Cass leans back in her chair as she looks out the window of her 'tailoring' business. Shady Sands, the capital of the NCR had changed significantly since the catastrophic loss over in the Mojave. The place was basically in a state of 'controlled terror', everyone knew shit was about to go down, yet, no one dared do anything about it.
By all accounts, they should be celebrating due to the defeat of the Legion... But, the threat of the Bull was gone, the public realised that they'd been fooled by their leaders... The threat was never really the Legion, but the Brotherhood of Steel, which was continually stripping away territory from the NCR by the day.
Now it was obvious to all what the NCR's true intentions for the Mojave really was, they wanted to annex it and take control of New Vegas, essentially robbing Robert House of his rightful property. The pretence of stopping the Legion's march West was wiped away like a thin film of dirt once these facts were leaked over the radio by an 'unknown source'. Most wouldn't really believe it, were it not for the extensive provable evidence that'd also been provided.
Now, citizens were being taken from the streets and forced into the army to fuel the NCR's dwindling military... Cass was spared of course, as her tailoring business was popular among the officials, but this only displayed yet another issue that'd come to light.. The blatant corruption now going on in the NCR leadership...
Even the patriots weren't willing to defend their leaders anymore, this was especially so when their sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers started randomly getting shipped off to war, to die a meaningless death against the now prolific Brotherhood troops in their territory.
The door to her shop opens and two quiet pairs of steps make their way towards her...
Cass breathes a sigh of relief as she spots their faces in the window's reflection. "So, it's you who he sent?"
Anja and Juan nods, both currently wearing ordinary-looking wastelander clothes.
Cass stands and gives Anja a brief hug, "I heard about what happened, but it looks like such a thing never even happened." she says while looking into the ghoul's eyes.
Anja nods with a smile, "Sir had the scientists create Cybernetic replacements... It's hard to get used to, but, I feel good." she confirms.
The Cybernetic eyes she'd been provided with wasn't just better than the average organic ones everyone possessed... They also came with a number of add ons that'd make her role as an infiltrator far easier. Night vision, infrared, magnification... Plus, they were durable, and weren't irritated by things like sand storms and the like...
It had taken a bit to get used to them, at first she'd accidentally been shifting through the various add ons at random... Going from infrared to normal to magnification with every awkward step... But, with Doctor Usanagi and Juan's help, she eventually got it down.
Perhaps she should have taken longer with it though? Considering Afton had sent them out on a mission as soon as she was confident with them...
Cass turns towards Juan and crooks a brow, "We haven't met. Name's Cass." she greets and extends a hand.
Juan nods and reciprocates with his own gloved hand, "Erm, so, we weren't really told what we would be doing here... We kinda just got sent out with bare minimum information." he mutters.
Cass nods, "Yeah, good. Afton is a bit stingy with the information he gives out, says the more people who know it make it more and more vulnerable... You gotta be on your toes out here nowadays as well. Almost got nabbed by the NCR for my 'closeness' with a guy who turned out to be a Brotherhood spy... All I did was sell him a couple suits... Thank god the NCR didn't find the tracking devices in them." she trails off.
"Uhm, so what are we doing here?" Anja asks.
"Ah, well, we were kinda subverting the NCR from the inside. But now that Afton's secured the Mojave, he decided to put the nail in the coffin, if you know what I mean?"
Anja and Juan look at one another with worried expressions. Though, each was worried for different reasons.
Anja was wary of making such big moves inside the capital of the NCR, but knew Afton wouldn't send them on a suicide mission for no reason.
Juan was more worried about the ethical dilemma's of this mission... 'Putting the nail in the coffin' could mean many things, but when Afton's concerned, it usually meant mass murder and potential genocide...
Cass coughs into a fist to get their attention and leads them towards the back room of the shop after locking the front door, "So, we've been in contact with a guy called Samuel Duurne, he's the son of a local Brahmin baron who's been routinely and 'wrongly', persecuted by the NCR government." she says while making quotes with her fingers.
"It's been a bit difficult, but I've slowly been grooming him against the NCR while he has things tailored... With the recent shit that's been happening, I'm afraid he might just run into congress guns blazing... So, it's better to give him something that'll actually be effective... If you know what I mean?"
"You want to kill the NCR officials?" Juan asks, his worry somewhat placated due to the revelation they wouldn't be hurting civilians.
Cass shrugs, "Want is a strong word... I would like to kill the NCR officials... Yeah, that sounds better." she murmurs to herself. "Anyway, Afton's already sent the shit needed for that, now we just need to get Samuel into the building while congress is being held... That give's you around, three, four days to get this shit done?"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Anja and Juan were honestly quite lucky that Cass and Afton had extensively infiltrated the NCR already, three or four days wasn't enough to safely investigate everything that would need to be learned to pull off the attack they were planning.
One thing they learned was the extensive security any well-to-do person in the NCR had gotten. The closing in war had everyone scared, which only made it harder for the duo to do their job...
The Brahmin baron in charge of supplying food to the NCR congress building was named Becker Nockson. The man apparently had a large reputation not only among the civilians for his relatively low priced meat, but also the NCR officials who may or may not have funded his business, whether through investments or simple tax cuts.
The man lived in a large, heavily fortified manor that looked to have been renovated from a pre-war manor. The man obviously lived large judging by the large statue of himself standing in front of his home, though, he at least had some sense with the large contingent of mercenaries patrolling his property.
Each man was heavily armed, with rifles, machine guns, and other heavy ballistics. That's not even mentioning the each and everyone was wearing heavy combat armour, and probably wouldn't go down without a fight.
Their equipment didn't really matter all that much however, as if Anja or Juan were to get caught, they'd either die, or Afton would be forced to teleport reinforcements to save them, ruining his plan to cleanly eliminate the opposition.
After all, he was trying to promote his faction as just and morally superior compared to the others... Blatantly assassinating the corrupt NCR leaders with a missile, or a full frontal assault wouldn't help that image.
The security aside, Anja and Juan would need to somehow kill Becker Nockson and make it look like an accident of some sort. If not, it would alert the NCR and might prevent them from picking Samuel to deliver the goods.
Anja and Juan silently observe the manor for a day, mapping out the mercenaries patrols, common routes, and who was involved with them. Sure, it might not be as reliable due to their somewhat unorganised work ethic, but it'd still give them a good idea of what to expect.
Once night falls, they jump into action, both activating their Stealthboys and running to the wall of the manor which had a window open on the third floor. Anja hung from Juan's shoulders as he used his Psyker abilities to silently scale the wall.
Such a method of approach clearly hadn't been expected, which is why they met no resistance when they quietly slipped through the window, ending up in some children's room? It had colourful wallpaper and two beds on one side of the room... Both of which had toddlers sleeping in them...
Juan stares at them momentarily, wondering if he was about to kill their father, but was shaken from his thoughts by Anja, "Ignore it for now, we have a job to do." she chides with a whisper.
She tries to pull him to the door so he can ignore the kids, but Juan accidentally trips on one of the children toy's that were scattered on the floor. The toy crumbles under his foot and starts playing a mangled song, the audio output clearly broken.
This wakes up one of the children who look over and only see the crushed toy playing an eerie song... Thinking that a ghost was in the room, the little girl starts bawling her eyes out, pulling the covers over her head as if to protect herself from the 'ghost'.
Had they not been in an incredibly dangerous situation she'd have slapped Juan for making such an obvious mistake... Invisibly shaking her head, she presses her ear to the door to see if anyone would be coming, only to quickly back away as footsteps rapidly approach the room.
The door opens revealing a tall man, who appeared to be well-built in the past, but has slowly let himself go. This was their target, Becker, what a lucky coincidence... For them at least. The young girl lowers the covers and looks at the man, giving a tearful smile as she shouts, "Papa!"
"What's up sweetheart? Why aren't you sleeping?" the man asks as he approaches the bed.
Anja quickly recognises this as an opportunity and sneaks behind the man as he walks... Just as he gets to the side of the bed, she sweeps the man's forward foot and forces his head downwards with a hand, causing him to stumble and fall... Smacking the side of his head on the edge of the heavy oak bed.
The sound of something important breaking echoes through the room, shocking the little girl who'd just witnessed her father breaking his neck... After a moment of shocked silence, the girl screams, shouting for her father that'd just fallen.
Anja takes the chance to check the man's pulse while the girl screams, finding it irregular, and slowing. It seems like they'd completed their mission with more ease than she'd first thought. She makes her way to Juan who was standing there in stunned silence and quickly pulls him towards the window, this time making sure he doesn't step on anything.
"Come on, let's go before people come!" she quietly scathes at her out-of-it boyfriend.
"B-but we just killed that guy in front of his daughter!" he retorts with an indignant whisper.
Anja frowns, "We can talk about this later, we need to go!"
Juan relents, deciding that he and Anja needed a long talk after this... Killing the guy was fine, but in front of his kid? That was fucking messed up!
By the time security arrived at the room, the duo had left the same way they came. Silently, and undetected. The daughter would say her father tripped, and that the room was haunted, but her words were either ignored, or to taken seriously at all... While it wasn't all that common, people tripped and perished occasionally... Nothing to be worried about... Right?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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