Afton holds his arms out placatingly, "Down dog, good dogs don't eat people... Chill dog...?"
"Bad dog! Fibre-mesh does not taste good! Back!" Nyx joins him in trying to persuade the dog that he, and subsequently her, weren't edible.
Gabe just continues to approach, a deep guttural growl emitting from its throat. It circles around him as he's backed against the cave wall, Afton really wanted to save this dog... Not only because having a giant dog on your side would be useful, but because it would put him in Borous good graces, something he may need in future.
Unfortunately, the many chems Gabe had been forced to eat throughout his two-hundred-year lifespan had drastically affected his mind. Despite Afton, Nyx, and Borous' cajolery, Gabe releases a snarl before lunging.
Afton quickly reacts to the charging dog, jumping and kicking the dog in the snout as it tries to bite him, using the reaction of the dog to get thrown higher, kicking off of the wall and landing on its back. "Fine then! I'll kick the crap out of you and then we'll see how hungry you are!" he shouts as Gabe releases a howl, a sonic discharge slamming into the cavern wall and causing it to shake.
While Afton's on its back he grabs its fur to hold on before slamming his fist into the back of the dogs head, the force of which knocks it forwards and into the ground below.
He attempts another strike but finds Gabe rapidly rolling over, Afton's forced off of its body to avoid getting crushed under its metal parts, afterwards finding himself face to face with Gabe.
"I think you've made it angry!" Nyx states the obvious, sounding utterly terrified...
Not waiting for Gabe to make the first move, Afton steps forwards and punching it in the face. Wrenching its head sidewards and causing spittle to fly from the giant dogs maw. He's then forced to dodge backwards as it tries to bite his head off.
Avoiding the fatal attack, Afton raises both hands up and slams a hammer fist down onto Gabe's snout. This is apparently quite effective, as Afton is blown across the cavern by a sonic howl of the enraged beast.
[Grit is in effect]
His Perk activates as he takes damage, boosting his Strength to 12, though, whether this would be enough to overpower the beast is anyone's guess...
Afton shakes the stars from his head, trying to regain his bearing after getting thrown a large distance. Gabe is already upon him before he can react however, attempting to bite him again.
Afton thrusts his plant-arm forwards in an attempt to block it, and Gabe locks his jaws around it. Afton could feel its metal teeth piercing his limb, and groaned in pain despite the arm having much fewer pain receptors than a regular human one.
Gabe having finally found purchase on his target, tries to throw Afton around like a ragdoll, but for some reason, isn't able to... Unbeknownst to the giant dog, the cause of this is a Perk that Afton had taken quite early in his journey, [Stonewall], which makes him immune to being knocked down by melee attacks.
Still, this didn't stop Gabe's teeth from shredding Afton's arm. The only thing that stopped him losing another arm being the mutation that increased its durability.
In an attempt to get the dog to release his limb, Afton starts slamming his fist onto its snout, causing the animal a great deal of pain, but it still stubbornly keep hold. By this time, the bonus that Grit granted had increased to +4, boosting Afton's Strength to 14, and his Endurance to 12.
Afton roars as he grabs Gabe by the neck and LIFTS the dog, high in the air before slamming it back down. The impact of which causing the giant dog to let go of his mauled arm. He gives the downed animal the hardest kick he can muster which sends its body skittering across the cavern floor like a ragdoll...
He drinks in the air, breathing in heavily due to the pain occurring in his arm, as well as the exertion of lifting the animal.
"Med X and a Stimpack has been injected. Fight the good fight!" Nyx states, Afton ignoring her for now and turning to where Gabe had been thrown. The dog was tougher than he'd initially thought, if this continued he'd have to put it down, permanently.
Unfortunately, Gabe slowly got to his feet at the other end of the cavern, turning to face Afton while snarling, blood and saliva dripping from its mouth. Seems like it still wanted to fight... Fuck...
Afton looks around the cavern for anything that may be able to calm the animal... His eyes focus on one thing, from what he'd heard earlier, this may work... Or it may piss the dog off more. Regardless, if this doesn't work he's going to blow it's damn head off.
He breaks into a sprint, running towards Gabe's dog bowl as the giant dog chases after him. The dog was obviously faster than Afton, even despite his superhuman stats. The dog was rapidly approaching Afton once he reached the dog bowl.
The bowl wasn't the thing Afton intended to use however, no, instead he grabbed the waterpipe and bent it, pointing it towards Gabe before breaking off the valve, causing a large spray of water to smash into the dogs face.
"Bad dog!" Afton roars, unconsciously using his [Unnerving Presence] Perk to intimidate the beast. Nyx follows her user and begins chiding the dog as well, Borous doing the same over the intercom not long after.
Gabe himself after receiving a large spray of water to his face and snout seems to gather some degree of intelligence. Unconsciously sitting on his hind legs and whimpering.
"Bad dog! Sit!" Afton continues, hoping the dog wouldn't begin attacking him again...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to, I'd appreciate it.
Eventually, Afton manages to 'persuade' Gabe to lie down. The dog continued to quietly whimper due to him being hit in the face by a water-hose, but slightly upset would always be better than headless.
Afton sighs and examines Gabe, their earlier fight had damaged both of them. Afton's entire body was sore from receiving multiple sonic blasts, as well as his arm that'd nearly been chewed through. And if Gabe weren't covered in fur and cybernetics, he'd most definitely be a big bruise at this point.
With this done Afton crushes the water pipe to prevent more from spraying onto the floor, the tiny-spider-bots would be employed to repair this later, so he wasn't worried about it.
Still... Afton focuses on Gabe, the dog panting while lying on the ground, clearly exhausted after all the adrenaline had worn off. He walks over to him and strokes the fur on his head, scratching behind his ear which causes Gabe's tail to wag rapidly. "See? You're not so bad when you aren't trying to eat me..." Afton coos, hoping the dog wouldn't go psycho again.
"Good! You have tamed the 'Borous Beast!', now, command the lawn ruiner to find the Sonic Emitter schematic!" Klein's voice shouts over the intercom.
"We can't do that! Look how exhausted my Gabe is! He can barely stand, let alone sniff and dig out the schematic..." Borous says.
"Look, I'll just do it myself!" Afton growls, not wanting to listen to the scientist annoying voices after the deathmatch he'd just had. He stands and starts walking around the cavern, finding various mounds that look to have been Gabe's digging spots. Unfortunately, Afton is currently lacking a shovel.
Sighing, he grabs a piece of wood from the shattered picket fence and uses that instead, striking at the ground to loosen dirt before kicking it out. The only boon to this situation is the fact that all the mounds were rather shallow, this cavern was artificially created for Gabe to reside in, so it didn't take much digging through the dirt until you hit granite.
After thirty minutes of walking around the places, digging, digging, and digging. Afton finally unearthed the Sonic Emitter schematic. To be honest, it doesn't look all that different from any other holodisk, aside from the label on it stating [Sonic Emitter : Gabe's Bark]. He brushes the stray dirt on it and blows the rest off, shoving it into his deathclaw leather satchel as he turns back towards Gabe. "Now, what to do with-"
The house where he'd entered the cavern from explodes into a fiery mess, sending wood shrapnel everywhere as Robo-Scorpions stream inside. "HAH! Did you really think I would allow you to take the Schematic without a fight!? HARDLY!" Mobius voice shouts, having apparently hacked the intercom system... Again.
"Mobius! You leave Gabe alone!... Mr Parker too!..." Borous says in a harsh tone.
"Forget your dog for now Borous! Lobotomite! The tests are not yet complete, you still have yet to acquire the Sonic Emitter upgrade! FIGHT OFF MOBIUS FORCES AND RETRIEVE IT FOR US!*BBZZTCH*" Klein exclaims before being cut off.
"There'll be none of that, Think Tank! I will destroy your Lobotomite, and rein supreme over BIG MOUNTAIN, WAHAHAHAHAHA!"
While that lot were arguing, Afton had already been in motion, firing his own Sonic Emitter at the Robo-Scorpions streaming in from the entrance... He turned off [Meltdown] of course, otherwise he might just bring down the whole cavern.
[John Wick Style is in effect]
Gabe wasn't idle either, firing sonic barks at the scorpions which throws small groups of them heavily against the cavern wall, disabling some while crippling others. Afton reaches into his satchel and retrieves the black box Dr. 8 had made for him, he presses the button but finds that nothing happens... Of course it wouldn't work, Mobius might be crazy, but he isn't stupid!
Afton tosses the device away and continues firing, taking cover behind some of the pre-war buildings in the cavern. Gabe was taking the brunt of the attack, but he was proving more than durable enough to survive against energy weapon attacks being shot from the scorpions.
They tried to grab Gabe with their pincers, but were instantly torn apart if they got close enough for such a strike... Seems like Gabe was in battle-mode again...
The battle continues for a couple minutes until the number of Robo-Scorpions started to dwindle... Either that, or they had decided to gather outside the test area to unleash a barrage when he steps out.
Soon enough, the cavern was clear, the only thing remaining of the Robo-Scorpions being bits and pieces of their yellow and red chassis, and destroyed machinery. Gabe was exhausted, having not recovered from their previous battle before participating in the next. Afton just pats Gabes head as thanks for his assistance before moving to the exit.
"Nyx, anymore enemies?" he asks the dutiful stealth suit.
"Mmm, many of them are gathering outside the test chamber." she states, and he frowns.
"Well, that's just great then, isn't it." he mutters, walking through the exit while pulling out his Stealthboy. The Robo-Scorpions would obviously be able to detect him, but it should give him enough time to attack without being instantly annihilated.
Honestly, he'd like to just blow all of them to high hell but knew that'd likely destroy any chance of retrieving the Sonic Emitter upgrade, something he wasn't willing to risk. He makes his way through the tunnel that he'd previously travelled to reach the cavern and stops in front of the large metal double doors.
He activates his Stealthboy, causing his body to become invisible and opens the door, immediately using VATS to get enough time to examine the enemies before him. There were as many Robo-Scorpions as you could possibly fit into the room, all with their tail-blasters pointed directly at the door, most already seeming to heat up to fire through the door.
They might not be able to see him, but they'd be able to hit him if he remained where he was...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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