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6.95% Highschool DxD: A new opportunity / Chapter 7: The clean up is always troublesome, isn't it?

Capítulo 7: The clean up is always troublesome, isn't it?

∆ Part 1

My body felt heavy, my consciousness was all over the place, but I was clearly waking up. With some effort, I opened my eyes.

My sight was unfocused, but it quickly started to focus again after opening and closing my eyelids a couple of times.

I could see an unfamiliar ceiling now that I could see clearly.

What was I doing...? Why am I here?. I asked myself those questions a couple of times before I started to remember what happened.

Right... Kaa-san arrived in time to save us.

A really close call.

Considering the luxurious ceiling, we must still be in the Underworld, probably the Sitri mansion.

I started to get the feeling of what's bellow me. A soft bed and pillow, and a warm blanket. It makes me want to go back to sleep again but I can't do that.

Little by little I regain the feeling of my body, but there is no pain. Kaa-san did a pretty good job as expected.

I try to raise my body but I am feeling weak.

Recalling that I lost a good amount of blood back there... I accept my weakened state as a side effect I could do nothing about for now.

I am still feeling confused.

"You should stay like that...". I heard a familiar voice telling me that.

Turning to the source of voice...

I see Sona-chan coming through the door of the room.

Wearing a new green dress with similar design as the one she had before. Sona-chan seemed to have already changed from her previous attire.

"Hey...". I weakly mutter.

My voice seems to be in the same state as the rest of my body.

"Don't 'hey' me... *sigh*". Sona-chan exasperatedly said as she walked closer.

Is she in bad mood? Because I don't recall making her mad.

Although I heard before that recalling and not doing it was not the same.

"You were in a really bad state, Saya-san had a hard time healing you". Explained Sona-chan.

Well, I was really beaten up but if Kaa-san had it hard... then the damage must've been greater than I thought.

"You were really reckless... and I almost abandoned someone who tried that hard for us...". Muttered weakly Sona-chan with her head down, now seating in a chair beside the bed I am lying on. But she is still kinda far from me... this bed is really big.

However... even you say it in a low tone of voice, I can still hear you. As a nekomata I have enhanced senses, like my hearing.

"You did not do something like that, I was the one that made you leave with Rias-chan at that time...". I said to the crestfallen devil.

Sona-chan still keeps her head down.

"But I still did not hesitate to do that...". Sona-chan did not raise her head.

No matter how composed she might try to act,at the end Sona-chan is a good girl deep down... who feels troubled by her actions.

"You know... You still came back...". I told her.

"No... That was Rias who convinced me to do so...". Replied Sona-chan.

This girl is stubborn.

"If you really wanted to abandon me... You would have ignored Rias-chan and keep flying nonstop. But you came back because you truly wanted to do so...". I muttered.

I wonder... maybe I hurt those two more by making them leave than letting them stay. But I was not in condition to fight while worrying about their safety.

My words triggered a reaction from the young girl.

"But... But...". Said Sona-chan while some tears formed in her eyes.

Urgh... Don't cry.

"It's ok... I am not blaming you". I tried to soothe her.

"*sobbing* Really...?". Said Sona-chan with tears running down her face.

"Yes... Really". I replied.

Ah ah... she is crying.

I am such a bad guy.

My body still feels heavy but... a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

I with all my strength struggled to move my hand to... pat her head.

I don't know what else to do but...

Hopefully this helps.

"It's ok... It's ok...". I kept saying that over and over.



Doing that for a bit more until she finally calmed down, then I stopped.

"Don't tell this to anyone...". Said Sona-chan embarrassed for her earlier action.

Wiping the tears in her face, she told me that in a weak tone of voice.

Not going to discuss that. If certain Magical Girl found out I made this girl here cry... It would lead me to a bad end.

"Sure...". I nodded as I told her that.

"I still want to properly apologize... I am sorry... also, thank you for your help this time". Sona-chan said as she slightly smiled.

"That's ok. I was just doing whatever I wanted". I replied.

Once gain, there was silence for a moment.

Then Sona-chan stood up and...

"You can rest for now...". Said Sona-chan as she started to leave the room.

"By the way... let's continue that talk about the peerage later, Nora-san". Said Sona-chan as she left the room.

Eh? She still wants to talk about that?. Wait, she called me Nora-san just now. I ranked up as a friend huh. Ah, whatever. I will worry about that later.

We will leave soon anyways.



A little more time of me doing nothing while resting, I decided to meditate for a while.

But I started to feel some discomfort in my body so I came to a stop, removing the blanket, I found myself with a new attire. White shirt, and black pants... both look like they are made from high quality materials.

How curious how I just noticed that.

Considering the possible origins of these... I began to wonder who changed my clothes. I am not sure what embarrass me more, having my own mother looking at me naked, or some random stranger doing it. I might look like I have five years old but I am more than twenty in my mind.

Well, although I am bothered by that, the discomfort comes from behind me.

Using my hands to check... I discovered that I got another tail. It feels strange having one, but now I got two. However, now I can really call myself a nekomata. Before I was just a cat... well, not anymore.

On another note, I began inspecting the rest of my body.

My body was healed by Kaa-san but my reserves of Ki were still lacking.

Even though having it recover over time is an option, I am still not home. Staying in the Underworld you'd never know when some wacko will cause some sort of incident. The list would be really long if you start writing names. That is why it never hurts to be at your best here. Although I am still lacking in blood department and that won't let me move as I want so I should obediently rest.

That takes me to the question... what is Kaa-san doing?.

Makes me wonder if she is dealing with the details of the request... or... no, she wouldn't have flipped and started to fight the devil's side because she finds them responsible for what happened right?.

Nah... even she.... wouldn't... do... that?.

No no no, if I am calmly resting here then there is no way that it is... happening.

Maybe I should go and take a look?.

While I trust Kaa-san... she can overreact.

I stand up from the bed with some trouble, but not minding the discomfort, I try to walk out the room. As my hands prepares to open the door... I began to think. Where is she exactly?. Finding her could take a while if I randomly check room by room.

"Oh, Nora-chan. Sona-chan told me that you woke up so I came to to see how you were doing". Happily said Rias-chan as she opened the door just to find me in front of her.

Rias-chan changed clothes too, now wearing a purple dress.

"Eh... I am fine". I said somewhat at a loss what to answer since I unexpectedly found her like this.

"You really had us worried you know. Back there you suddenly started to fall and then your mother jumped to treat your injuries. It took her a long time before she finally stopped and started to carry you to come here". Explained Rias-chan.

That sounds bad. I might've pushed myself too hard.

"I am sorry for worrying you...". I could only honest apologize for causing troubles.

I know the feeling of seeing others lying sick without being capable of doing anything. They must have been anxious about me during that time.

"Eh? No... I am not trying to blame you... just be more carefull next time, well, not like I want you to be like that again. I know that you were hurt because of us, but it still pains me seeing you like that". Said Rias-chan in a rather flustered tone.

Did you not expect me to apologize?.

"Rias-chan... Do you know where Kaa-san is?". I changed the subject by asking her this now that she is here.

Having someone bring me to her should be faster.

"Your mother? She is currently talking with Onii-sama who came here not long ago. They were talking about something serious so they told me to go to play somewhere else". Rias-chan said after pondering for a moment.

Come again?. She wouldn't pick a fight with the guy right?. Rias-chan 'Onii-sama' can only be that guy, one of the four Maou.

"Can you lead me to where they are?". I asked while trying to pretend to be calm.

"Sure!". Happily said Rias-chan.

This girl sure is full of energy.

Isn't she tired after all that?.

"By the way... When did you get another tail?". Rias-chan suddenly asked.

I will be hearing this question a lot.

∆ Part 2

In an unknown location, two individual were having a discussion.

Wearing black and brown robes, the two were talking about...

"The plan failed... the two devils survived". Said the black-robed individual.

"Isn't it your fault? You said you had everything we needed to succeed in the plan". Complained the brown-robed individual.

"We followed your script, by killing the two devils during the visit of the woman, they would put all the blame for the death of the two of them on her. Even going as far as making those two creatures using your kind as the base to lead the devils to think that and in a fit of rage from the family, they would kill her... that was what you said it would happen". Said the black-robed individual with a tinge of mockery in his tone.

Slightly agitated by that declaration the other party clenched his fist hard enough for them to bleed.

"Now you are mocking me...". Replied the brown-robed individual clearly indignant for what he heard.

"We are just saying what you said it would happen, no need to get angry. Although we are suspecting that lately you stopped being as capable as you used to be. Your plans keep failing... this time we had everything you asked, and we clearly confirmed that all was followed step by step. But it still failed. Still, failure or not, we own you nothing now". Said the black-robed individual.

"You...!!!". Yelled the brown-robed individual.

Surges of Ki surged from the brown-robed individual, but the other party was unperturbed.

"Don't lose your cool for something like this...". Stated the black-robed individual coldly.

This seemed to be enough to cool down the other party. It shows how both parties were not at the same level.

"Then? How did things turn up like this? Don't tell me that those two survived on their own...". Asked the brown-robed individual.

"No, they wouldn't be able to do if they had been alone... you could say that they had a 'little' help from someone". Answered the black-robed individual.

Even when the black-robed individual knew the reason, no further explanation was given.

"But we are afraid that thanks to your failure both sides will be wary of any further threats we might cause. No matter how good we could disguise our presence when possessing others... it is not possible to remain unnoticed if they keep a tight security". Said the black-robed individual plainly.

Anger once again filled the brown-robed individual but one look at the other party red eyes and it went away as fast as it came.

"Now, instead of we owning you... you are the one in debt. We lost one of our routes to infiltrate the Underworld because of your plan... which would have been acceptable if it caused conflicts between the devils and youkai, but no, it was a complete waste". There was no intonation in the voice but the balck-robed individual still sounded displeased.

There was a moment of silence before the black-robed individual spoke again.

"We will contact you later in regards to your payment for this...". Concluded the black-robed individual before using a magic circle and teleporting away.

Now alone, the brown-robed individual let his Ki overflow before starting to destroy his surroundings in a fit of rage.

"This time and last time as well, everything I planed was perfect... but all of them just screwed up everything. You really can not leave this kind of business to such a people. If I really want this to be done, I have to do it on my own". Muttered the brown-robed individual to himself after calming down.

∆ Part 3

Gathered in a meeting room located inside the Sitri mansion, a group of people were having a discussion about certain recent events.

On the meeting table there were three people seated. On one side, you could see a man and a woman. The man had crimson hair while the woman had flaxen hair. Sitting on the other side, there was a black haired woman.

The flaxen haired woman, Venelana, was the first one to talk.

"I am sorry for this, you probably want to take care of your son but you are stuck here". Said Venelana.

She had a apologetic expression on her face when she said that.

"No, this is something important that needs to be dealt as soon as possible". Replied the black haired woman, Saya.

While Saya thought that this sort of things were troublesome, she knew that it was sometimes critical to deal with certain matters as soon as possible.

This time, one of the four Maou came in person to deal with the aftermath of the event, Sirzechs Lucifer. Although from what she knows... this had something to do with the man in question being the older brother of one the two devils that was involved in the situation itself.

It is normal to try to intervene when the family is in troubles.

Not like she can say anything about it since her son was involved too.

Cutting short her thoughts, she turn her eyes to the Maou in question.

With shoulder length crimson hair and blue eyes, an appearance that can be considered handsome, appearing to be in his twenties. That's how you can describe the man in question.

"I believe that I should say this before anything. Thank you for helping find my sister". Sincerely said Sirzechs.

Saya did not find such a words needed considering that they should go to her son.

"You can tell that to my son later, I did nothing important". Said Saya.

"That I will do so when he wakes up... but for now, I think there is an important topic to discuss". Seriously said Sirzechs.

While she expected this, Saya wondered how this would go.

"We already know most of the facts regarding what happened. But, we found more information that should be mentioned. On the site where the magic circle that teleported the children was found, we found one of the servants from the Sitri family unconscious. The maid in question is currently being treated, but does not show any signs of waking up". Said Sirzechs.

That seemed to be quite suspicious, Saya thought.

"In regards to the creature who caused so much trouble for the children, we found body parts belonging to a Youkai...". Continued Sirzechs.

Back there, Saya did not pay attention to the remains of the creature so this is the first time she hears this.

Those words made her furrow her eyebrows.

"This is to leads us to believe that a Youkai did this... or so we believe that it was staged to be considered that way. I considered this point a lot and... I think they were counting that I would do something drastic after hearing about my sister being hurt... or dead. I won't deny that I won't be able to keep myself in check if that happened". Explained Sirzechs.

That is something that she could understand, but she knows that if her son is hurt, she has better things to do than to lash out angrily. The first thing that she would have to do is to treat her son... their enemies come second.

"Still, there is something that I can't quite explain if I follow that train of thoughts. You conveniently had something that let you track your son whereabouts. Just from that, it opens to the new possibility that you could be one of the culprits and not one of victims. At this point, we can either conclude that an outsider caused all this, or that there was an insider helping". Seriously said Sirzechs.

Saya expected this kind of topic when she was asked to come here. Honestly, she would like to complain because of what her son went through. But as the conversation is going, things are not looking good. The points either help her or condemn her.

To be honest, she is not really sure regarding the token. Sure, she is extremely thankful that she had it but... she doesn't know why Yasaka-chan gave it to her and Nora-chan.

While she was thinking, Sirzechs awaited for her answer. Venelana just remained silent as she observed the two of them.

Just then, the door opened and a voice was heard.

"I think I can explain about that". Said her son, Nora as he came into the room.

Saya turned to look blankly at her son.

She began to think what kind of punishment she should give him later. He should be resting and not walking around.


As soon as I said those words and walked into the room, I felt a chill running down my back... I felt danger. But I could not tell the origin of it.

"I am sorry to interrupt your meeting, but I can help you explaining about the token that was used to track me". I said once more.

Behind me, Rias-chan remained near the door peeking inside the room. While another individual arrived along with us. Graifya-san was also here. In fact she was waiting outside this room preventing people from entering when Rias-chan and I got here, but I managed to convince her to let me in after explaining her that I had more information about this event. And after I explained over and over that I could stand up just fine, because she wanted to take me to rest again. Thankfully she listened to me and allowed me to come to the room.

Back to the room, Kaa-san was looking at me with a blank look... wait, I detected danger coming from her. So she is the cause, huh.

The other people(devils), were looking this way too.

Observing me for a moment, the crimson haired man that I can identify as Sirzechs, moved his eyes from me to the two other people(devils) behind me.

"We should heard what Nora-sama has to say. He was there too and we haven't listened his version of the story yet". Explained Grayfia-san.

Added '-sama-' to the list of things I have been called. I guess she is using her serious work mode now that her king is here.

The first one to talk to me was Venelana-san.

"Are you sure you should be walking around already?". Asked Venelana-san worriedly.

I thought that she would object my presence considering how she did not want to touch the topic from before with me there. But maybe that case was special.

"It's ok... Kaa-san did a perfect job at fixing me up. I am fine". I answered.

That sounded odd.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Sirzechs seemed to think for a moment before saying.

"You are Nora right? Can I call you Nora-kun?. Well, if you really have things to say, you can sit here. But as my mother just asked, Are you really alright?". Asked Sirzechs-san.

I nodded as an answer for both questions and took a seat near Kaa-san.

"As for-". Sirzechs wanted to say something else but he was interrupted by Rias-chan.

"I want to stay. Can't I?". Said Rias-chan sending Sirzechs a pair of puppy eyes.

That is sneaky. That guy was a total sis-con as I recall.

Yeah, one look at him and he was trying to come up with rebuttal but could not say it.

While he struggled to give an answer. Someone else spoke.

"Rias... If you stay here then Sona will have to be by herself, you don't want her to be alone, right?". Said Venelana-san.

Rias-chan pouted at that answer but seemed to comply.

"Graifya, Would you mind to take her to Sona? Oh, also prepare them some snacks and tea". Said Venelana-san to Grayfia-san.

Grayfia-san just bowed a little as a sign that she understood and then she took Rias-chan by the hand to lead her out of the room. Probably to where Sona-chan is right now... wherever that is.

Before going, Rias-chan turned around and looked at me...

"Nora-chan. Let's finish our match later". Said Rias-chan eagerly.

I just nodded with a slightly smile at words.

I can't tell her... that I completely forgot about that. Urgh, the guilt.

With Grayfia-san and Rias-chan out of the room, the discussion could continue.

I faced Sirzechs-san as I started to speak.

"You are asking about the token that was used to track us, right?. That is something that I asked an acquaintance to prepare just in case something bad happened". I explained.

I could hear Kaa-san muttering beside me "When did he do that?. Now that I recall he and Yasaka-chan sometimes have very long conversations, and don't tell me what they are speaking about". But I ignored it. If I mind it I lose.

Taking a moment to think about the meaning of my words, Sirzechs-san then spoke.

"You are talking about something bad happening... Are you referring to the possibility that the meeting would go wrong or...?". Asked Sirzechs-san.

I could tell that there was slightly anger in his tone. But I could not blame him, my words suggested that I expected what happened. It also could be taken as me talking bad about his mother since she was who requested the meeting.

Please go easy on me, I am just a kid. Well, I look like one.

"I don't mean anything bad with that, it's just that you don't know what to expect since the requester was not exactly known. We also had to come here, and the Underworld is not a land we are that familiar with. It's just a matter of being careful". I clarified the matter.

He seemed to think for a moment before looking at Venelana-san.

"You did not tell me about that". Sirzechs said.

To which the flaxen haired devil put on a troubled smile.

"Sirzechs... You did not give anyone time to explain. As soon as Grayfia contacted you and mentioned that Rias was in danger, you cut the the communication and appeared here after arranging some time off of your duties". Said Venelana-san.

This siscon. He wouldn't have abandoned any important duty, right?.

Venelana narrowed her eyes after seeing him remain silent.

"You arranged everything so you could came here... right?". Said Venelana-san with a slightly smile... but at the same time, it did not look like one.

"Well. *Cough* About the matter we were talking about. Nora-kun, I understand your point. I think the reason you were being careful was a normal concern. I apologize if acted somewhat rude. I take my family safety pretty serious. As a matter of fact, I did not even get to introduce myself to you so far. I am Sirzechs Lucifer, brother of Rias Gremory, and the son of Venelana Gremory. Both whom you already met". Said hurriedly the siscon.

He really did it...

"Sirzechs... I think that you will need to have a serious conversation with Grayfia later". Said Venelana-san.

Sirzechs-san instantly started to sweat.

"...Yes". Said the siscon with a defeated look.

Grayfia-san... his reaction is pretty intense. What have you done to the guy so far?. Forget it... Not knowing is a blessing.

"Putting that aside... I think that with the misunderstanding clear, we can assume that someone wanted to use this opportunity to sow discord between the present parties. Even hoping that it came to a serious confrontation between devils and youkais". Said Sirzechs-san after recovering.

This time, I remained silent. I came here only speak about the token and check on Kaa-san. Since she is not exchanging blows with anyone then everything is fine.

"It seems that way... but I am not sure who would want that". Said Kaa-san with a pondering look.

No, I know a bunch of sickos that would jump in joy if conflict broke out. Too many to count actually.

"I am sorry to ask you this considering that you spent a difficult time and even got hurt there, but... Is there something else you can tell us about what happened?". Asked Sirzechs-san after thinking for a moment.

"Well...". I started to explain everything I saw.

Regarding the strands of black smoke coming from the maid who teleported us.

The actions the creature took.

How it ate the weakened one.

I was really throughly when I explained that feeling I got from the creature.

"I see... while what you said was similar to what the other two told us... as you faced the creature head on, you have more a detailed explanation about it. But... to have eaten the weakened one, and it even mutated into something like that. There is too much that needs to be investigated". Said Sirzechs-san with a frown on his face.

You tell me about it. That thing was pretty weird, I don't recall reading something similar in the light novel. This is another evidence that fully trusting the information I have from those books is dangerous. There are probably even more things that were never mentioned lying in wait out there.

"Nora-chan... About what happened... We will talk when we get home". Said Kaa-san in a bright tone of voice.

But why is it that I feel a chill if the tone is so bright...

"Anyways, I think we can conclude the discussion for now. Nora-kun... I am really thankful for what you did, I can't even think of what would've happened if you had not gone to such a lengths for those two. For taking care of my sister's and her best friend's safety... Thank you". Sincerely said Sirzechs-san.

It feels strange to hear this much gratitude when it is not from the person I saved.

"I just did what I wanted. They are good girls and I did not want them to get hurt. You don't have to thank me that much". I said.


"Can I go now?". I said as I stood up and was preparing to leave the room.

"Wait, Nora-kun. I also would like to thank for what did. As a mother, I am truly thankful that my child came back safe. I own it all to you. Thank you". This time, Venelana-san spoke words of gratitude.

Really, stop it. I am not used to it.

"Nora-kun, wait for a moment and Graifya will take you to the room you were resting a-". Said Sirzechs-san.

"No need, I know my way back". I just left on my own after I said that.

Who knows how long Graifya-san will take to come back. It feels somehow itchy when they thank me like that.

"Oh, Sona's sister wanted to thank you too but she couldn't come...she...later...". I heard partly what Sirzechs-san said but I did not get the complete message since I just left.


Wandering for a while, I ended up in the room that I think I was sleeping before.

I noticed that there was an open window and I prepared to close it, and a minute later I was laying on bed.

I began to think....

Earlier I left because I was slightly embarrassed but I can't deny that I felt tired too. Even if I am completely healthy, I am not in my top condition.

Just talking and walking for a bit was enough to leave me exhausted.

Talking huh. Recalling about a a while ago.The words I heard made ponder. Those two truly felt grateful.

That woman from the accident was the trigger... but I have met a number of people who while not as much as her, they have changed my perspective in life.

That image of the woman being unable to do something as simple as keeping her child safe, resonated between me... that is also why helped her. But her thanks later, was something that moved me.

I considered her a special case because no one else showed their gratitude in that accident. She was grateful because of me saving her and her child. Now... those two... even while I did nothing for them directly... they were thankful.

I wonder if it is because the way I lived but... I can't really recall people saying their gratitude to me.

After what happened to my family... I stopped caring about so many things that I did not notice that. But maybe... maybe there were people who still showed me kindness, and gratitude for my actions, but I never paid attention to it... until no one else did it again.

Realizing how much I hurt those around me, how much I pushed them away is honestlyy something that leaves me with complex thoughts.

Only after the accident were my eyes opened.

The gratitude from today... I must not forget about it. It is simple to forget, it is easy to forget, but to truly live without regrets... I have to change how I was before.

But... I wonder, Can it be that easy?.

With those thoughts in mind... I left the drowsiness that came to take control of me.

As I closed my eyes, I might've seen the door opening and someone with silver hair coming in but the drowsiness did not allow my mind to wander. I just... fell asleep.


Coming to check on Nora, Grayfia entered the room.

"He fell asleep...". Muttered softly the silver haired devil.

She had to come a bit too late. Besides checking on him, Grayfia wanted to thank the child for what he did in regards to Rias. Which she did not have time before to do.

This time, the situation was settled peacefully because the children came relatively safe. But it could've been much worse.

This incident took them by surprise.

Not being cautious enough, only discovering what happened much later. There is much that could have been prevented, but they became lax on their security because of the lack of any kind of danger in their own homes.

"Nora-chan? Are you there?". A voice coming from outside the room broke her train of thoughts.

"You did not come to play even though I told you...". Said voice belonged to Rias who was now here looking for Nora.

She entered the room from the opened door.

Unfortunately, he was asleep so Rias won't be able to play with him for a while. Smiling wryly at this, Grayfia decided to stop her from doing something that could wake up the sleeping youkai.

"Ojou-sama, Nora-sama is asleep and he won't be able to join you for now". Explained Grayfia.

While Rias did not like when she used 'Ojou-sama' to call her, Grayfia was currently working as a maid so it could not be helped. Acting as a big sister figure was not possible.

"Rias, I told you that you shouldn't bother him for now. Nora-san was hurt badly not long ago. Even if he woke up a while back, he is not in condition to play with us". Another voice said to Rias, Sona was still in the hallway looking at Rias somewhat exasperated.

"But he said he would continue our chess match after he finished talking with Onii-sama...". Said Rias crestfallenly.

"I will have a match with you in his place, don't get so down. Come on, let him rest". Replied Sona while she stepped into the room and took her friend's hand to drag her out.

Grayfia just observed the two as they talked one another. Rias openly showed her liking for her new friend, and while she did not outwardly express it, Sona also showed her care for the Nekomata. Even while dragging Rias out she sent a concerned gaze at the sleeping youkai.

Looking at their actions brought a slightly smile to her face.

But she could not stay here and do nothing. She still had duties to take care.

Getting closer to the young youkai, she covered him with a blanked and fixed his somewhat messy sleeping posture. It will remain a secret only to her that she spent some time caressing his cat ears, only stoping when he seemed to find it uncomfortable, turning over his head to escape her touch.

Fixing her posture quickly in case he awakened from his sleep. She sighed in relief when he changed his sleeping posture again.

Thinking in her mind that she would visit him on one of her free days to thank him for today matter's, she just left the room silently.

Whether she wanted to visit to thank him... or she wanted to have a opportunity to pet him in his cat form again is up to debate though.


Now alone in the meeting room. Sirzechs was lost in thoughts.

Today's event was something he could not ignore. While it is mostly because of the safety of his family member, there was another issue that this event might've caused if not for actions from that young youkai.

A confrontation wtih the youkais is not something to take lightly. Although their overall strenght might not be on par with the devil's side. They have different means they could use to cause immense damage if conflict began. You can't also forget that a clash with the youkais will most likely involve the Shinto Gods.

A war is the least he would like to see now. Many sacrifices were made already, including the life of some of his friends to end the civil war years ago.

For the sake of a peaceful future, something must be done.

Even when the distrust from the youkai pair came as something that allowed to salvage the situation at the end, the initial objective for the meeting between his mother Venelana and the youkai Saya could be difficult to archive now.

The decision to that will be left to Saya, since his mother did not push the topic again. She might feel that right now is not the time to talk about it again considering that Saya's child end up like that. It is even a surprise that Saya has not said anything about it.

Collaboration between the two sides is currently something difficult.

Perhaps... they could change that.

The possibility can be seen in the children who can build a bridge that allows understanding from the two sides. But it would be unbecoming as an adult to rely only on their efforts.

He will discuss this topic with his fellow Maous. Taking the first step might be hard but it worths the shot.

As he knows... there are people who are looking to disrupt the equilibrium. To deal with such individuals... one side alone might not be enough.

Concluding his train of thoughts, Sirzechs stood up and prepared to teleport away.

He could feel that his Queen was getting close... and even without having to directly look at her, he could tell that she was not happy. She was irradiating enough demonic power to prove it.

∆ Part 4

Waking up again, I found myself looking at the familiar ceiling of my room. It seems that while I slept Kaa-san brought me home.

I wondered for a moment how things were taken care of as I slept, but that will be something I need to talk about with Kaa-san.

Judging by the darkness of the room, I can tell that it is already night. Although I am not sure if it is night or really early in the morning.

Either way, I was completely awake.

Feeling somewhat thristy, I got up from the futon I was laying on and went to look for something to drink. Water would be nice, but I recall that there was some orange juice from yesterday left.



Juice, juice........ no juice huh.

Arriving at the kitchen, I did not find any juice.

Thinking about the house, Kaa-san hardly keeps any electric appliance in here. Even my laptop is pretty much solar powered. For the rest of the house, she uses a number of youkai gadgets that works the same as electric appliances. The freezer for example uses the same system as the token and got engraved an spell in a paper talisman(ofuda). Technology does take different shapes depending the needs of some. Youkais have their ways.

Although Youkai using talimans(ofuda) feels strange. I always had pictured human exorcists using those... well, this world's common sense is different from mine. I just gotta accept it as such.

Drinking a glass of... water. I dealt with my thrist. I wondered what to do considering the hour. Something that did not make to much noise had to be either meditation or writing more manuscripts. I already prepared several volumes of the popular ones, although they might need some edition.

But... I decided to go outside. I just felt that I should go.

Just outside the house, Kaa-san was gazing the moon alone.

Wearing her nightgown, she was just standing there, even when I got close she did not move at all.

I strode to her side and did the same.

None of us did nothing or said nothing.

For a while, that is all we did.

Some time later, she spoke to me.

"Nora-chan... What should I do?". Asked Kaa-san while still gazing at the moon.

I was not sure sure about the exact topic of the question since today too many things happened.

"About what?". I just asked her.

"Today, I let you be in danger. For a moment I really thought of blaming the devils but... It was I who took you there". Explained Kaa-san.

This really was not her fault.

"Kaa-san, I was the one who insisted in going. I also was the one who decided to follow along those two. The reason we were in danger was because someone wanted to harm someone else. Not because of those two, and surely not because of you". I said.

Really, if there is someone to blame, it should be me. I let those two go out... and we ended up in a trap. Although I can't deny that the culprit would've used some other mean to trap them even if we stayed inside... I still made it easier to happen by not cautioning them.

Kaa-san hearing my words, stopped gazing the moon and turned her head my way to face me.

She struggled for a moment, perhaps not finding the right words.

"I am not sure what to do... I am confused. Today I experienced that I can't protect you even when I am so close to you. No, I already knew that it was like that... I just didn't want to accept it. As your mother, it made me wonder what have I been doing... if I was going to allow the same thing to happen to you too". Said Kaa-san while looking at a loss.

I guess this is what everything is reduced to.

I can't find the right words for her. I never had a child in my previous life, so parenting is beyond me.

But... as her son, I guess I can talk to her sincerely.

"I think you are doing as much as you can already. You are worrying about something that every parent who loves their children does, but there is not definite answer for that". I said.

She just remained silent at my words.

Can't I think of something better to say?.

"My case can be said to be different from others since my mind is already that of a grown up, but I can tell you that you are doing a great job raising me. To be honest, in the corner of my heart I always had this thought that you might treat me differently as before because of my situation. Yet, you really took care of me as kindly and patiently as before. Although you could use a bit of that kindness during training". I kept talking about my thoughts.

Oh, my little joke at the end seemed to made her smile a little. Or rather I was half-serious with that one though.

"I wonder sometimes what would've happened if you were not like you are. Perhaps I would not feel as happy to be here as I am now". I continue talking.

That is me being honest. Perhaps some other woman would've been so scared when she found out that she would abandon me. There is also the possibility that she never found out, but I would live by keeping secrets for such a long time.

"I know that you have things you don't want to tell me. I can't judge you since I have only told you parts of my past. However I don't want you to think that I don't trust you. I think that at some point, the time will come when you are willing to tell me about it... I believe the same applies to me as well. I can't tell you to not be afraid of failing to protect me when I don't even know how you might feel. But while I don't understand your feelings as a mother, I understand the feelings of a son. I would never want you to be hurt. So maybe we might share the same worries". I said while doing my best to reach for her head.

I used to do this to my mother when she was alive.... those times when she was not feeling well because of her disease were tough so patting her head calmed her sometimes.

This might not work as a consolation for her, but it is the only thing I can think of now.

Unfortunately I am not tall enough to reach, but Kaa-san understanding my intent, lowered her head for me to reach.

"I might not be a good mother ..". I could hear her mutter sadly. Her expression was hidden by her hair, but I imagine that she might be making a sad face.

"That is not true, you are a great mother. I am the one who is not a good son here, I made you worry so much again". I said.

No joke about this. This is an old habit, to act without considering other people's feelings. I don't even know if I can change that.

"Then perhaps we are both no good". Kaa-san said while raising her head. Her expression was not totally free of worries, but she did look refreshed.

I smiled wryly at her words, but I did not refute them. This time, she said that as a little joke.

There was something I wanted to ask her... but I said I was going to wait for her to be ready to tell me when she is ready.

"Nora-chan... let's sit for a moment". Said Kaa-san while taking a seat on the engawa(outer corridor).

I just did as she told me to, and took a seat beside her.

"I think today you noticed that I am not fond of devils, right?". Kaa-san suddenly said.

It wasn't hard to so, you know?.

"I don't really like them, and to be honest when I found out how you were suddenly in danger, I was not going to stay there anymore. In any case... thankfully I stayed and collaborating with... that maid, we found you guys sooner. When we found you... you were hurt pretty badly, even from the distance I could see that. But instead of being angry at them, I just felt anxiousness. I only felt powerless. That is why I had no strength to blame them. Because the thought of losing you... I just did not want to lose my precious ones again". Kaa-san confessed.

It was my turn to remain silent while she talked.

I think that she was feeling talkative today... or she just wanted to get that off her chest. Either way, she just started to talk.

"Your father... I lost you father back when I was pregnant with you. I was traveling with him to a far away place in order to treat people". Kaa-san, the stopped talking for a moment.

Seemed lost in thoughts of my now mentioned father.

It was to be expected. She never mentioned him for a reason so I believe that Kaa-san had trouble bringing out the subject.

"He was not a Youkai, but a human. A human priest. He worked doing missionary work. I met him during those times...". Explained Kaa-san.

A priest huh. He must've been someone tolerant of supernatural beings if he could get along with a Youkai. I recall that she mentioned that she lost him... so... he is really dead.

"At first he tried to kill me because he thought I was a monster... really, Kaa-san had to beat him into shape for calling your beautiful and kind Kaa-san like that". Happily said Kaa-san while grining.

Scratch that, they did not get along at the beginning. Forget about being tolerant, he raised his arms without thinking it twice.

The heck? Even if you have such a high specs in the charm category, you can't call yourself like that. Besides, using 'kind' in the same paragraph as 'beating' someone is not really correct... I think.

"But after 'teaching' him to respect women, we each followed our own ways, but our paths kept crossing again and again. He was really reapectful every time. Oh, he also was very dedicated to helping others... every time we met, as soon as he finished his business he would try to leave as soon as possible. Really, I liked that about him". Kaa-san said with a slightly blush on her face.



There are too many things to retort here.

I mean, Wasn't he super scared of you!?.

Ah, forget it. Kaa-san's face right now is that of maiden in love. Whatever, I will not comment on that. As long as she is happy....

What? My Tou-san's dignity? Any empathy for the guy? Not like I have even a bit. Never met the guy.

Besides, I have my father from my previous life in my heart. Instead of a guy I never met. I keep the memories of the one who raised me alive. That also includes my mother's share too. I have come to accept Kaa-san as my family too. I might be slightly cold but... that is something normal to a stranger.


I could only sigh at Kaa-san happily talking about their meeting.

This might take a while.



I did not pay attention to the time but the sky was beginning to light up when Kaa-san finished her long, long talk about meeting Tou-san.

I am not sure what time it was when I woke up to drink.... water. But I think it should be a couple of hours at least.

From what I heard she liked him quite a lot... so I believe this story will take a bad turn somewhere.

"Everything was fine, until one day we were attacked by a group of devils. I had just learned that I was pregnant. I could do nothing as they attacked him because I was busy taking care of a group that came at me. And I had to be very careful to avoid any harm that could come to you... that is why I could not stop them". The happily smiling Kaa-san from before was gone, in her stead a sorrowful looking Kaa-san seemed to take her place.

Devils is it?. I wonder if there was particular reason for the attack. There are so many crazy guys out there that it is hard to tell. Among the devil's there a bunch of guys who dislike other races after all.

As for how it happened... I can only mentally sigh. It feels strange. I mean, you normally don't attack people just like that but... She had to be careful of her unborn child while the others went for Tou-san. This smells fishy.

"I could only watch as he was wounded fatally while I could do nothing... in a fit of rage I took care of my attackers but when I got near him, it was too late. No amount of healing can bring a dead man to life after all. I recall that my apprentice came later with reinforcements to help me but... It did not matter to me at that point. I just stopped traveling and came back to Urakyoto to remain safe until your birth. Never did I left Urakyoto again. Asking Yasaka-chan to prepare me a special dwelling place, I took this special space I used to grow medical plants and made a house". Concluded Kaa-san while closing her eyes. Tears could be seen in the corner of her eyes, but she wiped them with her hands before they fell.

I feel like there is more into the story... but for now I believe that it is not a priority.

I did not say any words. I just did the same as before. I stood up a silently caressed her hair.

I wonder if this is the best kind of answer into his situation. But I can't really think of better course of action.

Words could be said but... Is there really such a word that could console her?. When I lost my family, I lost them little by little you could say. Friends of the family and acquaintances always tried to give words of consolation... but it really did nothing. You can say 'I am sorry for your lost' all you want, but that won't bring them back. You can say 'I understand your pain', but that does not change what you feel, it still hurts after all.

At the end... I guess I will say the words I would've liked to heard the most, but never heard.

"It's ok. I am here for you". I said.

It probably won't change anything.

But... It is a statement that tells the other party... that they are not alone.

This time, Kaa-san eyes spilled more tears than before. Her face changed into one that seemed to be holding back something.

"There is no need to hold back, I don't really mind, you know?". I tried to say that as kindly as possible.

The effect was instantaneous as she started to cry while her rested on my chest.

It was quite a funny sight to see me with a small build to have Kaa-san leaning her head to cry.

I have been thinking that I see Kaa-san cry rather often. That is no a funny thought though.

She is probably holding back to not worry anyone... but she must be hurt without anyone to rely.

While my insides might be older, I am but a child in appearance. I hardly inspire a sense of security I guess.

Kaa-san cried for a while. One minute, two minutes... Who knows.

I just waited for her to stop, and when I did not heard any sound anymore, I found that she fell asleep.

I smiled wryly at this.

Now now, I can't exactly leave her here.

So... Come on, Senjutsu and Touki, this is your cue to enter the scene.

Reinforcing my body, I took her to her room.

Another funny sight was there as I carried her to her room.

While I could probably hold her with my normal strenght since she is not really heavy(fact that she has made sure to drill into my heart), I could risk it and lose balance as I move her. No matter what, it is hard to move a person when your psyche is not adequate.

I left her laying on her futon after I brought her here. I went out of the room soon after that.

Now then, she is sleeping so it might take a while before she wakes up again.

I decide to go and write some more. I have many things in my head, but I don't feel like moving my body for now. Doing something you usually do can help you relax.

∆ Part 5

A couple of days went by and it was time that I talked with Kaa-san regarding a certain topic.

Since our little chat she seemed more relaxed so I began to think that the subject had to be approached sooner or later.

Sitting on the engawa, I called Kaa-san to sit beside me for a moment.

"Kaa-san... I know that this is not a topic that you want to heard about but... What are you going to do about the request from before?". I asked.

Of course, I was talking to whatever Venelana-san asked her to do.

I considered a lot of things after learning what happened for her to show dislike for devils. I was actually surprised that she did not rejected completely the idea as soon as the request came. I am a little angry with the past me for caressly suggesting her to accept, even seeing them. I was also a little angry with Yasaka-san for considering the request too but I will combine her punishment with the repayment I plan to charge her. Hehe. I am waiting for it.

"You mean the one from Venelana, right?". Said Kaa-san.

I nodded in response.

I won't force her to take it so she is free to rejec-.

"I plan to accept it, I already told that to Venelana. Ah, but I guess I forgot to tell you. Sorry, Nora-chan". Said Kaa-san with an apologetic look.

I suddenly felt the strength leave my body.

I really thought this was going to be a serious conversation.

But it was only me who was thinking hard about it.

This is it... I will go back to my manuscript.

"Wait, Nora-chan... There was something else I wanted to talk about". Kaa-san said as I was preparing to leave.

I came to a stop.

"I have it some thought and... I think this time you wouldn't have been that hurt if I trained you much better, and I taught you more techniques. I decided to teach you all I know... as for mastering that, it will be up to you. While it might take time, I at least will be reassured that I taught you well, instead of agonizing by wondering why I didn't teach better". Explained Kaa-san.

Hmmm, I wanted this but... I got a bad feeling somehow.

"Don't worry Nora-chan. I will make sure that you properly learn everything. I made a special course for you, no time will be wasted. It will go from teaching you what you always asked me to teach you, Kasha... to proper was of fighting in close combat. I won't teach you simply self-defence. Of course, my healing Senjutsu can not be left behind, as you will learn why I am that good at what I do". Happily said Kaa-san.

I wonder why... I am home, but I got the same feeling I had when I was fighting that thing. I think people would call such a feeling... 'dread'.

I wonder if I will be able to survive.

She looks really but really motivated.

Today, I, Nora... started my hell course training.

And I can't even avoid it.




So this is the chapter after the events.

And of course, the siscon had to appear.

I wondered for a moment whether or not to add both of the siscon Maous, but I had already enough characters for now.

For anyone who might've wanted or expected the appearence of the Magical Girl... I am sorry.

She will be appearing a few chapters later.

There were some emotional moments again this time, but I think it is proper to add them. Saya is an important character in the story.

As for the reactions of the others... I wonder if I messed up. They are suppose to be slightly OC, but breaking too much their character would mess some of my ideas.

The failure this time in their security might seem exaggerated but... Have you considered how easy going those guys were in the canon?.

A point I want to make clear, Nora is around the age of the devil duo.

I sort of wanted to make them childhood friends since I did not plan to add new OC characters for now. Well, I also thought the idea seemed interesting. Little actions can change the future of those around you.

On another note, I tried editing the chapter on my own to check for mistakes... not sure if the content improved but at the end I added around 500 words of content. Editing can be rather interesting.

Besides, he is a child as of chapter 6, volume 0 (I will divide this in volumes for the sake of making this more orderly).

That's it. Good day to you.

Any question, you can leave a comment

See ya.

Nyarlathotep00 Nyarlathotep00

More notes here.

Next week I will reduce chapters to once a week... I almost catch up with the ones I posted on the other page I uploaded them to.

Good day to you all.

Oh... I forgot.

What's your favorite character?

I am talking about the canon.

Who would be the most popular character on this page?

Post a comment with your favorite character... just for the fun of finding out who's the most liked character.

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