[Mr X]
Health : 99%
"Fuck!" Afton groans at the sight of its health... Just as he sees this the flesh on Mr X's chest quickly begins to writhe and heal.
Gabe finally springs into action however, despite Mr X's size Gabe was still bigger than it, allowing the Cyberdog to leap and try to bite the creature's head off... Only for Mr X to block with his forearm!
Gabe bites down on the extended arm and begins thrashing from side to side in an attempt to tear it off. Blood spurts from the lacerations caused by Gabe, but Mr X doesn't even blink at it, instead just raising its Super Sledge and slamming it into Gabe's side. It strikes the Cyberdog's metal leg, causing sparks to skitter away as Gabe is launched a few meters from the sheer force of the strike.
Veronica looks as if she wants to punch the shit out of the creature, but Afton commands her to stay away from it. Even with her Power armour, he doubted she'd survive a single head-on strike from it. The sheer force it was able to exert with the Super Sledge alone was ridiculous... This could be seen by how mangled Gabe's leg looked.
Gabe could barely stand on it, meaning he was out of commission while Afton Veronica, and Boone tried to kill it.
Mr X picks up the wreckage of a ruined pre-war vehicle and throws it towards them. Veronic and Afton dive out of the way which inadvertently allows the makeshift projectile to hit the Bisen Steve Hotel, this causes a small part of the building to collapse and there was nothing either of the duo could do about it.
Mr X finally reaches the stage and makes an easy jump onto of it... However, Afton was already ready and waiting with his Ultra Chainsword... He springs into action with the blade already revved, swinging it at Mr X's arm that was holding the Super Sledge.
Mr X attempts to block the attack with his weapon, but the Ultra Chainsword easily cuts through the Super Sledge handle, continuing on and severing the creature's arm which drops unceremoniously to the floor.
Afton would have thought Mr X would be stunned by the fact it'd literally just lost an arm, but he was terribly mistaken as the creature's other arm reaches out and grabs him by the neck, lifting him high into the air while attempting to crush his throat.
Before he can sever the other arm with his sword, Veronica charges into Mr X's side while delivering many heavy punches with her Two Step Goodbye fist weapon. The arm-mounted shotgun fires debilitating shots into Mr X's chest, ribs, and stomach, but the creature doesn't even flinch.
Instead, Mr X swings Afton at Veronica, smacking her with him and causing both of them to fly down the street. Most people would instantly die if they were used as a make-shift weapon against someone wearing Power armour, but Afton had thicker skin than most... Not to mention his regenerative abilities healed most of his injuries fairly quickly.
[Grit is in effect]
While Veronica was recovering, Afton revs his Chainsword against and swings it despite being far out of range... However, the arm holding the sword extending like a whip, allowing the Chainsword to slash through Mr X's chest, cutting a huge wound into its chest... Afton could even see the creature's punctured lungs through the cavity, showing just how much damage he'd caused...
[Mr X]
Health : 98%
"This is bullshi!"
Mr X bends down to jump off of the stage, but another projectile comes from nowhere and barely hits it... Due to its change in position the projectile only manages to blow off its hat, Jason mask, and a large part of its face...
Obviously, its injury heals fairly quickly, but once it does both Afton and Veronica gape at what they see...
"Dad!?" Afton exclaims, thoroughly confused and incredibly angry.
Indeed, the creature's face looked almost identical to Zachary Parker... It was as if Zach had been blown up like a balloon though, like his size certainly wasn't natural. Afton is so stunned by this revelation he stops considering this a combat situation entirely... This forces Veronica to slam a fist into his shoulder to get his head back in the game. "WE'RE STILL FIGHTING IF YOU HAVENT NOTICED!?" she shouts and is forced to duck as Mr X picks up what is left of his Super Sledge and throws it at them.
It misses and smacks a building down the street, blasting a good amount of concrete from it.
Afton quickly shakes his head and focuses on the enemy, knowing exactly what he had to do at this moment... He charges towards his father with his Chainsword revving, ducking under the punch it sends his way and swiping his sword at its legs, severing them both and causing Mr X to fall onto his chest.
Continuing his momentum, he severs the other arm as well as the half-grown one he'd severed earlier. "Nyx? Did you get the coordinates of the stage?" he asks.
"I did sir! It's ready to go!"
Afton nods and quickly picks up Mr X, tossing his torso onto the stage while grabbing Gabe and carrying the Cyberdog. Veronica follows, and once everyone was on the stage a lightning bolt strikes their position, teleporting them all to Big Mt.
Boone releases a big sigh and deactivates his Railgun, truth be told it was significantly harder to use than any other weapon he'd had before... Yet the power it had was unforgettable. He unloads it and throws it onto his back while standing from their position.
"What do you think that thing was?" Josie asks from the side, both having closely observed the trail of destruction the thing had left.
Boone shrugs, "Whatever it was, I hope there aren't any more of them running around... I'd class it as an army killer... Without Afton's tech I doubt we'd be able to permanently put it out of commission..." he says, tapping the Railgun with a finger. He gestures for her to follow him, "Come on, our job's not done yet... We need to check the occupants of that van, whoever they are can't be left alone to make more of those monsters." he states, marching down the steep hill with Josie quickly following.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Boone and Josie slowly make their way down from their observation point, eventually reaching ground level and walking towards the now heavily damaged Primm... Only now were people beginning to crawl out from their hiding places to take a look at what'd happened.
Ambassador Crocker brushes the thick dust and dirt from his suit while adjusting his bowtie, "W-what was that?" he asks, glancing between his two Ranger bodyguards.
They both shrug in response, having no idea themselves about what'd occurred. All they knew was that Primm was attacked, Afton and his bodyguards defended, and now the town was heavily damaged while they were missing.
Johnston Nash looks around with a heavily creased forehead, "God damn, they did a number on my town..." he looks at Crocker, "I wonder who I should send the bill to?"
Crocker quickly shakes his head, "We had nothing to do with this-"
Nash snorts, "You did nothing to help either, unlike Parker who fought to protect us." he retorts.
"What's that?" one of the rangers ask, pointing up the street where two figures were approaching.
Crocker squints before eventually spotting the duo, "I know who one of them is... A man called Boone who works for Parker."
Boone and Josie had just reached the black van and were searching the vehicle, there wasn't anything g besides many bloodstains in the back where the creature was held, but in the driver's seat, they found two dead men wearing all black coverall-type clothing... Though, once it was peeled back the duo both glared at what was revealed.
Attached to each of their chests were badges with three big letters, OSI to be specific. Of course, both Boone and Josie knew what this meant, they belonged to the Office of Science and Industry, a branch of the NCR government.
Boone's dull look breaks into a fierce frown as he kicks the upturned van, knocking a dent into it, "How could they do this!?" he growls out.
"Maybe they're being framed?" Josie quickly asks, but her tone of voice reveals that she wasn't leaning towards that theory all that much.
Boone shakes his head, "No. They knew what they were doing, I've seen enough OSI scientists to know they wouldn't bat an eye at stooping this low." he states, his mind drifting to the now-dead Dr. Hildren who seemed remarkably interested in Aftons physiology.
"Well... What do we do now?" she asks, feeling as if her country and Afton would be at war soon... Well, 'properly at war' more like.
"We head back to base and show him what we found." he states as his expression loosens slightly, he rubs his face anxiously, "This whole situation is fucked." Boone mutters to himself.
Boone leans into the window and gets a firm grip on the sown OSI badge before tearing it off and depositing it in his pocket. "Come on, let's go." he states, ignoring the crowd of people quickly advancing towards them.
"Mr Boone! Hey?!" Crocker shouts from behind them but Boone ignores the Ambassador, he was too irritated with what the NCR had done here to react calmly and rationally right now...
"I said stop soldier!" the Ambassador exclaims, causing Boone to go rigid and stop in place. His training having been worked into muscle memory...
Once Boone realises what he'd done he turns around to face Crocker with a scowl, "Tell me... Did you know?" he growls, the tone almost causing Crocker to flinch away.
"Did I know what?" the man asks, not knowing what he was referring to.
Boone takes the badge out of his pocket and displays it to Crocker and incidentally, the crowd behind him. "Did you know that the OSI would come and try to capture Afton? Was this 'Peace Negotiation' just a pretence to pull Afton out of hiding? Was this all just a trap!?" he demands.
Crocker pales slightly at the sight of the badge, and immediately feels the angry, heavy glares on his back. He quickly shakes his head, "Son, I have no idea what you are talking about! I organised this event so both our groups could fight the Legion-"
"It's always that, always for the war effort. It doesn't matter who gets hurt, whether innocents die, as long as 'we' win." he spits and turns around, "We'll see what Afton has to say about our findings, but I can guarantee one thing... The Legion isn't the biggest threat anymore." he says over his shoulder before leaving with Josie.
"Sir, should we stop them?" one of the Rangers ask Crocker, but the Ambassador just quickly shakes his head, "And cause another political incident!? Fuck no, let's return to base and report what just occurred here... I have a few people I need to have some words with." he states.
Elsewhere :
Back at Big Mt, Afton had immediately gotten Mr X restrained and imprisoned under the Think Tank while also seeing to it that Gabe received medical treatment for the injuries he'd received.
Currently, he was tapping his foot impatiently while outside Mr X's cell, Glados and Dr. Dala were collecting genetic materials from what was once his father. Of course, they were doing this via remotely controlled robots, as even if they kept all of it's limbs severed via chemical burns, temperature burns, and physical obstruction to the wounds, it was still possible that could regenerate and attack.
It didn't matter that this would make finding out just what'd happened to his father take longer to accomplish, risking Dala's life would be far too risky. Even if you disregarded her extensive knowledge and expertise, the other members of the Think Tank would take her death extremely poorly. Though, this was more due to concerns for their own safety than any companionship.
The only 'good' thing about Mr X's regenerative was the fact they could take as many samples as they wished without the risk of killing it. Even brain biopsies were easy procedures as the taken organ would just quickly grow back.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
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