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7.62% The last mage of Krypton / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Settling In

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: Settling In

"Well, this has been the most interesting Sorting Feast since I joined the staff." Professor Hooch admitted as the newest Head of House, Professor Septima Vector, entered the Staff Meeting Room. "Specifically, Minerva, why did you choose today to quit being Head of Gryffindor?"

"The Twins." McGonogall half-growled. "Someone pointed out that as long as I was Head of House and Deputy Headmistress, they could use that as a get-out-of-trouble-free card…where does that saying come from anyway?"

"It's from a Muggle game." Professor Sprout supplied, earning several curious looks. "We have one in the Hufflepuff common room. The Muggleborn enjoy playing it. I've tried, but some of the maths involved is quite complicated. I mean, percentages? What are they?"

Several mumbles of agreement sounded, then Flitwick spoke up.

"So, how do we arrange the first-years lessons?"

"The obvious split is Slytherin/Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw/Gryffindor for the majority of the lessons." Snape sneered from his seat. "Perhaps the bookworms will cause the dunderheads to gain a point or two of intelligence by simple proximity, although given that Potter is a 'claw, I have my doubts."

"I've spoken to Harry Potter several times before he arrived here." Filius said in a very controlled voice as both McGonogall and Professor Vector glared at the sallow-haired Potionsmaster. "I have found myself quite impressed with his eagerness to learn and his ability to virtually memorize any book he reads."

Snape gave a snort of disbelief, causing the half-goblin to scowl at him.

"Severus Snape, you will treat my Ravens with respect, otherwise I will be only too happy to volunteer you for a demonstration in the various forms of dueling."

Snape nodded unwillingly.

"I know you and James Potter had your issues, but you will not use his son as an excuse to vent your spleen." Flitwick continued and all the staff members heard the clanging of steel in his tone. "James Potter is dead and buried. Leave your grudge with him."

Snape lowered his gaze and Flitwick sat back down in his chair, his wand vanishing into its holster.

"Now, moving on." McGonogall said, taking control of the meeting. "Since Albus isn't here, we must decide ourselves when the lessons should be… and with whom…"


"That's quite a trunk." Neville said admiringly as the bookcase sank back down. "I'm using my father's, but it's only a two-compartment model. It's been in my family for generations, though."

"Mine's new." Harry said as he threw his sleeping trousers onto his bed and glanced around at the room that he shared with Neville. "Uncle Fil… I mean Professor Flitwick now that I'm at Hogwarts, recommended it given my… circumstances."

Neville paused, his pajama-top half-buttoned and gave Harry a questioning look.

"I'm emancipated." Harry explained with a smile. "And I'm having The Pottery rebuilt. If you want, I'll invite you over for… Boxing Day, maybe? I'm planning on inviting Hermione over as well… and I'll have to ask her tomorrow if she's finished the book I lent her yet."

"What book?" Neville asked curiously.


"A Brief Guide To Wizarding Customs by Theophilus Chivalrius?" Padma Patil asked from her portion of the room that she, Granger and Sue Li shared.

"Harry Potter leant it to me…" Hermione began, then she paused at the envious looks that both girls were sending her way. "What?"

"He lent you a book?" Padma gasped. "Where was he? Parvati and I searched the whole train, there was no sign of him!"

"He was wearing a wig?" Hermione offered meekly and Sue Li fell over dramatically onto her bed.

"The blond boy." She groaned and Hermione nodded in confirmation.

"He wanted to see if anyone would want to be his friend rather than the friend of the Boy-who-lived."

Both of the other girls were silent for a long moment before Padma spoke admiringly.

"That's… almost Slytherin."

Hermione shrugged and turned her attention back to the book as she finished the chapter.



"Welcome to the House of Ravenclaw!" Filius Flitwick smiled from his position on the top of a small platform just in front of the map of Hogwarts that adorned an entire side of the common room, a platform that had obviously been installed purely for his usage in situations where he needed to address the House. "Soon, you will head to the Great Hall for breakfast, but first I must make a few announcements.

"As I am sure all of you are aware, we do indeed have Harry Potter amongst our numbers. Please do not press him about the tragedy that cost him his parents. Also, due to a previously-unknown Mail Ward which included Gringotts Secure Messages in its effect, Mr Potter hasn't received a single letter that any of you have sent. Be aware that it is not his fault and until very recently, he was unaware that anyone would even want to write to him."

Several of the older students wore expressions of both understanding and sympathy while many of the younger ones simply looked confused.

"For second-years and above, be aware that there are now three spots open on the House Quidditch Team, one beater and two chasers. Tryouts will be held a week on Saturday.

"Primary discipline will be the responsibility of the Prefects. Should they be unable to deal with whatever issue arises, they will bring whichever matter it is to my attention. Similarly, should you require aid, they will provide it if asked.

"That is all for now, so please make your way to the Great Hall. Thank you."

Hermione used the crowding around the door to the tower as an excuse to move so that she was flanking Harry with Neville on his other side.

"Our first full day at Hogwarts…" She breathed in awe. "I wonder what we're going to learn? I've already read all my textbooks cover to cover…"

"You as well?" Harry laughed, earning a long look from Hermione. "Neville?"

"I… I've only read the first few chapters of each… well, apart from my Herbology books. I've read those several times." Neville admitted, then he brightened. "I'm really looking forwards to Herbology, at home I spent as much time as I could in the greenhouses. I really like plants…"

"So, now we know who to ask for anything plant-related." Harry noted, causing Neville to blush in embarrasment. "So, to change the subject and stop Nev from turning into a tomato…"

"Hey!" Neville protested as several of the other students chuckled.

"…did you sleep okay last night? I mean, with two room-mates…"

"I slept fine." Hermione replied primly, ignoring the giggles from behind her. "The beds are quite comfortable."

"Since we're spending nine months a year at Hogwarts, that's a good thing." Harry pointed out. "You know, there's a lot of suits of armor standing around… I think I read somewhere that they're magical."

"Hogwarts: A History, chapter seventeen. " Hermione recited after a brief pause. "The suits of armor that line the hallways of Hogwarts are more than mere decorations. Should the Headmaster call upon them, they will march forth to protect Hogwarts against those who would imperil it."

"Word for word." Harry laughed in amazement. "Okay, I'm impressed."

"As am I, Miss Granger." Flitwick added from in front of them. "If not for the fact that traditionally we only start giving points after the first breakfast of the year, I would indeed be awarding you some now. You truly are a Ravenclaw."

Hermione's blush of embarrased pleasure eclipsed Neville's earlier one.


Harry sat down and glanced at the head table where Albus Dumbledore was seated on his thronelike chair, then he looked at the Prefect sat nearby.

"Excuse me?"


"I was wondering, how does the food arrive? I admit to having been somewhat distracted last night."

"The Hogwarts House-elves make the food in the kitchens and transport it to the tables using their magic." The teenaged boy explained and Hermione frowned.


"They're a magical race, but they need magic in order to live, magic which they gain from bonding with a family or living in a highly-magical environment such as Hogwarts." The Prefect added. "It's an ancient bargain between wizard-kind and the elves. the elves serve us, something which they tend to enjoy, and in return, we give them the ambient magic they require in order to live. Without a magical source to live from, the elves will suffer from depression, anxiety, physical degredation and, finally, death."

Hermione paled as she thought about it and Harry tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Before you try to do anything, talk to unc… talk to Professor Flitwick about it." Harry said quietly. "He once told me that acting before you have all the facts is a good way to end up looking like an idiot."

"Very true." Filius said from behind them. "Miss Granger, come and see me after dinner and I'll help you to understand. I'm fully aware of how it looks at first to a muggleborn, you aren't the first of my house to worry about the elves."

"Thank you, Professor." Hermione managed, then she looked at the sheet he had slid into her hand while she was distracted. "Huh?"

"Your schedule and remember, lessons start tomorrow, so you have a full day to explore and find the classrooms." Filius smiled, passing similar sheets to Harry and Neville. "Now, eat up!"

Harry turned back to the table to see that bowls, platters and tureens of food had appeared while he had been listening to Filius.

"Wow." Harry grinned as he picked up a goblet filled with an odd liquid. "I wonder what this is… Bleugh!"

"It's Pumpkin juice." the Prefect supplied and Harry put the goblet down firmly.

"I'd much rather have a cup of tea. That just tastes yeuch. Huh?"

A silver-embossed teapot appeared in front of Harry, along with a china cup on a saucer, a small jug of milk, a bowl of sugar and another bowl holding lemon slices.

"Ooh, can I have a cup too, please?" Hermione asked, directing her query into thin air and a second cup and saucer appeared in front of her. "Thank-you!"

Harry reached for the teapot, then paused, his eyes glinting with amusement as he turned to look at Hermione.

"Shall I be mother?"

Hermione failed to suppress her giggles while Neville simply stared at them in incomprehension and Harry took pity on the Pureblood.

"It's a muggle joke." He explained and Neville shrugged before turning back to his food. "Mmmm, smells like Darjeeling."

Hermione took a sip from her cup and smiled.

"It is! I really like Darjeeling."

Conversation flagged as they applied themselves to their breakfasts until first Neville, then Hermione leaned back with sighs of repletion.

"How do you pack all that away?" Hermione asked after several more minutes and Harry winked at her.

"Fast metabolism."

"A fast what?" Neville asked, perplexed and Hermione took over.

"A fast metabolism refers to how quickly and effeciently a person's body absorbs the nutrients in food and makes use of them." She began and Harry let the words wash over him as he continued to eat.



"Let's see." Hermione mused as she perused her schedule, relying on Neville's guiding hand on her shoulder to keep her from colliding with anything. "Monday… starting with Herbology…"

Neville brightened at the comment.

"Transfiguration… Defense Against The Dark Arts… Charms… Tuesday… Oh! We start with Charms!"

Harry looked at his own sheet. "Thankfully we can sleep in a bit on Thursdays. I mean, after the Astronomy class on Wednesday evening…"

Hermione nodded, not really paying attention.

"So, should we explore that third-floor corridor that Dumbledore dared everyone to go to yesterday?" Harry asked , causing both of his friends to stare at him. "What?"

"Dumbledore said that we should avoid that corridor unless we wanted to die a painful death!" Hermione hissed, grabbing Harry and pinning him against the wall while Neville nodded in agreement.

"Hermione," Harry said as calmly as he could, "We're in a school full of teenagers. Teenagers are well-known for ignoring rules and instructions unless it's specifically pointed out why the rules exist. Dumbledore didn't say why we shouldn't go there, so of course, someone's already gone to look, right?"

Hermione sagged and let him go.

"Damn you and your logic." She grumbled.

"I… don't really want to go and look." Neville said quietly. "I mean, what if it is dangerous?"

"Alright." Harry acquiesced. "You win, we won't go to the third floor corridor."

"Good." Hermione said as she turned and resumed walking. "Now, let's get to the tower and see if we can find a way to get a copy of that map of Hogwarts. We're going to need to plan our routes."

"I'm sure Neville knows all about roots." Herry joked, earning a dope-slap and a huff from Hermione.

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