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90.43% Highschool DxD: A new opportunity / Chapter 103: Intermission II Part I

Capítulo 103: Intermission II Part I

3rd Person POV

After making reservations to a relaxing resort deep in the mountains, a place they had no connections with and would certainly not be recognized by, Nora and Rossweisse arrived and checked in at the front desk. The youth, wearing a pair of aged jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket, looked around with a satisfied look while Rossweisse, wearing a white pleated long skirt and a black cardigan, finished up the sign-in procedures, and tried to stealthily move so the female staff member would let her eyes wander on Nora. Planting her hand down on the desk with enough force to get the staff member's attention, Rossweisse smiled politely.

"Thank you, MY boyfriend and I will then go to our room. No, we do not need anyone to guide us, we will take our time strolling around before we go to our rooms." Rossweisse said.

Sighing regretfully, the staff member hung her head low. A credit card was placed at one side of her hand and she timidly raised her head, the youth's smiling face greeted her, when she tried to put her hand onto his, he removed it and she felt the card, there seemed to be something below.

"You will have to forgive my sweetheart, it was a long travel and some guys tried to hit on her while I went to buy her a drink, it left her in a bad mood. She is actually the sweetest woman you will ever meet." Nora grasped Rossweisse's hand and grinned. "We just came here to relax for a while, so we will take our time doing this and that. Here, for the troubles. Get yourself something nice."

Normally, Rossweisse would reprimand Nora for dropping a comment like that, but she was grinning foolishly and staring at their clasped hands while holding the hem of her skirt embarrassedly with her other hand.

Leaving like that, Nora smiled at Rossweisse before pulling her and releasing her hand, she did not even have time to show a disappointed expression before her left arm found itself holding Nora's waits and Nora held his right arm around her waist. 

The staff member timidly raised the black card and gulped when she raised it to find a small note and a bill of the highest denomination. The note had been written in beautiful penmanship, it stated the following, the next group of guests is a nuance that would make us uncomfortable, if you make them go away, I will pay for all the expenses that it might cause doing such a thing by ten times.

Lowering the card, the staff member rubbed her eyes and then read again, the same message was displayed before her eyes. The woman began to sweat coldly when she noticed a group of vulgarly dressed youths. Their clothes looked expensive but lacked any sort of grace. Not to mention, they carried a frown on their faces. The woman could understand why when she looked at their faces that had been doodled with black marker. Many 'interesting' words had been written there and judging from their red faces, the marker was permanent and did not come off. Holding back a laugh, the woman somehow recalled the young man from before when she saw the group's faces.

"James J. Oakley. Reservations."

The youth at the front spoke and looked at the woman with annoyance.

"Are you deaf? There are reservations about that name. How about you start doing your job?"

Listening to the rude words directed at her, the woman inwardly sighed and put on a polite smile. She went toward her computer and typed the name she just heard. There it was, it did not take long to find it, but before she spoke, the note and the card from the handsome young man from before came to mind. Her throat was immediately parched and a crazy idea did not leave her mind.

"Hey, what's wrong? Do I have to call your manager? Don't you know who I am?"

The woman hesitated once she heard that. Many wealthy individuals liked to come to their place. It was an open secret, to begin with, no normal person can make reservations but they mostly liked to lay low. They were all people with class and were tired of their usual daily lives where they had to deal with large amounts of stress. However, there were also people like the one standing in front of her who liked to flaunt their wealth.

Her hesitation only made the man even more annoyed, but she randomly typed on the keyboard and continued to 'look' for the name as she steadily took the card from before and stealthily made a motion to swipe it. The amount of money she charged was exactly ten times the amount that the reservation. It was at that moment that she felt some sort of restriction placed on her. Nonetheless, since she had used the card, she would not go back on her word.

"My apologies, but there is no such a thing on our database. I took a while because I was doing a thorough search."

Speaking in an apologetic tone, the young woman informed.

The veins on the man's forehead looked ready to burst and he was speechless for a second. He did not expect this treatment.

"Hey, listen here, you-"

"Is there a problem...?"

Before the guy began making a ruckus, an older man in a suit stepped out from the elevator and spoke up. His tone was by no means loud, but his voice was heard by everyone nonetheless.

"Ah, perfect timing."

The guy smiled widely as soon as he saw the old man.

"If it isn't young master James, fancy meeting you here."

Giving a courtesy salute with a bow, the older man went toward the arguing duo.

"Yeah, whatever. Look, you have to better employees, this one does not know how to properly attend to people."

"Is that so?"

Looking at the young woman, the older man stroked his long beard.

"Young master James, would mind telling me what is going on here...?"

"Look, I am not trying to tell you what to do, but you should fire this useless country bumkin. She can't recognize valuable customers from nobodies."

"Oh, I see."

The older man nodded and with one look around, he understood what this was about. The reactions from those looking from the distance were good enough for the older man to get a picture of what had happened.

Moving behind the reception desk, the man looked at the receptionist and she moved away. The name of the guy was there and the older man sighed. He turned a blind eye to the black card and began typing on the computer. To the receptionist's surprise, the older man erased the reservation of the guy in front of them.

"I want to confirm one last time. Is he the man...?"

Directing his question to the confused receptionist made the woman in question be tongue-tied initially. She was expecting to get fired but instead, she was asked a question. Initially, she was unsure what to say before the older man sighed and tapped the black card.

"A-Ah, yes. It is like that... I was asked..."

The woman fumbled her words but managed to reply as such.

"I see."

Nodding, the older man faced the guy who seemed to be looking more proud and arrogant as he glared at the receptionist with a smirk on his face.

"Sir, I am afraid you no longer will have the right to use our facilities."

Saying as such, the older man did not change his expressions.

"...what did you just say, you demented old geezer?"

With his victorious smirk turning into an angry face, the guy seemed ready to pound on the older guy.

"The owner has passed the order to forbid you, young master James, from using our facilities."

Informing as such, the older man snapped his fingers and several tall muscular men wearing suits appeared. They all had sunglasses and no expression as they approached the guy. Not only the guy who was ready to cause a ruckus but even the receptionist looked bewildered about their appearance.

"...the owner is a good friend of my father and they even play golf together, there is no way he could've ordered this unless he had gone senile overnight. This is something that the bitch behind you started and you are just rolling along with it. I do not know what these people surrounding us came from, but you are all screwed once I call father. He will contact the owner and get your asses fired. You are never getting a proper job again once I am done with you."

Raising his tone, the guy tried to sound tough but his legs shook after being surrounded by the men in suit.

"Ah, it is as you said. Your father is indeed good friends with Mister Heinwood, the previous owner."

Hearing the first half, the guy smiled but the second half made his expression turn strange.

Anticipating the question, the older man spoke.

"Just a few minutes ago, this place was brought by another gentleman, Mr. Shiki. He has stated that several changes will take place slowly, but the only order he gave right now was to forbid the young master James from using any of these facilities and escort you out."

Shaking from anger, the guy could not believe what was happening in front of him. Before long, the reception's phone rang and the older man picked up the call. He exchanged a few words and the guy was able to clearly pick up his father's voice and soon he smirked.

"It is for you, young master James."

Still using a respectful tone, the older man handed the phone.

The guy was not ready to hear the next words.

"Are you fucking insane you piece of shit!? Why did you have to poke the fucking hive!? I don't know what you did but you messed up with people from 'that' side. Our accounts were frozen and I got a fucking armed team fully armed that appeared out of nowhere inside the company building!"

Knowing that his father was not the joking type, the guy began to sweat coldly.

"Who did you mess up with? You better start thinking, otherwise..."

"No one! I did not... Ah, no, but it makes no sense! He was a fucking nobody who had a hot chick too good for him!"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't care what you think! You are a brain-dead idiot anyway! Look at the trouble you got us into thanks to your 'thinking'! Those fuckers took down our security in a matter of seconds and I can't even run away because they also secured the heliport!"

Sweating bullets, the guy felt like fainting, and his world seemed like it was falling down.

"Hey! Start thinking you moron!"

The words from his father made the guy react and he made an unusual connection. He seemed to recall what the old man had said before.


The words escaped his mouth and his father heard him.

"Oi, you insane son of a bitch! Did you just say you messed with someone named Shiki!?"

"Huh? I think...? I can't re-"


"Wait, what's wrong if he is called Shiki?"

"Just tell me what the fuck you did to him, NOW!"

"I liked the girl he was with and she was way better than the women I invited so I..."

"Why was I so happy with having a son? A daughter would've shortened my life less than this..."

Sighing heavily, it could be easily heard from the phone.

"Listen, that guy, the nobody you mentioned is among the people you must never ever make angry. The guy is said to be a fucking Saint, wasting money on charity like the money comes out of his penis. Hospitals, retirement places, orphanages... you name it and he has already built one of those although that kind of information is not easy to get, anyone who deals with the 'other side' has heard about it at least once. That insane motherfucker gives a shit about what anyone says about him and just goes around doing his things. Yes, that was what everyone believed. He was an easy prey to take advantage of. That is nothing but a rookie mistake. A few years back, there was someone who cursed Shiki's mother. Until now, the man who did that has been unable to sleep without having terrible nightmares. That guy, Shiki, only took 5 minutes in a closed room with no witness to utterly break that man."

"...there is no way that is true, that nobody I met today can't be the same person you describe."

His father's words could only be the truth, but even so, the guy refused to accept that the man who he met before could be such an absurd person.

"Shut up! Do you think just anyone can mess up with us when we laundry money for drug lords?"

Grimly fritting his teeth, the guy looked around and from all the people looking at him with pity, there was one guy without a hint of expression who was looking at him 

Eyes bloodshot, the guy ran toward the guy while pushing away anyone who got in the way. With his stress reaching the top of his head and anger from being constantly called names by his father, the guy grabbed the green-eyed youth from his shirt and pushed him against a nearby wall. The phone he had been using had fallen and put on a loudspeaker by accident.

"What the fuck did you do!?"

Hearing the stupid question, the youth just smiled in response.

"Is this funny to you!? I do not know what kind of tricks you pulled but I will make you regret it."

Chuckling at that, the youth did not reply.

The guy got angrier and raised his fist to punch the youth in the face. Nonetheless, the guy could not feel the satisfaction from releasing the stress for too long because he heard a gunshot coming from the phone and his father's pig-like scream.

Gritting his teeth, the guy faced the youth.

"Son of a bitch!!!"

The guy wanted to hit the youth again but he made a mistake. Several gunshots were heard along with the pig-like scream and the voice of an older man begging for his life while sobbing.

Yet, it was not all. The hand holding the youth from the shirt was left hanging loosely on his side before he noticed without any way for the man to put any strength. The wrist and elbow looked unnatural, just like they had been dislocated, however, it did not make sense because it had barely been a second since the guy got distracted by the screams from the phone.

It was then that the guy recalled that his father recalled the consequences one guy suffered from insulting the mother of 'Shiki'.

"Y-You are the real deal."

"Nora Shiki, at your service, you piece of shit." Nora muttered. "This has taken more time than I initially estimated so let's wrap this up."

Straightening his shirt, the youth sighed when he noticed the dirty spot on the guy's hand.

"Listen, I honestly do not give a shit whatever you say about me. I could not care less what a brain-dead moron thinks of me. I would be wasting my time if I cared for every time a guy showed their jealousy and inferiority complexes through swearing or insulting me. Yes, I am ok with that. Unless you try to take my life, I can ignore it." Nora mumbled. "However, that precious young woman... I cannot let go of what you said. While it is normal for her to get hit on or hear flirting lines, I cannot quite agree with people who just assume that she belongs to them because she is 'a hottie' and you will ignore her wishes on the matter. Let me tell you one thing, she does not belong to you. The plan you concocted about drugging her when you had the chance to take her to your room and have your way with her... Heh."

The smile on the youth's face looked harmless to everyone else but the guy, he could only feel extreme dread and fear for his life.

"Don't ask how I learned about your little plan, I have my ways." Nora smirked. "This is a child's play for people on our line of work. If I wanted, I could make this look like an accident and make you disappear, or make it like a unique murder scene and make it an unsolved crime forever. This is nothing that has not happened before."

"W-what? T-then why are you not doing that?"

"Idiot, do you think I should be killing every dumb ass that crosses my path because I don't like them? That would be the height of stupidity. "I could make a pile of corpses every time I went out to buy groceries in the market." Nora rolled his eyes. "Before you mention it, I don't give a damn about your money or your sister. I have more money than you could imagine and I could just steal yours if I wanted, I do not need your permission, know your place. Above all, I don't want that brat. Have you not seen my woman? She was prettier than your sister and way sweeter as well, I did not only check information on you and your father, but your sister as well. Oh, by the way, congrats on becoming an uncle."

Speaking like it was not his business, he mentioned several scary details. Nonetheless, one detail the man could not help but react to was his sister's pregnancy.

"The fuck is that brat doing! We were marrying her off to that other guy... Yet..."

Gritting his teeth in anger, the guy showed his inner mind.

"Enough, I don't give a damn about your drama. She ain't exactly a Saintess since she actually raped a guy who did not want anything to do with her because he was married." Nora clicked his tongue. "Forget about it, I have a use for you, that is why you will not get disposed of for now."

Before the man could argue about the last part, Nora thrust his finger on the man's chest.

"Do well and I might just leave you be." Nora smirked. "Otherwise, just turn into statistics of accidental deaths. Understood?"

Nodding frantically, the guy felt a horrendous killing intent engulf him. The unusual thing was that no one else seemed to notice which caused him to panic even more.

"I am interested in your business expansion in Romania." Nora muttered. "The renewable energy development there is on strive there so your father's company, which is facing financial issues wants to make a bet in a less occupied market on another country. I will allow you to use some of my companies to make a good start there. You will go and tell your father this, I am sure he will understand what this means and what the opportunity to work with me represents."

Saying that, Nora snapped his fingers and the tough men from before rushed to make a wall and prevent anyone from seeing what was happening. The youth proceeded to step back and with the tip of his finger, he drew on the air two different runes.

"Fehu, Gebo." Nora mumbled softly.

Looking at the gibberish from his point of view, the guy was scared shitless, it was obvious that he could not deny the youth's nature any longer even if he wanted.

Rolling his eyes at the guy's reaction, Nora lightly tapped the runes and pushed them toward the guy. The guy tried to use his hands to push them away, but swinging his hand only made them strike his hand and not his chest.

Clicking his tongue at the guy's scared look, Nora wondered if he would pass out next.

"It is a simple contract using Celtic runes." Nora explained. "They are not your run-of-the-mill ones either so normal busybodies will not mess with you. Go and meet with your father and head immediately to this address, you have to go in person since the runes will be your entry ticket. By the time you can reach that place, everyone will be aware of what I need you to do so they will give you directions."

Sighing somewhat in relief, the guy thought it was not as bad.

"Mind you, runes very much like devil contracts are not to be messed with. That said, devil contracts were made to rob the souls of those who broke the contract while runes can do a wider range of things. Since explaining to you who know nothing of magecraft would be useless, I made it my job to do a one-sided contract where I decided all the clauses. Like for example, the punishment for not obeying me... such as making your member wither and fall off."

Feeling his blood turning cold, the man unconsciously grabbed his package.

"Relax, you will keep your pea-shooter if you do as I said." Nora smirked.

Suddenly, the guy furrowed his eyebrows and felt something strange, like it did not make sense. The way the youth spoke... it felt strangely kind.

Perhaps noticing his turmoil, Nora scoffed at the guy.

"I am not the type to forget grudges. Consider the contract something I saw as useful and will take advantage of because I happened to stumble upon it. I had no knowledge of you previous your disrespect to my woman." Nora said. "Your real punishment will start later, you will certainly enjoy it... in a way. Otherwise, you might lose your mind."

Chuckling, the youth once again traced some runes in the air. This time however one of the tough men grabbed the guy from his neck and put his forehead perfectly aligned to the runes.

"Nauthiz, Hagalaz." Nora whispered.

The two runes he wrote were lightly tapped and were stuck on the guy's head.

"I hope you have some... Sweet dreams." Nora chuckled.

The guy had many questions, but Nora snapped his fingers and the men immediately dragged anything related to the guy outside the hotel. They even wiped the floor with soap and water.

Sighing, the youth moved toward the receptionist and the older man amidst the looks filled with a myriad of emotions he received. Noticing that the gazes were going to bother him, he noticed more than one balding head so he pulled some coupons and snapped his fingers. Some of the men came forward to take those and distribute them. A second later, the was even an old guy holding a cane that almost broke the world's record of the highest jump out of joy. The gazes were burdensome but the origin was now filled with gratitude.

Snorting, Nora resumed his steps slightly smug looking.

Standing in front of the older man and the receptionist, the youth pointed upwardly and the older man bowed before walking away. The receptionist seemed at a loss but the youth just winked at her and pulled and made a sign to follow him.


"Boss, everything has been taken care of by now." 

The older man added as he observed the youth sitting on the office chair that belonged to the owner of the building. Located on a floor that is not easily accessible, it was impossible to guess the location for an outsider, yet the youth had passed the older man and practically guided the way.

"As expected of her, I asked just a few minutes ago but she went and did more than what I asked." Nora chuckled.

Rudely placing his feet on the desk, the youth began to fiddle with the desk's drawers.

"The ownership was easily obtained but it took a while to deal with those opposing the sale." 

"Heh, I bet. Suddenly selling out of the blue, those who had invested and had shares of the hotel must've gone crazy all of sudden." Nora grinned. "They must've been scared that their money-laying goose would just disappear."

"I was informed that the same method they used with the previous owner worked like a charm."

Making a coin sign, the older man seemed unphased by the events that were happening, on the other hand, the receptionist was clueless but kept her mouth shut.

"You are quite the smart guy." Nora praised. "Are you not afraid I would try to get rid of you because you witnessed all that?"

"Surely you jest, boss. I have seen my fair chair people and worked for more than 40 years dealing with high society. I have a good eye to judge for character. You are not that kind of person."

"Oh? What if I am masking my intentions to the it bested your good 'eye'"? Nora asked.

"It can only mean I should've retired, nothing more. I have lived a fulfilling life and my children are already adults that no longer need this old man. My wife died a few years back, so I only have my job left. If you fired me, I would just use the money I saved to live in a countryside village fishing for the rest of my days, or if you killed me, my money would be inherited by my family. It is quite simple."

Clicking his tongue, the youth shrugged his shoulders.

"...that said, I was certain you would not take any of those routes."

Narrowing his eyes at the older man, Nora seemed to be hinting at him to stop talking.

"It is not in your character. A man who can do all of these for the sake of the woman he loves is not a bad man, not to mention, you are... a good guy in your roots."

Chuckling softly, the older man did not continue talking.

Sighing at the words of the man, the youth stayed silent for a while until he pulled open a drawer and whistled.

Looking at how the youth seemed to be obviously evading to talk at the moment, the older man considered the behavior more fitting for his current appearance than the act of buying a hotel just to mess with someone.

"Let me give you a short explanation. The person in front of you is the new boss of this hotel. He called you here for a reason."

Directing a gaze at the receptionist, the older man saw her stiffen in place.

"He said he will give you a chance to prove your worth after looking at your academic skills and studies, while also taking into account that you did as he asked."

"...did you provide him with those?"

Asking a harmless question, the receptionist's curiosity got the better of her.

"There is no need for such a thing. I had my people look into you once the sale was successful. I don't mean to brag, but I don't have over a hundred of ninjas working for me just because they are pretty ladies." Nora mumbled.

Speaking without looking at the duo talking, the youth opened more drawers and his expression changed a couple of times. The older man decided to continue since the youth did not say anything else.

"I am leaving my current post to work as Master Shiki's consultant regarding Hotel Management. The boss will be leaving the management under your care."

"That sounds like a good joke, hahaha-ha? Wait."

Holding her forehead, the receptionist tried her best to not spout any cursing words.

"It is not like you will be abandoned without any help to manage the hotel. The staff will remain mostly the same and I will teach you the ropes before I have to leave. You would also be able to contact me regarding any issues."

" doesn't mean I will be learning everything I need to know. I am a simple receptionist, it would be one thing if I had learned the ins and outs of the hotel due to years of experience but I am not that of a veteran worker. In a simple way to say it, I am a newbie."

"You are right. I would certainly be making a rather stupid bet if I let this whole place to newbie, is that what you mean?" Nora muttered. "I am not asking for the impossible here. You have this old man who is very knowledgeable about this sort of job. I will provide some of my people who are quick on the uptake to learn and work here. You won't have to worry about security since I have already thought of that. The same goes for those providing food and most of the necessary supplies you will use. You are also just being given a chance. Consider it an opportunity. You did what I asked, no matter what reason you had, I consider that a good thing. Besides, you will be working under the woman you saw before. I am a simple and humble novel writer, this is beyond what I can do."

Despite his words, no one seemed to believe the youth. Shrugging his shoulders, the youth opened another drawer and widened his eyes.

"Oh my." Nora mumbled. "Call the secretary."

Looking quizzically at the youth, the older man went to follow the command.

The receptionist gave the youth a dirty look with slight disappointment.

A second later, the receptionist's previous reaction seemed to make sense.

Looking nervous, the secretary, a tall blonde woman with a curvy figure, wearing a short mini skirt and leaving hardly anything to the imagination as well as a thin sweater with a deep cleavage that if it had been more open you might as well peer into the woman's soul. The glasses placed on her face were branded goods and seemed to be the last fashion article, or so the receptionist judged while recalling a magazine she read before.

"Hey there, how are you doing? I did not have the chance of seeing you before, were you saying your goodbyes to the previous owner?" Nora politely asked in a completely different voice than before.

The older man was able to hide his shock, but the receptionist looked perturbed when she heard him sounding way younger than before.

Hearing the voice, the secretary seemed to gain some bravery and no longer looked distressed, one look at Nora and she liked her lips. A confident air seemed to emanate from her as she took bold steps inside the office that she was very familiar with. The receptionist clicked her tongue once she saw this and looked at herself and the secretary while feeling bothered. She had a thin waist and healthy thighs, but her chest was nothing compared to the secretary's, and while it was not plain, she was not as busty.

"Indeed, I was good friends with him. I am called Mariel, at your service. I heard that you will be my new boss? I am EXCITED to start WORKING already. There is so much I need to SHARE WITH YOU, the INS AND OUTS, the necessary knowledge to run this hotel."

Not stopping and passing by the receptionist who was a few steps away from the desk, the secretary glanced at her in contempt. She gave her a look over before smirking and pushing out her chest. The secretary stopped in front of the desk and placed both of her hands on it before leaning forward. Her position clearly emphasized her chest and the lacy red bra could be seen.

The secretary inwardly grinned when she saw the youth blushing and looking away, but still giving her a couple of glances. She swallowed her but knew better than to do anything strange since there were people in place.

"I happen to personally know several of our patrons and could arrange a meeting right away."

"Mariel, that information is private and it belonged to-"

The older man wanted to rebuke the woman but she shot him a glance.

"It belongs to the 'owner', and he is sitting before us."

Using a business tone bordering coldness, the secretary 'showed off' her authority.

"Is your business finished? It is important that my boss and I begin to get... familiar with each other so the hotel can run smoothly. I take it that you still want to keep your job... eh, what was your name again...? Eleonora, I think. Anyways, today Master James will arrive, he is the son of a powerful man, so treat him with respect when you see him."

The receptionist wanted to get angry, no, she was slightly angry, but her expression turned odd when she recalled what happened before. She turned to look at the older man and saw him fiddling with his beard as he closed his eyes. A magnificent way to distract yourself from making a strange expression. She wondered if wearing a fake beard would seem too unnatural for a moment.

"Did you not hear me? You should-"

"Could you two step aside for a moment?" Nora muttered.

Hearing those words, the secretary shot the duo a victorious grin as she moved from her position to circle the desk and stand behind Nora's seat with skill and practiced movements.

The receptionist felt a pain in her chest... or not, she looked confused because she saw the youth winking at her playfully and as she left the office, she heard the older man chuckling. Just as the doors to the office closed, she saw the secretary opening one of the drawers of the desk without hesitation as she licked her lips. Nonetheless, what attracted her attention the most was the youth who rolled his eyes.

It did not take more than a few minutes. Despite the office having the door closed, they could hear a soft... No, it was not soft at all, the secretary's voice was loud.

"How can you do this to me!? Don't you know who I am!? I can help you more than anyone to get everything under control!!!"

Her screams were not exactly what the secretary planned to yell a few minutes ago, or so the receptionist could imagine. She looked at the old man who seemed unfazed.

"Did you know...?"

"Indeed, this was the only possible outcome."

"But how did you...?"

"The answer is easy if you recall a detail. Didn't the boss come with someone?"

Widening her eyes, the receptionist could recall that it was the case.

"However, the secretary was basically giving herself away for free, served on a silver plate. She has an attractive body, far more voluptuous than the lady from before. She might be far from being as pretty as that lady, but she is a solid ten in most of the staff's eyes."

"Haha, you say that, but you seem relieved. Well, consider it like this. It might be hard to tell for someone who has not fallen in love before, but those two, are madly in love for each other."

Chuckling to himself, the older man pulled out a pocket watch and opened it as he looked at it with a fond smile. 

" seems you have a good eye, sir."

A voice startled the receptionist and what she saw almost made her soul leave her body. Standing with a wry smile, the lady that was accompanying the youth before.

"It was not my intention to talk behind your back, I don't want to die!!!"

The receptionist cried out.

"...she is a funny child." Rossweise did not look angry but rather she seemed amused.

"It must be one of the reasons why he took an interest in her."

"...she is also pretty." Rossweise pouted.


The older man just laughed and said nothing else. He knew from experience that silence was worth gold.

"...were you able to take a good look through the cameras?"

The older man raised a question while the receptionist continued to be scared and sweat bullets.

"...he ordered you to take me there, did he not?" Rossweise asked.

"Hoho, I wonder about that. It might just be this old man losing his way as he guided you."

"...didn't someone tell you how you can suck at lying?" Rossweise smiled wryly.

"My beloved used to do it all the time."

Smiling, the older man put the pocket watch in his inner pocket with care.

"Your beloved must also have similar features, I presume."

"Too many to count, but you cannot hate any of those." Rossweise said.

"That is called love."

"I know." Rossweise mumbled.

"...then I guess this old man won't meddle anymore."

Smiled in satisfaction, the older man seemed pleased with the couple. The conversation happened in parallel with the discussion inside the office. Soon, the doors were opened and the figure of the secretary could be seen facing off with Nora who carried a gentle smile as he gestured for her to leave.

"You will regret this."

Narrowing her eyes, the secretary exclaimed.

"I highly doubt it." Nora replied in an amused tone.

"You are probably a virgin, yet you wasted your chance to get this."

Emphasizing her ample bosom, the secretary pushed up her breasts with her hands as she showed them off. One of her breasts almost escaped the boundaries but Nora remained serene through the whole ordeal. This caused the secretary to reach her limit and she spat at the youth, but he easily avoided it.

"I am indeed a virgin. Nonetheless, it has nothing to do with my decision." Nora calmly stated. "Before you began throwing profanities at me, I asked you three professional questions, each from low to medium difficulty, yet you failed each one. They were mostly basic things and even a newbie secretary could've answered them. I do not need to look at the recordings in the drawer to find out why you are unable to answer something so basic."

Hearing his words, the secretary gritted her teeth. She should've gotten rid of everything there and it would've been enough to fool the youth.

"A mistake." Nora shook his head. "She is a million times a better choice no matter what."

Pointing outside the office, the youth locked eyes with Rossweise who laughed sheepishly.

There was a hard-to-bear air for those without a couple while the duo locked gazes and they could almost see a pinkish background surrounding the two, nonetheless, there were some who felt extremely displeased. The secretary felt a venomous envy once she saw the woman, and because she was able to avoid lashing out at her was that the secretary managed to keep her head on her neck today. Stomping her feet on the ground once she saw that no one paid attention to her. The secretary storms out in anger while cursing in what those around them would like to believe was human language since it was hard to understand, but given that she gave Nora the middle finger, she seemed to be too angry to speak correctly.

With a snap of his finger, the youth called out in a whisper three names. Immediately, three people in skin-tight bodysuits appeared in kneeled positions before the youth. 

"Shiranui, Yukikaze, go after that idiot and stop her from doing something stupid. Act as you see fit. Asagi, you head to her house. The crafty old man sold this place easily but he is not stupid, he must be aware that this woman has been slowly salvaging data that could be used as a bargaining chip to sell or blackmail him. Beat him to the punch and get all that info for me." Nora ordered.

Just like that, the three shinobis dashed away in a flash.

"Oh yeah." Nora snapped his fingers again and another ninja appeared.

"Sakura, take this and treat that woman's STI." Nora pulled out a vial and handed it over. "Just force her to drink this after those girls finish with her. Consider it as me protecting the next fool she tries to catch."

Nodding without saying anything... or not, the girl winked at him playfully before disappearing.

Sighing at that, the youth looked at the pouting expression of his girl with a wry smile.

"...why did you fire her? Despite her... flaws, I believe she could've been useful to you. The information her type collects is always worthy."

The receptionist asked.

"...if you want to ask if I did it because of her being infected, the answer is not. It was not like I could not stand to work with her for that, I do have a cure for her ailment but I considered a few things before making my decision. First of all, her intentions had been as blatant as they could be. She was trying to seal the deal and she was not shy to do it with people in the next room." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "It is not like I am against those kinds of approaches, the secretary plus boss is a rather popular role play. This takes me to reason number two. Her loyalty is an issue. I of all the people can't nitpick about having multiple relationships with women since even if I disliked it, I have odd luck with women. Nonetheless, I was aware that just like she was sleeping with other business partners to obtain information for her previous boss, the woman in question also provided information to the other side. It is quite troubling."

Abstaining from asking how he found out about the secretary's doings, the receptionist assumed his ability to collect information was not normal.

"...I guess I have no choice but to take on this job."

Grumbling, the receptionist felt bitter since the reasons for turning down the job were almost nonexistent.

"I will do it, but I won't promise anything. I am just a receptionist after all."

Grinning at her answer, the youth gestured to the older man and he bowed in response.

"I shall aid her to the best of my ability. I will turn her into a first-rate employee who can handle whatever gets thrown at her."



Seconds later, the receptionist and the older man left.

"They left." Nora muttered.

Closing the door and locking it tight using magic, Rossweise traced runes on the air and a barrier covered the room.

"Kya, Rose wants to do dirty things to me in an isolated room." Nora screamed.

Rolling her eyes at that, Rossweise rested her back on the door as she looked down.

With her head hanging low, it was difficult to read her expression. The youth decided to not cheat using his ability and closed his eyes while quietly awaiting the young woman's next words.

"Do you always do things like that?" Rossweise asked.

"It should not be that surprising. I am a wicked being. The only reason I am not behind bars is because I am... a big shot, sort of." Nora scoffed.

"You are not... wicked." Rossweise said. "Maybe a little perverted and flirty, but you have a good heart."

"Love is blind, you know?" Nora smirked.

With eyes half-closed, the youth rested his elbows on the table and his hands were interlocked in a contemplative pose. He looked at the young woman with a steady gaze.

"Maybe." Rossweise chuckled, not being intimidated by the youth. "When you love another person, it is hard to see any 'bad' side. I am not sure if it is simply that a person's brain trying to overlook flaws that their beloved have, or just because it tries to shift our attention to positive feelings."

Pausing for a moment, Rossweise smiled.

"I am not an expert in love after all." Rossweise chuckled. "I just know one thing. I love you. I am not trying to say that I will only look at your good sides. I know that Nora has things he does not like or is not good at. I want to learn about those things, even the parts that are ugly."

Remaining silent, the youth closed his eyes.

"You might say that love is blind, but I have no intention of letting that get in the way of me, trying to learn all about you. I want you to show me that side of you that you are afraid to show." Rossweise muttered. "I... know that you were responsible for letting the older man guide me to the cameras room, where I 'casually' happened to watch on the surveillance TV the image of Nora as he dealt with the guy from before. Most likely... you were aware that I just recently picked lips reading so there was even an audio feedback."

"Tsk, that man, I told him to be more natural, but he went and blatantly acted." Nora clicked his tongue.

"You know we can deal with guys like that easily, yet you still acted... was it simply to show me that side of you?" Rossweise asked.

"Before that pretty head of yours can think of it. I never met that man before." Nora said. "Valkyries nowadays come from different corners of the world so their race might vary. However, Rossweise is a half-god thanks to your grandma. Dealing with a creep like him was easy. I acknowledge that I know that, I understand that... yet..."

Furrowing his eyebrows, the youth opened his eyes and looked at Rossweise with a rather troubled look.

"It is my wish to protect you, even if my means can be extreme. I just can't stand the thought of their underhanded means actually harming you." Nora sighed. "I know that it is just me being a worrywart, and being overly obsessed with you all. I also know that... it can be disgusting to always be watched over by me."

"Hmmm... some people can consider that excessive. That is true." Rossweise nodded. "However, I would never consider your efforts to protect us as disgusting. Nora, I believe that meeting you is the best thing that has happened in my life. Accepting the good aspects also means accepting the rather troubling parts."

Sighing, Nora looked down.

"I guess I am troublesome." Nora's mood was grim.

"...cutting down the times you have made the valkyries I lead to wear maid outfits is troubling you know? Like, how come they have more maid outfits than Valkyrie battle outfits!?" Rossweise raised her voice.

Somewhat surprised, the youth raised his head and looked at Rossweise bewildered.

"...what?" Nora numbly asked.

"Like I said. Why do you always make them wear those? Thanks to you, Odin is thinking of changing the design of the battle outfits again." Rossweise pouted.

"No, what are you saying all of sudden..." Nora blinked in confusion.

"It is troublesome you know? Even though most of my co-workers are actually ok with it, I have coworkers who are housewives, they have children, you know!? What would their children think if they saw their mothers that despite looking young, have gone past double digits and entered three-digit age, fighting to protect peace in skimpy maid outfits!?" Rossweise rebuked.

"I offered them the family-friendly version to those housewives, but they made the changes themselves... their husbands are the type to look for younger women so they were lonely..." Nora explained while still confused. "I also made yours a little special..."

"Those old hags, so they were after you all along." Rossweise narrowed her eyes. "My maid outfit is unique? You just made it more sexy, but since mine is special, I will forgive you."

"Wait, let's ignore the fact that they kept asking me to help them to put on those or they would ask me to help them around the house at night when only they were there and they received me with nothing but a very thin camisole that hid nothing." Nora furrowed his eyebrows. "Why is it that... you just mention things like the maid outfits? I told you I do all sorts of shady things. I also have this level of obsession with keeping you on my watch-"

Sighing loudly, Rossweise looked at Nora with a wry smile.

"I asked my teacher once about it." Rossweise muttered. "Urakyoto, the Underworld, even the dormitory where the valkyries stay. The sheer amount of shikigamis you control is beyond anything seen before. My teacher said that it goes beyond the realm of talent and it touches the realm of the authority of a god, no, she said that given your speed of improvement, you will surpass... Eh, I quote her words: That perverted geezer Odin."

"It is nothing much, using Shikigamis is a common thing among exorcists." Nora replied. "I just made use of something simple since I don't have the talent or skills to use all-seeing magic for that many places."

Shaking her head, Rossweise did not buy it.

"You downgrade your accomplishments too much. You can count on one hand the number of gods with the ability to keep their realm or cities under their watch all the time. They usually rely on things like magic spells, or special formations." Rossweise explained. "You have worked hard for it. I know about it, and I will acknowledge what you do. That is why I cannot tell you that you do something creepy. You are not watching everyone to the point of peeping at them in the bath or when they change clothes. You only keep the surroundings watched over. More than once you have found creeps that pass undetected under magical barriers. The work of veteran Valkyries and sometimes goddesses, your simple method can fill on the missing parts."

"Rose, it does not change the fact that I am an obsessive and-" Nora tried to speak but he stopped.

Walking toward him, Rossweise threw off everything that was on the desk with a swipe of her hand and left the youth wide-eyed. Noticing the mess she made and the countless objects that broke during the fall made the valkyrie's expression falter.

"...sorry." Rossweise apologized for the destruction caused, but she coughed awkwardly before strongly planting her hands on the desk. "Nora, I will say it again. Do not downgrade yourself. It is alright to admit you have lacking points. Improving comes from acknowledging you are lacking after all, but do not use that chance to make yourself look bad. Even if you can accept that, it does not mean I do. It is the same for all the people that care for you. It is also not only because I am madly in love with you. Even people who have only met you for a short amount of time and have come to acknowledge you will say the same thing. Do you know what happened the other day?"

"You mean the time you drunk called me to tell me I was cute and you wanted me to show me off to your kouhais?" Nora innocently answered.

"Ahem, no, and we did agree to never speak about that, remember?" Rossweise looked away.

"I also remember to have told you to stop drinking that much. Your resistance to poison has increased due to the training, but that does not mean you can just abuse your luck." Nora sighed.

"Urgh, never mind that for now!" Rossweise smacked the table.

There was the sound of being broken and Nora stealthy repaired it without the Valkyrie noticing her blunder.

"There was a group of recruits. They were a group of rather talented individuals that had been handpicked personally by some gods." Rossweise explained. "They were arrogant and their chins almost touched the sky. The normal training routine was too boring for them and they happened to overhear about your special training routine and how it was already normal for us to go through it."

Looking confused, the youth did not seem to understand the problem of it. Looking at him tilting his head, Rossweise thought he was cute but decided to continue with her story.

"Well, they were crushed by the difficulty almost immediately." Rossweise said. "They complained at once about it and they accused us of trying to kill them. They said that the one who made such a training must've been an 'asshole without a heart and they would find you to beat you up', you can guess that we did not take it kindly. From there, we all unanimously took it upon ourselves to teach them a lesson that they would not forget. To make the story short, after our turn to teach them was finished, they would not dare to raise their heads in front of us."

Smiling brightly, Rossweise spoke. The things she said would make a normal person sweat bullets and their expressions look uncomfortable, but the youth, looking at her smile-

" look lovely." Nora muttered.

Shyly looking away, the Valkyrie tried and failed to avoid getting embarrassed.

"The same happened with the guys who taught a lesson to the rookies. Anyone who showed even the slightest malicious intent toward you was mercilessly treated." Rossweise said. "It is not about just because you slightly worshipped. They genuinely respect you after facing the giant monster from before. You did what others did not dare, and even after that, you were approachable and offered advice to everyone. Your services as a healer helped many people who found it hard to pay for some of the greedy lower gods. Your constant presence has improved the livelihood of the people."

"You are exaggerating, I don't deserve such a thing from them." Nora shook his head. "I am just..."

"We are known as the best generation of graduates. It is only possible thanks to you. I was given a title that no one has earned in the last hundred years. The title and the right to use the name Brunhild as my own. Such a thing is not normal." Rossweise said. "Each of the valkyrie's original names became a title and you cannot needless use them. Given my grandmother's status, she could get away with naming a child who would become a Valkyrie to keep her name. We are usually required to change it."

Listening in silence, the youth seemed to question what this was about.

"Given my extraordinary grades, I was an honor student who earned the right to use the name of Brunhild, the strongest Valkyrie of all times." Rossweise muttered.

"That's amazing, why didn't you tell me about it?" Nora widened his eyes and smiled.

His genuine happiness over the matter made Rossweise ticklish because he reacted with more strength than he would for something that happened to himself.

"I turned it down. I wanted to keep the name Rossweise." Rossweise said.

Looking confused, the youth was unsure what to say.

"I am only what I am today thanks to you." Rossweise muttered.

"For something like that!? That is not true, Rose, you always had the talent and the skills to pull it off. You just needed the opportunity, and you managed to accomplish it all with your hard work." Nora stood up.

Looking at his all worked out warmed her heart. She knew that she made the right choice and decided to tell him her reasons.

"You know that the opportunity only came because you were there. I survived that day because of you as well. I happened to become Skadi's student because of you. Odin took interest in me since my student's time." Rossweise spoke. "I have been able to lead squads of Valkyries without issue because they trust my skills and trust the person that you, Nora, always hang out with. You might not know it, but anyone who is given an ok by you gets recognized and given opportunities. Everyone trusts your eyes for people."

"That's not true... I am just... You, and all of them had the skills..." Nora looked troubled.

"You know that it is not like you said. You downgrade what your presence has meant for all of us. My inability to use my family crest took me to learn magic in a way I could make up for it, but I never truly focused on barrier magic, the type I happen to be most proficient at. Even my teacher praised your ability to actually notice such a thing." Rossweise mumbled.

"No, I just happened to guess it..." Nora looked down.

"Nora, don't look away from the praise that people give you. I don't know why you can't honestly accept it, but let me tell you this. I can't simply accept anyone talking bad about you, even if that person is you." Rossweise raised her tone.

Trembling slightly, the youth simply sat down with his head hung low.

Looking at the youth who valiantly chose to get swallowed by that monster back then looking at the ground meekly made Rossweise realize one thing. The youth had been forced to act like someone he was not. It was not a denial of his feats until now, but thinking it logically, who in their right mind would do all he did without hesitating, who would dare to cast away their safety so easily?

The youth once mentioned that if he had to choose, he would rather live comfortably by lying on her lap as she wore a maid outfit. Since he mentioned the word maid, Rossweise immediately considered one of his jokes but perhaps, he was just being honest.

"Nora, do you hate fighting?" Rossweise asked.

Walking over, she sat on the table at one side of the youth and stared at him.

"...I don't exactly hate it." Nora mumbled. "I am not a battle junkie like Vali, Nyatora- I mean, Kagetora, Shishou, or the Dragon Slaying Saintess. However, facing each other, you can bare open your heart honestly to the other party, sometimes, you can reach understanding through your fists in a way that words would be unable to convey." Nora sighed. "I just don't like to fight while risking your lives in the process."

"If you said the word, I am sure you would not have to raise a hand again. Your mother is finally back home, you don't need to go out again to fight. Everyone, and me included would be sad that you decided to stop fighting, but we would also understand and support your decision." Rossweise put a hand on Nora's shoulder. "I will take care of anyone who tries to say anything about it. I just have to threaten Odin a bit with his outings and show it to his wife, if I do that, I can ask him to go and shut up any obnoxious people."

Raising his head with a wry smile, the youth's eyes were filled with complex emotions, but before Rossweise could say anything, the youth put his hand over hers.

"You have grown strong, haven't you? I doubt that old geezer would dare to try and sexually harass you by saying anything or feeling your ass now." Nora chuckled. "You have become an exemplary Valkyrie and are respected by the Einherjer as well. A goddess is your teacher and you are on the right path of what you should learn. Rossweise, you are currently shining brightly."

For some reason, the youth's words made her extremely conscious and embarrassed.

"I have considered what you mentioned many times before. I have given more than I should be able to. I am just a third-rate character who does not have the talent to stand toe toe-to-toe with the strongest people on this planet. Saying I want to be the strongest or I will be the strongest is just fake bravado... Some people would take just a year to do all I can after years of hard work, knowing that, I am not even worth being called a mob character." Nora sighed. "However, I can't do that."

The youth stood and held the Valkyrie's hand while gazing at her tenderly.

"Rose, I am a no-good man. However, if you all have that kind of view of me, as a man, as the person you love, I can't just ignore it." Nora put some strength in his hand. "You are right. I might feel like things are beyond me sometimes, but I am a guy who can do it if he tries. I will not do it for myself. I don't have a grand desire after all. I am just an idiot who likes maids. However, for you all, I can just become the greatest role model and the figure you can look up to."

Smiling wryly, Rossweise brought their hands to her cheek.

"I just want to take it easy sometimes. You might be just the most awesome person I have ever met, but even if you can get tired sometimes, you can also get overwhelmed, and above all, you also have weaknesses. Just like you have helped to cover ours, I want to be there, to become your strength and cover for your weakness." Rossweise muttered.

Smiling, the youth sat down, and by doing so, he pulled Rossweise to him. The sudden action made the desk chair lean back, going from 90 degrees to 120 degrees angle. Rossweisse was suddenly on top of Nora. By reflex, she had put one hand on the backrest of the chair, and that prevented her from hitting Nora. Her lower was straddling Nora and the youth already had a hand on her waist. Her hair hung over Nora and covered the outside view, they were separated by a small distance, or not so small since it was her chest that was getting in the way along with her hand. The two looked into each other's eyes and their breath were somewhat rough.

"Rose, just by knowing that you love me. Just by having such an amazing woman with me... you give me the strength to keep moving forward." Nora confessed.

Listening to his confession made Rossweisse's mood all giddy and she felt like his words were sweet enough to give her cavities, but she was certain that he was embarrassed enough to go 'cringe' if she teased him right now. As sweet as that sounded, Rossweisse had to tell him something, she had to get a message across so she opened her mouth even as she could feel more of his intoxicating aroma invading her lungs.

"Do you know what was actually the first and main reason why I did not want to change my name?" Rossweisse smiled playfully.

"...the bothersome paperwork that comes with it?" Nora shot a wild guess.

"...that was number five on the list if I am being honest." Rossweisse sincerely replied.

"Then what was it?" Nora asked as he swallowed his saliva.

The duo could feel their heartbeat thanks to the lack of sound and it made them happy that their heartbeats were equally synchronized and matching each other's pace. It only meant one thing, their feelings were equally matched.

Leaning to the youth's ears, Rossweisse licked her lips once she felt them dry but her actions seemed to fuel the youth's excitement since both of his hands were now resting on her backside.

"...I love the way you whisper my name sweetly in my ears so I cannot beat the thought of you not calling me Rose anymore." Rossweisse confessed.

Raising her head, the youth saw something that satisfied her to no end. Red up to his ears and neck, the youth had his mouth agape and tried to close it but could not. The Valkyrie herself could tell that she took just as much damage from her confession given that she felt her face heat up.

"Oh, Rose, why are you so cute?" Nora sighed.

"I am only like this for you." Rossweisse smiled shyly.

"If I had fulfilled my promise, I would be making a mess out of you right now." Nora honestly said.

"I can tell." Rossweisse was keenly aware of what he meant.

Her other hand had been exploring his body in the meantime and by following her grandmother's advice, she managed to unbuckle the belt of his pants.

"I am really a bad guy, you know why?" Nora narrowed his eyes.

"Do pry tell." Rossweisse pulled off the belt.

"I want to make love to you so hard that you will be limping the next day you go to train with the valkyries." Nora said. "I would be doing you until the very last moment so you would only have time to change your clothes without being able to bathe. Everyone will know what is going on once they smell your sweaty body reeking of my seed."

Feeling her breathing to speed up, the Valkyrie was certain of two things. The youth was a real pervert for suggesting such a crazy thing and... perhaps she turned into a pervert after meeting him but she was 100 percent sure that before meeting him, she would not find his idea so exciting.

"You are really a bad boy." Rossweisse chided the youth.

"You have no idea what kind of things I have in mind." Nora grinned. "Bad boy will be a title too small to describe the things I have in store for you."

Gulping, Rossweisse wondered if she would be 'alright' after those.

"Rose, you are a bad girl yourself, aren't you?" Nora meaningfully smiled.

While the duo talked, Rossweisse had removed the belt and unbuttoned the pants.

"You are a bad influence after all." Rossweisse gulped down.

"Says the woman who has been rubbing my thing for a while now." Nora smirked.

"Says the guy who has been groping my backside for a while now." Rossweisse returned the expression.

"You started it." Nora pleaded for his innocence.

"That's rich coming from you." Rossweisse suppressed a moan.

Raising an eyebrow, the youth did not say anything in response.

"I was a little curious about your body and it has turned into a groping game between us over this year." Rossweisse said.

"It would be unfair if you only won on the exchange, right?" Nora chuckled. "Besides, haven't you 'enjoyed' yourself quite a bit?"

Biting his lips, the youth held back when Rossweisse gripped his 'thing' tightly.

"No more than you." Rossweisse looked at him begrudgingly. "Teasing me a whole night, that was kind of mean."

"Hey, you can't blame me for that one. It was the best one you had, right?" Nora smirked.

"I can no longer do 'that' by myself..." Rossweisse grumbled.

"Are you embarrassed about using that word? I got you off, I used my hands to help you masturbate, what are you embarrassed about now?" Nora mumbled.

"Because it is embarrassing to say it out loud!" Rossweisse exclaimed.

"What is it?" Nora asked.

"To say I MASTURBATED- ARGH, idiot!" Rossweisse looked at the youth unkindly.

Gulping down nervously, the youth recalled where her hand was. She had a hostage.

Nonetheless, the number one rule of being a scoundrel was to never admit your wrongdoings not regret them. Besides, this was not over. The youth still had diversion techniques at his disposal. While reluctant, he moved his hands to Rossweisse's back, and just by lightly tapping, a click was heard making the Valkyrie widen her eyes and look to her chest where the bra was loosely inside her top.

"You can start complaining, or we can put that behind us and make out-" Nora could not finish his sentence before the Valkyrie attacked.

Perhaps he was the slow one this time, he had been at his limit and his body was thirsting for her body for a while now.

It was not their first kiss nor the first time they were making out, nonetheless, the passion behind it had never decreased. 

Before the two could get into it though, the phone on the desk rang. The duo stopped and glared at the machine.

The mood had been destroyed... most people would think that, but the duo without even separating pointed their fingers and soon enough after a blast, the phone along with part of the desk were gone.

The youth and the Valkyrie had a small competition that ended in a draw. The due ended up in their underwear at the same time.

"You have gotten better at this." Nora licked his lips.

"At kissing?" Rossweisse threw her bra to the ground.

"At stripping me." Nora smirked.

The youth's eyes were glued to the pair of perfectly shaped breasts in front of him.

"Grandmother told me that men like that kind of thing." Rossweisse equally gazed at the chiseled muscles of the youth, a sight only allowed to a selected few after almost causing the whole Valkyrie colleague to go crazy when his perfectly shaped abs covered in glistening sweat were seen by the young women hungry for boyfriends or housewives whose husbands had gained a beer belly.

"Your grandma, I apologize for saying this but... she knows way too much." Nora smiled wryly.

"Do you dislike that I learn this kind of thing? She also mentioned that some guys like 'training' their women..." Rossweisse slowly traced the abs with her fingers, feeling the drops of sweat from their steamy kiss, she could not help but lick her finger and feel a shudder run down her spine.

The youth seemed to be out of focus and was not controlling one of his devil lineages.

"Why would I be bothered? The fact you invest your time to learn techniques to please me is already a huge plus for me. If there was a guy involved, I would be mad with jealousy and perhaps I would make rivers of blood, but..." Nora smirked.

"I would never look at another guy." Rossweisse shook her head. "I always kept my head on my studies until now, but it cannot be denied that guy's never approached me with that kind of thing in mind. Yet now there are many people interested in me."

"I see. If they get too bothersome, call me. I think that after they see one of our steamy kiss sessions, they will get the clue." Nora snorted.

"You can be quite cruel sometimes." Rossweisse smiled wryly. "There are some pure types mixed with the annoying ones."

"I don't care. You are mine, period, if they cannot get the message by talking, I will make it so that they get in a more painful way." Nora scoffed.

" are really a bad boy." Rossweisse leaned and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Do you dislike it?" Nora asked, his steady gaze was betrayed by a small tremble in his voice.

"I am your fiance, why would I bother with them?" Rossweisse tried to imitate an evil smile.

Looking at her awkward expression, the youth chuckled.

His hands could no longer contain themselves and attached themselves to her chest.

"Men, really like breasts." Rossweisse suppressed a moan. "You act like a baby... even if you play with them roughly, milk won't come out."

Pinching her nipples, the youth looked once she muttered those words. Seeing that look, Rossweisse felt a shudder running down her spine again. That look gave her a bigger reaction than the way he played with her nipples. It was the very same look he gave her when he first made her climax after a long night of keeping her on edge.

" you want milk to come out?" Nora muttered.

"*Gulp* What do you mean...?" Rossweisse was not sure why she did not immediately deny his question when it would be the 'normal' answer.

"I have made numerous 'potions' with various effects while trying to get the desired effect of my customers." Nora seriously said. "Among them... there has been one, that I have been meaning to try..."

"But..." Rossweisse looked hesitant.

"I won't force you." Nora smiled. "Tamamo actually asked to be the first to try it out."

Feeling like a vein on her forehead was ready to pop out, Rossweisse looked at Nora with narrowed eyes. His words were most likely the truth, Rossweisse was aware of the youkai who always remained glued to him and followed him everywhere. She was also aware that she was a big supporter of Nora having a harem so in a way, she was a great benefactor. The youkai was also kind enough to provide with situations where Nora and Rossweisse could bond. Nonetheless, as a woman, she was also a competitor in a race to win his affection, and as his lover, she also competed for attention.

"Isn't Nora-kun acting a bit cheeky?" Rossweisse muttered. " You are purposely trying to stir me up."

"Nora-kun admits he is guilty..." Nora chuckled. "Yes, I am doing a good job, am I not?"

" are really a pervert." Rossweisse pinched his cheek. "You used to be a bit more innocent."

"Saying a bit... I wonder if I should be happy if you thought about me as innocent before or feel indignation that you did not take me seriously before." Nora smiled wryly.

Pinching his cheek again, Rossweisse took a look back at how their relationship started. Her grandmother had suddenly dropped the news without looking too concerned about the matter. She had been rather angry because she had decided something so important over a drink with a buddy she used to hang out with before. For a moment, she considered that she was going to be cast away because she had failed to fulfill the expectations of her family once again. Perhaps, even her grandmother had no longer decided to bother with her.

Yet, she did not have time to have those doubts once she met the youth. He was an odd one. His behavior was strange for a boy of his age. The way he conducted himself was devoid of the normal innocence that normal children would have, although she ignored it since was still playful at times. As she spent time with him, Rossweisse came to learn he was able to fight at a proficient level, something that no child of his age should be able to do under normal circumstances. He also had terrible nightmares at times that worried her greatly, but her grandmother only told her to snuggle with him.

The youth surprisingly calmed down after that and would show innocent expressions in his sleep. Rossweisse could not help to think of him as cute. She happened to have a slip of the tongue once and her grandmother heard her, but contrary to her expectations, she was not teased and instead heard her grandmother telling her to be kind to the youth.

"Nora, have I been good to you?" Rossweisse suddenly spoke.

"How could your actions toward me be anything but good? I have been in your care multiple times." Nora noticed the change in the mood and replied honestly.

" that so?" Rossweisse smiled. "Did you know I think you are cute?"

"Shouldn't it be dashing? Perhaps handsome..." Nora mumbled. "No, first of all, what is with that all of sudden...?"

"No, I was just thinking... that I might be as perverted as you. Grandmother once told me to be kind to you, as the older one, I was supposed to watch over you and protect you, but I ended up falling in love with such a young guy and now I am doing ecchi things every time we meet." Rossweisse mumbled.

"I am partially to blame for that. I think I am too charming sometimes so my aura must've hit you by accident." Nora jested.

Passing it out as a joke, the youth did not expect the Valkyrie to actually nod at that.

"You are right." Rossweisse accepted. "It is hard to deny when you have practically everyone who came to support you before under your charm spell."

"That is some serious nonsense." Nora spouted.

"Do you want to know how perverted I am and how deep I have fallen for you?" Rossweisse retorted.

Staying in silence, the youth was basically giving a silent agreement, or perhaps she just wanted to be forward with this out of her own volition.

"Let's try that thing you mentioned." Rossweisse muttered in a steady tone despite blushing heavily.

"No, no. Just look at you, it is clearly embarrassing. I was just trying to tease you back there..." Nora muttered.

"It is obviously embarrassing." Rossweisse replied. "However, I know that you would never force us to do anything we would dislike.... except training."

"That is just me trying to force my kinks on you girls..." Nora rebuked.

Looking at the youth, Rossweisse wanted to smack him for saying that.

"You of all the people are saying that?" Rossweisse raised her hand.

"Ok, my bad." Nora understood the dangers and raised a white flag.

"Putting aside your maid fetish..." Rossweisse said. "You have not forced yourself on us. You have never tried to go against our will to satisfy your lust. You never have taken advantage of other's feelings just because you are horny despite being able to do so and never get blamed. I'm not the only one who knows that Kuroka-chan adores you and has offered her body to you, but you never abuse the opportunity despite Kuroka-chan growing into a real beauty. Not only do we have her, but there is also the shadow girl who always follows you around. If you snapped your fingers, she would drop her clothes and be ready to be embraced. Their sheer devotion and love toward you makes them naive and easy to trick, but so far, the only thing you might have them do or others is to dress as maids."

Sweating coldly, Nora recalls asking for other ladies to dress as sexy nurses and nuns.

"...s-sure." Nora chuckled.

"I know about all of the other cosplays you have made others wear for you." Rossweisse spoke with half-closed eyes.

"I am sorry, this Nora is unworthy of breathing the same air as you." Nora covered his face with his hands. "I should be tossed into the ocean so I am bitten to death by sharks."

Sighing, Rossweisse swallowed the words filled with jealousy that she wanted to say, nonetheless, she still mumbled a few words.

"You should only be asking me, your fiance, for that..." Rossweisse muttered in a meek tone.

Hearing this made Nora swallow hard.

"Rose, you can't say that." Nora muttered.

"What do you-Hiii!" Rossweisse nearly jumped out.

Looking down, she knew what the youth meant. She gave him a hard stare while also feeling embarrassed.

"Really?" Rossweisse looked at him with reproachful eyes.

"You are just too cute." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Such a cheesy line, but it was too effective when used at the right time. Rossweisse wanted to point out that this was what she was talking about, that this was what she meant with being weak to him truly meant.

"Pull out the vial." Rossweisse mumbled.

"What?" Nora blinked in confusion.

"That e-ecchi vial you mentioned before, quickly before I change my mind." Rossweisse fumed.

Looking at how the young woman extended her hand but refused to look him in the eyes, the youth simply acted on instinct and obeyed. A small pinkish vial rested on Rossweisse's hand a second later and she looked at it from her turned her position using only one eye. She immediately turned her head away if she made eye contact with Nora but the young woman still opened it in the end. Taking a deep breath, she drank the vial fully all of a sudden amidst Nora's startled gaze.

"Ah..." Nora sighed.

Suddenly with eyes wide open, Rossweisse turned to the youth with a questioning look.

" should've asked about the amount you should take." Nora smiled wryly.

"...what?" Rossweisse has a bad feeling.

"A couple of drops are enough. That one is a concentrated version." Nora mumbled.

Looking at her chest, Rossweisse could already feel the changes, and that flustered her.

"It is ok..." Nora licked his lips. "You trust me, right?"

Shaking her head from left to right, Rossweisse guarded her chest. The look the youth was giving her gave her mixed feelings. His cat-like eyes were similar to those of a beast that found its prey, but at the same time, she felt a strange thrill. Her heart was beating quite loudly and she found that being the sole thing on the youth's mind even if momentary made her extremely happy.

"Are you sure...?" Nora repeated his question, not looking discouraged in the slightest.

There was no place to escape, Rossweisse knew it so there was no way the youth would not know it too. She was straddling the youth in her underwear-clad figure. She had taken off her bra and her lower part still had her black garter belt and embroidered panties. The intricate design was a clear sign that it was not a regular garment, it was obvious that this was one of her 'battle' underwear. Perhaps conscious of such a thing, Rossweisse glanced below, although it was hard to look at it given that her chest had grown considerably in the past years. It was in fact a rather fast growth compared to before, and that made her momentarily wonder what happened, in fact, she did not change much. The only difference would be that she and Nora began to fool around... and he... began fondling her breasts often.

Unaware of the revelation of the Valkyrie, Nora looked at where her eyes were directed and grinned.

He placed his right hand on her waist and tugged his finger inside the string tying the garment.

"This is a new one..." Nora muttered.

This was enough for Rossweisse to put aside her accurate guess.

" do you know I did not have this one before?" Rossweisse still guarded her chest.

Despite being on guard of her chest, Rossweisse allowed him to naturally put his hand on her hip and play with her underwear. The young woman planned to say something else, but after gazing down, she that the youth had once again entered the 'mood'.

"Who was the one who did not take care of herself because she was so busy with her duties that needed her beloved to help her? I seem to recall that I went through your clothes as I washed everything." Nora snorted.

Pulling the string long enough, he released it and it immediately went back to where it should be, nonetheless, the speed caused it to hit Rossweisse, and she jumped slightly.

"It is also not among the things we brought together." Nora muttered.

Carefully caressing the area where the string hit, the youth caressed in a gentle manner, before his other hand began to fiddle with the string on the other side of her hip. The side tie panties seemed to make Nora extremely interested as he placed his attention on them, but every time he made a motion of untying it, Rossweisse trembled.

His words could not be more accurate since they would go on dates to do all sorts of activities such as simple things like going to a grocery store or the supermarket, buying clothes, or touring locations in her own country to show the youth.

"...I brought it for this trip." Rossweisse confessed.

The grin on Nora's face widened and he tugged the index finger of his right hand on the string. Slowly sliding it from left to right, he began to pull more toward the left and soon his finger was on the small triangle that hid Rossweisse's important part 

"Oh, you did huh." Nora seemed oblivious to the Valkyrie's nervous gaze.

Fighting the urge to stop the youth who was grinning while pulling the small fabric toward him, Rossweisse refused to release her breasts.

"...why did you do that?" Nora chuckled.

Biting her lips, Rossweisse seemed reluctant to respond, but when the youth saw that, he pulled the fabric even more so she panicked and opened her mouth.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Rossweisse exclaimed.

Letting go of the fabric as he froze with widened eyes, the youth realized his mistake and coughed.

"O-Oh? I wonder if you know what it means to do that kind of thing with a guy." Nora asked.

"...hmm." Rossweisse nodded.

Gulping, Nora put both hands on each side of her hips.

"Rose, I am trying to be patient. However, you are not making it easy for me." Nora muttered.

With each hand, he grabbed an end of the strings and slowly pulled it.

"You are ok with this... right?" Nora asked.

Looking at him with his gaze filled with expectations, Rossweisse did not deny it and instead nodded. The youth did not waste time and pulled the strings.

The Valkyrie felt the shame vividly extending over all her body and she almost unconsciously yelped, yet Nora was faster and prevented any sound from leaking from her mouth. He pulled her and sealed her lips under the still surprised gaze.

The kiss was short because he separated her and whispered a few words in her ear. The Valkyrie initially did not want to accept yet he kept whispering until she nodded slowly.

Using only one hand, the Valkyrie began the difficult process of removing the youth's underwear. She would shift her body more than once but was unable to make any large movements or even stand up because every time she did, the youth would pull her over and kiss her.

The most difficult part was that she soon uncovered his thing. It was as amazing as she recalled and once she took off the 'restrains' on it, Nora's penis jumped out like a whip and hit her stomach. She felt a shudder once that happened.

"Sorry for hitting you." Nora smirked.

Before Rossweisse could retort to him, he kissed her again. They had gone past simply joining their lips. The youth was very proactive in using his tongue so it made Rossweisse's job harder. She could not lift her body that much because of the kiss, one of her hands was not usable at the moment and each one of her movements made their bodies rub each other, especially, when his thing and her thing were already engaged in physical contact.

"I think I should help you out." Nora smirked and snapped his fingers.

Finally, past his knees, the Valkyrie was about to finish her task when the sound of snapping fingers was heard and the underwear disappeared.

"" Rossweisse was left with a surprised face.

Taking a few seconds to understand what happened, the Valkyrie glared at the youth with tears in her eyes.

"You, big, hateful, bully." Rossweisse got angry.

Chuckling in response, the youth held her by her waist and stood up. Placing her perfectly shaped butt on the desk, the youth removed the panties that refused to completely fall off.

"I will make you remove that hand voluntarily." Nora said.

To prevent the fuming Valkyrie from harshly (?) insulting him, he pushed her and soon her back was resting on the table.

The youth took a second to engrave the sight into his eyes. A glaring Rossweisse lying on top of a wide desk with almost nothing on. The garter belt perfectly clung to her thin waist and it was connected to a pair of black stockings that enhanced her erotic appearance. The fact that one of her hands refused to move away from her chest was already exciting, but since her position allowed the youth to see all her glory made an interesting combination.

Making the Valkyrie panic, the youth's dick was standing proudly as he stood as close as he could to the desk. One more step and the head of his dick would kiss the entrance of her vagina.

The Valkyrie suddenly recalled one detail. He wanted her to remove her hand, but he would not dare to take her virginity just so he make her do so, would he? This thought, normally something she could use logic to easily disregard made the Valkyrie try to close her legs but the youth opened them, or rather, he spread them open, using one hand to hold each thigh.

Taking a step forward, the head of his dick kissed Rossweisse's lower mouth.

"I took another one of your first kisses." Nora smirked.

Hearing that immediately ignited a certain feeling inside Rossweisse. She could not help but recall when they had their first kiss. The memories, emotions, and excitement from back then flooded her like a broken dawn, and they combined with her current feelings. The youth seemed to sense her excitement and pushed again, but this time, due to the juices from the youth and the Valkyrie, it slipped. He could've stopped there and pulled back, but the youth instead pushed even more and his whole length was made to slide along the vulva of the Valkyrie. She could feel every centimeter sliding in a very slow matter and she unconsciously extended her hand to stop the youth, but he seemed to read the message differently since he took her hand and pulled her. The rest of his length slid in one motion and it came to a stock when the body of the duo smacked against each other. Rossweisse bit her lips to hold back the moan that was about to escape her mouth along with the rising orgasm that threatened to make her cum.

"Sorry~" Nora muttered.

Listening to his nonchalant apology that was anything but sincere made the Valkyrie open her mouth to complain, yet the youth grinned like he was expecting that and pulled his hips back. The cowper liquid that was leaving his dick was enough to prove that he was aroused, yet Rossweisse could only see her own juices covering her labia and how easy it made for his penis to slide backward again. She saw him position his dick aiming at her lower lips and her heart skipped a beat. Rossweisse had to admit that she was a strange gal because while she did not want him to take her virginity like this, her body was getting more than ready to do so. However, the youth just looked at her expression and pressed his dick onto her lower lips.

"If the Valkyries ask you, you can tell them that we 'kissed' with our lower mouths a lot." Nora smirked. "They have been asking... Right? They always ask how far have you gone."

Just like that, he began to lightly poke her labia. Rossweisse felt a shudder every time that happened and small orgasms made her body lightly convulse. Nonetheless, she refused to let her arm go. In response, the youth grinned more and pushed his length, the dick was also unable to penetrate this time and a disappointed sigh escaped her lips.

Leaning toward the Valkyrie's ear the youth gave it a small bite which caused her to arc her back.

"This is not the kind of place I had in mind for this..." Nora muttered.

Raising his head and placing it directly above the valkyrie's head, the youth sealed their lips before she could even ask what he just meant. Not only did he push his tongue in while looking for hers, but he began to pull out his hips and push it again. His dick not only slid on the labia's opening but the clitoris as well. This caused Rossweisse to moan, but her voice could not be heard because her mouth was busy. She did not realize it herself, but slowly, she began to match the youth movements. Her hips slowly raised so she could grind her hips more on his dick. Her tongue movements, a little awkward at first began to slowly imitate Nora's technique as she tried to match it.

At this point, the Valkyrie did not have in mind the fact that she had taken the strange vial fully as she immersed herself in lust.

"Would you look at that? You are more talented than you think." Nora separated their mouths.

Looking at how she unwillingly extended her tongue to continue the kiss, the youth had to grit his teeth hard. The Valkyrie was far more dangerous than she actually was aware of.

"H-huh?" Rossweisse looked confused.

Breathing heavily, it was then that she noticed that their kiss had been going on for more than she expected and her body was greedily trying to take the oxygen it needed.

"Are you trying to act innocent?" Nora asked.

Going for another kiss, this time it was a brief one, nonetheless, just like the youth predicted, she put an unwilling face and even put one hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer to continue the kiss. The sloppy sounds seemed to motivate Rossweisse more since there was a greater amount of juice leaking from her lower mouth. She proactively engaged in the kiss, adding playful bites on the lips of the youth. It did not matter if they were the lower or upper lips, Rossweisse would entangle their tongues and then proceed to bite him lightly. The gushing sounds were added to the sloppy kiss and it only helped to enhance the duo's arousal, yet it was the Valkyrie who began to act more unrestrained. Her hand was no longer on the youth's shoulder, but it had instead gone past his neck and was pulling him closer. The youth had to exert a certain level of strength to get away and It was under the disappointed look of the Valkyrie.

"You have a talent for this." Nora smirked. "Every time you get into it, you get bold enough. I happened to be smaller than you, I would most likely not be the one top, but you would be."

A little out of it, Rossweisse did not immediately understand what the youth was trying to say and instead, her brain began to play out the scenario in which the youth happens to have a smaller build.

Through sheer observation, the youth could almost read what went through the Valkyrie's head and he confirmed his guess easily.

"Rose-onee-chan, did you just imagine that?" Nora spoke in a childish tone.

Widening her eyes, Rossweisse wanted to deny but the gushing juice gave away her true thoughts on the matter.

"I don't mind doing that kind of play." Nora dealt a critical hit by whispering in her ear and giving a gentle bite. "I can do it for my perverted Onee-chan..."

The Valkyrie not only gushed a generous amount of juice, making it easy for the youth to continue pushing his hips back and forth. The way Rossweisse arched her back was a defining proof that she had orgasmed hard. Her moan was caught in her throat and it never left, but there was no way to deny it. Rossweisse could not, because there was an extra proof of her strong climax.

Dripping through the gaps on her arm, a liquid ran down Rossweisse's perfectly proportioned figure. The liquid made the youth lick his lips, but despite his body stopping in place to admire the spectacle, he held back. He could see Rossweisse breathing heavily as she looked at him with no small amount of lust in her eyes.

"I will not force you... but, I will only do it once you offer it to me." Nora muttered.

Still reluctant, the Valkyrie looked below and saw his towering penis almost resting on top of her lower abdomen. Going by the youth's nature, it had to be intentional that their skin was not touching, but he would occasionally let it come in contact with her clitoris and the heat of his member stimulated her overtime.

Biting her lips, Rossweisse could not deny that she had been having fun by herself. Until now, she had reached climax a number of times until she lost count, or rather, she had immersed herself in the experience that she had forgotten. The youth looking at her with a grin was a tough foe. It had been only sheer embarrassment that prevented her from removing the hand but thinking about it, she already did far more embarrassing things.

Slowly removing her arm, she saw by herself, with her own eyes how her chest was covered in her own milk. It made her heart beat fast and she felt a strange arousal to see the youth continuously stare at her milk-soaked chest with a hard look. Nonetheless, he seemed to be true to his word and did not do anything. Rossweisse felt somewhat irritated at that. She would try to hump her hip toward him, but he would respond by moving away. Once she made a big motion, he placed his hand on her lower abdomen.

The moment that happened, Rossweisse felt like electricity had coursed through her body. It was an incredibly pleasant feeling, perhaps too much. The part of her body that reacted was not simply her skin. The youth's "massage mode" was a dangerous mode that could cause mass destruction on any woman he touched. The youth seemed to take it like a grain of salt when he was told to keep it sealed, but on occasions like this, he would certainly not consider holding back. He began to lightly massage her lower abdomen and Rossweisse had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop any moan from escaping. The previous feeling was slowly being multiplied. Rossweisse could feel it, the place that was causing her to almost go crazy was the part of her body located in that area, her womb.

"I am getting impatient." Nora muttered.

At times like these, the youth became more eager and straightforward in what he wanted. He did not give her time to rest and not only did her lower mouth begin to leak more juice, but her breasts which seemed to be one size bigger were filled to the brim. The excitement was making the valkyrie produce more milk and they were at their limit. Any small movement, or in this case, every time she shuddered from pleasure, milk would leak. Rossweisse was aware that she could not allow him to continue taking the lead, otherwise, she would truly lose her mind.

Biting her lips to prevent a moan from escaping, Rossweisse tried to not indulge herself in the aftermath of her orgasm. She tried to grab her breasts to signal the youth that he could 'play' with them, but the youth showed no reaction. Unable to stop a moan this time, Rossweisse trembled to the point that the tip of her toes curled.

"Ah, ah." Nora shook his head.

Reproachfully looking at the youth once she recovered, Rossweisse looked at her chest and had an idea. She had recalled a certain book that she read before as research material.

There was no use asking for mercy. The youth might look ok, but he was probably frustrated. He has been waiting for a while, above all, Rossweisse has been cumming all alone.

Repeating her actions, Rossweisse pushed her breasts to her mouth. She was surprised to find that she could actually place her lips on them. One glance at the youth and she knew that her idea was something that he did not expect. His friend down there seemed to harden more from the excitement.

The first thing she felt was the sweet taste, she was not sure if it was originally like that or if it had something to with the vial she drank, but it was almost addictive. She quickly put away those thoughts and focused on her task. She sucked and the milk came out easily. Once she had her mouth full, she looked at Nora and the two reached an agreement. The youth slowly bent toward her and soon their lips touched. The youth finally got a taste of her very own milk. Rossweisse got a small orgasm from her action. She was not sure why, but perhaps feeding the youth her milk through a kiss was among her 'kinks'. She was strangely excited about it and the youth had a similar reaction. He greedily drank the milk.

There was only so much that Rossweisse could gather in her mouth so the kiss ended not long after.

" really have talent." Nora licked his lips.

"Idiot." Rossweisse said.

"I take it as you giving me permission to 'eat' you." Nora muttered.

The larger look on his face looked unusually cute so Rossweisse could not reproach him for bullying her before.

Nonetheless, she knew that a simple nod was not enough.

Speaking in a low tone as she pulled him toward her, she whispered.

"Drink as much milk as you want... but you will give me your milk too, right?" Rossweisse blew her hot breath into his ear.

From her position, she could not see his face, but she could tell that he trembled slightly.

Pulling back, she grinned and the youth would later tell her that at that time she put on one of her most famous charming and sexy smiles.

"Do we have a deal?" Rossweisse grinned.

The youth did not answer with words but with actions.

Nyarlathotep00 Nyarlathotep00

Hi there. People.

Kinda late, got an issue and had the data erased so the chapter had to be written again... plus several blackouts made it hard to write.. migraine... urgh.

The chapter will look somewhat odd because of it, or at least some parts.

You might consider some parts unnecesary, but I wanted to convey in the chapter how Nora deals with some stuff. This time, he showed his dark side to Rossweisse.

I hope it is enjoyable.

Tell me yout thougths.

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