smaller location called the Sulto region. It is located about forty miles west of the Northern Water Tribe. It could be used as an evacuation route for Northern Water Tribe forces or important figures such as Princess Yue. It links the Western and Northern Water Tribes."

Hazo: "Remember, the Western Water Tribe forces specialize at guerrilla warfare. They are great at running and hiding. We struggle to find them in the cold Western Water Tribe valleys and forests. They also have a decent amount of dangerous Waterbenders who can assist them."

Rosh asks, "So what are we going to do?"

Macai: "You're going to lead a small force with Kanna, Samira, Basin, and Kedo to hit the Sulto region. While Kett, Sonna, Dade, Desan, and will take on the Outer Willa forces."

Rosh: "How will I get there?"

Macai: "You will take a small, yet fast corvette called the Faded Avenger to loop around enemy forces. Once you make it ashore, you will take a small force and march up the Yinshu Mountain which is a three-day walk from the shoreline. After you make it there, you will move down across the mountain into the Willa valley. Stay there, then Fire Nation army forces will eventually reinforce you."

Rosh gulps, "This sounds like we are taking a lot of risks."

Macai: "Indeed, but they are risks we will have to take due to the stakes at hand. The valley has a route that leads to a path just twenty kilometers from the Northern Water Tribe. You and your reinforcements will push from that position into the Northern Water Tribe Capital to ambush their forces from behind. That won't happen until well after Zhao's forces have made direct contact with our enemies."

Later that day, Rosh's force is sent on its mission. Rosh's team consists of himself, Kanna, another three firebenders, five sword marines (including Basin), three archers (including Kedo), and four spear warriors (including Samira). They set sail on a foggy day and the sky is light grey. Their ship docks as planned without meeting any resistance, then Rosh's forces push across the mountain.

While this is happening, Macai marches with a platoon of 31st shock troopers. The unit camps about thirty meters away from an enemy fortress. The ground is covered with thick white snow and a cool breeze flows across the sky. It is nineteen degrees outside (-7.22 Celsius). The sky is white, where Macai is.

Macai's troops camp out in tents for the night. The Water Tribe fortress can be seen from the distance. It is fifteen feet tall and thirty meters wide. The walls of the fort are made of a sturdy light blue stone substance. Several Northern Water Tribe archers stand on the walls. The Northern Water Tribe officers have blue hooded arctic fursuits, red paint on their foreheads, and masks. The grunts have light blue uniforms, grey masks with black markings, and long light grey wigs on their heads.

The fortress is shaped like a rectangle. Several small ice buildings are located within the fort walls. The fort is fifty meters long and thirty meters wide. It is large enough to look like a military village. Several food packages, spears, swords, arrows, toiletries, medical tools, and other materials are shipped through the fort. There are also several carriages with terramules (arctic mules) to transport them.

Kett meets with Macai in his tent. Asad sicks in the background. Macai looks at his friend, "Hazo will be waiting at the Prompt Adjudicator. Telvin is also stationed there, so he won't have to experience this nightmare."

Kett: "Nightmare? It's our moment of triumph."

Macai responds, "He will have his moment soon enough. The Earth Kingdom still will stand in our way after this. We have had a lot of victories against them, but it will be different when we strike at their heart."

Kett: "So you and Asad will lead the main attack on the enemy fort."

Macai nods, "That's right. While we do, you will take a small force and punch a hole through the left flank of our enemy forces. The edge of the coniferous forest faces that side of the fort and the path between the edge of the forest and the left side of the fort is just eighteen feet from the fortress. Unlike the rest of the pathway, which is largely open and without any cover."

Kett: "Your forces will be exposed and take a lot of heat."

Macai: "Let us worry about that. But we will have five tanks take the lead in the fight. We will move in after the tanks."

Kett: "Do you think they have a counter for the tanks?"

Macai: "I hear the fort walls are strong and can take a bit of a beating. But I'm not sure. I'm going to have our troops spread out and mobile to avoid being easy targets for any enemy counters." Kett nods.

Macai adds, "I will advise our guards to stay sharp for an ambush since we are vulnerable at the moment. Be ready on standby, I will have some of our firebenders and archers ready to spring an attack if we are hit."

A Gist of Defiance

Behind the fort walls, Captain Igono waits in his chambers. The walls of the chamber are white, the floor is light blue, and the ceiling is white-blue. Several pictures and other decorations are scattered throughout the room. There are also a few candles to keep the facility warm, but the heat waves from the candles are not strong enough to compromise the structure of the ice walls around them.

Igono sits in a sparkling chair. Its color is a mix of light blue and light grey. Igono's uniform is royal blue with several tan markings throughout as well as some navy blue stripes. Igono has thick black curly hair, light blue eyes, a long nose, dark yellow skin, a full beard, and a jacked body. Captain Zerashi opens the door.

Zerashi has medium-length black straight hair, a thin mustache, thin eyebrows, a wide forehead, light brown skin, round dark blue eyes, and slightly large lips. Zerashi: "Igono, Commander Macai's forces have been camped outside of our position. Should we hit them now, while they are vulnerable?"

Igono shakes his head, "No, not yet. Wait on my command, they will be expecting an attack."

The next morning, Rosh's forces advance deeper down the mountains and toward the valley. The sky is shining with a beautiful golden yellow, white, and light blue glare. The snowfall decreased from yesterday but is still steady. Rosh takes the lead with Kanna a few feet right of his position. A firebender stands on his left and another two behind.

The other warriors march behind them and the archers stand in the rear. Rosh: "We need to move quickly, we should almost be there."

Kanna: "Our position is a bit exposed Rosh, I recommend you put some swordsmen behind our archers to cover them."

Rosh: "Yeah, you're right." Rosh orders two swordsmen, a spearman, and a firebender to cover the rear of the archers. Rosh gets another firebender to move further behind the strike team in front of the squad but keeps two firebenders directly behind him and Kanna.

Rosh: "We will be going in hard. I want us to ram straight through our enemies. I just got so caught up with the attack, that I got a little sloppy. I won't make that mistake again."

Kanna responds, "It's ok to make mistakes Rosh, none of us are perfect. Not even Macai."

Rosh laughs, "You're telling me. Believe me, I'm aware of that. He's a good guy though, but he definitely has room for improvement. His dating preferences is one of those areas."

Kanna: "So we are just supposed to stand in the open and prevent people from marching through here?"

Rosh shakes his head, "No, we are supposed to sit and lie in wait at the central point of the valley. The spot where most of our enemies would travel through. Other Fire Nation army troops will pour around the lesser routes with strong numbers to prevent travel. While we watch the hardest one."

Samira: "We've been walking forever Rosh, are we lost?"

Rosh: "No, this is the route. Be patient Mira."

Samira asks, "Did I give you permission to give me a nickname?"

Rosh: "No, that's not how nicknames work."

Samira defiantly stares at Rosh, "And how exactly do they work?"

Rosh: "Someone else gives you one."

Samira: "Maybe that's how it works with YOU or someone else. But I don't let people give me labels."

Rosh retorts, "I'm sure you didn't give yourself your rank."

Samira: "Well, no but..."

Rosh smiles, "Gotcha."

Samira scowls, "Are you happy now?"

Rosh: "Yes."

Kanna: "I think we are here. I think this is how it looks on the map."

Rosh looks at the map, "Yeah, I believe so."

Samira: "Now what?"

Rosh: "Simple, we patiently wait." Several marines crouch while others stand guard. All of them are prepared for a fight.

Light Show

Five Fire Nation Tanks move across the snowy field as Macai forces march behind them. On the left side of the field, Kett's team sprints in the woods. Attempting to hide their position. The tanks fire a volley of orange torpedoes of fire into the fort wall. The fort is shaken from the hits but is not breached.

Macai looks from the distance, "Those walls are very sturdy."

Asad comments, "They were apparently made by ancient Earth Kingdom artisans who unified with the Water Tribe forces to defeat a grave spiritual threat."

Macai smiles, "So much history, but that history won't save them. Order the tanks to fire at the top of the fort, we'll blast our enemies off the top so they can't fire at our infantry, then the infantry will move up ahead and scale the walls. Once that happens, I'll call the tanks off so they don't commit friendly fire. Order them to shoot at will."

The tanks raise their nozzles and fire several large spheres of fire into their enemies. The balls explode as they collide with archers. One shot sends two archers flying off the fort down on top of buildings behind them. After several archers are blasted away, Macai nods for marines to move behind them.

The marines advance a few feet behind the tanks. In an instant, five water benders emerge on the right side of the tanks from the snow below. Macai's eyes widen as he watches from the distance with his binoculars. One waterbender slides forward and launches snow inside of the tank across from him. Causing the tank to malfunction and break down.

Another five water benders arise from the left side of the tanks. One water bender raises his hands and pulls them both together. Several streams of snow flow into the tank openings and break it down. Steam flows from the disabled tank.

Kett looks at the tanks as his team advances across the woods. Ronin: "Should we hit them? We can take out those guys on the left."

Kett: "No, we must stay on mission and hit the fort. Our reinforcements will likely deal with them. If we attack them, the enemies will just enhance fort defenses and make it harder for our allies to break their lines."

Kett sprints with Ronin on his right, a firebender on his left, and another three firebenders directly behind them. Three swordsmen, three spearmen, and two archers (including Arret) advance behind the firebenders.

As Kett's forces advance further across the woods, one archer looks down in the lieutenant's direction. The archer gasps and points, "Hostiles!"

Kett notices the archer's reaction, "Evasive maneuvers!" Kett extends his hands and blasts the man off the platform with a stream of light orange fire. The other archer looks at the flame and his vision is briefly disrupted by the bright light. Though Macai specializes in blinding his enemies, other flames also have a lesser extent of this trait if they are looked into, especially lighter variations like Kett's fire.

Kett shifts his left hand and punches a bright orange ball of fire into the archer's chest. The archer stumbles off the fort. Kett waves his hand, "Come on!" Several marines run to the edge of the woods beside Kett.

Ronin: "What's the move, Kett?"

Kett explains, "On my signal, you will move on the right. A couple of marines will cover your back. While you do this, several marines will cover the left and I'll press the front to buy us time."

Ronin: "Aye aye, sir."

Kett runs forward. Three water tribe warriors emerge. The one on the right has a spear, the one in the center is a waterbender, and the one on the left is an archer. The waterbender swirls a line of water around himself and shoots it at Kett. Kett lifts his hands and propels himself with a stream of bright orange fire.

The water hits Kett's fire stream and is absorbed by it. Kett stops himself after he emerges just a few feet under the top of the fort. Kett pulls his right hand to the right and swats a light orange fire whip into the archer across him. Kett shifts his hand left and knocks the other two Water Tribe warriors aside. While Kett remains airborne, several of his marines throw hooks up the wall and begin to scale it.

Kett looks right and notices two water tribe warriors sprinting in his direction. Kett extends his right hand and blasts a beam of light orange fire into the bender in the front. The waterbender flies into the man behind him, knocking them both out.

Kett looks left and notices another two watertribe warriors emerging in his direction. The one in the front is a swordsman and the one behind is a waterbender. Kett smoothly extends his left hand and pumps a beam of water into the swordsman. The swordsman flies into the waterbender, knocking his friend out.

Kett smiles, "This is easier than I thought it would be." Several marines climb at the top of the fort. An archer from the other side of the structure darts an arrow at one of the swordsmen, the swordsman swats the arrow aside. Another swordsman a few feet left of Kett's position is shot off the platform by an arrow.

Another arrow nails a firebender in the chest, the bender falls forward and collapses. Kett realizes his forces are exposed in a vulnerable position. Kett raises his flames and soars over yet behind his marines. Several archers immediately take aim at Kett. Kett quickly lowers himself while a volley of arrows are fired in his direction.

Kett gaps, "Macai needs to support us."

Asad watches the fight from the distance with his binoculars, "Looks like they're facing a lot of pressure."

Macai: "Send the reserve tanks that were transferred to us for this mission. Since we lost our initial team. Have them do a 360."

Asad: "It will be done sir."

Three tanks emerge about twenty meters behind the main force of marines who are fighting directly behind the fort. The tanks arc their nozzles up and hurls three large fire balls in the air. One ball lands directly in the middle of the right side of the fort.

Ronin looks right and notices a beam of orange fire land between a pack of Water Tribe warriors who were rushing in from his right flank. The explosion immediately pulverizes the attackers. Another ball of fire lands in the middle of several water tribe warriors on the back of the fort who are firing directly at Kett's team. A marine looks left and notices a beam of fire land directly in the center of several water tribe warriors, blowing them to dust.

Kett's team cheers as the volleys of fire rip through the Water Tribe warriors around them. Macai looks at Asad, "After the enemies on the fort are dealt with, have them fire directly into the base. We will pound it to dust." While this is happening, the five waterbenders prepare to engage the marines below after they dismantle the five tanks in the back. One of them is immediately shot in the neck by an arrow.

One waterbender on the right is shot in the stomach by a fireball. The waterbender in the center of the position extends his hands and blasts a firebender aside with a stream of water. The waterbender on the left directs a volley of ice sickles into two incoming marines (one firebender and one swordsman).

The waterbender on the right blocks a beam of fire with a shield of water. As the waterbenders fight, a door opens from the back of the fort. Several Water Tribe sword warriors, spear warriors, archers, and water benders reinforce the waterbenders. Both sides trade losses and enter a stalemate.

Macai looks at Asad, "For now, don't be distracted by that. It will be fine as long as our marines hold them off. Kett's team will distract our enemies and attack any stragglers on that fort. Meanwhile the tanks will readjust their fire into the main fort. The enemies will be blown to dust."

The commander continues, "Then we will take our reserve squads and smash through the enemies who remain in the main battle ahead of us. Send two squads of marines to reinforce the woods that Kett's team went across. I want that position locked down incase any flankers try to cause us trouble."

While the Macai's forces battle their enemies, Rosh's team still waits in silence in the Sulto Valley. Kedo: "Wow, I'm freezing."

Rosh chews on a cracker. Kedo slowly rises, "Enemies on our left."

Rosh drops his cracker, "Positions everyone!" Rosh notices three Water Tribe warriors rushing forward. The one in the center is a swordsman, the one on the right is a spearman, and the one on the left is a bender. A firebender (in the center), a swordsman (on the left), and a Samira engage the enemies (on the right).

The firebender shoots a ray of orange fire into the swordsman across from him. The marine swordsman sprints and swings horizontally at the bender across him. The waterbender ducks then propels a beam of water into his opponent's stomach, blasting the marine swordsman away. The firebender readjusts his focus and bolts a rod of orange flames at the waterbender.

The waterbender raises his hands and blocks the flame with a wall of water. The bender extends his arms and launches a ray of water at the firebender. The firebender pours his own stream of fire into the water. The two benders attempt to overpower each other. The waterbender begins to overpower the firebender and the water stream slowly moves closer to the firebender.

Samira charges at the Water Tribe spearman across her. The man is in his late thirties and has dark brown hair. The man also has a beard, a thick mustache, a goatee, pointy ears, light skin, and medium lips. The man swings his spear at Samira's stomach. Samira horizontally shifts her spear left and smacks her opponent's spear in the left direction.

Samira rotates her weapon and slams her spear through the man's throat. Water Tribe Warrior: "Blouw!" The man's knees bend and his body glides forward. Samira pulls her spear back and kicks the deadman down. Samira looks left and notices the firebender left of her is still struggling in his bending lock.

The firebender groans as his muscles become weary. The waterbender's smile quickly turns to a frown as Samira tosses her spear into his chest. The firebender turns and nods at Samira in respect. Samira and the firebender look forward and notice another two Water Tribe warriors emerge. One is a waterbender (on the left) and the other is a swords man (on the right).

Samira draws her dagger and sprints at her opponent. The firebender shoots a fire cube into his opponent. The swordsman vertically lunges his sword at Samira's stomach. Samira leaps backward. The swordsman charges at the female marine and swings vertically at her. Samira side steps left of the warrior's position then pivots behind the man and slides her dagger into the man's stomach.

The Water Tribe Warrior chirps, "Auaah!" Samira pulls her dagger back and lets the man fall. Samira secures her dagger and retrieves her spear from the waterbender's corpse near her. Another team of Water Tribe warriors move behind Rosh's team. A firebender on the left and swordsman on the far right emerge to engage them.

Kanna jumps in the middle of the marines to assist them. A waterbender (in the center), spearman (on the right), and swordsman (left) emerge to engage them. The waterbender blasts a stream of water at Kanna. Kanna leaps over the beam of water and extends both of her legs; firing a rod of dark orange fire into the bender. The rod of fire explodes on impact and violently creates a small crater in the ground.

Kanna extends her right hand and blows a dark orange flame into the the spearman across her. The swordsman on the left desperate chucks throws his weapon at Kanna's chest. Kanna hops left and the marine across the swordsman closes the distance. The Water Tribe warrior panics and draws a small reserve knife. The marine promptly exerts himself and pumps his sword into the warrior's stomach.

The Water Tribe soldier cries, "Ahhh!" Kanna looks back at Rosh. Rosh gives her a thumbs up. Meanwhile, Macai's tanks fire a volley of orange blasts into the fort, leveling several buildings and packs of soldiers inside of the facility. Several Water Tribe troops are blown to dust.

A frustrated Chieftain Igono is greeted by Captain Zerashi, "Sir, our forces are being destroyed. We can't stay here."

Igono nods, "Then it is time to leave. Set forces to retreat but have our team out front hold them off so the others can escape. They will be willing to sacrifice themselves for our cause."

Kett haymakers several beams of light orange fire into retreating enemies below while Arret and the other archer shoot down a few archers who emerge from other sides of the fort. Arret looks up and gazes into a blood red sky. Kett looks back at Arret, "Um, what's going on?"

 Waterbenders lose their bending. A supernatural disturbance occurs.

Arret shrugs her shoulders, "I have no idea. Let's keep suppressing fire." The 31st has no idea that Zhao just killed the moon spirit, which has thrown the spiritual balance off. This has caused the waterbenders to lose their power.

Meanwhile, the infantry in the main unit continue to clash with the Water Tribe forces in front of the fort. Asad asks Macai, "Should we join them?"

Macai nods, "No, our tanks will demolish them after they are finished bombarding the facility. We must teach our men to not be overly reliant on us."

Asad looks through his binoculars, "Looks like they don't need our help."

Macai gestures for Asad to let him see. Asad hands the binoculars to Macai. Macai looks through the device and notices his forces charging through the enemy formations. Macai: "Looks, like they did better than I would have guessed. Excellent."

Asad: "Perhaps there is something Zhao didn't tell us." The battle rages on for several minutes as Macai's forces start to dominate and mop up their foes.

The sky returns to its normal shade after a few minutes, waterbenders regain their abilities and as they stunt 31st momentum. One of Macai's marines emerges, "Sir, Army Corporal Uder has a message for us." The corporal has brown straight wavy hair, long ears, a plump nose, a moderate build, and tan skin.

Macai looks at the corporal, "Yes?"

Corporal Uder: "The Avatar has been assisted by an ocean spirit. It is wrecking through our fleet and our forces are repeating."

Macai's eyes widen, "What?! But we are winning the battle."

Corporal Uder: "Obviously not."

Macai: "Who's left in charge of the fleet?"

Corporal Uder: "I don't know sir, I was sent to inform you that our forces will likely pull out of the area. Your team will probably do the same eventually, but you may be asked to hold off some enemies in the meantime as we abandon this wretched land."

Macai: "Run?! Give them a psychological victory and show that we aren't as powerful as many thought before?!"

Corporal Uder: "I doubt Ozai will be willing to suffer more casualties. It is simply not worth it Commander."

Macai: "And Zhao?"

Corporal Uder: "No word from him, we lost his location."

Macai huffs. Asad looks up and notices the sky return to a normal color. Asad: "What a day." The Water Tribe forces continue to retreat.

Corpoal Uder: "I'm just glad I'm not there. Our casualties have been colossal. We have lost SO MANY ships at sea. At least half of our fleet in a matter of minutes."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "HALF?! That fleet is the pride of the Fire Nation."

Corpoal Uder: "I'd say AT LEAST half sir." Macai sits down and rubs his hand on his forehead in frustration. Meanwhile, Kanna notices Jarue emerge across her position. Serraj is on his left and Kaft is on his right.

Kanna smiles, "Looks like you made a wrong turn."

Jarue shakes his head, "No, I came here on purpose to help our forces clear this path."

Marine: "There is no point, your nation has already fallen."

Jarue laughs, "Has it? The Moon Spirit just slammed through your fleet."

The marine raises an eyebrow, "Moon Spirit? You really think I'd fall for that one?"

Kaft looks at Serraj and grins. Jarue: "Believe whatever you want. It won't make a difference."

Kanna: "If your story was true, then there wouldn't be a need of coming here."

Jarue: "I just wanted to get some payback for our forces at the Sulto Valley. Especially after I heard about the trouble your detachment caused out here."

Kanna nods at her marines and Jarue propels a surge of water at her. Kanna dives left and Jarue directs his beam in her direction. Kaft charges at the marine swordsman across his position while Serraj flings an arrow into the firebender's neck across her. Firebender: "Ohh!"

Kanna leaps right and over the stream of water. She gracefully lands a few feet behind Kaft. The marine in front of Kaft swings horizontally at Kaft's head. Kaft ducks then springs forward and vertically cuts the marine down. Jarue zaps another beam of water at Kanna and the 31st scout jumps behind him.

Kanna: "Last time you surprised me in a tight space. But here, I have the advantage." Jarue presses his hands backward and bops a large stream of snow into Kanna's shirt, blasting her away.

Jarue replies, "But I have the environmental advantage." Jarue extends his left hand and sprays a stream of ice sickles into an incoming marine swordsman while Serraj shoots down a 31st spearman.

Basin walks toward Kaft, "Let's see what you're made of."

Kaft smirks, "You can't beat me."

Basin: "That remains to be seen." Kaft slashes the ground and knocks snow in Basin's direction. Basin swats the snow aside with his sword. Basin charges at his opponent with his blade held high then Basin vertically swings at Kaft. Kaft rotates his blade horizontally and blocks the strike.

Kaft rotates his weapon and horizontally swings at Basin's stomach. Basin leaps backward and swings vertically at Basin's face. Basin shifts his blade left and parries the attack.

Basin extends his left leg and kicks Kaft aside. Kaft coughs and moans in pain. Basin slams the butt of his sword into Kaft's face, knocking him out.

Kanna leaps back from the snow and kicks a beam of dark orange fire at Jarue. Jarue turns his hands and raises himself fifteen feet in the air with a stream of snow. Kanna's rod of fire explodes on impact and knocks his stream down to ten feet in the air. Jarue comments, "Impressible flames."

Jarue extends his right hand and punches a stream of ice pellets at Kanna's position. Kanna sprints away from the projectiles. Rosh punches a barrage of red-orange fire at Jarue. Jarue readjusts his focus and shoots a stream of water into Rosh's beam of fire. Rosh swings his hand right and knocks Jarue's snow stream down another foot.

Jarue automatically raises himself another two feet and turns his right hand left. A gush of snow sweeps Rosh away. Serraj fires an arrow into the chest of a marine swordsman and Jarue looks at ahead at his other enemies. Two firebenders pop orange rods of fire at the bender. Jarue rapidly fires two balls of snow into the fireballs. Then Jarue raises his hands and submerges all of the marines ahead of him in snow (including Basin and Samira).

Jarue wraps his hands side to side and turns the snow into ice. Jarue smiles, but Kanna pushes a beam of dark orange fire into the middle of the ice belt, which starts to unthaw the marines. Jarue readjusts his focus and projects a stream of water at Kanna. Kanna slides away from the blast, then Kanna turns and presses her hands forward.

Kanna strategically knocks an explosive rod of flames into Jarue while he is airborne. Jarue goes crashing down unconscious. Serraj pelts an arrow directly at Kanna. Kanna leaps left of the shot. Serraj pops another arrow at Kanna as the young woman lands, Kanna rolls forward. Serraj pounds a third arrow at Kanna's chest.

Kanna extends her right hand and catches the arrow. Serraj fires another arrow at the firebender and Kanna swats the arrow aside with the one she is holding. Kanna throws the arrow at Serraj's chest. Serraj rolls forward and evades the attack. Kanna leaps closer to Serraj then uppercuts Serraj with a right kick, Serraj's head snaps back and she falls unconscious.

Kanna smiles. The later that day, Serraj, Jarue, and Kaft are taken in hand and footcuffs and loaded onto a Fire Nation navy corvette. Rosh and Samira stand directly behind her. Rosh: "Well done, Kanna. The army forces will take them as prisoners to a prison in the Fire Nation city Menntu, they will never see their people again. Their dreams die today."

In the main battle, water tribe forces continue to retreat, and Macai's forces occupy the territory. Kett's forces push into the fortress. Arret hurls several arrows into retreating warriors while Kett fires a volley of eight rapid flames at his opponents. Two fleeing Water Tribe warriors are shot in their backs.

Marines hover over the territory. Macai joins Kett's team, "Good job."

Kett: "Thanks Cai, I appreciate it."

Macai sighs because he only wants Azula to call him that, "Let's secure the perimeter. Go for a sweep around the fort and make sure the area is safe. Check the northwestern flank."

Kett nods, "Yessir." Kett, Ronin, Arret, another two firebenders, two swordsmen, two spearmen, and an archer follow Kett further into past the fortress. Another team of marines are sent to scout the northeastern flank.

After walking about ten meters out, Kett says, "I think we are clear for now. I can't see any enemy movement in our immediate area. We can regroup with the others now."

 Sada flanks Kett.

Ronin looks in the other direction, "Looks like the team on the left is clear too." A marine right of Ronin's direction is blasted aside by a water bullet. Another bullet flies directly at Ronin, Ronin reacts at the last minute and blocks the shot. Ronin briefly looks ahead and notices the gifted waterbender Sada.

Sada points her hands and blasts Ronin aside with a large beam of water. Kett looks ahead and Sada shifts her hands then pushes her beam of water at Kett. Kett launches himself ten feet off the ground with his light orange fire and soars toward Sada. Kett rapidly jabs two beams of fire at Sada. Sada pulls her hands back and slides away from the beams with her own ice slide.

Kett rotates his body as he unloads a volley of light orange fireballs at the prodigy. Sada swats several waterballs into Kett's fireballs. The balls cancel each other out and turn to smoke. While Kett battles Sada, the gifted spearman Ronu emerges from her left side.

Ronu swiftly cuts down a marine swordsman then a FN spearman swings at Ronu's neck. Ronu rotates his spear vertically and knocks the blade away from him. Ronu pounces forward and thrusts his spear through the marine's stomach. Ronu kicks the dying marine down and a Fire Nation archer rapidly fires an arrow at the spearman.

Ronu raises his blade and blocks the projectile. Another two arrows are fired at Ronu. Ronu shifts his weapon side to side and blocks them while slowly walking forward. The archer backpedals and pecks a third arrow at him. Ronu deflects the arrow then sprints forward.

The archer gives out of the way and a firebender steps in his place. The marine fires a beam of orange fire at Ronu's chest. Ronu holds his spear horizontally as he blocks the flame, but it sends him sliding three feet backward.

Smoke flows from the spear but there are two brown bands on the spear. Ronu is holding both of the bands, which are fire and electricity resistant. Ronu rotates his weapon then dives toward the firebender with a spinning diagonal attack. The marine dives on the ground to avoid being butchered.

Ronu thrusts his spear into the marine's back while he is down. The archer rises back to his feet and pops another two arrows at Ronu. Ronu blocks the arrows then sprints forward. The archer reloads for another shot and bolts it at Ronu's neck. Ronu slides forward and thrusts his spear through the archer's stomach. Archer: "Gaaah!"

A waterbender walks toward Arret and a marine swordsman. The bender extends his right hand and knocks the marine aside with an extended water fist. The waterbender turns his hand right and swings the water fist at Arret's face. Arret ducks but trips as she does. The waterbender extends his left hand and freezes her.

Ronin looks around as his allies are battered by the enemy strike team. Ronin: "Someone go call for reinforcements." The marine left of Ronin is knocked aside by a waterwhip. The spearman left of Ronin is shot down by a volley of ice torpedoes seconds later. Ronin right kicks a beam of orange fire at the bender.

The waterbender raises his hands and blocks the shot with a wall of water. The wall is also evaporated by Ronin's fire. The waterbender hooks two water torpedoes at the marine. Ronin rolls right then extends both of his arms and blasts the waterbender aside with a fire beam. Kett leaps a few feet right of Ronin's position, "Fall back and regroup with the unit. We can't take them with such a small team."

Ronin: "Alright, let's get out of here."

Kett: "You go first, I'll cover you. But save Arret first."

Ronin leaps behind Arret and puts his hand on her frozen body. Arret is unthawed and Ronin picks her up then blasts them away from the fight. Another two marines manage to get away while one marine who attempts to retreat is knocked out by an ice brick that pounds him in the face. Kett cascades a beam of light orange flames at Sada who raises her hands and launches herself over the attack.

Kett slowly walks backward before Sada shoots a stream of water into him. Kett slides five feet backward and hits his head, knocking him out. Sada smirks. Ronin turns and notices Kett is down. Ronin shouts, "Nooo!!" Ronin realizes falling back is the only way to save Arret. Ronin runs and takes her back with the others.

Ronin promptly searches for Macai. The 31st firebender runs past several marines and notices Asad. Roin: "Asad, we were attacked by a strike team. Sada was there and I think the guy you fought on Rongor was too."

Asad nods, "Looks like they're giving us everything they have now."

Ronin: "They got Kett."

Asad asks, "Is he dead?"

Ronin: "I don't know. I just know he didn't make it back. We have to go back for him!"

Asad: "Sure, but we'll have to hurry." Asad, Ronin, and a large team of marines sprint toward the waterbender positions but when they arrive they find nothing but the corpses from the clash.

Ronin: "Kett isn't here, they must have taken him."

Asad: "This isn't good."

Several feet away from their position, Kett is dragged to an unknown area by a Water Tribe warrior along with another two unconscious marines. There is a large carriage a few feet away from their position. Sada looks at a waterbender, "Take Kett and the other two away. We'll send them to one of our hidden prisons in the Western Water Tribe valleys. They will be difficult to locate there."

Two Water Tribe warriors wrap an elastic material around the prisoners' arms and legs before loading them into the carriages. Kett and the prisoners are taken away. Meanwhile, Macai joins Asad and Ronin when he hears of the ambush. Macai: "Kett is gone! No, he is one of my best officers and soldiers!"

Ronin: "Unfortunately, so. I tried to come as soon as I could with reinforcements, but I was too late."

Macai declares, "We WILL find Kett, I promise you. We will NOT STOP until we get him back!" Macai looks into the sky and clinches his fists.

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