McNamara continues after allowing the crowd to process his words. "Now, how the subject the Head Paladin so gracefully brought to our attention... Our position underground in the bunker..." he says almost mocking Hardin.
"As I said before we moved into this place, it was necessary to keep our enemies unaware as we regained our strength. Unfortunately, it appears we've been deluding ourselves with the notion that we were still hidden. With the recent attack, it is obvious we cannot remain here, regardless of the outcome of this trial, we will surface again and take our rightful place in the Mojave, as protectors of the people, and guardians against misbegotten and dangerous technology." he states, removing that angle of Hardin's argument entirely.
All the man had left to oust McNamara out of his position was the Chain That Binds, yet, the Codex did indeed grant special protections depending on the circumstances. And, unfortunately, the potential destruction of the Chapter just so happened to be one of them.
Elder McNamara looks around at everyone, "You have heard us, but it is for you all to decide, as trusted members of this community and Chapter, you all will have the choice on what occurs now." he pauses, "Those for my removal as Elder?"
A great many of the crowd hold their fists out and give a thumbs up, meaning they were for the motion. The split wasn't great, maybe 60/40, but it was still enough to be obvious at who'd one their favour.
Elder McNamara slowly nods, "And those for Head Paladin's ascension to Elder?"
Again, people hold their fists out to vote, but it is much closer this time, forcing someone to count each individual to come up with a number... The eventual verdict is 53% for Hardin, and 47% against.
McNamara nods, not showing any inkling of disappointment or anything else to indicate his mood, "You have all spoken, I will return to my rank as Paladin, while Edgar Hardin takes up the position of Elder. It will be in your purview to select a Head Paladin, Elder. I would recommend you do so quickly, as time is of the essence." McNamara states as he steps down from the raised dais where the desk was located.
Hardin replaces McNamara and stands behind the desk in his Power armour, smirking at everyone with a smug look on his face. "My first action as Elder will be to decide the fates of the traitor and his companions." he states, causing McNamara to stop and glare over his shoulder at Hardin.
Afton could only watch the events with a grim look, "Shit." he thinks to himself, wondering what Hardin would do to them... He didn't want to do anything drastic, these people were family after all, but if he was forced to he'd beat and kill his way out to freedom...
He glances over at his group who were already sending nervous looks at him... Hardin was already listing out their various crimes however...
"Knight Parker, for the theft of dangerous technology and abandoning the Chapter without going through proper protocol, your punishment will be imprisonment for five years, that should set you straight... All in favour?" Hardin calls out, already pointing his thumb to the floor...
"Hardly partial, are you..." Afton grumbles as he watches people around the room decide.
Unfortunately for Hardin, it appears that Afton's action of providing the Ventilation components were enough to prove his innocence... Why would he return with them if he was a traitor after all, especially after he'd killed the invading enemies?
Upon seeing this Hardin's face looks like a puckered asshole, Afton almost breaks into chuckles at the thought but manages to hold back. Still, he angry glare caused a few in the room to stand up straight. Seems like some of his supports hadn't voted the way he wanted.
Hardin shakes his head and continues, "Knight Parker, you are exonerated of your crimes and are not stripped of your rank." he says before looking at the rest of his group, "However, these outsiders are something else entirely. I accuse you all of committing trespassing, attempted infiltration and sabotage for our enemies, what say you?"
Boone just shakes his head, "Bullshit."
Afton's eyes widen at his words, he looks to Karl and gestures downwards with his hands, wanting the man to quell the situation... Unfortunately, such a gesture in the Rangers apparently meant something different entirely.
Karl nods sagely at Afton before turning his attention to Hardin. "I've been listenin' to you lot so far, and I've been wonderin', why's this guy have such a large stick up his ass? You one o' those Be-de-ess-em folks? Cuz I'm not interested if you are..."
The room shifts uncomfortably at his insulting words, and the only thing audible is the slap caused when Afton facepalms himself. "Karl you fuckin' idiot!" he mentally screams, you don't just insult a newly made Elder and expect shit to go well... Hardin is likely to try and use a show of force to cement his position.
The look on Hardin's face says it all... The man looks as if he's about to blow a gasket. The Brotherhood was very strict, prim, and polite... Hardin likely hadn't been directly insulted to his face like that for many, many years... Thus, his skin was so thin it was almost see-through...
"How dare you, Outsider! Who gives you the right to speak to me like that? I should have you all stripped naked and lashed right now!" he exclaims.
Veronica steps in front of the group with her arms crossed, "You can't do that, Elder." she states.
"And why do you say that? Scribe Santangelo?" Hardin asks, his brow visibly twitcher in anger.
"Because none of them are members of the Brotherhood, and thus can't be expected to follow the Codex. To do so would be an act of tyrants. Remember Arthur Maxon's words; Shield yourself from those not bound to you by steel, for they are the blind. Aid them when you can, but lose not sight of yourself. Aid them, but do not lose sight of yourself." she emphasizes.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Joseph Suh
Chris Lindsey
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