It's been four weeks since Afton had reconciled with Josie, he was still busy of course, but the couple's new understanding had made it easier to deal with such issues.
The state of the Mojave wouldn't wait for them however, Afton was forced to assist House in reinforcing the borders of the region to protect against any retaliatory Legion attack... Despite their massive losses at Hoover Dam and the chaos caused by Caesar's abrupt 'suicide', they were still a threat...
The chance of them all gathering for one last 'hurrah' to avenge Caesar and capture the Mojave in his name wasn't zero, so, House elected to gather Afton's help in this effort.
As for what the defences were? Well, ten-foot-high walls surrounded the region, they were made of metal scaffolding and thick concrete to limit costs, and they stretched all the way around the territory, even extending miles east of the colorado.
The walls would be liberally dotted with tesla cannons, a weapon Afton wasn't all that bothered to spread to House. While yes, they were somewhat effective against Power armour due to the way they functioned, Bulwark power armour wouldn't be all that much affected due to the many defensive precautions they'd been fitted with.
It would be quite expensive to power however, and Afton wasn't willing to expend his own resources to charge them, he had provided the weapons and the wall, so it was House's turn to contribute.
Still, to make the weapons more efficient, Afton had the weapons inactive until small sensors detected enemies in the area. They would detect electronic foes, as well as organic ones, so there wouldn't be a massive vulnerability on that front.
Of course, even with the boosts to efficiency, the Hoover Dam simply wasn't able to provide energy to those defences, as well as to New Vegas and other towns that needed it... Thus, Afton started renting out the spare power produced by Helios One.
Yes, he had completely claimed the facility after the NCR had left. Helios One was probably the most well-defended place in the Mojave if he were honest, not even Novac's defences would come close... This is primarily due to Afton's worry of potential infiltration, thus, the rather ridiculous amount of Ultra-Bots, Cyberdogs, and Bulwark soldier patrols.
There was also the Archimedes one to consider as well. This would instantly annihilate any organic matter in or around the facility, Afton had made sure to give himself remote access, so he wouldn't have to personally go there to activate it should shit hit the fan.
Now that Bulwark was basically responsible for creating, maintaining, and powering the defences of the Mojave, its place as a powerful faction was cemented. Even the silliest fool would be able to recognise who was truly in control, much to Mr House's chagrin.
The man was a control freak, but the circumstances wouldn't permit him to act in any way contrary to Afton's wishes, thus, the rather humiliating position he now found himself in... Regardless, he'd have to make due, because there was little to nothing the man could do to change it.
There were also more defences added to Hoover Dam... East of it, Afton and House had begun construction of a fortress, boringly named 'Fort Hoover'. When it was finished, it'd basically look like a high-tech castle, with metal reinforcing the heavy granite stones composing its walls, and a ridiculous list of armaments covering it.
This fort will be managed and maintained by Bulwark, House attempted to negotiate around this, but Afton wasn't having any of it... After all, they were doing almost all the work, and even House was forced to agree that, while Securitrons could do many things, maintaining a fort simply wasn't one of them.
Again, this basically gave Afton complete control of the Dam, even if he left it up to House what to do with it...
He and House had also continued to negotiate over what laws and other things the man would create, but it was easy to agree on most things as they weren't beholden to massive corporations like the old world's politicians were. This allowed them to be as pragmatic and direct in their decisions, quickly leading to a unanimous consensus on what actually needed to be enacted.
Aside from strengthening his hold on the Mojave, there had been some other, more light-hearted events... The most obvious of them being Afton and Josie's wedding ceremony...
Neither of them had wanted anything big, indeed, big weddings were almost entirely restricted to high-up NCR officials. Most religions, traditions, and other facets of society simply hadn't survived the great war... In fact, most of what people retained came from what the Vault Dwellers remembered, and what books, advertisements, and other pieces of media described weddings to be.
Afton didn't consider it a big deal that he was getting married, so the only ones in attendance were close friends and companions... The Remnants were there on behalf of the dearly departed Daisy, his friends from the Brotherhood that'd joined Bulwark were there, and his companions were at the front row...
Funnily enough, he'd stupidly had Glados presiding over the entire thing... Yeah, he wasn't doing that again.
Mid-ceremony the AI would make statements between her script... 'Join these meat-bags here today in this godforsaken desert', 'You may exchange bodily fluids', 'Til death do you part, so once one of you kicks the bucket, do what you want.'
Yeah, not his best decision ever... Though, he couldn't help but feel that Glados would be upset if he hadn't let her preside over it... Maybe there was something he was missing though?
Afterwards, there was a small private party for the attendees... In the end, he and Josie left for their room, and he swore if she wasn't pregnant already, she'd definitely be two or three times over after that night...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Operations continued smoothly for Afton, and things only got better once everything was officially signed. With his partnership with House made rock-solid he was greeted with a familiar, yet surprising notification.
[Congratulations for completing your goal; Conquer the Mojave]
[Analysing difficulty of said task....]
[Analysing repercussions of said task....]
[Analysing methods of completion....]
[Compiling rewards....]
[Rewards :
+7 Stat points to all Special Stats.
+Reputation with all civilised factions.
-Slight reputation with all opposing factions.
+Applicable Title.
+Applicable Perk.
+Applicable Perk.
+1000000 Caps.]
... "Wow-Ooooooooouuuch!" Afton starts but is interrupted as a massive shift in his body occurs as it attempts to adapt to his new statistics.
[Congratulations! Title received: Frontline Leader]
[Frontline Leader] : Grants 200% morale boost when leading from the front.
[Congratulations! Perk received: Serendipity]
[Serendipity] : For the first ten seconds of combat, ignore 50% of all damage taken.
[Congratulations! Perk received: Cardsharp]
[Cardsharp] : Negotiations carried out in an advantageous position grant +30% benefits.
[Charisma maxed! Perk granted: Trickster Tongue]
[Trickster Tongue] : Chance to make people unconsciously agree with you.
[Chrisma reached superhuman levels! Perk granted : Inhuman Grace]
[Inhuman Grace] : For some reason you seem to attract people, the way you walk, the way you talk, even your appearance seems more alluring. Adds +1.5x modifiers on all positive social interactions.
[Intelligence maxed out! Perk granted: Speed of Thought]
[Speed of Thought] : Massively boosts the speed of which you can think, consider, plan, and execute thoughts.
[Intelligence reached superhuman levels! Perk granted: Parallel thought]
[Parallel thought] : Allows you to have two separate instances of thinking at once, allowing two complex tasks to be simultaneously executed.
[Luck maxed! Perk granted: Fortuitous events]
[Fortuitous events] : Beneficial events occur far more often, and are significantly more rewarding than before.
[Luck reached superhuman levels! Perk granted : Royal Flush]
[Royal Flush] : Luck has become far more easy to manipulate based on your intentions.
[All Special Stats reached superhuman levels! Title granted: Apex Predator]
[Apex Predator] : Causing those weaker than you to become more submissive, and more aware of the threat you could potentially pose to them.
As soon as the notifications stop, Afton is struck by an insane amount of pain, far worse than anything he had experienced before... His body was shifting, trembling, and tearing itself apart before repairing itself in a constant loop.
His mental faculties weren't any better either, as he felt as if his brain was being torn in two. His silent screams of agony split into two, simultaneous ones, both hearing the other's pain as it does its best to ignore it.
Afton was lucky he was safely sitting at home in the Sink, otherwise he'd have collapsed to the floor in front of whoever may be watching... His couch probably wouldn't survive either, as blood had complete covered it
His broken body bled from every pore and orifice. His teeth cracked and broke, his gum shrivelled away, his nails tore themselves from his fingers, his bones twisted in incredibly violent ways...
Glados and the personalities in the Sink immediately tossed him into the Autodoc in an attempt to save him from whatever affliction had taken him. But Meddie, the autodoc, simply wasn't able to do anything aside from liberally provide pain killers.
These drugs soothed Afton's body somewhat, but they didn't stop his consciousness being split in two. His parrellel thoughts both considered that the intelligence perk was the culprit, before going into slight shock at thinking about himself, thinking about himself?... Both lines of thoughts considered the either, as if they were two separate entities, causing an indefinite loop to form.
Fortunately, this loop essentially caused his brain to overload, finally knocking him out and allowing the process to continue without his participation.
Many hours later :
Afton groggily wakes up within the autodoc, a thick film of blood, bone, and other ejected materials covering him. His clothes had been removed and the autodoc was attached to almost every part of his body to continue monitoring him.
"Meddie?" he groans, feeling incredibly weird as he tries to stand straight.
"Shit kid! You're finally awake, man, we thought we'd have to get that crazy doc Dala involved to fix yer' if ya didn't come to... Good thing too, since you wife probably wouldn't have been too happy." Meddie explains.
Afton slowly nods, his head still thumping with pain... That, and the fact he could feel the pain twice over in his head. "Er, what happened?" he asks, wanting to know what effects the massive influx of stats and Perks had had on his body.
"Well, see... We don't actually know... One minute you're sitting on your ass, the next you're bleeding from your eyes and ears, to your ass... I'll tell ya', first time I've ever seen a male period." the AI states.
Afton unconsciously clutches at his genitals at the AI's words, thankfully finding nothing wrong with his junior... Aside from the fact it somehow looked more attractive than before. If that was even possible...?
He shakes his head and takes a glance at his Pipboy to check his status, wondering how it looked now...
Afton Parker
Title : [Executioner of the Wastes], [Free Sheriff], [Fiend's Fiend], [Goliath], [Steel Waste], [Well
Meaning Disaster], [Frontline Leader], [Apex Predator]
Level : 56
Points : 0
[Skillpoints to Perk] : 6/15
S.P.E.C.I.A.L :
Strength : 20
Perception : 19
Endurance : 19
Charisma : 14
Intelligence : 16
Agility : 19
Luck : 15
Skills :
Barter : 21
Energy Weapons : 100
Explosives : 100
Guns : 100
Lockpick : 94
Medicine : 100
Melee Weapons : 100
Repair : 100
Science : 100
Sneak : 100
Speech : 100
Survival : 100
Unarmed : 100
Mutations :
[Beauveria mordicana symbioticca] : A mutated strain of a very deadly and infectious fungus. Makes possessor immune to all diseases and poisons, grants +1 End, grants regenerative abilities.
[Beauveria mordicana armamini] : Both of your arms have regrown and become stronger than before! +4 DT against damage dealt towards them and +20% resistance against being crippled.
[Beauveria mordicana firmissimi anguli] : Enables user to manipulate their arms into a variety of shapes.
[Beauveria mordicana flagellum] : Enables user's arms to extend, stretch, and flex.
[Beauveria mordicana rasorium] : Enables user to form incredibly sharp blades on their arms.
[Beauveria mordicana duraferro] : User's arms become as hard as steel.
[Supernatural Resistance v1] : Alters the way the body interacts with matter, preventing any positive or negative interaction with Supernatural elements. This includes Psykers, Ghosts, Spirits, Gods, and Rabbits respectively depending on what tier the Mutation is.
Perks :
[Trigger Discipline], [Heavy Handed], [Rapid Reload], [Torture Techniques], [Educated], [John Wick Style], [Toughness], [Stonewall], [Sniper], [Bug Stomper], [Lord Death v3], [Spies Guise], [Quick Draw], [Adamantium Skeleton], [Ranger Tactics], [Ranger Targeting], [Ranger Awareness], [Mechanicus], [Jury Rigging], [SuperHot Block], [Solar Powered], [Miracle Maker], [Unnerving Presence], [Living Anatomy], [Agility Implant], [Masterful Movement], [Blur], [Uncivilized Weapon], [Rad Absorbtion], [Tough Guy], [Nuclear Friendly], [Explorer], [Eureka!], [Atomic!], [Grit], [Alertness], [Abominable v3], [Fight the Power!], [Tremble before me!], [Meltdown], [Explooo-sion!], [Lady Killer], [Big Brained], [Reinforced Spine], [Implant M-5], [Implant C-13], [Impant Y-7], [Cure for the Curious], [Perception Implant], [Endurance Implant], [Danger Sense], [A Pool of Dead], [Charisma Implant], [Intelligence Implant], [Luck Implant], [The Cyber Punk], [Luck of the Draw], [Second Apocalypse], [Stay the Path], [Bullet Time], [Freeza Style!], [Cat's Agility], [Serendipity], [Cardsharp], [Trickster Tongue], [Inhuman Grace], [Parallel thought], [Fortuitous events], [Royal Flush]
Companion Perks :
[Old Wisdom]
[Persistent Escapee]
[Still Jammn']
[Enhanced Sensors]
[A Penchant for Fisting]
[Pristine Shot]
[Regular Maintanance]
Noice, if he did say so himself. Heh, he remembered how his status looked in the past, it looked like a short pamphlet, now it looked like someone's biography!
Anyway, once he manages to pull his gaze away from his shiny new junior, he stumbles out of the auto doc and quickly heads to the full body mirror in his bedroom.
Yeah, he basically had the body of an adonis... Beautifully sculpted musculature, with everything sized to match everything else. He flexes his arm and watches the muscles ripple with unexplored power, grinning at how strong he must be now.
This was the sight Josie was greeted by as she walked into their now shared bedroom, a naked Afton grinning at himself as he poses in the mirror. He hadn't noticed primarily due to how unfamiliar he was with his new senses... With the stat changes he'd endured, everything looked and felt way different than before.
The sight was so weird and funny that she barely noticed the changes that'd occurred... As familiar as she was with his body, she wasn't perceptive enough to spot the differences.
That aside, she also wanted to ask why the couch was completely covered with blood... Blood that obviously couldn't have belonged to anyone else due to the black splotches held within it.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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