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65.67% Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story / Chapter 44: Unexpected Future

Capítulo 44: Unexpected Future

*chirp, chirp, chirp*

"Argh." Hiroki groaned as bright light hit his face. His body shifted as he turned to the side to hide from the light. As he made contact with the floor, he felt extreme discomfort. He then sat up, but still with his eyes closed as he was very tired.

Hiroki opened his eyes very slowly and once he did, he looked around and found himself on the ground and near a forest.

"Where the hell am I? Did I die? Kushina-ne, Minato-ni, where are they? Are they okay?" Hiroki said to himself as he jumped up. He looked around and found himself in the same place he last remembers fighting Kurama and finally killing Black Zetsu.

'How strange. Why am I still here. I had the feeling of losing all of my strength and it was as if I disappeared. If I'm still here, why didn't Kushina and Minato bring me back with them?' Hiroki thought. He then tried getting up, but his body was sore and he couldn't feel any strength in him.

'What is wrong with me? Must have exhausted my chakra from yesterday's fight.' Hiroki thought as he then looked at himself. He saw a big whole on his shirt and also saw that he didn't have the gapping injury in his chest that could be seen through.

'My self regeneration must have kicked in.'

Hiroki then thought of meditating for some time to gather nature chakra and fill his chakra pool. His eyes became yellow like those of an eagle and black markings surged around his eyes as well. After doing so for half an hour, Hiroki was finally able to feel his body was back to normal. Usually, whenever he had chakra exhaustion, he would sleep if off, but this time was the most severe he had as he woke up and still had no chakra in his body.

He deactivated sage mode and got up from his meditation pose. Once he stood up, he heard water running nearby and went to check it. He could use some to drink and to freshen up as well. When he arrived at the river margin, he saw his reflection and everything was the same, but one thing.

'My hitai-ate.' Hiroki then sped back to where he was just now and searched around the place for his hitai-ate, but wasn't able to find it at all. 'No problem, once I return to Konoha, I'll be able to get another one at the weapon store.' Hiroki thought with a disappointed look on his face. It was his first and the only one he ever had. As he then went back to the river he dived directly in it and swum for a few minutes. He got out from the water and relaxed a bit before unsealing a new pair of clothes from one of his scrolls. The only things missing were the hitai-ate and his flak jacket. Another thing he needed to have replaced as well.

'Alright, everything is okay now that I'm all cleaned up. Let's head back to the village. I still have to properly meet Naruto in a normal situation.' He thought as he Hiraishined. Well, at least he tried.

'What is going on? I can't teleport to Kushina nor Minato. I'll try going to their house then.' Hiroki thought as he tried once more.

'What the hell is going on? I can't teleport to their house either. I actually can't feel any Hiraishin seal at all other than the ones in my kunai. I better hurry and go back to Konoha and see what is going on.'

Hiroki then sped through the forest for ten minutes and was finally able to see the green gates of Konoha with red writings. He had a smile on his face as he passed through the gates and started walking in normal speed. As he walked directly into the village, two guards checking those who were visitors saw him. They waited for Hiroki to go to them, but he continued walking forwards.

"Hey. Don't you know you have to state your name and what business you are doing as a visitor of Konoha?" One of the guards said in a sharp tone.

Hiroki hearing how the man was talking to him, didn't get bothered by it. He was never one to get angry by how other people talked to him. He smiled as he turned towards the two, but the smile was instantly gone as he saw them.

"Hey, kid. Don't get upset. These are rules set by Hokage-sama."

'How? What in the world is going on? There is no way. This must be a trick from my own mind. There's no way something like this has happened. Right? Why are these two here?' Hiroki thought to himself.

One of the guards turned to the one that was talking to Hiroki and said in a really low voice. "Kotetsu, I think you have scared the kid."

The now named Kotetsu looked at his partner and berated him. "Shut up Izumo. Take this job more seriously. For all we could know, he could be a spy from another hidden village."

'Izumo and Kotetsu, the two chunin that always guarded the gates of Konoha in the classic Naruto. I can't believe this. Let me ask them today's date.' Hiroki thought.

"Sorry about that. Would you two be able to tell me the date?" Hiroki asked the duo.

"Ara ara. It's October 11th of the 77th year of Konoha's foundation." Izumo said.

Hiroki felt as the world had flipped upside down. 'No. No no no no no no no. You've got to be kidding me. I've been sent to the future, but how?' Hiroki wondered how this was possible, but then instantly understood how.

'When my mangekyo awakened I gained two different powers. One was the time-space prison that I used to kill Black Zetsu and the other was to travel in time and space in great amounts of years. No wonder I felt extremely exhausted. Now I have to understand what has happened in these twelve years. If it's been so long, no wonder these two don't recognize me and have told me to state my business here. But that still doesn't explain why I can't Hiraishin to the seal from back then.'

"Would you two be able to have me see the Hokage. He should be able to help me out." Hiroki said as he smiled. He then looked at the Hokage monument and saw only four faces in it. 'Minato should still be the Hokage. I wonder how he's been all these years.'

"You first need to sign this form. After you do that, one of us will take you to the Hokage, but the Hokage is a busy man and he might keep you waiting for some hours before seeing you." Kotetsu said.

"Yeah, no problem. If you tell him that Hiroki wants to talk to him, he should allow me to see him instantly." Hiroki said as he filled up the form and signed it.

"Please follow me and don't get too far." Kotetsu said as he walked ahead of Hiroki.

As they were walking, Hiroki took many glances around and saw that there was some differences in the village. Most shops had gotten bigger and the village seemed to have developed since twelve years ago.

After fifteen minutes of walking, Hiroki and Kotetsu finally arrived at the Hokage building. Kotetsu told the secretary about Hiroki and then left. The secretary went inside the Hokage office and then quickly came back.

"Hokage-sama will be with you soon. Please wait here." She said.

'I wonder how Minato will react once he sees me. If I'm in the future, he would have thought that I died.' Hiroki thought as he smirked.

After waiting for twenty minutes, an anbu opened the door and Hiroko walked in. When he did, he was once more surprised. He didn't show it, but he was still surprised.

"So, you're Hiroki. What may I help you with?" Hiruzen asked.

'Hiruzen? Why is he Hokage again? Could Minato have retired? But if he did, why didn't he pass on the Hokage title to Sakumo or someone else?' Hiroki thought. As he was thinking of the reasons why Hiruzen was once more the Hokage, someone entered the office. It was someone Hiroki knew very well. Someone he hated to the bone. When Hiroki saw who it was, his eyes widened like the size of a plate.

'Danzo.' Hiroki thought as hate and anger rose a fire inside of him, but then he put it away instantly as the man looked at him and had a look on his face as if Hiroki was a fly.

"Hiruzen, the boy will graduate this year from the academy. Did you think already about giving him to my root?" Danzo asked.

"No. I was already clear that I would never let you have Naruto in root. Now leave. You've already interrupted my guest." Hiruzen said to Danzo as he pointed at the door. Danzo then turned around and gave another look at Hiroki for a few seconds and then left.

'What the hell is going on here? All of this doesn't make any sense. I've killed Danzo. I have brought his body back to Hiruzen and now he is alive and kicking. Not only that, he wants Naruto in his root. I have to see what is going on. But how will I know what is going on? If I leave now without talking to Hiruzen, he will probably see me as a shinobi from another village and send his anbu to capture me for questioning. I got to use this opportunity to ask him some questions.' Hiroki thought as he calmed down. His thinking process was very fast and he had finished from the time Danzo took his first step to him getting to the door.

"I'm sorry about that, Hiroki. Danzo is an old friend of mine and he has a habit of walking in my office without notice." Hiruzen said as he chuckled.

"Ah. No harm done, Hokage-sama." Hiroki chuckled as well.

"So, I got the form you have filled with Izumo and Kotetsu. It only says here that you want to talk to the Hokage and that is me. What can I help you with?" Hiruzen asked as he looked at Hiroki as he analyzed him.

'For someone young, he has a demeanor of someone with a lot of experience. When he walks, he makes small noises with his foot, but it is not the natural type of noise someone makes when walking. This is completely controlled type of noise. And the way he composes himself. He is in front of me and he doesn't feel any pressure or any awkwardness.'

"Yes. I wanted to know how Konoha has been doing for the past twelve years. It's been over twelve years since I've been here." Hiroki said to Hiruzen.

"Oh. Twelve years. You must have been very young at the time. Your parents must have told you about the last time you were here. Well, anyways, as everyone knows, twelve years ago we were almost destroyed by the kyubi. If it was not for Minato, the Yondaime Hokage to kill the fox, there wouldn't be the Konoha of today. Unfortunately, he died after fighting it and we lost our youngest Hokage. I had to come back and lead Konoha once more since there weren't any candidates up to task at the time." Hiruzen said.

'No no no no no no. Minato didn't die. I fought fucking Kurama and sealed it back into Kushina and Naruto. The two of them were fine after I killed Black Zetsu.' Hiroki thought, but then he also remembered Danzo. He had killed him and now he was alive and kicking. The only explanation would be that he was brought back alive with the impure world reincarnation. But still, Hiroki was the one that killed him, so no matter how many years had gone by, Danzo would have instantly recognized him. There was only one explanation for this and Hiroki knew how to have this matter figured out.

"How is the Uchiha clan?" Hiroki asked with a smile. This was the question that would let him know everything.

"Sigh. Hiroki, the Uchiha clan has been exterminated four years ago by Itachi Uchiha. He only left his little brother, Sasuke Uchiha alive." Hiruzen said.

His answer was like a shock wave that hit Hiroki with force.

'This is not the timeline I was originally in. This is the original Naruto timeline. Danzo is alive and the Uchiha have been massacred by Itachi. Everything I did for the past seven years went all to waste.' Hiroki thought as he felt extreme grief in his heart. That was understandable. Imagine working hard for seven long years to complete things and make your dreams come true for you to wake up one day and see that everything you did was useless.

Hiruzen saw Hiroki's face and didn't understand why he was sad. Ever since the thirteen year old arrived in his office, he has been observing him from head to toe and analyzing every change of expression on Hiroki's face. He then thought of a possibility for young man's sadness.

"Hiroki-kun, why do you seem sad about hearing of the Uchiha? Do you have any relation to them?" Hiruzen asked.

Hiroki looked at Hiruzen and he instantly saw through him.

'He's probably thinking that I might be an Uchiha and my parents were Uchiha who might have left Konoha in the attack of the kyubi. I shouldn't even be here and should try getting back to the "world" I was in, but my second mangekyo ability only allows me to travel like that every five years. For now, I'll be stuck in this place. Damn it. There's no other way than me having to stay here for the time being.' Hiroki thought

"Ah. Yes. I am an Uchiha." Hiroki said. He would use this in his favor to insert himself in the village. There was a big chance of Hiruzen asking him for proof, but he wasn't worried at all about that.

"You are an Uchiha?" Hiruzen asked with wide eyes. He then calmed down and asked.

"Do you have any proof of you being an Uchiha?"

'Haha. I can see through you like I can see through the clearest of glasses.' Hiroki thought.

"Yes. I can prove it. You can do a DNA test and compare mine with Sasuke's." Hiroki said.

'There's no way I'm revealing my sharingan to you.' Hiroki said to Hiruzen in his own mind.

"Ah. That's true. I thought you would show your sharingan. Did you awaken it by any chance. If you did, you can just show it to me and we won't need to have any DNA tests." Hiruzen said.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama. Only one of my parents was an Uchiha, my father, but he didn't have his sharingan awakened. The probability of me awakening mine is small as well. Either way, I've come to Konoha because my parents died and before they did, they told me to return and live within the Uchiha clan and that they would protect me. But unfortunately only one Uchiha member is left. I guess I should go back and live a normal life." Hiroki said, showing a saddened face.

"Wait Hiroki-kun. Why don't you stay in Konoha. Even though only one Uchiha is left, you yourself are an Uchiha and Konoha has the responsibility of protecting you. Specially since the Uchiha clan was one of the founders of Konoha. Anyways, I noticed that you walk in a very controlled manner and only shinobi walk that way. Could you be interested in becoming an official shinobi?" Hiruzen asked.

'Trying to keep me here. Haha. It worked better than I had expected.' Hiroki thought as he heard Hiruzen.

"My parents taught me how to protect myself in some ways and they told me not to stand out when I'm in places with many people. Unfortunately, my training was never complete." Hiroko said the last part with a sad voice.

"If Konoha is willing to have me, then I would like to become part of it."

"Splendid, Hiroki-kun. I'll arrange a DNA test for you at the hospital. I'll also register you as a citizen of Konoha once that matter is settled. You can already head to the hospital." Hiruzen said.

Hiroki nodded his head and left the office. As he was going down the stairs, Hiroki remembered Kushina and Minato.

'Even though in this timeline I've never met you, I'll protect Naruto until I get back.' Hiroki thought with a serious look in his eyes.

Hiroki didn't need any type of escort. Other than the new buildings, he knew Konoha like the palm of his hand. As he was walking past the village's market center, the villagers looked at him. Some with smiles and some with curiosity. It was his "first" time here so this was expected. Hiroki continued his walk and went past a certain flower shop. He saw the back of a blonde girl sweeping the front of the flower shop and walked past her just like the other villagers. He was too busy thinking of what he would do in the future to pay close attention to his surroundings.

After ten minutes, Hiroki arrived in the hospital. He walked directly to the front desk.

"Hello, my name is Hiroki. Hokage-sama asked me to come."

"Hiroki? Ah. Yes. Please follow me to the room to proceed with the test." The nurse in the front desk said. She got up and walked in front of Hiroki, leading him to a room on the third floor. When he got in front of it, he saw the room number.

'301. What are the coincidences? Haha.' Hiroki thought as he laughed.

The nurse took some small amount of saliva from Hiroki and told him to wait. After an hour, she came back with the results and an anbu was following behind her. She handed the test results to the anbu and left.

"Hiroki, please return with me to Hokage-sama's office." The anbu said. It was a female anbu wearing a cat mask on her face.

'Yugao.' Hiroki thought as he followed behind her.


"Hokage-sama. I've returned with Hiroki and his test." Yugao said as she kneeled in front of Hiruzen.

"Hn. Good job neko." Hiruzen said to Yugao, who stood up after and handed him the test.

Hiruzen looked at the test and had a pleased look on good face.

"Very good. This proves what you said Hiroki. You are now an official citizen of Konoha. Since you are already thirteen, you should have graduated from the academy, but since we don't know the level of your skills, I'll place you in the same class that will be graduating in half a year to have a better understanding of them." Hiruzen said to Hiroki.

"Neko, Hiroki just arrived in Konoha and doesn't have a place to stay. Please bring him to one of the apartments owned by the village."

"Actually, you don't need to worry about that. I'll rent my own place. My parents have given me money and I should be able to work things out by myself." Hiroki said.

"Oh. Alright then. Tomorrow you will start in the academy. I'll have the teachers informed about you. Be there at eight in the morning and don't be late." Hiruzen said.

"Hn. Thank you Hokage-sama. Thank you neko-san." Hiroki said as he nodded to both of them and left.

'I'll need to rent a place to stay. Before that, I need to know where Naruto lives. If my memory is not wrong, he should live three blocks away from the apartment I used to live. Let's look for a place that is a bit closer.' Hiroki thought as he started walking towards his destination.

Once Hiroki was getting closer to the building Naruto lived, he sensed two hidden anbu close by and there was one other following him from behind. He spread his senses and saw that one of the two that was in hiding, had a very familiar chakra signal. 'Kakashi.' Hiroki thought as he instinctively looked up at the tree the two anbu were hiding, but then looked away.

"Huh? Could he have found us?" Yugao asked. She was the other anbu hiding together with Kakashi.

"I don't think so. He's being followed ever since he left the Hokage building and didn't notice." Yugao answered her own question.

Hiroki continued walking toward a building that was opposite to the one that Naruto lived. He met the manager and was able to rent one of the apartments in the building. It wasn't anything big. It only had a living room, kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom.

Hiroki closed the door and went in. After arranging the place and takin a shower, he left the apartment to grab something to eat.

'I know just the place.' Hiroki thought.


"Welcome. How may I help you?" A young girl, looking to be a bit older than Hiroki asked. It was Ayame, Teuchi's daughter.

"I want two bowls of pork." Hiroki said as he sat in front of the counter. After five minutes, Teuchi arrived with a big bowl of ramen and served Hiroki. As Hiroki was eating, another person arrived in the ramen shop.

"Hey, old man. Get me a bowl of misu ramen with pork and keep 'em coming." A boy with golden blonde hair and blue eyes said loudly.

Hiroki stopped eating and looked to his side, only to see it was the son of one of the closest person he knew. 'Naruto.'

After feeling someone was staring at him, Naruto turned to the stare.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"Ah. Sorry haha. You just remind me of someone I'm really close to.

Sorry for the stare."

"Naruto, don't be rude." Ayame berated the blonde.

"Sorry." Naruto said sheepishly.

"No harm done. Anyways, it seems we have a common taste in ramen. I'm Hiroki by the way." Hiroki said as he smiled, greeted Naruto and finished eating his first bowl.

Teuchi came with another bowl of ramen and had placed it on the counter. Naruto was ready to grab it but Ayame hit his hand with a wooden spoon.

"Hey. It's my ramen." Naruto said with a wrinkle on his forehead.

"No. It's not. He ordered two. Yours is coming up next." Ayame said.

"Don't worry. You can give him this one. I'll get the next one." Hiroki said.

Ayame then let Naruto have the bowl and Hiroki waited for the next one to come so he could eat. When he finished his second one, Naruto had finished his fourth and was already eating the fifth.

"Haaa. I'm stuffed." Naruto said.

"I've only seen one person eat as many bowls as you. Haha." Hiroki said.

"Hehe. I could eat even more, but for today this is enough." Naruto said.

"I'll be leaving now. I'll be coming whenever I have the opportunity." Hiroki said as he took some money, gave it to Ayame and started leaving. She counted it and saw that it was a lot more than the actual amount Hiroki had to pay.

"Wait. This is just too much money for the two bowls you had." Ayame said to Hiroki from behind the counter.

"There's no problem. Charge what he ate as well and you can keep the change." Hiroki turned back and said.

"Have a good evening." He waved off.

"Hey. Hiroki, right?" Naruto asked and Hiroki nodded his head as he stopped.

"Thank you for this. I'm Naruto and one day I'll be the greatest Hokage."

Hiroki looked at Naruto and smiled.

"I'm sure you will Naruto. I'll see you around. Hiroki said as he then left the restaurant.

Daoist693837 Daoist693837

Don’t know what to expect, but I don’t care about the haters. Good read everyone.

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