"We're going to decide how we destroy the Brotherhood."
"What!?" Veronica exclaims after a shock finally wears off.
Afton shrugs, "Well, we'll destroy the Mojave chapter at least. First things first though, let's see what my spies have to say." he says while gesturing at the holographic table in front of them, it's light ripple slightly before it displays a series of pages, all of which seemed to be some sort of report.
It's rather long and extensive, as you'd expect from spies, but all in all, there were only a few important points.
The first was the NCR's continued attempts to covertly turn the public against Bulwark, they did this using variety of strategies, primarily rumours from their undercover agents, reporting on fake crimes Bulwark has supposedly committed, and by public statements from the NCR themselves. Their attempts were so-so though, mainly due to the public's awareness of how bias NCR news is, as well as the rather large amount of resentment against them.
While yes, they were a better alternative to the Legion. Most people in the Mojave would rather neither be present at all, as both were oppressive foreign forces at the end of the day, regardless of their intentions.
The second point of the report were the large numbers of reinforcements that'd been dispatched to the Mojave in response of the Legion's own mustering. Ambassador Crocker was very, very worried about it, and has assisted General Oliver in getting more troops to the front lines
Third was the fact the investigation requested by Ambassador Crocker against Macka Bree concerning the unauthorised experimentation of prisoners and humans was accepted but not... This was due to the fact that the investigation was handed off to General Poacher, who was well known to be working with Macka Bree...So it was unlikely anything would be uncovered at all. Ambassador Crocker was rightly furious at this, but there was literally nothing he could do... He'd have to petition for more support at congress if he wanted anything done, but that'd involve leaving the Mojave which was teetering on the edge of war...
Forth was the fact the NCR fully intended to go to war with Bulwark due to the recent attack near Jacobstown. The spies weren't able to uncover how the NCR would move, as that was handed off to someone else, but it was a certainty an attack would be occurring.
Fifth and most relevant to what Afton was hoping to hear, was the fact among the reinforcements coming to the Mojave were three mobile artillery systems. What were they intended to be used for? Well, their first mission on the books was to assist in the eradication of the Brotherhood of Steel... Once that was accomplished, they'd be shipped to Hoover Dam where they'd assist in the defence of the incredibly important strategic location. They were set to arrive in around two weeks, which gave Afton plenty of time to plan on how to deal with them.
Afton chuckles, "You know, you guys getting captured didn't really matter in the end... I'd have had to do something before those reinforcements got here, and I doubt Hardin would've reacted any different. Though, I would ideally like to get my hands on those mobile artillery machines..." he admits.
Miles sighs and looks at his feet, "I'm not really sure how to feel about this Afton, I mean, I know Hardin's lost it, but... Does it have to be destroyed?"
"Yes..." he states before raising a hand to stop the trio's objections, "Just be pragmatic about this, the Chapter has been dying ever since it arrived in the Mojave, that was only accelerated after what happened at Helios. Bulwark will take its place and be more effective for it, we'll try to recruit those willing, but for everyone else?... They'll be on their own." he states.
"So that's it? Their only options are to bend the knee to you, flee into the desert, or stay and be murdered by the NCR?" Christine questions with a hard look.
Afton shrugs, "Don't act like I'm not giving them choices. If they can follow Hardin with a smile on their faces then they can follow me instead... I'm not being callous, there just isn't anything else I can really do for them without going out of my way. I'd essentially be misappropriating Bulwark funds for my own ends, which sets a bad president... Kinda like Hardin when you think about it." he says, trying to convince them.
"Is there really nothing we can do? I know many good people who would refuse your offer. I don't think they deserve to die for their firm principles..." Miles asks, but is clearly not hopeful.
Afton shakes his head, "I'm sorry, but no... I mean, I can allow you to try and convince them, and I'm willing to offer a place in the department that'd handle the research, acquisition, and containment of technology, but that's all. Don't forget that I have loved ones among them as well, friends and acquaintances, but it's up to them whether or not they wish to accept my offer."
Miles just slowly nods at him, there wasn't all that much he could do to try and change Afton's mind. They both knew some simply wouldn't be swayed no matter what they were offered, so it would be useless to consider. "There will be a fight... How are you going to handle it?" he asks.
Afton shrugs again, "How else? An army of robots." he smirks, finally getting a chance to put his new forces into action. Of course, they wouldn't be going all out, if the Brotherhood didn't surrender he'd simply go in there himself and subdue them.
Once the Brotherhood was dealt with, he'd use some spare sets of Power armour as 'scarecrows' and dummies to make the NCR believe the base was still operational... Once they set up their artillery machines to attack, he'd swoop in and steal them. Oh, yes. He was looking forward to it.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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