Three years later :
A child giggles as she skips along the road between her parents who held both of her hands, occasionally swinging her back and forth, much to the girl's enjoyment. Afton smiles down at his daughter as she curiously looks around the streets of Freeside, indeed, he was in the same state, not having seen the newly renovated buildings and such that House had built.
"House has done a good job with this place." Josie remarks from the side, remembering the common sight of children chasing giant rats for food, and chem addicts on every corner.
Afton nods, "Well, if he hadn't made at least this much progress by now, I'd be worried fo the Mojave's future." he mutters, "Rosie, what do you think of this place? It's not as cool as our home, but it's probably better than most places." he asks his slightly too enthusiastic child.
Honestly, if Afton didn't already know why his daughter acting like she was constantly on a sugar high, he'd have assumed she had ADHD or something... The real cause was simply due to the mutations she'd inherited from him... The fungus essentially makes her body perfect at absorbing nutrients from food, and subsequently, what to do with it afterwards.
He and Josie may have been spoiling her, which is why he was surprised to find that she simply couldn't get fat... Her fat percentage remained around 13%, though, this would decrease as she gets older as children generally have more fat stored.
She also never got sick, and due to the fact she was so strong and durable, it made it difficult for her to properly interact with other children her age... After all, you can't play tag, or other playground games if you were 20x stronger than the other players.
Thus, he'd always made time to spend with her, playing video games that Glados had devised for Rose, playing catch, and teaching her life skills... This resulted in her becoming a big daddy's girl, much to Josie's chagrin...
It wasn't that Josie didn't spend time with her, but Rose's physiological similarities with Afton had made it preferable to spend time with him instead. Rose was actually slightly stronger than Josie as it was, which put a slight damper on some activities she wanted to do.
Rose glances up at him as she hears his question, "It's clean... But I can feel people watching us daddy."
Afton shrugs, "Just ignore them, I'm quite well known around here so of course they'd be interested in you... Just make sure to not get a big head from it." he says, giving a light poke at her forehead, causing her to giggle and whip her hair at him... Her brown hair turning slightly root-like in texture as it hits his arm like a bullwhip.
"Oi! No powers in public, or I'll spank you in front of everyone." he retorts while grabbing the offending hair out of the air.
"... Yes daddy." she whispers in response.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you."
"Yes daddy! I'm sorry." she loudly says with a frown before turning to Josie, "Mamma, daddy's bullying me!"
Josie laughs, "For good reason, be a good girl and you'll get a good daddy. Ain't that right, 'Daddy?'"
Afton shoots her a playful look, "Of course... But remember that counts for you as well, 'Mama'."
"*Ahem!*" someone announces from behind them.
The trio turns and spots a humanoid robot wearing a black suit... It had many metallic components but had grey synthetic skin, along with black braid-like hair covering its head. Its signature moustache was all Afton needed to sees to recognise who it was though. "House?"
The robot nods, "In the metaphorical flesh, as it would seem... I just happened to overhear your conversation with your daughter..." he smiles down at her, "A pleasure to meet you miss, I am Robert Edwin House, owner of the city you see around you." he says while holding out his hand.
Rose crooks at brow at the strange man, but doesn't think anything of it as she reluctantly lets go of her parent's hands to shake Robert's. She rapidly shakes the robot's hand, almost tearing its elbow off from her unrestrained and unexpected strength. "Nice to meet you Mr Robot!"
"No, it's Mr Robert..." he corrects with some mirth.
"Mr Robert the Robot!" she happily retorts, getting Hosue to just shake his head in amusement in response.
"So, what brings you three to my fine city?" he asks with a small smile playing on his robotic face.
"Actually, we were here to visit Tamia and see how she's doing. I haven't seen her in months, and Rose misses her auntie." Afton states and rests a hand on his daughter's shoulder.
"We were going to check in with you as well but, you've found us first." Josie adds.
House shrugs his shoulders, "I am anywhere and everywhere in this city, making sure it runs as smoothly as possible. Of course I'd catch a lightning bolt suddenly appearing in the middle of the street. Other than the Institute, no one else is capable of such means of transportation as of yet." he explains.
"Well, we might as well make use of your services while you're here. How about a tour around the place before we go visit Tamia?" he asks, more speaking to his wife and daughter than House...
Josie nods, "Sure, I wonder if the Atomic Casino is still open?"
"Do they have any games here, Daddy?" Rose asks with shining eyes.
Afton shrugs and glances at House, "Well?"
House chuckles, "Yes we do... Rowdy children kept getting in the way of our rebuilding efforts, so I created an establishment to cater to them... Orphans come in for free, but parents have to pay a subscription fee... Obviously, you are exempt from such things..." he explains.
Afton nods, "Let's check that place out first then."
"Yaay!" Rose cheers, using her hair to sling herself onto Afton's shoulders as she points in a random direction, "Let's go! Let's go!"
Afton just exasperatedly shakes his head, deciding not to bother Rose about her powers for now... All the while ignoring the contemplative look on House's face after witnessing such a thing.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
The trio was led by House through the city, visiting many different establishments, shops, and even the few rebuilt icons of Pre-War Vegas. House had recreated many things, such as the Bellagio Hotel, complete with its iconic fountains (Which were occasionally drank from by the populace as a free source of water), the Ferris Wheel, and even the Luxor Hotel... Though, this version was equipped with many defence systems that'd destroy any bombardment from above...
Rose was extremely happy with the Arcades House had built, and the trio had spent two hours simply enjoying themselves inside... Eventually, though, it was time to visit Josie, who'd become the Head of Security for New Vegas.
To reach her they end up having to enter the Lucky 38, where Tamia's office had been set up. House knocks on her door a couple times before receiving the 'Ok' to enter. As soon as the door enters Rose runs through, cheering as she throws herself at Tamia, accidentally throwing a stack of papers to the floor as she does so.
"Wha-Rose! You can't just go jumping at people!" Tamai grouses while reluctantly hugging the girl in her arms.
"But I missed you!"
"I missed you too..." Tamia says with a sigh, looking up and spotting Afton and Josie at the door.
"Er, hi... Thought it'd be good to give you a visit, you know, see how you're doing." Afton sheepishly says while scratching the back of his head. Walking over to help pick up the scattered papers that Rose had knocked over.
Josie steps up and gives Tamia a hug, though, Afton could tell there was some tension between the two... "How are you doing?"
Tamia shrugs, "Good, but busy mostly. No thanks to you, Afton." she states.
"What did I do now?" he audibly mutters.
She shakes her head, "It's not what you did, it's what you haven't done! More and more refugee's keep fleeing from the Enclave, Brotherhood conflict. I'll ask the same thing I did two years ago, why not just wipe them out and take control yourself!?"
He stands and deposits the paperback on her desk, "I'll give the same reason I gave last time as well then. If I got rid of both factions, I'd be responsible for taking care of the people who live there... That'd be a logistical nightmare! And it'd likely break into civil wars and rebellions not long after... I can't be aware of everything and present everywhere." he states.
House finally enters the room, having been waiting for Tamia to air her grievances to Afton, "Did I not offer you a solution to this? Wage war yourself, and hand the maintenance to me... I'll bring the region's glory back, much the same as I have with the Mojave." he offers.
Afton has to force his scowl down, knowing exactly what sort of game House was playing. "We both know that would take far more resources than you currently have at your disposal, House. The Mojave has only just become stable enough to lower our security measures... How many years would it take for you to deal with the whole of New California after the Enclave is wiped out? Long enough to cause mass starvation and homelessness I reckon." he states.
Josie decides to butt into the conversation, "Guys, can we not talk about business for one day? The is the first time we've taken Rose here, it'd be a shame if she never wanted to come back."
"But this place is cool Mamma!" Rose exclaims from Tamia's lap.
"Shh, Rose, I'm trying to make a point here."
Tamia shakes her head, "Whatever... Since you're here though, you should probably know that the Enclave has started using Pulse Weaponry against the Brotherhood... I doubt the war will last much longer considering..."
Afton shrugs, "Not. My. Problem." he says in a sing-song tone.
"Not your problem. But a problem for the rest of us." a raspy voice states from the corner of the room.
"Wah!" Josie, Afton, and funnily enough, House, all jump in surprise at the sudden appearance of the voice.
Ulysses steps out from the corner and Rose laughs at her parents for being scared of her uncle.
"When did you get here?" Afton asks.
Ulysses grins behind his mask, "I was always here, you just never noticed..."
"Creepy bast-*Ahem*, Basket case." Josie flowers from the side, never having liked Ulysses in the first place.
"I know it is now my place to say this. But you need to make your stance known, Afton. The people follow Sol, and Sol follows Bulwark. As far as they know, you do not care for the plight of the people living under the conflict... I have witnessed many refugee's begging for Bulwark to save their homes..." he trails off.
Afton shakes his head, "Why should we get involved in a conflict we have no involvement in?"
Ulysses eyes him, "Bulwark was built to preserve technology and protect the innocent... Or was I mistaken? Both the Brotherhood and Enclave have started using more dangerous types of technology, the battle forcing their inner beasts to come forth... The war was started to gain resources, but is now solely to prevent each side's own annihilation."
Afton stands there silently, chewing his lip as he tries to think over everything... There were many things to consider, resources, the tech each side might have, his former connections with the Brotherhood, the Enclave's intentions... But all of that quickly faded away when presented with one thing.
"Daddy? Why won't you save them?" Rose suddenly asks from Tamia's lap with moist eyes. The three-year-old somehow summing up everything in a single question.
In the end, they were right... He didn't want to use Bulwark's resources to muscle in on a war that'd soon end... He wanted to finish off whoever was left standing, but, that would lead to many dead civilians... All of which probably could have been avoided if he'd taken action sooner.
In the end, what father could say no to his daughter?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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