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Capítulo 17: Chapter 17 - Small advance.

Disclaimer Marvel and all its characters belong to their respective creator, as well as Danny Phantom.


We can stop for a few seconds, look at more than the eyes are accustomed to looking at, what it takes to make a global change in the world, how could words reach all people, different cultures bring with them different opinions and points of view, ingrained beliefs cannot be subjected to easy changes.

Many have tried to make a change, all of them used their method to create, to keep the root of their thoughts forced, exploiting them in a warlike way to all their splendor, this only causes conflicts and conflicts create wars, and wars are only intended to dominate the contrary party that promotes an ideology or different way of thinking based on their beliefs, end up developing a place where death is the result.

But? Who are the ones who suffer the most? How can you know that your beliefs are correct? The infinite sociological loop that this result entails is difficult to debate, there is no way of knowing, and if there is, at least they have not yet found an answer, and if there is an answer, how to know if it is the correct one? The theory was created by a human, and humans are easily susceptible to inventions created by his person, for example, the oldest book in the world, they say that in it are planted the words that God left the world rules and commandments of indoctrination, written in words by the people chosen by him, but? What evidence is there for that fact? Can someone physically demonstrate what is embodied in the book, as they know that those who wrote it knew a god or divine being or at least were chosen by her, the answer is simple.

They can not.

The concept of faith is a way of filling the gap left by questions you are based on the belief that only having the belief in something that happens, from generation to generation through the world and families as giving real the current result about religions, believe in what you cannot see.

This is the case in every aspect of the question of how to make real change, it is an open question to find a method to save the only victims who have suffered the most throughout history, the civilians, the innocent.

For example.

About one hundred and six years ago in a distant location located about one hundred light-years from the ancient times of the earth, there is a planet with characteristics similar to ours was reaching the maturity of its evolution, let's call this time the original Attempt to be This is the beginning of the story where the first global change was wanted.

After many years of wars and conflicts, the planet finally reached a situation of political stability and prolonged peace, this was mainly due to four causes.

The political unification of the planet.

Natality control.

End of the rhythm of technological progress that had reached its main development complete development of the planet in the philosophical and moral aspect.

One has to know that when making a change, armed conflict between the two beliefs that maintain control is inevitable.

Ideology thinks of a method of steps to follow through chronological order.


Ultimately, the origin of wars is in one of its main aspects, the desire of states to cover the entire planetary territory either by force or peacefully, every time the world experiences a technological change, the order of powers and gives rise to the attempt of the country favored by the change to try to predominate over the others.

However, when a planet completes its development at the end, the peaceful union of the states creating a common government for all.

This is followed by the development of a common language that reduces the distances between people.

This would not be an absolutist government but rather each state would retain a certain degree of autonomy. This unification would give rise to certain tranquility that will allow us to move on to other expectations.


It is impossible that a planet that is limited in geographical space can afford the luxury of having unlimited population growth, in the twentieth century and later, this caused deep demagogues between those who argued that birth control was necessary and those who said that the planet would always absorb any increase in population.

But the truth is that only with the limitation to two children per couple is it possible for society's resources to reach everyone sustainably. It is also true that social services must guarantee work and housing for all citizens. Many people on earth believe that guaranteeing basic rights to all citizens would eradicate privileges, but in reality, it is the opposite, the best for The way that a privilege is maintained is not to attack the most disadvantaged.

Defending a market economy, but eradicating poverty, would guarantee centuries of progress to the societies that implanted it. Of course, those citizens who refused to accept state aid could not expect favoritism either.


With this title I am not referring to the absolute end of progress, rather I am referring to the end of a historical process of evolution than at the beginning.

It starts slow and then accelerates more and more until it almost stops again, this marks the moment when a planet reaches its maturity, this on earth could be in the twenty-fifth century, although it is impossible to know exactly.

The end of technological progress is followed by moral progress since this is more complex than the previous one.


The key to moral progress is to assume that civic behavior is the only solution to make coexistence possible in a society.

Made up of millions of individuals, it is essential to eradicate despotic behavior in citizens to achieve this end.

Vanity and arrogance are like illnesses of the spirit, but unlike the others, it is only cured with a firm and not permissive attitude, before them governments that apply weak policies towards criminals only manage to strengthen them. For this, it is necessary that the civil liberties are developed in their maximum expression, so that only the real criminals die. Failure to respect this only leads to the development of mafias as happened in the United States with prohibition.

Location - Ghost Zone | A week later.

Answering a small ABC question can bring up a whole set of ​​logical reasoning, morality is something very difficult to understand and at the same time so ingrained in humans, in front of his computer the chestnut kept his gaze fixed lost in his thoughts now that he had the clans in his hands the first step was complete, it was time to start with the creation and growth of the brotherhood of assassins, his eyes gently swept the entire screen as if looking for something good to see an automated movement of his corneas while he had his mind occupied in your sea of ​​thought.

'Sir, a 99% match was found'

Karen's melodious voice brought him back from his thoughts looking sideways quickly.

"Show me."

Obeying the order in front of him, the world map appeared. Scanning along with a flashing red dot, Peter saw it for a few seconds, showing surprise on his face.


'Affirmative, the match found according to the portrait made by hand by you was found in Mexico Los Cabos, subject named Kain de Jesús Velázquez Smith 15 years old, southern location, low-class family, stepfather by trade, and mother, housewife, brother. Less than 2 '

While Karen spoke on the screen, all the information about each person living inside the residence appeared, peter's brown eyes fell on the photo of kain, an ungraceful overweight boy with a sad look just by looking at the photo he could see how empty it was His gaze was there, as if he were not expecting anything from life, it was so similar to his previous life.

The dream he had had, he still kept wondering if it was a memory or a future event that could pass the strange feeling inside the chestnut constantly tingling as he searched for an answer to the question.

"Keep the location marked !."

With a few movements of his right hand, he omitted the previous information, going to the program organized for today a smile was drawn on his lips while the signal of a group conference by video call appeared on the screen, after activating his transformation immediately the first thing that appeared were The faces of the 4 new leaders belonging to the clans all kept a look of respect and fear before the white-haired man.

In the upper left box was Reika Kusanagi dressed in a traditional Chinese costume, her beautiful face now looked more alive and younger, the serene look of respect always present in her eyes.

In the upper right box was the current head of the Ogre clan, a man with a robust complexion, beard all over his face, accompanied by strong features named Damien Croft

Followed by this in the lower-left box, the current head of the Knights Templar clan after the disappearance of the elders and the leader was left in charge of a boy with a thin appearance, smiling eyes, reddish hair adorning freckles on his cheeks, his name was Rhikon Brief.

And to finish on the lower right side the current head of the Aztec clan warriors, a young brunette with a sensual face, a light smile next to lips painted in intense red, her long black hair fell in a double ponytail down her back, bearing the name from Veronica Herrera.

"Greetings Great Peerless Ghosts Emperor !."

The four voices spoke at the same time, lowering her head in the process, Peter had to admit that she felt good, now she understood all those protagonists of Chinese novels that she liked to read in her previous life, they enjoyed the deal, for.


Immediately the first to respond was Reika of the Wester Dragon clan, her Stoic face showed a slight mark of a smile.

"According to the latest results, as you ordered the 4 clans have joined working as one, all the money and resources have gone directly to your hands." Reika explained.

Taking the floor Veronica was the next to speak "On our side, they are almost ready, each headquarters within the four clans are being modified according to their orders also the merchandise has been removed from the streets." while she spoke she stared at peter's serious face with a smile her eyes shone as if her mind was busy thinking about other things.

"It's just a matter of ordering moving on to the next part of the remodel sir." Vlad explained quickly without wasting time he was one of the unfortunates who lived the massacre of the Ogre clan firsthand, it was obvious that he maintained an extreme fear when he saw Peter.

While the brunette listened carefully to everything, he kept his mind occupied, now that everything was in order it was time to begin the remodeling of the clans, this consequently required a lot of capital to invest, fortunately for this he had a lot of money.

"Alright, move on to the next step."

"Yes sir!."

The screen was turned off, cutting off the group conference, the chestnut's thoughts floated up without being able to stop them, even though the expense was more than he had anticipated, it was within his capacities to pay for it, the brotherhood of assassins was being built little by little, many Things that are not shown in comics or movies is the background of things, for example creating a creed brought with it many financial difficulties, the bases and the special clothes that will be used have to be ready before starting to work formally.

For now, he had nothing more to wait and continue to advance as he is currently doing.


Karen's melodious voice brought him back to the Real world  "Tell me."

'The assigned place has been finished'

The chestnut's eyes lit up with joy "Where is it?"

'East Africa, southern location population 60 million, Wakandano Yoruba-Hausa language spoken'

A map appeared on the screen with a bright red marker indicating the location on the map, since a few days ago he had given Karen the task of finding them, he was surprised that even Karen took longer than necessary to find a place, without a doubt his Reputation was not just for decoration they seemed to want to keep hidden, but they never counted on the anomaly known as Peter Parker, that same wild smile appeared on his face.

"I found you."

Location - Mexico | Los Cabos.

The night lashed the small town of Los Cabos, the previously blue sky became a black like night making a contrasting drop of water which fell without stopping giving a beautiful reflector to those bright points that flashed with vigor at the top, accompanied by the innumerable lights that painted the landscape of cities. People walked through the streets with joy, despite the rain, the occasional couple kept their hands clasped together with a smile, in general, the atmosphere of the city was cheerful and picturesque it seemed that everything was fine, even if it is only in appearances away from all the happy atmosphere in a lonely alley a boy was lying on the ground in a mud puddle, even if he wanted to get up his foot on his head prevented him.

Around him were several boys approximately his age, all wearing the same school uniform, the faces of the people who were standing around him, kept mocking glances accompanied by disgust and outright laughter that could damage more than a weapon. He seemed to like what they were doing, they enjoyed the ecstasy of the misfortune of others, the pain they caused to others filled his soul with joy, standing on the defenseless feeling proud of such an incredible feat.

Human cruelty.

"Come on pig, what's up? I thought you'd be hungry." As he spoke, he continued to apply force to his leg, burying the boy's face in the mud puddle.

"Come on! Come on! Take advantage of the fact that I am generous and let you eat pork tonight!"

Every time he spoke, he applied more force, the laughter of his companions did not wait for a total of 5 people, 3 men and two women.

"Oi, he's a guy he's disgusting, only a pig like him could eat shit hahaha."

"For that friend, we better go find something to eat, staying here will make me lose my appetite."

"It's true better let's eat and have a good time, Brayan ~".

"Yes, yes ~."

Bored with the situation, the others started talking, they didn't want to have to spend more time watching the pig eat. Brayan nodded his head, the boy with a mocking smile spat at him and then turned and walked with his friends.

"Tomorrow at the same time pig!".

Once everyone left, only the rain remained keeping him company, the sound of the drops falling into the puddle was perfectly audible for him little by little he raised his head those lifeless brown eyes, they looked at his face in the reflection of the water, what did you see? A chubby face without grace, was that the reason why he deserved this? Why did society decide that people like him who were less graceful from birth would have to live this way, there were no tears left, there were none left to waste something, he drew his attention to the puddle in the water, his glasses were completely broken , you could see how damaged they were. There were tapes and glue barely everywhere, and they held tight, but now they were done?

What is he supposed to do without glasses, he can't see, he surely knows that asking his parents for money for others is like talking to the wall, really living like this, what's the point of life like that, many times he thought about ending it all at once, but something always stopped him at that moment.

I did not want, I did not want to go through this, it was a null existence that nobody cared about and that if the next day he turned up dead they would only take him to a garbage can to throw him away, that is so unfair.

Drops began to fall on his hands, unlike the rain they were hot for the first time in a long time he was crying. Perhaps asking for help is a lot for someone like him, that they stop for a second to ask if he's okay, how was his day, just that someone who sees it as something more than a joke. He was already tired of this, and he didn't want more, tonight, he was finally going to do it, take his life so he could have peace.

Among the echo of the night, a few steps began to approach the boy kneeling in the puddle, little by little they approached, in the vision of the boy something appeared covering his reflection, he did not know when it happened but when his gaze focused there was a hand extended in front of him. her brown eyes were pleased when she looked up and that's when she saw him.

Blinking green eyes, which were reflected in a hood that covered his face, the air in the place intensified strangely, his gaze remained fixed on those eyes, for some inexplicable reason, he felt something he had never experienced, a hunch inside him That forced her heart to beat still racing.

An opportunity? A reason to change? A goal in your life?

While he was lost in his thoughts the wind blew strongly, revealing for a few moments the face of that stranger, a wild smile on his lips that transmitted an electric current through his body, his eyes burned more than all in flashes I hear the hoarse voice saying .


The last thing that could be heard in that alley was the sound of one hand colliding with another.

Chris_Mayo Chris_Mayo

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